blob: 8826a5165fe22d8e5ef254b68668fe68b3a3a8eb [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2020, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
part of dds;
abstract class _RpcErrorCodes {
static json_rpc.RpcException buildRpcException(int code, {dynamic data}) {
return json_rpc.RpcException(
data: data,
// These error codes must be kept in sync with those in vm/json_stream.h and
// vmservice.dart.
// static const kParseError = -32700;
// static const kInvalidRequest = -32600;
static const kMethodNotFound = -32601;
// static const kInvalidParams = -32602;
// static const kInternalError = -32603;
// static const kExtensionError = -32000;
static const kFeatureDisabled = 100;
// static const kCannotAddBreakpoint = 102;
static const kStreamAlreadySubscribed = 103;
static const kStreamNotSubscribed = 104;
// static const kIsolateMustBeRunnable = 105;
// static const kIsolateMustBePaused = 106;
// static const kCannotResume = 107;
// static const kIsolateIsReloading = 108;
// static const kIsolateReloadBarred = 109;
// static const kIsolateMustHaveReloaded = 110;
static const kServiceAlreadyRegistered = 111;
static const kServiceDisappeared = 112;
static const kExpressionCompilationError = 113;
// static const kInvalidTimelineRequest = 114;
// Experimental (used in private rpcs).
// static const kFileSystemAlreadyExists = 1001;
// static const kFileSystemDoesNotExist = 1002;
// static const kFileDoesNotExist = 1003;
static const errorMessages = {
kFeatureDisabled: 'Feature is disabled',
kStreamAlreadySubscribed: 'Stream already subscribed',
kStreamNotSubscribed: 'Stream not subscribed',
kServiceAlreadyRegistered: 'Service already registered',
kServiceDisappeared: 'Service has disappeared',
kExpressionCompilationError: 'Expression compilation error',