blob: 353ec8d8e8c1372f299f8cd081eb4643866600b8 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2017, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:analyzer/src/dart/analysis/driver.dart';
import 'package:analyzer_plugin/plugin/plugin.dart';
import 'package:analyzer_plugin/protocol/protocol.dart';
import 'package:analyzer_plugin/protocol/protocol_generated.dart';
import 'package:analyzer_plugin/src/utilities/kythe/entries.dart';
import 'package:analyzer_plugin/utilities/kythe/entries.dart';
/// A mixin that can be used when creating a subclass of [ServerPlugin] and
/// mixing in [KytheMixin]. This implements the creation of the kythe.getEntries
/// request based on the assumption that the driver being created is an
/// [AnalysisDriver].
/// Clients may not implement this mixin, but are allowed to use it as a mix-in
/// when creating a subclass of [ServerPlugin] that also uses [KytheMixin] as a
/// mix-in.
mixin DartEntryMixin implements EntryMixin {
Future<EntryRequest> getEntryRequest(
KytheGetKytheEntriesParams parameters) async {
// TODO(brianwilkerson) Determine whether this await is necessary.
await null;
var path = parameters.file;
var result = await getResolvedUnitResult(path);
return DartEntryRequestImpl(resourceProvider, result);
/// A mixin that can be used when creating a subclass of [ServerPlugin] to
/// provide most of the implementation for handling kythe.getEntries requests.
/// Clients may not implement this mixin, but are allowed to use it as a mix-in
/// when creating a subclass of [ServerPlugin].
mixin EntryMixin implements ServerPlugin {
/// Return a list containing the entry contributors that should be used to
/// create entries for the file with the given [path]
List<EntryContributor> getEntryContributors(String path);
/// Return the entries request that should be passes to the contributors
/// returned from [getEntryContributors].
/// Throw a [RequestFailure] if the request could not be created.
Future<EntryRequest> getEntryRequest(KytheGetKytheEntriesParams parameters);
Future<KytheGetKytheEntriesResult> handleKytheGetKytheEntries(
KytheGetKytheEntriesParams parameters) async {
// TODO(brianwilkerson) Determine whether this await is necessary.
await null;
var path = parameters.file;
var request = await getEntryRequest(parameters);
var generator = EntryGenerator(getEntryContributors(path));
var result = generator.generateGetEntriesResponse(request);
return result.result;