blob: 33fc86ea397b6d053e491d170b1d2ae0a86c8b8f [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2017, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// Constant values used for relevance values when creating completion
// suggestions in Dart code.
const int DART_RELEVANCE_DEFAULT = 1000;
const int DART_RELEVANCE_HIGH = 2000;
const int DART_RELEVANCE_LOW = 500;
/// A name scope for constants that are related to the relevance of completion
/// suggestions. The values are required to be in the range [0, 1000].
abstract class Relevance {
/// The relevance used when suggesting a `call` method that is implied by a
/// type but isn't explicitly implemented in the type hierarchy.
static const int callFunction = 200;
/// The relevance used when suggesting a closure corresponding to a
/// function-typed parameter in an argument list.
static const int closure = 900;
/// The relevance used when suggesting a constructor.
static const int constructor = 900;
/// The relevance used when suggesting a field as a field formal parameter.
static const int fieldFormalParameter = 1000;
/// The relevance used when suggesting an import of a library other than
/// `dart:core`.
static const int import = 900;
/// The relevance used when suggesting an import of `dart:core`.
static const int importDartCore = 100;
/// The relevance used when suggesting a label.
static const int label = 1000;
/// The relevance used when suggesting the `loadLibrary` function from a
/// deferred imported library.
static const int loadLibrary = 200;
/// The relevance used when suggesting a member of a class or extension and
/// there are no features that can be used to provide a relevance score.
static const int member = 500;
/// The relevance used when suggesting a named argument corresponding to a
/// named parameter that is not required.
static const int namedArgument = 900;
/// The relevance used when suggesting a named constructor.
static const int namedConstructor = 1000;
/// The relevance used when suggesting an override of an inherited member.
static const int override = 750;
/// The relevance used when suggesting a prefix from an import directive.
static const int prefix = 50;
/// The relevance used when suggesting a named argument corresponding to a
/// named parameter that is required.
static const int requiredNamedArgument = 950;
/// The relevance used when suggesting a type parameter.
static const int typeParameter = 500;
/// A name scope for constants that are related to the relevance of completion
/// suggestions. The values are required to be in the range [0, 1000].
abstract class RelevanceBoost {
/// The relevance boost used when suggesting anything other than an enum
/// constant from an available declaration set.
static const int availableDeclaration = 10;
/// The relevance boost used when suggesting an enum constant from an
/// available declaration set.
static const int availableEnumConstant = 250;