blob: 2076c454d2e7fab6616caa602d75c2978d427559 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2014, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
#include "vm/globals.h"
#if defined(TARGET_ARCH_ARM64)
#include "vm/compiler/assembler/assembler.h"
#include "vm/cpu.h"
#include "vm/instructions.h"
#include "vm/stub_code.h"
#include "vm/unit_test.h"
namespace dart {
#define __ assembler->
// Code is generated, but not executed. Just parsed with CallPattern
__ set_constant_pool_allowed(true); // Uninitialized pp is OK.
SPILLS_LR_TO_FRAME({}); // Clobbered LR is OK.
__ BranchLinkPatchable(StubCode::InvokeDartCode());
RESTORES_LR_FROM_FRAME({}); // Clobbered LR is OK.
__ ret();
// The return address, which must be the address of an instruction contained
// in the code, points to the Ret instruction above, i.e. one instruction
// before the end of the code buffer.
uword end = test->payload_start() + test->code().Size();
CallPattern call(end - Instr::kInstrSize, test->code());
EXPECT_EQ(StubCode::InvokeDartCode().raw(), call.TargetCode());
} // namespace dart
#endif // defined TARGET_ARCH_ARM64