blob: 01227219a1a48ce1c6ca5b90617d6d3742f4f5c5 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import "package:expect/expect.dart";
import 'dart:convert';
final TESTS = [
[5, '5'],
[-42, '-42'],
[3.14, '3.14'],
[true, 'true'],
[false, 'false'],
[null, 'null'],
['quote"or\'', '"quote\\"or\'"'],
['', '""'],
[[], "[]"],
[3, -4.5, true, "hi", false],
[{}, "{}"],
{"x": 3, "y": 4.5, "z": "hi", "u": true, "v": false},
{"x": null},
{"x": {}},
// Note that -0.0 won't be treated the same in JS. The Json spec seems to
// allow it, though.
{"hi there": 499, "'": -0.0},
'{"hi there":499,"\'":-0.0}'
[r'\foo', r'"\\foo"'],
bool isJsonEqual(o1, o2) {
if (o1 == o2) return true;
if (o1 is List && o2 is List) {
if (o1.length != o2.length) return false;
for (int i = 0; i < o1.length; i++) {
if (!isJsonEqual(o1[i], o2[i])) return false;
return true;
if (o1 is Map && o2 is Map) {
if (o1.length != o2.length) return false;
for (var key in o1.keys) {
Expect.isTrue(key is String);
if (!o2.containsKey(key)) return false;
if (!isJsonEqual(o1[key], o2[key])) return false;
return true;
return false;
Object? decode(String str) {
Object? result;
var decoder = new JsonDecoder(null);
ChunkedConversionSink objectSink =
new ChunkedConversionSink.withCallback((x) => result = x.single);
var stringConversionSink = decoder.startChunkedConversion(objectSink);
return result;
Object? decode2(String str) {
Object? result;
var decoder = new JsonDecoder(null);
ChunkedConversionSink objectSink =
new ChunkedConversionSink.withCallback((x) => result = x.single);
var stringConversionSink = decoder.startChunkedConversion(objectSink);
ClosableStringSink stringSink = stringConversionSink.asStringSink();
return result;
Object? decode3(String str) {
Object? result;
var decoder = new JsonDecoder(null);
ChunkedConversionSink objectSink =
new ChunkedConversionSink.withCallback((x) => result = x.single);
var stringConversionSink = decoder.startChunkedConversion(objectSink);
ClosableStringSink stringSink = stringConversionSink.asStringSink();
return result;
Object? decode4(String str) {
Object? result;
var decoder = new JsonDecoder(null);
ChunkedConversionSink objectSink =
new ChunkedConversionSink.withCallback((x) => result = x.single);
var stringConversionSink = decoder.startChunkedConversion(objectSink);
ClosableStringSink stringSink = stringConversionSink.asStringSink();
return result;
Object? decode5(String str) {
Object? result;
var decoder = new JsonDecoder(null);
ChunkedConversionSink objectSink =
new ChunkedConversionSink.withCallback((x) => result = x.single);
var stringConversionSink = decoder.startChunkedConversion(objectSink);
ByteConversionSink inputByteSink = stringConversionSink.asUtf8Sink(false);
var tmpBytes = utf8.encode(str);
return result;
Object? decode6(String str) {
Object? result;
var decoder = new JsonDecoder(null);
ChunkedConversionSink objectSink =
new ChunkedConversionSink.withCallback((x) => result = x.single);
var stringConversionSink = decoder.startChunkedConversion(objectSink);
ByteConversionSink inputByteSink = stringConversionSink.asUtf8Sink(false);
var tmpBytes = utf8.encode(str);
tmpBytes.forEach((b) => inputByteSink.addSlice([0, b, 1], 1, 2, false));
return result;
Object? decode7(String str) {
Object? result;
var decoder = new JsonDecoder(null);
ChunkedConversionSink objectSink =
new ChunkedConversionSink.withCallback((x) => result = x.single);
var stringConversionSink = decoder.startChunkedConversion(objectSink);
stringConversionSink.addSlice("1" + str + "2", 1, str.length + 1, false);
return result;
main() {
var tests = TESTS.expand((test) {
var object = test[0];
var string = test[1];
var longString = " "
" "
" "
" ";
return [
[object, longString]
for (var test in tests) {
var o = test[0];
var string = test[1] as String;
Expect.isTrue(isJsonEqual(o, decode(string)));
Expect.isTrue(isJsonEqual(o, decode2(string)));
Expect.isTrue(isJsonEqual(o, decode3(string)));
Expect.isTrue(isJsonEqual(o, decode4(string)));
Expect.isTrue(isJsonEqual(o, decode5(string)));
Expect.isTrue(isJsonEqual(o, decode6(string)));
Expect.isTrue(isJsonEqual(o, decode7(string)));