blob: 1f4905afe7a73c4f17f524d09e68b60ce2416020 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2018, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
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// Test checking that canonicalization rules for AssertAssignable IL
// instructions take into account that these instructions can be
// on unreachable code paths.
// Class with two type parameters.
class A<U, T> {
T? field1;
List<T>? field2;
T Function(T)? field3;
// Class with a single type parameter
class B<T> {
T? field1;
List<T>? field2;
T Function(T)? field3;
var TRUE = true;
void foo(bool f) {
dynamic x = f ? new B<int>() : new A<String, int>();
if (f == TRUE) {
// Prevent constant folding by accessing a global
x.field1 = 10;
x.field2 = <int>[];
x.field3 = (int i) => ++i;
} else {
x.field1 = 10;
x.field2 = <int>[];
x.field3 = (int i) => ++i;
void bar() {
// When foo() is inlined into bar() a graph where
// allocation of B will flow into code-path that
// expects A will arise. On that code-path (which
// is dynamically unreachable because it is guarded
// by CheckClass) there will be an assert assignable
// against A.T.
// Canonicalization rule should not crash when it tries
// to instantiate this type.
void main() {
// Execute both paths to populate ICData.
// Force optimization of bar().
for (var i = 0; i < 100000; i++) bar();