blob: 10e63d9ae7d33b4f002f15d83469f497c32d4513 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2019, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
main() {
bool b = (() => false)();
late final int lateLocal;
if (b) {
// Pretend to assign to confuse flow analysis for the read below.
lateLocal = 123;
throws(() => lateLocal, 'Read value from uninitialized lateLocal');
if (!b) {
// Pretend to not assign to confuse flow analysis for the write below.
expect(123, lateLocal = 123);
expect(123, lateLocal);
throws(() => lateLocal = 124, 'Write value to initialized lateLocal');
local<T>(T value) {
late final T lateGenericLocal;
if (b) {
// Pretend to assign to confuse flow analysis for the read below.
lateGenericLocal = value;
throws(() => lateGenericLocal,
'Read value from uninitialized lateGenericLocal');
if (!b) {
// Pretend to not assign to confuse flow analysis for the write below.
expect(value, lateGenericLocal = value);
expect(value, lateGenericLocal);
throws(() => lateGenericLocal = value,
'Write value to initialized lateGenericLocal');
expect(expected, actual) {
if (expected != actual) throw 'Expected $expected, actual $actual';
throws(f(), String message) {
dynamic value;
try {
value = f();
} on Error catch (e) {
throw '$message: $value';