blob: a5e4a1e6205164f413fdd7bf254092e52ff12880 [file] [log] [blame]
%%% Cascaded items for math mode
%% start with \begin{cascade}
%% new line at previous indentation with \cascline
%% new line with greater indentation with \cascitem
%% end with \end{cascade}
%% default indentation is 2em, adjust with \cascadeindent
\newcommand{\cascindent}{\global\advance\cascdimen by\cascadeindent \hspace{\cascdimen}}
\newcommand{\cascitem}{\\ \global\advance\cascdimen by\cascadeindent \hspace{\cascdimen}}
\newcommand{\cascback}[1]{\\ \global\advance\cascdimen by-#1.0\cascadeindent \hspace{\cascdimen}}
\newcommand{\cascline}{\\ \hspace{\cascdimen}}
\newenvironment{cascade}{\begin{array}[t]{@{}l@{}} \global\cascdimen=0em}{\end{array}}
%%% Binding colon stuff
\mathchardef\col="003A % \col for binding colon (mathcode ordinary: less space)
\mathchardef\semi="603B % \semi for (regular) semicolon
%% use \semicolonforbindingcolon to redefine ; to stand for binding colon
%%% Angle bracket stuff
\mathchardef\lt="313C % \lt for <
\mathchardef\gt="313E % \gt for >
%% use \ltgtforanglebrackets to redefine <,> to stand for \langle, \rangle
\newcommand{\ltgtforanglebrackets}{\mathcode`<="4268 \mathcode`>="5269}
\newcommand{\comment}[1]{\hfill \fbox{\Large{#1}}}
{{\ \hfill\hbox{%
\vrule width1.0ex height1.0ex
}\parfillskip 0pt}}
\newenvironment{proof}{{\textbf{Proof:} }}{\thmbox}
\newenvironment{proofsketch}{{\textbf{Proof (Sketch):} }}{\thmbox}
\lefteqn{\mbox{#1}} &\\
\mbox{ } & $\begin{array}{l}#2\end{array}$
\lefteqn{\mbox{#1}} &\\
\mbox{ } & #2
If & \\
& $\begin{array}[t]{l}#1\end{array}$ \\
then & \\
& $\begin{array}[t]{l}#2\end{array}$
% symbol abbreviations