blob: 5889b06c3fc79a27ba636a0ee5da47ccccd16f99 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library created_callback_test;
import 'dart:html';
import 'dart:js' as js;
import 'package:async_helper/async_minitest.dart';
import 'utils.dart';
class A extends HtmlElement {
static final tag = 'x-a';
factory A() => new Element.tag(tag) as A;
A.created() : super.created() {
static int createdInvocations = 0;
class B extends HtmlElement {
static final tag = 'x-b';
factory B() => new Element.tag(tag) as B;
B.created() : super.created();
class C extends HtmlElement {
static final tag = 'x-c';
factory C() => new Element.tag(tag) as C;
C.created() : super.created() {
if ( != 'u') {
var t = div.querySelector('#t');
var v = div.querySelector('#v');
var w = div.querySelector('#w');
expect(querySelector('x-b:not(:unresolved)'), this);
expect(querySelectorAll(':unresolved'), [v, w]);
// As per:
// creation order is t, u, v, w (postorder).
expect(t is C, isTrue);
// Note, this is different from JavaScript where this would be false.
expect(v is C, isTrue);
static int createdInvocations = 0;
static var div;
main() async {
// Adapted from Blink's
// fast/dom/custom/created-callback test.
await customElementsReady;
document.registerElement2(B.tag, {'prototype': B});
document.registerElement2(C.tag, {'prototype': C});
test('transfer created callback', () {
document.registerElement2(A.tag, {'prototype': A as dynamic});
var x = new A();
expect(A.createdInvocations, 1);
test('unresolved and created callback timing', () {
var div = new DivElement();
C.div = div;
<x-c id="t"></x-c>
<x-b id="u"></x-b>
<x-c id="v"></x-c>
<x-b id="w"></x-b>
""", treeSanitizer: NodeTreeSanitizer.trusted);
expect(C.createdInvocations, 2);
expect(div.querySelector('#w') is B, isTrue);
test('nesting of constructors', NestedElement.test);
test('access while upgrading gets unupgraded element',
test('cannot call created constructor', () {
expect(() {
new B.created();
}, throws);
test('cannot register without created', () {
expect(() {
MissingCreatedElement.tag, {'prototype': MissingCreatedElement});
}, throws);
test('throw on createElement does not upgrade', () {
ErrorConstructorElement.callCount = 0;
var e;
expectGlobalError(() {
e = new Element.tag(ErrorConstructorElement.tag);
expect(ErrorConstructorElement.callCount, 1);
expect(e is HtmlElement, isTrue);
expect(e is ErrorConstructorElement, isFalse);
var dummy = new DivElement();
e = dummy.firstChild;
expect(ErrorConstructorElement.callCount, 1);
test('throw on innerHtml does not upgrade', () {
ErrorConstructorElement.callCount = 0;
var dummy = new DivElement();
var tag = ErrorConstructorElement.tag;
expectGlobalError(() {
treeSanitizer: NodeTreeSanitizer.trusted);
expect(ErrorConstructorElement.callCount, 1);
var e = dummy.firstChild;
// Accessing should not re-run the constructor.
expect(ErrorConstructorElement.callCount, 1);
expect(e is HtmlElement, isTrue);
expect(e is ErrorConstructorElement, isFalse);
test('cannot register created with params', () {
expect(() {
'x-created-with-params', {'prototype': CreatedWithParametersElement});
}, throws);
test('created cannot be called from nested constructor',
// TODO(vsm): Port additional test from upstream here:
class NestedElement extends HtmlElement {
static final tag = 'x-nested';
final Element b = new B();
factory NestedElement() => new Element.tag(tag) as NestedElement;
NestedElement.created() : super.created();
static void register() {
document.registerElement2(tag, {'prototype': NestedElement});
static void test() {
var e = new NestedElement();
expect(e.b, isNotNull);
expect(e.b is B, isTrue);
expect(e is NestedElement, isTrue);
class AccessWhileUpgradingElement extends HtmlElement {
static final tag = 'x-access-while-upgrading';
static late Element upgradingContext;
static late Element upgradingContextChild;
final foo = runInitializerCode();
factory AccessWhileUpgradingElement() =>
new Element.tag(tag) as AccessWhileUpgradingElement;
AccessWhileUpgradingElement.created() : super.created();
static runInitializerCode() {
upgradingContextChild = upgradingContext.firstChild as Element;
return 666;
static void register() {
document.registerElement2(tag, {'prototype': AccessWhileUpgradingElement});
static void test() {
upgradingContext = new DivElement();
treeSanitizer: new NullTreeSanitizer());
dynamic child = upgradingContext.firstChild;
expect(, 666);
expect(upgradingContextChild is HtmlElement, isFalse);
expect(upgradingContextChild is AccessWhileUpgradingElement, isFalse,
reason: 'Elements accessed while upgrading should not be upgraded.');
class MissingCreatedElement extends HtmlElement {
static final tag = 'x-missing-created';
factory MissingCreatedElement() =>
new Element.tag(tag) as MissingCreatedElement;
class ErrorConstructorElement extends HtmlElement {
static final tag = 'x-throws-in-constructor';
static int callCount = 0;
factory ErrorConstructorElement() =>
new Element.tag(tag) as ErrorConstructorElement;
ErrorConstructorElement.created() : super.created() {
throw new Exception('Just messin with ya');
static void register() {
document.registerElement2(tag, {'prototype': ErrorConstructorElement});
class NestedCreatedConstructorElement extends HtmlElement {
static final tag = 'x-nested-created-constructor';
// Should not be able to call this here.
final B b = constructB();
static B? constructedB;
factory NestedCreatedConstructorElement() =>
new Element.tag(tag) as NestedCreatedConstructorElement;
NestedCreatedConstructorElement.created() : super.created();
static void register() {
.registerElement2(tag, {'prototype': NestedCreatedConstructorElement});
// Try to run the created constructor, and record the results.
static constructB() {
// This should throw an exception.
constructedB = new B.created();
return constructedB;
static void test() {
// Exception should have occurred on upgrade.
var e;
expectGlobalError(() {
e = new Element.tag(tag);
expect(e is NestedCreatedConstructorElement, isFalse);
expect(e is HtmlElement, isTrue);
// Should not have been set.
expect(constructedB, isNull);
class CreatedWithParametersElement extends HtmlElement {
CreatedWithParametersElement.created(ignoredParam) : super.created();
void expectGlobalError(Function test) {
js.context['testExpectsGlobalError'] = true;
try {
} catch (e) {
} finally {
js.context['testExpectsGlobalError'] = false;
var errors = js.context['testSuppressedGlobalErrors'];
expect(errors['length'], 1);
// Clear out the errors;
js.context['testSuppressedGlobalErrors']['length'] = 0;