blob: ed3e85bc21f6fcaf6dd2f2a2f3a8d12bce648898 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2017, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:html';
import 'package:expect/minitest.dart';
class Mock {
noSuchMethod(Invocation i) {
if (this is Window) return document;
if (this is FileList) return new MockFile();
return null;
class MockBodyElement extends Mock implements BodyElement {
Node append(Node e) => e;
class _EventListeners {
Stream<Event> get onBlur => new Stream.fromIterable([]);
class MockHtmlDocument extends Mock
with _EventListeners
implements HtmlDocument {
BodyElement get body => new MockBodyElement();
class MockWindow extends Mock with _EventListeners implements Window {
Stream<Event> get onBeforeUnload => new Stream.fromIterable([]);
String? name = "MOCK_NAME";
class MockLocation extends Mock implements Location {
String href = "MOCK_HREF";
class MockFileList extends Mock implements FileList {}
class MockFile extends Mock implements File {}
main() {
test('is', () {
var win = new MockWindow();
expect(win is Window, isTrue);
test('getter', () {
var win = new MockWindow();
expect(win.document, equals(document));
test('override', () {
Window win = new MockWindow();
expect(, equals("MOCK_NAME"));
test('override', () {
var loc1 = new MockLocation();
Location loc2 = loc1;
dynamic loc3 = loc1;
expect(loc1.href, equals("MOCK_HREF"));
loc1.href = "RESET";
expect(loc2.href, equals("RESET"));
loc2.href = "RESET2";
expect(loc3.href, equals("RESET2"));
test('method', () {
HtmlDocument doc = new MockHtmlDocument();
test('mixin', () {
Window win = new MockWindow();
expect(win.onBlur is Stream, isTrue, reason: 'onBlur should be a stream');
HtmlDocument doc = new MockHtmlDocument();
expect(doc.onBlur is Stream, isTrue, reason: 'onBlur should be a stream');
test('operator', () {
var fileList = new MockFileList();
expect(fileList[1] is File, isTrue);