blob: 831613010e925b12c85c963d66fb537bd113d698 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2020, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:html';
import 'dart:typed_data';
import 'dart:web_audio';
import 'package:expect/minitest.dart';
main() {
var isAudioContext =
predicate((x) => x is AudioContext, 'is an AudioContext');
group('supported', () {
test('supported', () {
expect(AudioContext.supported, true);
group('functional', () {
var context;
if (AudioContext.supported) {
context = new AudioContext();
test('constructorTest', () {
if (AudioContext.supported) {
expect(context, isNotNull);
expect(context, isAudioContext);
test('audioRenames', () {
if (AudioContext.supported) {
GainNode gainNode = context.createGain();
expect(gainNode is GainNode, isTrue);
expect(context.createAnalyser() is AnalyserNode, isTrue);
expect(context.createChannelMerger() is AudioNode, isTrue);
expect(context.createChannelSplitter() is AudioNode, isTrue);
expect(context.createOscillator() is OscillatorNode, isTrue);
expect(context.createPanner() is PannerNode, isTrue);
context.createScriptProcessor(4096) is ScriptProcessorNode, isTrue);
// TODO(9322): This test times out.
test('onAudioProcess', () {
if(AudioContext.supported) {
var completer = new Completer<bool>();
var context = new AudioContext();
var scriptProcessor = context.createScriptProcessor(1024, 1, 2);
bool alreadyCalled = false;
scriptProcessor.onAudioProcess.listen((event) {
if (!alreadyCalled) {
alreadyCalled = true;
return completer.future;
test('oscillatorTypes', () {
if (AudioContext.supported) {
OscillatorNode oscillator = context.createOscillator();
oscillator.type = 'sawtooth';
expect(oscillator.type, equals('sawtooth'));
oscillator.type = 'sine';
expect(oscillator.type, equals('sine'));
oscillator.type = 'square';
expect(oscillator.type, equals('square'));
oscillator.type = 'triangle';
expect(oscillator.type, equals('triangle'));
//expect(() => oscillator.type = 7, throws); Firefox does not throw, it
//simply ignores this value.
expect(oscillator.type, equals('triangle'));
// Firefox does not throw when it receives invalid values; it simply
// ignores them.
//expect(() => oscillator.type = ['heap object not a string'], throws);
expect(oscillator.type, equals('triangle'));