blob: 77256091f7455f5313c702f36302e66bff80446c [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2019, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import "dart:collection";
import "dart:ffi";
import "package:ffi/ffi.dart";
import "bindings/bindings.dart";
import "bindings/types.dart" as types;
import "bindings/types.dart" hide Database;
import "bindings/constants.dart";
import "collections/closable_iterator.dart";
/// [Database] represents an open connection to a SQLite database.
/// All functions against a database may throw [SQLiteError].
/// This database interacts with SQLite synchonously.
class Database {
late Pointer<types.Database> _database;
bool _open = false;
/// Open a database located at the file [path].
Database(String path,
Pointer<Pointer<types.Database>> dbOut = allocate();
final pathC = Utf8.toUtf8(path);
final int resultCode =
bindings.sqlite3_open_v2(pathC, dbOut, flags, nullptr);
_database = dbOut.value;
if (resultCode == Errors.SQLITE_OK) {
_open = true;
} else {
// Even if "open" fails, sqlite3 will still create a database object. We
// can just destroy it.
SQLiteException exception = _loadError(resultCode);
throw exception;
/// Close the database.
/// This should only be called once on a database unless an exception is
/// thrown. It should be called at least once to finalize the database and
/// avoid resource leaks.
void close() {
final int resultCode = bindings.sqlite3_close_v2(_database);
if (resultCode == Errors.SQLITE_OK) {
_open = false;
} else {
throw _loadError(resultCode);
/// Execute a query, discarding any returned rows.
void execute(String query) {
Pointer<Pointer<Statement>> statementOut = allocate();
Pointer<Utf8> queryC = Utf8.toUtf8(query);
int resultCode = bindings.sqlite3_prepare_v2(
_database, queryC, -1, statementOut, nullptr);
Pointer<Statement> statement = statementOut.value;
while (resultCode == Errors.SQLITE_ROW || resultCode == Errors.SQLITE_OK) {
resultCode = bindings.sqlite3_step(statement);
if (resultCode != Errors.SQLITE_DONE) {
throw _loadError(resultCode);
/// Evaluate a query and return the resulting rows as an iterable.
Result query(String query) {
Pointer<Pointer<Statement>> statementOut = allocate();
Pointer<Utf8> queryC = Utf8.toUtf8(query);
int resultCode = bindings.sqlite3_prepare_v2(
_database, queryC, -1, statementOut, nullptr);
Pointer<Statement> statement = statementOut.value;
if (resultCode != Errors.SQLITE_OK) {
throw _loadError(resultCode);
Map<String, int> columnIndices = {};
int columnCount = bindings.sqlite3_column_count(statement);
for (int i = 0; i < columnCount; i++) {
String columnName =
bindings.sqlite3_column_name(statement, i).ref.toString();
columnIndices[columnName] = i;
return Result._(this, statement, columnIndices);
SQLiteException _loadError(int errorCode) {
String errorMessage = bindings.sqlite3_errmsg(_database).ref.toString();
String errorCodeExplanation =
return SQLiteException(
"$errorMessage (Code $errorCode: $errorCodeExplanation)");
/// [Result] represents a [Database.query]'s result and provides an [Iterable]
/// interface for the results to be consumed.
/// Please note that this iterator should be [close]d manually if not all [Row]s
/// are consumed.
class Result extends IterableBase<Row> implements ClosableIterable<Row> {
final ClosableIterator<Row> _iterator;
Database database,
Pointer<Statement> statement,
Map<String, int> columnIndices,
) : _iterator = _ResultIterator(statement, columnIndices) {}
void close() => _iterator.close();
ClosableIterator<Row> get iterator => _iterator;
class _ResultIterator implements ClosableIterator<Row> {
final Pointer<Statement> _statement;
final Map<String, int> _columnIndices;
Row? _currentRow;
bool _closed = false;
_ResultIterator(this._statement, this._columnIndices) {}
bool moveNext() {
if (_closed) {
throw SQLiteException("The result has already been closed.");
int stepResult = bindings.sqlite3_step(_statement);
if (stepResult == Errors.SQLITE_ROW) {
_currentRow = Row._(_statement, _columnIndices);
return true;
} else {
return false;
Row get current {
if (_closed) {
throw SQLiteException("The result has already been closed.");
return _currentRow!;
void close() {
_closed = true;
class Row {
final Pointer<Statement> _statement;
final Map<String, int> _columnIndices;
bool _isCurrentRow = true;
Row._(this._statement, this._columnIndices) {}
/// Reads column [columnName].
/// By default it returns a dynamically typed value. If [convert] is set to
/// [Convert.StaticType] the value is converted to the static type computed
/// for the column by the query compiler.
dynamic readColumn(String columnName,
{Convert convert = Convert.DynamicType}) {
return readColumnByIndex(_columnIndices[columnName]!, convert: convert);
/// Reads column [columnName].
/// By default it returns a dynamically typed value. If [convert] is set to
/// [Convert.StaticType] the value is converted to the static type computed
/// for the column by the query compiler.
dynamic readColumnByIndex(int columnIndex,
{Convert convert = Convert.DynamicType}) {
Type dynamicType;
if (convert == Convert.DynamicType) {
dynamicType =
_typeFromCode(bindings.sqlite3_column_type(_statement, columnIndex));
} else {
dynamicType = _typeFromText(bindings
.sqlite3_column_decltype(_statement, columnIndex)
switch (dynamicType) {
case Type.Integer:
return readColumnByIndexAsInt(columnIndex);
case Type.Text:
return readColumnByIndexAsText(columnIndex);
case Type.Null:
return null;
/// Reads column [columnName] and converts to [Type.Integer] if not an
/// integer.
int readColumnAsInt(String columnName) {
return readColumnByIndexAsInt(_columnIndices[columnName]!);
/// Reads column [columnIndex] and converts to [Type.Integer] if not an
/// integer.
int readColumnByIndexAsInt(int columnIndex) {
return bindings.sqlite3_column_int(_statement, columnIndex);
/// Reads column [columnName] and converts to [Type.Text] if not text.
String readColumnAsText(String columnName) {
return readColumnByIndexAsText(_columnIndices[columnName]!);
/// Reads column [columnIndex] and converts to [Type.Text] if not text.
String readColumnByIndexAsText(int columnIndex) {
return bindings.sqlite3_column_text(_statement, columnIndex).ref.toString();
void _checkIsCurrentRow() {
if (!_isCurrentRow) {
throw Exception(
"This row is not the current row, reading data from the non-current"
" row is not supported by sqlite.");
void _setNotCurrent() {
_isCurrentRow = false;
Type _typeFromCode(int code) {
switch (code) {
return Type.Integer;
case Types.SQLITE_FLOAT:
return Type.Float;
case Types.SQLITE_TEXT:
return Type.Text;
case Types.SQLITE_BLOB:
return Type.Blob;
case Types.SQLITE_NULL:
return Type.Null;
throw Exception("Unknown type [$code]");
Type _typeFromText(String textRepresentation) {
switch (textRepresentation) {
case "integer":
return Type.Integer;
case "float":
return Type.Float;
case "text":
return Type.Text;
case "blob":
return Type.Blob;
case "null":
return Type.Null;
throw Exception("Unknown type [$textRepresentation]");
enum Type { Integer, Float, Text, Blob, Null }
enum Convert { DynamicType, StaticType }
class SQLiteException {
final String message;
String toString() => message;