blob: 84339074045b0ff34fa18da41fedcc21d516e666 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2019, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
/// Tests for how variables and scoping work with for elements.
import 'package:expect/expect.dart';
import 'utils.dart';
String global = "global";
void main() {
void testClosure() {
var closures = [];
capture(callback) {
return callback();
reset() {
// Close over for-in loop variable in element.
var list = [for (var i in [0, 1]) () => i];
Expect.equals(0, list[0]());
Expect.equals(1, list[1]());
// Close over loop variable in element.
list = [for (var i = 0; i < 2; i++) () => i];
Expect.equals(0, list[0]());
Expect.equals(1, list[1]());
// Close over variable in condition expression.
var list2 = [for (var i = 0; capture(() => i++) < 2;) i];
Expect.equals(1, closures[0]());
Expect.equals(2, closures[1]());
Expect.listEquals([1, 2], list2);
// Close over variable in increment expression.
var list3 = [for (var i = 0; i < 2; capture(() => i++)) i];
Expect.equals(1, closures[0]());
Expect.equals(2, closures[1]());
Expect.listEquals([0, 1], list3);
class TestBase {
String inherited = "inherited";
class Test extends TestBase {
static String staticField = "static field";
String field = "field";
void shadowing() {
var local = "local";
// C-style for.
var list = [
for (String? global = "for"; global != null; global = null) global
Expect.listEquals(["for"], list);
list = [
for (String? staticField = "for"; staticField != null; staticField = null)
Expect.listEquals(["for"], list);
list = [
for (String? field = "for"; field != null; field = null) field
Expect.listEquals(["for"], list);
list = [
for (String? inherited = "for"; inherited != null; inherited = null) inherited
Expect.listEquals(["for"], list);
list = [
for (String? local = "for"; local != null; local = null) local
Expect.listEquals(["for"], list);
list = [
for (String? outer = "outer"; outer != null; outer = null)
for (String? outer = "for"; outer != null; outer = null)
Expect.listEquals(["for"], list);
// For-in.
list = [for (var global in ["for"]) global];
Expect.listEquals(["for"], list);
list = [for (var staticField in ["for"]) staticField];
Expect.listEquals(["for"], list);
list = [for (var field in ["for"]) field];
Expect.listEquals(["for"], list);
list = [for (var inherited in ["for"]) inherited];
Expect.listEquals(["for"], list);
list = [for (var local in ["for"]) local];
Expect.listEquals(["for"], list);
list = [for (var outer in ["outer"]) for (var outer in ["for"]) outer];
Expect.listEquals(["for"], list);
void reuseVariable() {
var local = "local";
// C-style for.
var list = [
for (global = "for"; global == "for"; global = "after") global
Expect.listEquals(["for"], list);
Expect.equals("after", global);
global = "global";
list = [
for (staticField = "for"; staticField == "for"; staticField = "after")
Expect.listEquals(["for"], list);
Expect.equals("after", staticField);
staticField = "staticField";
list = [
for (field = "for"; field == "for"; field = "after") field
Expect.listEquals(["for"], list);
Expect.equals("after", field);
field = "field";
list = [
for (inherited = "for"; inherited == "for"; inherited = "after") inherited
Expect.listEquals(["for"], list);
Expect.equals("after", inherited);
inherited = "inherited";
list = [
for (local = "for"; local == "for"; local = "after") local
Expect.listEquals(["for"], list);
Expect.equals("after", local);
local = "local";
list = [
for (var outer = "outer"; outer == "outer"; outer = "outer after") ...[
for (outer = "for"; outer == "for"; outer = "after") outer,
Expect.listEquals(["for", "after"], list);
// For-in.
list = [for (global in ["for"]) global];
Expect.listEquals(["for"], list);
Expect.equals("for", global);
global = "global";
list = [for (staticField in ["for"]) staticField];
Expect.listEquals(["for"], list);
Expect.equals("for", staticField);
staticField = "staticField";
list = [for (field in ["for"]) field];
Expect.listEquals(["for"], list);
Expect.equals("for", field);
field = "field";
list = [for (inherited in ["for"]) inherited];
Expect.listEquals(["for"], list);
Expect.equals("for", inherited);
inherited = "inherited";
list = [for (local in ["for"]) local];
Expect.listEquals(["for"], list);
Expect.equals("for", local);
local = "local";
list = [
for (var outer in ["outer"]) ...[
for (outer in ["for"]) outer,
Expect.listEquals(["for", "for"], list);