blob: 467c0eab95dcf02b36afd22496b013676fecb1e8 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2020, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
final l = <I>[A(), B(42, 4.2)];
final l2 = <I2>[A2(), B2(42, 4.2)];
main() {
if (l[0].intValue != 23) throw 'a';
if (l[0].doubleValue != 2.3) throw 'b';
if (l[1].intValue != 42) throw 'c';
if (l[1].doubleValue != 4.2) throw 'd';
if (l2[0].intValue != null) throw 'a';
if (l2[0].doubleValue != null) throw 'b';
if (l2[1].intValue != 42) throw 'c';
if (l2[1].doubleValue != 4.2) throw 'd';
if (int.parse('1') == 1) {
l2[0].intValue = 24;
l2[0].doubleValue = 2.4;
l2[1].intValue = 24;
l2[1].doubleValue = 2.4;
} else {
(l2[0] as A2).intValue = null;
(l2[0] as A2).doubleValue = null;
abstract class I {
int? get intValue;
double? get doubleValue;
class A implements I {
int get intValue => 23;
double get doubleValue => 2.3;
class B implements I {
// Field as well as getter/setter will be unboxed.
final int? intValue;
// Field as well as getter/setter will be unboxed.
final double? doubleValue;
B(this.intValue, this.doubleValue);
abstract class I2 {
void set intValue(int? v) {}
void set doubleValue(double? v) {}
int? get intValue;
double? get doubleValue;
class A2 implements I2 {
void set intValue(int? v) {}
void set doubleValue(double? v) {}
int? get intValue => null;
double? get doubleValue => null;
class B2 implements I2 {
// Field itself will get unboxed, but getter/setter will be boxed.
int? intValue;
// Field itself will get unboxed, but getter/setter will be boxed.
double? doubleValue;
B2(this.intValue, this.doubleValue);