Version 2.12.1

* Cherry-pick ea3dfc9ac4617ad0346b515596636a1089ecc8a1 to stable
* Cherry-pick eb6b474d7a8c0d34b536a803f9752b9429629259 to stable
* Cherry-pick d9361f711206dee4b0b15b4eb4674a6272257969 to stable
* Cherry-pick e962528c413683d79e6141f72367d7f97d858759 to stable
* Cherry-pick 29c2197712c513de980db0ce02b91b0165e665d0 to stable
diff --git a/ b/
index 75ddaaa..69fe269 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -1,71 +1,95 @@
-## 2.12.0
+## 2.12.1 - 2021-03-10
+This is a patch release that fixes:
+* an unhandled exception in HTTPS connections (issue [#45047][]).
+* a typing issue in the typed_data `+` operator (issue [#45140][]).
+## 2.12.0 - 2021-03-03
 ### Language
-*   **Breaking Change** [Null
-    Safety]( is now
-    enabled by default in all packages with a lower sdk constraint of 2.12.0 or
-    greater.  Files that are not subject to language versioning (whether because
-    they are not contained in a pub package, or because the package that they
-    are contained in has no lower sdk constraint) are treated as opted into to
-    null safety by default and may report new errors.  Pub packages may be opted
-    out of null safety by setting a min sdk constraint in pubspec.yaml of 2.9.0
-    or less.  Files may be opted out of null safety by adding `// @dart=2.9` to
-    the beginning of the file.
+*   **Breaking Change** [Null safety][] is now enabled by default in all code
+    that has not opted out. With null safety, types in your code are
+    non-nullable by default. Null can only flow into parts of your program where
+    you want it. With null safety, your runtime null-dereference bugs turn into
+    edit-time analysis errors.
+    You can opt out of null safety and preserve your code's previous behavior by
+    setting the lower bound of the SDK constraint in your pubspec to 2.11.0 or
+    earlier to request an earlier [language version][]. You can opt out
+    individual Dart files by adding `// @dart=2.11` to the beginning of the
+    file.
+    Files that are opted in to null safety may report new compile-time errors.
+    Opting in to null safety also gives you access to other new language
+    features:
+    *   Smarter flow analysis and type promotion
+    *   `required` named parameters
+    *   `late` variables
+    *   The postfix `!` null assertion operator
+    *   The `?..` and `?[]` null-aware operators
 *   **Breaking Change** [#44660][]: Fixed an implementation bug where `this`
     would sometimes undergo type promotion in extensions.
+[null safety]:
+[language version]:
 ### Core libraries
 #### `dart:async`
-* Adds extension method `onError` on `Future` to allow better typing
-  of error handling.
+*   Add extension method `onError()` on `Future` to allow better typing of error
+    callbacks.
 #### `dart:collection`
-* Added `UnmodifiableSetView` class, which allows users to guarantee that
-  methods that could change underlying `Set` instance can not be invoked.
+*   Add `UnmodifiableSetView` class, which allows users to guarantee that
+    methods that could change underlying `Set` instance can not be invoked.
-* `LinkedList` made it explicit that elements are compared by identity,
-  and updated `contains` to take advantage of this.
+*   Make it explicit that `LinkedList` compares elements by identity, and update
+    `contains()` to take advantage of this.
 #### `dart:core`
-* Added `unmodifiable` constructor to class `Set`, which allows users to create
-  unmodifiable `Set` instances.
+*   Add `Set.unmodifiable()` constructor, which allows users to create
+    unmodifiable `Set` instances.
 #### `dart:io`
-* `HttpRequest` will now correctly follow HTTP 308 redirects
-  (`HttpStatus.permanentRedirect`).
+*   `HttpRequest` now correctly follows HTTP 308 redirects
+    (`HttpStatus.permanentRedirect`).
 #### `dart:isolate`
-* Added `debugName` positional parameter to `ReceivePort` and `RawReceivePort`
-  constructors, a name which can be associated with the port and displayed in
-  tooling.
+*   Add `debugName` positional parameter to `ReceivePort` and `RawReceivePort`
+    constructors, a name which can be associated with the port and displayed in
+    tooling.
 #### `dart:html`
-* `EventStreamSubscription.cancel` has been updated to retain its synchronous
-  timing when running in both sound and unsound null safety modes. See issue
-  [#44157][] for more details.
+*   `EventStreamSubscription.cancel` has been updated to retain its synchronous
+    timing when running in both sound and unsound null safety modes. See issue
+    [#44157][] for more details.
 ### Dart VM
-*   **Breaking Change** [#42312][]: `Dart_WeakPersistentHandle`s will no longer
+*   **Breaking Change** [#42312][]: `Dart_WeakPersistentHandle`s no longer
     auto-delete themselves when the referenced object is garbage collected to
     avoid race conditions, but they are still automatically deleted when the
     isolate group shuts down.
 *   **Breaking Change** [#42312][]: `Dart_WeakPersistentHandleFinalizer`
     is renamed to `Dart_HandleFinalizer` and had its `handle` argument removed.
-    All api functions using that type have been updated.
+    All API functions using that type have been updated.
@@ -80,6 +104,7 @@
     Instead, the `Allocator` it is introduced to `dart:ffi`, and also requires
     a constant `T` on invocations. For migration notes see the breaking change
 *   **Breaking Change** [#44622][]: Subtypes of `Struct` without any native
     member are being deprecated in the current stable release (2.12), and are
     planned to be fully removed in the following stable release (2.13).
@@ -90,160 +115,198 @@
 ### Dart2JS
-* Removed `--no-defer-class-types` and `--no-new-deferred-split`.
+*   Remove `--no-defer-class-types` and `--no-new-deferred-split`.
 ### Tools
 #### Dartanalyzer
-* Removed the `--use-fasta-parser`, `--preview-dart-2`, and
-  `--enable-assert-initializers` command line options. These options haven't
-  been supported in a while and were no-ops.
-* Report diagnostics regarding the
-  [`@internal`](
-  annotation.
-* Improve diagnostic-reporting regarding the
-  [`@doNotStore`](
-  annotation.
-* Introduce a diagnostic which is reported when a library member named `main`
-  is not a function.
-* Introduce a diagnostic which is reported when a `main` function's first
-  parameter is not a supertype of `List<String>`.
-* Introduce a diagnostic which is reported when an `// ignore` comment contains
-  an error code which is not being reported.
-* Introduce a diagnostic which is reported when an `// ignore` comment contains
-  an error code which cannot be ignored.
-* Introduce a diagnostic which is reported when an `// ignore` comment contains
-  an error code which is already being ignored.
-* Report diagnostics when using
-  [`@visibleForTesting`](
-  on top-level variables.
-* Fix false positive reports of "unused element" for top-level setters and
-  getters.
-* Fix false positive reports regarding `@deprecated` field formal parameters at
-  their declaration.
-* For null safety, introduce a diagnostic which reports when a null-check will
-  always fail.
-* Fix false positive reports regarding optional parameters on privat
-  constructors being unused.
-* Introduce a diagnostic which is reported when a constructor includes
-  duplicate field formal parameters.
-* Improve the "unused import" diagnostic when multiple import directives share
-  a common prefix.
-* Fix false positive "unused import" diagnostic regarding an import which
-  provides an extension method which is used.
-* For null safety, improve the messaging of "use of nullable value" diagnostics
-  for eight different contexts.
-* Fix false positive reports regarding `@visibleForTesting` members in a "hide"
-  combinator of an import or export directive.
-* Improve the messaging of "invalid override" diagnostics.
-* Introduce a diagnostic which is reported when `Future<T>.catchError` is
-  called with an `onError` callback which does not return `FutureOr<T>`.
+*   Remove the `--use-fasta-parser`, `--preview-dart-2`, and
+    `--enable-assert-initializers` command line options. These options haven't
+    been supported in a while and were no-ops.
+*   Report diagnostics regarding the
+    [`@internal`](
+    annotation.
+*   Improve diagnostic-reporting regarding the
+    [`@doNotStore`](
+    annotation.
+*   Introduce a diagnostic which is reported when a library member named `main`
+    is not a function.
+*   Introduce a diagnostic which is reported when a `main` function's first
+    parameter is not a supertype of `List<String>`.
+*   Introduce diagnostics for when an `// ignore` comment contains an error code
+    which is not being reported, cannot be ignored, or is already being ignored.
+*   Report diagnostics when using
+    [`@visibleForTesting`](
+    visibleForTesting-constant.html) on top-level variables.
+*   Fix false positive reports of "unused element" for top-level setters and
+    getters.
+*   Fix false positive reports regarding `@deprecated` field formal parameters
+    at their declaration.
+*   For null safety, introduce a diagnostic which reports when a null-check will
+    always fail.
+*   Fix false positive reports regarding optional parameters on private
+    constructors being unused.
+*   Introduce a diagnostic which is reported when a constructor includes
+    duplicate field formal parameters.
+*   Improve the "unused import" diagnostic when multiple import directives share
+    a common prefix.
+*   Fix false positive "unused import" diagnostic regarding an import which
+    provides an extension method which is used.
+*   For null safety, improve the messaging of "use of nullable value"
+    diagnostics for eight different contexts.
+*   Fix false positive reports regarding `@visibleForTesting` members in a
+    "hide" combinator of an import or export directive.
+*   Improve the messaging of "invalid override" diagnostics.
+*   Introduce a diagnostic which is reported when `Future<T>.catchError` is
+    called with an `onError` callback which does not return `FutureOr<T>`.
 #### dartfmt
-* Don't duplicate comments on chained if elements.
-* Preserve `?` in initializing formal function-typed parameters.
+*   Don't duplicate comments on chained if elements.
+*   Preserve `?` in initializing formal function-typed parameters.
+*   Fix performance issue with constructors that have no initializer list.
 #### Linter
 Updated the Linter to `0.1.129`, which includes:
-* New lint: `avoid_dynamic_calls`.
-* (Internal): `avoid_type_to_string` updated to use `addArgumentList` registry API.
-* Miscellaneous documentation improvements.
-* Fixed crash in `prefer_collection_literals` when there is no static parameter
-  element.
-* Fixed false negatives for `prefer_collection_literals` when a LinkedHashSet or
-  LinkedHashMap instantiation is passed as the argument to a function in any
-  position other than the first.
-* Fixed false negatives for `prefer_collection_literals` when a LinkedHashSet or
-  LinkedHashMap instantiation is used in a place with a static type other than
-  Set or Map.
-* (Internal): test updates to the new `PhysicalResourceProvider` API.
-* Fixed false positives in `prefer_constructors_over_static_methods`.
-* Updates to `package_names` to allow leading underscores.
-* Fixed NPEs in `unnecessary_null_checks`.
-* A fixed NPE in `missing_whitespace_between_adjacent_strings`.
-* Updates to `void_checks` for NNBD.
-* A fixed range error in `unnecessary_string_escapes`.
-* A fixed false positives in `unnecessary_null_types`.
-* Fixes to `prefer_constructors_over_static_methods` to respect type parameters.
-* Updates to `always_require_non_null_named_parameters` to be NNBD-aware.
-* Updates tp `unnecessary_nullable_for_final_variable_declarations` to allow dynamic.
-* Updates `overridden_fields` to not report on abstract parent fields.
-* Fixes to `unrelated_type_equality_checks` for NNBD.
-* Improvements to `type_init_formals`to allow types not equal to the field type.
-* Performance improvements to `always_use_package_imports`,
-  `avoid_renaming_method_parameters`, `prefer_relative_imports` and
-  `public_member_api_docs`.
-* (internal): updates to analyzer `0.40.4` APIs
-* New lint: `cast_nullable_to_non_nullable`.
-* New lint: `null_check_on_nullable_type_parameter`.
-* New lint: `tighten_type_of_initializing_formals`.
-* Updates to `public_member_apis` to check generic type aliases.
-* (Internal): updates to adopt new analyzer APIs.
-* Fixed `close_sinks` to handle `this`-prefixed property accesses.
-* New lint: `unnecessary_null_checks`.
-* Fixed `unawaited_futures` to handle `Future` subtypes.
-* New lint: `avoid_type_to_string`.
+*   New lints: `avoid_dynamic_calls`, `cast_nullable_to_non_nullable`,
+    `null_check_on_nullable_type_parameter`,
+    `tighten_type_of_initializing_formals`, `unnecessary_null_checks`, and
+    `avoid_type_to_string`.
+*   Fix crash in `prefer_collection_literals` when there is no static parameter
+    element.
+*   Fix false negatives for `prefer_collection_literals` when a LinkedHashSet or
+    LinkedHashMap instantiation is passed as the argument to a function in any
+    position other than the first.
+*   Fix false negatives for `prefer_collection_literals` when a LinkedHashSet or
+    LinkedHashMap instantiation is used in a place with a static type other than
+    Set or Map.
+*   Update to `package_names` to allow leading underscores.
+*   Fix crashes in `unnecessary_null_checks` and
+    `missing_whitespace_between_adjacent_strings`.
+*   Update to `void_checks` for null safety.
+*   Fix range error in `unnecessary_string_escapes`.
+*   Fix false positives in `unnecessary_null_types`.
+*   Fix to `prefer_constructors_over_static_methods` to respect type
+    parameters.
+*   Update to `always_require_non_null_named_parameters` to be null safety-aware.
+*   Update to `unnecessary_nullable_for_final_variable_declarations` to allow
+    dynamic.
+*   Update `overridden_fields` to not report on abstract parent fields.
+*   Fix to `unrelated_type_equality_checks` for null safety.
+*   Improvements to `type_init_formals`to allow types not equal to the field
+    type.
+*   Updates to `public_member_apis` to check generic type aliases.
+*   Fix `close_sinks` to handle `this`-prefixed property accesses.
+*   Fix `unawaited_futures` to handle `Future` subtypes.
+*   Performance improvements to `always_use_package_imports`,
+    `avoid_renaming_method_parameters`, `prefer_relative_imports` and
+    `public_member_api_docs`.
 #### Pub
-* **Breaking**: The Dart SDK constraint is now **required** in `pubspec.yaml`.
+*   **Breaking**: The Dart SDK constraint is now **required** in `pubspec.yaml`.
+    You must include a section like:
-  You now have to include a section like:
+    ```yaml
+    environment:
+      sdk: '>=2.10.0 <3.0.0'
+    ```
-  ```yaml
-  environment:
-    sdk: '>=2.10.0 <3.0.0'
-  ```
+    See [#44072][].
-  See [#44072][].
+    For legacy dependencies without an SDK constraint, pub will now assume a
+    default language version of 2.7.
-  For legacy dependencies without an sdk constraint pub will now assume a
-  default language version of 2.7.
-* The top level `pub` executable has been deprecated. Use `dart pub` instead.
-  See [dart tool][].
-* New command `dart pub add` that adds  new dependencies to your `pubspec.yaml`.
+*   The top level `pub` executable has been deprecated. Use `dart pub` instead.
+    See [dart tool][].
-  And a corresponding `dart pub remove` that removes dependencies.
-* New option `dart pub upgrade --major-versions` will update constraints in
-  your `pubspec.yaml` to match the the _resolvable_ column reported in
-  `dart pub outdated`. This allows users to easily upgrade to latest version for
-  all dependencies where this is possible, even if such upgrade requires an
-  update to the version constraint in `pubspec.yaml`.
+*   New command `dart pub add` that adds new dependencies to your
+    `pubspec.yaml`, and a corresponding `dart pub remove` that removes
+    dependencies.
-  It is also possible to only upgrade the major version for a subset of your
-  dependencies using `dart pub upgrade --major-versions <dependencies...>`.
-* New option `dart pub upgrade --null-safety` will attempt to update constraints
-  in your `pubspec.yaml`, such that only null-safety migrated versions of
-  dependencies are allowed.
-* New option `dart pub outdated --mode=null-safety` that will analyze your
-  dependencies for null-safety.
-* `dart pub get` and `dart pub upgrade` will highlight dependencies that have
-  been [discontinued]( on
-* `dart pub publish` will now check your pubspec keys for likely typos.
-* `dart pub upgrade package_foo` will fetch dependencies, but ignore the
-  `pubspec.lock` for `package_foo`, allowing users to only upgrade a subset of
-  dependencies.
-* New command `dart pub login` that logs in to
-* The `--server` option to `dart pub publish` and `dart pub uploader` have been
-  deprecated. Use `publish_to` in your `pubspec.yaml` or set the
-  `$PUB_HOSTED_URL` environment variable.
-* `pub global activate no longer re-precompiles if current global installed was
-   same version.
-* The Flutter SDK constraint upper bound is now ignored in pubspecs and
-  deprecated when publishing.
+*   New option `dart pub upgrade --major-versions` will update constraints in
+    your `pubspec.yaml` to match the the _resolvable_ column reported in `dart
+    pub outdated`. This allows users to easily upgrade to latest version for all
+    dependencies where this is possible, even if such upgrade requires an update
+    to the version constraint in `pubspec.yaml`.
-  See: [flutter-upper-bound-deprecation][].
+    It is also possible to only upgrade the major version for a subset of your
+    dependencies using `dart pub upgrade --major-versions <dependencies...>`.
+*   New option `dart pub upgrade --null-safety` will attempt to update constraints
+    in your `pubspec.yaml`, such that only null-safety migrated versions of
+    dependencies are allowed.
+*   New option `dart pub outdated --mode=null-safety` that will analyze your
+    dependencies for null-safety.
+*   `dart pub get` and `dart pub upgrade` will highlight dependencies that have
+    been [discontinued]( on
+*   `dart pub publish` will now check your pubspec keys for likely typos.
+*   `dart pub upgrade package_foo` fetchs dependencies but ignores the
+    `pubspec.lock` for `package_foo`, allowing users to only upgrade a subset of
+    dependencies.
+*   New command `dart pub login` that logs in to
+*   The `--server` option to `dart pub publish` and `dart pub uploader` are
+    deprecated. Use `publish_to` in your `pubspec.yaml` or set the
+    `$PUB_HOSTED_URL` environment variable.
+*   `pub global activate` no longer re-precompiles if the current global
+    installation was same version.
+*   The Flutter SDK constraint upper bound is now ignored in pubspecs and
+    deprecated when publishing. See: [flutter-upper-bound-deprecation][].
 [dart tool]:
-## 2.10.5 - 2020-01-21
+## 2.10.5 - 2021-01-21
 This is a patch release that fixes a crash in the Dart VM. (issue [#44563][]).
@@ -608,7 +671,7 @@
 *   **Breaking change** [#40681][]: The `runZoned()` function is split into two
     functions: `runZoned()` and `runZonedGuarded()`, where the latter has a
     required `onError` parameter, and the former has none. This prepares the
-    functions for Null Safety where the two functions will differ in the
+    functions for null safety where the two functions will differ in the
     nullability of their return types.
 *   **Breaking change** [#40683][]: Errors passed to
diff --git a/runtime/tests/vm/dart/regress45047_test.dart b/runtime/tests/vm/dart/regress45047_test.dart
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4d2f083
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/tests/vm/dart/regress45047_test.dart
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2021, the Dart project authors.  Please see the AUTHORS file
+// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
+// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
+// Verify that socket connection gracefully closes if cancelled.
+import 'dart:async';
+import 'dart:io';
+import 'package:expect/expect.dart';
+void main() async {
+  final task = await Socket.startConnect('', 80);
+  task.cancel();
+  try {
+    await task.socket;
+  } catch (e) {
+    Expect.isTrue(e is SocketException);
+    final socketException = e as SocketException;
+    Expect.isTrue(
+        socketException.message.startsWith('Connection attempt cancelled'));
+  }
diff --git a/runtime/tests/vm/dart_2/regress45047_test.dart b/runtime/tests/vm/dart_2/regress45047_test.dart
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4d2f083
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/tests/vm/dart_2/regress45047_test.dart
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2021, the Dart project authors.  Please see the AUTHORS file
+// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
+// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
+// Verify that socket connection gracefully closes if cancelled.
+import 'dart:async';
+import 'dart:io';
+import 'package:expect/expect.dart';
+void main() async {
+  final task = await Socket.startConnect('', 80);
+  task.cancel();
+  try {
+    await task.socket;
+  } catch (e) {
+    Expect.isTrue(e is SocketException);
+    final socketException = e as SocketException;
+    Expect.isTrue(
+        socketException.message.startsWith('Connection attempt cancelled'));
+  }
diff --git a/sdk/lib/_internal/vm/bin/socket_patch.dart b/sdk/lib/_internal/vm/bin/socket_patch.dart
index fb9e7a9..339d9a7 100644
--- a/sdk/lib/_internal/vm/bin/socket_patch.dart
+++ b/sdk/lib/_internal/vm/bin/socket_patch.dart
@@ -844,7 +844,10 @@
-        result.complete(socket);
+        if (!result.isCompleted) {
+          // Might be already completed via onCancel
+          result.complete(socket);
+        }
       }, error: (e, st) {
@@ -864,6 +867,7 @@
         s.setListening(read: false, write: false);
+      addressesSubscription.cancel();
       if (!result.isCompleted) {
         error ??= createError(
diff --git a/sdk/lib/_internal/vm/lib/typed_data_patch.dart b/sdk/lib/_internal/vm/lib/typed_data_patch.dart
index d608ab6..b0c18d5 100644
--- a/sdk/lib/_internal/vm/lib/typed_data_patch.dart
+++ b/sdk/lib/_internal/vm/lib/typed_data_patch.dart
@@ -150,13 +150,7 @@
     return -1;
-  List<int> operator +(List<int> other) {
-    int totalLength = this.length + other.length;
-    return <int>[]
-      ..length = totalLength
-      ..setRange(0, this.length, this)
-      ..setRange(this.length, totalLength, other);
-  }
+  List<int> operator +(List<int> other) => [...this, ...other];
   bool contains(Object? element) {
     var len = this.length;
@@ -506,13 +500,7 @@
     return -1;
-  List<double> operator +(List<double> other) {
-    int totalLength = this.length + other.length;
-    return <double>[]
-      ..length = totalLength
-      ..setRange(0, this.length, this)
-      ..setRange(this.length, totalLength, other);
-  }
+  List<double> operator +(List<double> other) => [...this, ...other];
   bool contains(Object? element) {
     var len = this.length;
@@ -868,13 +856,7 @@
     return -1;
-  List<Float32x4> operator +(List<Float32x4> other) {
-    int totalLength = this.length + other.length;
-    return <Float32x4>[]
-      ..length = totalLength
-      ..setRange(0, this.length, this)
-      ..setRange(this.length, totalLength, other);
-  }
+  List<Float32x4> operator +(List<Float32x4> other) => [...this, ...other];
   bool contains(Object? element) {
     var len = this.length;
@@ -1228,13 +1210,7 @@
     return -1;
-  List<Int32x4> operator +(List<Int32x4> other) {
-    int totalLength = this.length + other.length;
-    return <Int32x4>[]
-      ..length = totalLength
-      ..setRange(0, this.length, this)
-      ..setRange(this.length, totalLength, other);
-  }
+  List<Int32x4> operator +(List<Int32x4> other) => [...this, ...other];
   bool contains(Object? element) {
     var len = this.length;
@@ -1587,13 +1563,7 @@
     return -1;
-  List<Float64x2> operator +(List<Float64x2> other) {
-    int totalLength = this.length + other.length;
-    return <Float64x2>[]
-      ..length = totalLength
-      ..setRange(0, this.length, this)
-      ..setRange(this.length, totalLength, other);
-  }
+  List<Float64x2> operator +(List<Float64x2> other) => [...this, ...other];
   bool contains(Object? element) {
     var len = this.length;
diff --git a/tests/lib/typed_data/regression_45140_test.dart b/tests/lib/typed_data/regression_45140_test.dart
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..864ce45
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/lib/typed_data/regression_45140_test.dart
@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2021, the Dart project authors.  Please see the AUTHORS file
+// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
+// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
+import 'dart:math' show Random;
+import 'dart:typed_data';
+import 'package:expect/expect.dart';
+void main() {
+  var r = Random();
+  int genInt() => r.nextInt(256);
+  double genDbl() => r.nextDouble();
+  Int32x4 genIx4() => Int32x4(genInt(), genInt(), genInt(), genInt());
+  Float32x4 genFx4() => Float32x4(genDbl(), genDbl(), genDbl(), genDbl());
+  Float64x2 genDx2() => Float64x2(genDbl(), genDbl());
+  test("Uint8List", (n) => Uint8List(n)..fill(genInt));
+  test("Uint16List", (n) => Uint16List(n)..fill(genInt));
+  test("Uint32List", (n) => Uint32List(n)..fill(genInt));
+  test("Int8List", (n) => Int8List(n)..fill(genInt));
+  test("Int16List", (n) => Int16List(n)..fill(genInt));
+  test("Int32List", (n) => Int32List(n)..fill(genInt));
+  test("Uint8ClampedList", (n) => Uint8ClampedList(n)..fill(genInt));
+  test("Float32List", (n) => Float32List(n)..fill(genDbl));
+  test("Float64List", (n) => Float64List(n)..fill(genDbl));
+  test("Int32x4List", (n) => Int32x4List(n)..fill(genIx4));
+  test("Float32x4List", (n) => Float32x4List(n)..fill(genFx4));
+  test("Float64x2List", (n) => Float64x2List(n)..fill(genDx2));
+void test<T>(String name, List<T> create(int n)) {
+  var l1 = create(17);
+  var l2 = create(13);
+  List<T> l3;
+  try {
+    // Shouldn't throw:
+    l3 = l1 + l2;
+  } catch (e) {
+    // Until we change to return Never.
+"$name: $e") as Never;
+  }
+  Expect.equals(30, l3.length);
+  if (0 is T || 0.0 is T) {
+    // Int32x4 etc. do not support `==`.
+    Expect.listEquals(l1, l3.sublist(0, 17), "$name first");
+    Expect.listEquals(l2, l3.sublist(17), "$name second");
+  }
+  // Result is growable, shouldn't throw.
+  try {
+    l3.add(l3.first);
+  } catch (e) {
+"$name: $e");
+  }
+// Fill a list with (random) generated values.
+extension<T> on List<T> {
+  void fill(T gen()) {
+    for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) {
+      this[i] = gen();
+    }
+  }
diff --git a/tools/VERSION b/tools/VERSION
index 353167a..7b54af4 100644
--- a/tools/VERSION
+++ b/tools/VERSION
@@ -26,6 +26,6 @@
 CHANNEL stable
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