blob: a9c7859a2a67ed8a65fb60a18bd043270a486b2e [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2018, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import '../ast.dart'
import '../type_algebra.dart' show Substitution, substitute;
import '../type_environment.dart' show SubtypeCheckMode, TypeEnvironment;
import '../util/graph.dart' show Graph, computeStrongComponents;
import '../visitor.dart' show DartTypeVisitor, DartTypeVisitor1;
import 'legacy_erasure.dart';
class TypeVariableGraph extends Graph<int> {
List<int> vertices;
List<TypeParameter> typeParameters;
List<DartType> bounds;
// `edges[i]` is the list of indices of type variables that reference the type
// variable with the index `i` in their bounds.
List<List<int>> edges;
TypeVariableGraph(this.typeParameters, this.bounds) {
assert(typeParameters.length == bounds.length);
vertices = new List<int>.filled(typeParameters.length, null);
Map<TypeParameter, int> typeParameterIndices = <TypeParameter, int>{};
edges = new List<List<int>>.filled(typeParameters.length, null);
for (int i = 0; i < vertices.length; i++) {
vertices[i] = i;
typeParameterIndices[typeParameters[i]] = i;
edges[i] = <int>[];
for (int i = 0; i < vertices.length; i++) {
OccurrenceCollectorVisitor collector =
new OccurrenceCollectorVisitor(typeParameters.toSet());
for (TypeParameter typeParameter in collector.occurred) {
Iterable<int> neighborsOf(int index) {
return edges[index];
class OccurrenceCollectorVisitor extends DartTypeVisitor {
final Set<TypeParameter> typeParameters;
Set<TypeParameter> occurred = new Set<TypeParameter>();
visit(DartType node) => node.accept(this);
visitNamedType(NamedType node) {
visitInvalidType(InvalidType node);
visitDynamicType(DynamicType node);
visitVoidType(VoidType node);
visitInterfaceType(InterfaceType node) {
for (DartType argument in node.typeArguments) {
visitTypedefType(TypedefType node) {
for (DartType argument in node.typeArguments) {
visitFunctionType(FunctionType node) {
for (TypeParameter typeParameter in node.typeParameters) {
for (DartType parameter in node.positionalParameters) {
for (NamedType namedParameter in node.namedParameters) {
visitTypeParameterType(TypeParameterType node) {
if (typeParameters.contains(node.parameter)) {
DartType instantiateToBounds(
DartType type, Class objectClass, Library contextLibrary) {
if (type is InterfaceType) {
if (type.typeArguments.isEmpty) return type;
for (DartType typeArgument in type.typeArguments) {
// If at least one of the arguments is not dynamic, we assume that the
// type is not raw and does not need instantiation of its type parameters
// to their bounds.
if (typeArgument is! DynamicType) {
return type;
return new InterfaceType.byReference(
type.classNode.typeParameters, objectClass, contextLibrary));
if (type is TypedefType) {
if (type.typeArguments.isEmpty) return type;
for (DartType typeArgument in type.typeArguments) {
if (typeArgument is! DynamicType) {
return type;
return new TypedefType.byReference(
type.typedefNode.typeParameters, objectClass, contextLibrary));
return type;
/// Calculates bounds to be provided as type arguments in place of missing type
/// arguments on raw types with the given type parameters.
/// See the [description]
/// (
/// of the algorithm for details.
List<DartType> calculateBounds(List<TypeParameter> typeParameters,
Class objectClass, Library contextLibrary) {
List<DartType> bounds =
new List<DartType>.filled(typeParameters.length, null);
for (int i = 0; i < typeParameters.length; i++) {
DartType bound = typeParameters[i].bound;
if (bound == null) {
bound = const DynamicType();
} else if (bound is InterfaceType && bound.classNode == objectClass) {
DartType defaultType = typeParameters[i].defaultType;
if (!(defaultType is InterfaceType &&
defaultType.classNode == objectClass)) {
bound = const DynamicType();
bounds[i] = bound;
TypeVariableGraph graph = new TypeVariableGraph(typeParameters, bounds);
List<List<int>> stronglyConnected = computeStrongComponents(graph);
final DartType topType = const DynamicType();
final DartType bottomType = contextLibrary.isNonNullableByDefault
? const NeverType(Nullability.nonNullable)
: const BottomType();
for (List<int> component in stronglyConnected) {
Map<TypeParameter, DartType> upperBounds = <TypeParameter, DartType>{};
Map<TypeParameter, DartType> lowerBounds = <TypeParameter, DartType>{};
for (int typeParameterIndex in component) {
upperBounds[typeParameters[typeParameterIndex]] = topType;
lowerBounds[typeParameters[typeParameterIndex]] = bottomType;
Substitution substitution =
Substitution.fromUpperAndLowerBounds(upperBounds, lowerBounds);
for (int typeParameterIndex in component) {
bounds[typeParameterIndex] =
for (int i = 0; i < typeParameters.length; i++) {
Map<TypeParameter, DartType> upperBounds = <TypeParameter, DartType>{};
Map<TypeParameter, DartType> lowerBounds = <TypeParameter, DartType>{};
upperBounds[typeParameters[i]] = bounds[i];
lowerBounds[typeParameters[i]] = bottomType;
Substitution substitution =
Substitution.fromUpperAndLowerBounds(upperBounds, lowerBounds);
for (int j = 0; j < typeParameters.length; j++) {
bounds[j] = substitution.substituteType(bounds[j]);
return bounds;
class TypeArgumentIssue {
/// The index for type argument within the passed type arguments.
final int index;
/// The type argument that violated the bound.
final DartType argument;
/// The type parameter with the bound that was violated.
final TypeParameter typeParameter;
/// The enclosing type of the issue, that is, the one with [typeParameter].
final DartType enclosingType;
/// The type computed from [enclosingType] for the super-boundness check.
/// This field can be null. [invertedType] is supposed to enhance error
/// messages, providing the auxiliary type for super-boundness checks for the
/// user. It is set to null if it's not helpful, for example, if
/// [enclosingType] is well-bounded or is strictly required to be
/// regular-bounded, so the super-boundness check is skipped. It is set to
/// null also if the inversion didn't change the type at all, and it's not
/// helpful to show the same type to the user.
DartType invertedType;
this.index, this.argument, this.typeParameter, this.enclosingType,
int get hashCode {
int hash = 0x3fffffff & index;
hash = 0x3fffffff & (hash * 31 + (hash ^ argument.hashCode));
hash = 0x3fffffff & (hash * 31 + (hash ^ typeParameter.hashCode));
hash = 0x3fffffff & (hash * 31 + (hash ^ enclosingType.hashCode));
return hash;
bool operator ==(Object other) {
assert(other is TypeArgumentIssue);
return other is TypeArgumentIssue &&
index == other.index &&
argument == other.argument &&
typeParameter == other.typeParameter &&
enclosingType == other.enclosingType;
String toString() {
return "TypeArgumentIssue(index=${index}, argument=${argument}, "
"typeParameter=${typeParameter}, enclosingType=${enclosingType}";
// Finds type arguments that don't follow the rules of well-boundness.
// [bottomType] should be either Null or Never, depending on what should be
// taken for the bottom type at the call site. The bottom type is used in the
// checks for super-boundness for construction of the auxiliary type. For
// details see Dart Language Specification, Section 14.3.2 The Instantiation to
// Bound Algorithm.
// TODO(dmitryas): Remove [typedefInstantiations] when type arguments passed to
// typedefs are preserved in the Kernel output.
List<TypeArgumentIssue> findTypeArgumentIssues(Library library, DartType type,
TypeEnvironment typeEnvironment, SubtypeCheckMode subtypeCheckMode,
{bool allowSuperBounded = false}) {
List<TypeParameter> variables;
List<DartType> arguments;
List<TypeArgumentIssue> typedefRhsResult;
if (type is FunctionType && type.typedefType != null) {
// [type] is a function type that is an application of a parametrized
// typedef. We need to check both the l.h.s. and the r.h.s. of the
// definition in that case. For details, see [link]
// (
FunctionType functionType = type;
FunctionType cloned = new FunctionType(functionType.positionalParameters,
functionType.returnType, functionType.nullability,
namedParameters: functionType.namedParameters,
typeParameters: functionType.typeParameters,
requiredParameterCount: functionType.requiredParameterCount,
typedefType: null);
typedefRhsResult = findTypeArgumentIssues(
library, cloned, typeEnvironment, subtypeCheckMode,
allowSuperBounded: true);
type = functionType.typedefType;
if (type is InterfaceType) {
variables = type.classNode.typeParameters;
arguments = type.typeArguments;
} else if (type is TypedefType) {
variables = type.typedefNode.typeParameters;
arguments = type.typeArguments;
} else if (type is FunctionType) {
List<TypeArgumentIssue> result = null;
for (TypeParameter parameter in type.typeParameters) {
List<TypeArgumentIssue> parameterResult = findTypeArgumentIssues(
library, parameter.bound, typeEnvironment, subtypeCheckMode,
allowSuperBounded: true);
if (result == null) {
result = parameterResult;
} else if (parameterResult != null) {
for (DartType formal in type.positionalParameters) {
List<TypeArgumentIssue> parameterResult = findTypeArgumentIssues(
library, formal, typeEnvironment, subtypeCheckMode,
allowSuperBounded: true);
if (result == null) {
result = parameterResult;
} else if (parameterResult != null) {
for (NamedType named in type.namedParameters) {
List<TypeArgumentIssue> parameterResult = findTypeArgumentIssues(
library, named.type, typeEnvironment, subtypeCheckMode,
allowSuperBounded: true);
if (result == null) {
result = parameterResult;
} else if (parameterResult != null) {
List<TypeArgumentIssue> returnTypeResult = findTypeArgumentIssues(
library, type.returnType, typeEnvironment, subtypeCheckMode,
allowSuperBounded: true);
if (result == null) {
result = returnTypeResult;
} else if (returnTypeResult != null) {
return result;
} else if (type is FutureOrType) {
variables = typeEnvironment.coreTypes.futureClass.typeParameters;
arguments = <DartType>[type.typeArgument];
} else {
return null;
if (variables == null) return null;
List<TypeArgumentIssue> result = null;
List<TypeArgumentIssue> argumentsResult = null;
Map<TypeParameter, DartType> substitutionMap =
new Map<TypeParameter, DartType>.fromIterables(variables, arguments);
for (int i = 0; i < arguments.length; ++i) {
DartType argument = arguments[i];
if (isGenericFunctionTypeOrAlias(argument)) {
// Generic function types aren't allowed as type arguments either.
result ??= <TypeArgumentIssue>[];
result.add(new TypeArgumentIssue(i, argument, variables[i], type));
} else if (variables[i].bound is! InvalidType) {
DartType bound = substitute(variables[i].bound, substitutionMap);
if (!library.isNonNullableByDefault) {
bound = legacyErasure(bound);
if (!typeEnvironment.isSubtypeOf(argument, bound, subtypeCheckMode)) {
result ??= <TypeArgumentIssue>[];
result.add(new TypeArgumentIssue(i, argument, variables[i], type));
} else {
// The bound is InvalidType so it's not checked, because an error was
// reported already at the time of the creation of InvalidType.
List<TypeArgumentIssue> issues = findTypeArgumentIssues(
library, argument, typeEnvironment, subtypeCheckMode,
allowSuperBounded: true);
if (issues != null) {
argumentsResult ??= <TypeArgumentIssue>[];
if (argumentsResult != null) {
result ??= <TypeArgumentIssue>[];
if (typedefRhsResult != null) {
result ??= <TypeArgumentIssue>[];
// [type] is regular-bounded.
if (result == null) return null;
if (!allowSuperBounded) return result;
bool isCorrectSuperBounded = true;
DartType invertedType =
convertSuperBoundedToRegularBounded(library, typeEnvironment, type);
// The auxiliary type is the same as [type]. At this point we know that
// [type] is not regular-bounded, which means that the inverted type is also
// not regular-bounded. These two judgments together allow us to conclude
// that [type] is not well-bounded.
if (invertedType == null) return result;
if (invertedType is InterfaceType) {
variables = invertedType.classNode.typeParameters;
arguments = invertedType.typeArguments;
} else if (invertedType is TypedefType) {
variables = invertedType.typedefNode.typeParameters;
arguments = invertedType.typeArguments;
} else if (invertedType is FutureOrType) {
variables = typeEnvironment.coreTypes.futureClass.typeParameters;
arguments = <DartType>[invertedType.typeArgument];
substitutionMap =
new Map<TypeParameter, DartType>.fromIterables(variables, arguments);
for (int i = 0; i < arguments.length; ++i) {
DartType argument = arguments[i];
if (isGenericFunctionTypeOrAlias(argument)) {
// Generic function types aren't allowed as type arguments either.
isCorrectSuperBounded = false;
} else if (!typeEnvironment.isSubtypeOf(argument,
substitute(variables[i].bound, substitutionMap), subtypeCheckMode)) {
isCorrectSuperBounded = false;
if (argumentsResult != null) {
isCorrectSuperBounded = false;
if (typedefRhsResult != null) {
isCorrectSuperBounded = false;
// The inverted type is regular-bounded, which means that [type] is
// well-bounded.
if (isCorrectSuperBounded) return null;
// The inverted type isn't regular-bounded, but it's different from [type].
// In this case we'll provide the programmer with the inverted type as a hint,
// in case they were going for a super-bounded type and will benefit from that
// information correcting the program.
for (TypeArgumentIssue issue in result) {
issue.invertedType = invertedType;
return result;
// Finds type arguments that don't follow the rules of well-boundness.
// [bottomType] should be either Null or Never, depending on what should be
// taken for the bottom type at the call site. The bottom type is used in the
// checks for super-boundness for construction of the auxiliary type. For
// details see Dart Language Specification, Section 14.3.2 The Instantiation to
// Bound Algorithm.
// TODO(dmitryas): Remove [typedefInstantiations] when type arguments passed to
// typedefs are preserved in the Kernel output.
List<TypeArgumentIssue> findTypeArgumentIssuesForInvocation(
Library library,
List<TypeParameter> parameters,
List<DartType> arguments,
TypeEnvironment typeEnvironment,
SubtypeCheckMode subtypeCheckMode,
DartType bottomType,
{Map<FunctionType, List<DartType>> typedefInstantiations}) {
assert(arguments.length == parameters.length);
assert(bottomType == const NeverType(Nullability.nonNullable) ||
bottomType is NullType);
List<TypeArgumentIssue> result;
Map<TypeParameter, DartType> substitutionMap = <TypeParameter, DartType>{};
for (int i = 0; i < arguments.length; ++i) {
substitutionMap[parameters[i]] = arguments[i];
for (int i = 0; i < arguments.length; ++i) {
DartType argument = arguments[i];
if (argument is TypeParameterType && argument.promotedBound != null) {
result ??= <TypeArgumentIssue>[];
result.add(new TypeArgumentIssue(i, argument, parameters[i], null));
} else if (isGenericFunctionTypeOrAlias(argument)) {
// Generic function types aren't allowed as type arguments either.
result ??= <TypeArgumentIssue>[];
result.add(new TypeArgumentIssue(i, argument, parameters[i], null));
} else if (parameters[i].bound is! InvalidType) {
DartType bound = substitute(parameters[i].bound, substitutionMap);
if (!library.isNonNullableByDefault) {
bound = legacyErasure(bound);
if (!typeEnvironment.isSubtypeOf(argument, bound, subtypeCheckMode)) {
result ??= <TypeArgumentIssue>[];
result.add(new TypeArgumentIssue(i, argument, parameters[i], null));
List<TypeArgumentIssue> issues = findTypeArgumentIssues(
library, argument, typeEnvironment, subtypeCheckMode,
allowSuperBounded: true);
if (issues != null) {
result ??= <TypeArgumentIssue>[];
return result;
String getGenericTypeName(DartType type) {
if (type is InterfaceType) {
} else if (type is TypedefType) {
return type.toString();
/// Replaces all covariant occurrences of `dynamic`, `Object`, and `void` with
/// [BottomType] and all contravariant occurrences of `Null` and [BottomType]
/// with `Object`. Returns null if the converted type is the same as [type].
DartType convertSuperBoundedToRegularBounded(
Library clientLibrary, TypeEnvironment typeEnvironment, DartType type,
{int variance = Variance.covariant}) {
bool flipTop;
bool flipBottom;
DartType topType;
DartType bottomType;
bool isTop;
bool isBottom;
if (clientLibrary.isNonNullableByDefault) {
flipTop = variance != Variance.contravariant;
flipBottom = variance == Variance.contravariant;
topType = typeEnvironment.coreTypes.objectNullableRawType;
bottomType = const NeverType(Nullability.nonNullable);
isTop = typeEnvironment.coreTypes.isTop(type);
isBottom = typeEnvironment.coreTypes.isBottom(type);
} else {
flipTop = variance == Variance.covariant;
flipBottom = variance != Variance.covariant;
topType = const DynamicType();
bottomType = const NullType();
isTop = type is DynamicType ||
type is VoidType ||
type is InterfaceType &&
type.classNode == typeEnvironment.coreTypes.objectClass;
isBottom = type is NullType || type is BottomType;
if (isTop && flipTop) {
return bottomType;
} else if (isBottom && flipBottom) {
return topType;
} else if (type is InterfaceType &&
type.classNode.typeParameters.isNotEmpty) {
assert(type.classNode.typeParameters.length == type.typeArguments.length);
List<DartType> convertedTypeArguments = null;
for (int i = 0; i < type.typeArguments.length; ++i) {
DartType convertedTypeArgument = convertSuperBoundedToRegularBounded(
clientLibrary, typeEnvironment, type.typeArguments[i],
variance: variance);
if (convertedTypeArgument != null) {
convertedTypeArguments ??= new List<DartType>.of(type.typeArguments);
convertedTypeArguments[i] = convertedTypeArgument;
if (convertedTypeArguments == null) return null;
return new InterfaceType(
type.classNode, type.nullability, convertedTypeArguments);
} else if (type is TypedefType &&
type.typedefNode.typeParameters.isNotEmpty) {
assert(type.typedefNode.typeParameters.length == type.typeArguments.length);
List<DartType> convertedTypeArguments = null;
for (int i = 0; i < type.typeArguments.length; i++) {
// The implementation of instantiate-to-bound in legacy mode ignored the
// variance of type parameters of the typedef. This behavior is preserved
// here in passing the 'variance' parameter unchanged in for legacy
// libraries.
DartType convertedTypeArgument = convertSuperBoundedToRegularBounded(
clientLibrary, typeEnvironment, type.typeArguments[i],
variance: clientLibrary.isNonNullableByDefault
? Variance.combine(
variance, type.typedefNode.typeParameters[i].variance)
: variance);
if (convertedTypeArgument != null) {
convertedTypeArguments ??= new List<DartType>.of(type.typeArguments);
convertedTypeArguments[i] = convertedTypeArgument;
if (convertedTypeArguments == null) return null;
return new TypedefType(
type.typedefNode, type.nullability, convertedTypeArguments);
} else if (type is FunctionType) {
if (clientLibrary.isNonNullableByDefault && type.typedefType != null) {
return convertSuperBoundedToRegularBounded(
clientLibrary, typeEnvironment, type.typedefType,
variance: variance);
DartType convertedReturnType = convertSuperBoundedToRegularBounded(
clientLibrary, typeEnvironment, type.returnType,
variance: variance);
List<DartType> convertedPositionalParameters = null;
for (int i = 0; i < type.positionalParameters.length; i++) {
DartType convertedPositionalParameter =
clientLibrary, typeEnvironment, type.positionalParameters[i],
variance: Variance.combine(variance, Variance.contravariant));
if (convertedPositionalParameter != null) {
convertedPositionalParameters ??=
new List<DartType>.of(type.positionalParameters);
convertedPositionalParameters[i] = convertedPositionalParameter;
List<NamedType> convertedNamedParameters = null;
for (int i = 0; i < type.namedParameters.length; i++) {
NamedType convertedNamedParameter = new NamedType(
clientLibrary, typeEnvironment, type.namedParameters[i].type,
variance: Variance.combine(variance, Variance.contravariant)),
isRequired: type.namedParameters[i].isRequired);
if (convertedNamedParameter != null) {
convertedNamedParameters ??=
new List<NamedType>.of(type.namedParameters);
convertedNamedParameters[i] = convertedNamedParameter;
List<TypeParameter> convertedTypeParameters = null;
if (clientLibrary.isNonNullableByDefault &&
type.typeParameters.isNotEmpty) {
for (int i = 0; i < type.typeParameters.length; ++i) {
DartType convertedBound = convertSuperBoundedToRegularBounded(
clientLibrary, typeEnvironment, type.typeParameters[i].bound,
variance: Variance.combine(variance, Variance.invariant));
if (convertedBound != null) {
if (convertedTypeParameters == null) {
convertedTypeParameters = <TypeParameter>[];
for (TypeParameter parameter in type.typeParameters) {
convertedTypeParameters.add(new TypeParameter(;
convertedTypeParameters[i].bound = convertedBound;
Map<TypeParameter, DartType> substitutionMap =
<TypeParameter, DartType>{};
for (int i = 0; i < type.typeParameters.length; ++i) {
substitutionMap[type.typeParameters[i]] =
new TypeParameterType.forAlphaRenaming(
type.typeParameters[i], convertedTypeParameters[i]);
for (TypeParameter parameter in convertedTypeParameters) {
parameter.bound = substitute(parameter.bound, substitutionMap);
List<DartType> defaultTypes = calculateBounds(convertedTypeParameters,
typeEnvironment.coreTypes.objectClass, clientLibrary);
for (int i = 0; i < convertedTypeParameters.length; ++i) {
convertedTypeParameters[i].defaultType = defaultTypes[i];
if (convertedReturnType != null) {
convertedReturnType = substitute(convertedReturnType, substitutionMap);
if (convertedPositionalParameters != null) {
for (int i = 0; i < convertedPositionalParameters.length; ++i) {
convertedPositionalParameters[i] =
substitute(convertedPositionalParameters[i], substitutionMap);
if (convertedNamedParameters != null) {
for (int i = 0; i < convertedNamedParameters.length; ++i) {
convertedNamedParameters[i] = new NamedType(
substitute(convertedNamedParameters[i].type, substitutionMap),
isRequired: convertedNamedParameters[i].isRequired);
if (convertedReturnType == null &&
convertedPositionalParameters == null &&
convertedNamedParameters == null &&
convertedTypeParameters == null) {
return null;
convertedReturnType ??= type.returnType;
convertedPositionalParameters ??= type.positionalParameters;
convertedNamedParameters ??= type.namedParameters;
convertedTypeParameters ??= type.typeParameters;
return new FunctionType(
convertedPositionalParameters, convertedReturnType, type.nullability,
namedParameters: convertedNamedParameters,
typeParameters: type.typeParameters,
requiredParameterCount: type.requiredParameterCount,
typedefType: type.typedefType);
} else if (type is FutureOrType) {
DartType convertedTypeArgument = convertSuperBoundedToRegularBounded(
clientLibrary, typeEnvironment, type.typeArgument,
variance: variance);
if (convertedTypeArgument == null) return null;
return new FutureOrType(convertedTypeArgument, type.declaredNullability);
return null;
int computeVariance(TypeParameter typeParameter, DartType type,
{Map<TypeParameter, Map<DartType, int>> computedVariances}) {
computedVariances ??= new Map<TypeParameter, Map<DartType, int>>.identity();
computedVariances[typeParameter] ??= new Map<DartType, int>.identity();
int variance = computedVariances[typeParameter][type];
if (variance != null) return variance;
computedVariances[typeParameter][type] = VarianceCalculator._visitMarker;
return computedVariances[typeParameter][type] =
type.accept1(new VarianceCalculator(typeParameter), computedVariances);
class VarianceCalculator
implements DartTypeVisitor1<int, Map<TypeParameter, Map<DartType, int>>> {
final TypeParameter typeParameter;
static const int _visitMarker = -2;
int defaultDartType(
DartType node, Map<TypeParameter, Map<DartType, int>> computedVariances) {
throw new StateError("Unhandled ${node.runtimeType} "
"when computing variance of a type parameter.");
int visitTypeParameterType(TypeParameterType node,
Map<TypeParameter, Map<DartType, int>> computedVariances) {
if (node.parameter == typeParameter) return Variance.covariant;
return Variance.unrelated;
int visitInterfaceType(InterfaceType node,
Map<TypeParameter, Map<DartType, int>> computedVariances) {
int result = Variance.unrelated;
for (int i = 0; i < node.typeArguments.length; ++i) {
result =
computeVariance(typeParameter, node.typeArguments[i],
computedVariances: computedVariances)));
return result;
int visitFutureOrType(FutureOrType node,
Map<TypeParameter, Map<DartType, int>> computedVariances) {
return computeVariance(typeParameter, node.typeArgument,
computedVariances: computedVariances);
int visitTypedefType(TypedefType node,
Map<TypeParameter, Map<DartType, int>> computedVariances) {
int result = Variance.unrelated;
for (int i = 0; i < node.typeArguments.length; ++i) {
Typedef typedefNode = node.typedefNode;
TypeParameter typedefTypeParameter = typedefNode.typeParameters[i];
if (computedVariances.containsKey(typedefTypeParameter) &&
computedVariances[typedefTypeParameter][typedefNode.type] ==
_visitMarker) {
throw new StateError("The typedef '${}' "
"has a reference to itself.");
result =
computeVariance(typeParameter, node.typeArguments[i],
computedVariances: computedVariances),
computeVariance(typedefTypeParameter, typedefNode.type,
computedVariances: computedVariances)));
return result;
int visitFunctionType(FunctionType node,
Map<TypeParameter, Map<DartType, int>> computedVariances) {
int result = Variance.unrelated;
result =
computeVariance(typeParameter, node.returnType,
computedVariances: computedVariances));
for (TypeParameter functionTypeParameter in node.typeParameters) {
// If [typeParameter] is referenced in the bound at all, it makes the
// variance of [typeParameter] in the entire type invariant. The
// invocation of the visitor below is made to simply figure out if
// [typeParameter] occurs in the bound.
if (computeVariance(typeParameter, functionTypeParameter.bound,
computedVariances: computedVariances) !=
Variance.unrelated) {
result = Variance.invariant;
for (DartType positionalType in node.positionalParameters) {
result =
computeVariance(typeParameter, positionalType,
computedVariances: computedVariances)));
for (NamedType namedType in node.namedParameters) {
result =
computeVariance(typeParameter, namedType.type,
computedVariances: computedVariances)));
return result;
int visitBottomType(BottomType node,
Map<TypeParameter, Map<DartType, int>> computedVariances) {
return Variance.unrelated;
int visitNeverType(NeverType node,
Map<TypeParameter, Map<DartType, int>> computedVariances) {
return Variance.unrelated;
int visitNullType(
NullType node, Map<TypeParameter, Map<DartType, int>> computedVariances) {
return Variance.unrelated;
int visitVoidType(
VoidType node, Map<TypeParameter, Map<DartType, int>> computedVariances) {
return Variance.unrelated;
int visitDynamicType(DynamicType node,
Map<TypeParameter, Map<DartType, int>> computedVariances) {
return Variance.unrelated;
int visitInvalidType(InvalidType node,
Map<TypeParameter, Map<DartType, int>> computedVariances) {
return Variance.unrelated;
bool isGenericFunctionTypeOrAlias(DartType type) {
if (type is TypedefType) type = type.unalias;
return type is FunctionType && type.typeParameters.isNotEmpty;