blob: 55e9e64c17f907e73293f4485d930b25485327e1 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2020, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
part of dds;
class _DartDevelopmentService implements DartDevelopmentService {
) {
_clientManager = _ClientManager(this);
_expressionEvaluator = _ExpressionEvaluator(this);
_isolateManager = _IsolateManager(this);
_loggingRepository = _LoggingRepository();
_streamManager = _StreamManager(this);
_authCode = _authCodesEnabled ? _makeAuthToken() : '';
Future<void> startService() async {
// TODO(bkonyi): throw if we've already shutdown.
// Establish the connection to the VM service.
_vmServiceSocket = WebSocketChannel.connect(remoteVmServiceWsUri);
_vmServiceClient = _BinaryCompatiblePeer(_vmServiceSocket, _streamManager);
// Setup the JSON RPC client with the VM service.
unawaited(_vmServiceClient.listen().then((_) => shutdown()));
// Setup stream event handling.
await streamManager.listen();
// Populate initial isolate state.
await _isolateManager.initialize();
// Once we have a connection to the VM service, we're ready to spawn the intermediary.
await _startDDSServer();
Future<void> _startDDSServer() async {
// No provided address, bind to an available port on localhost.
// TODO(bkonyi): handle case where there's no IPv4 loopback.
final host = uri?.host ??;
final port = uri?.port ?? 0;
// Start the DDS server.
_server = await io.serve(
const Pipeline()
final tmpUri = Uri(
scheme: 'http',
host: host,
port: _server.port,
path: '$_authCode/',
// Notify the VM service that this client is DDS and that it should close
// and refuse connections from other clients. DDS is now acting in place of
// the VM service.
try {
await _vmServiceClient.sendRequest('_yieldControlToDDS', {
'uri': tmpUri.toString(),
} on json_rpc.RpcException catch (e) {
await _server.close(force: true);
// _yieldControlToDDS fails if DDS is not the only VM service client.
throw DartDevelopmentServiceException._(['details']);
_uri = tmpUri;
/// Stop accepting requests after gracefully handling existing requests.
Future<void> shutdown() async {
if (_done.isCompleted || _shuttingDown) {
// Already shutdown.
_shuttingDown = true;
// Don't accept anymore HTTP requests.
await _server?.close();
// Close connections to clients.
await clientManager.shutdown();
// Close connection to VM service.
await _vmServiceSocket.sink.close();
/// Generates a base64 authentication code that must be passed as the first
/// part of the request path. Used to prevent random connections from clients
/// watching the common service ports.
static String _makeAuthToken() {
final kTokenByteSize = 8;
final bytes = Uint8List(kTokenByteSize);
final random =;
for (int i = 0; i < kTokenByteSize; i++) {
bytes[i] = random.nextInt(256);
return base64Url.encode(bytes);
/// Shelf middleware to verify authentication tokens before processing a
/// request.
/// If authentication codes are enabled, a 403 response is returned if the
/// authentication code is not the first element of the request's path.
/// Otherwise, the request is forwarded to the first handler.
Handler _authCodeMiddleware(Handler innerHandler) => (Request request) {
if (_authCodesEnabled) {
final forbidden =
Response.forbidden('missing or invalid authentication code');
final pathSegments = request.url.pathSegments;
if (pathSegments.isEmpty) {
return forbidden;
final authToken = pathSegments[0];
if (authToken != _authCode) {
return forbidden;
// Creates a new request with the authentication code stripped from
// the request URI. This method doesn't behave as you might expect.
// Calling request.change(path: authToken) has the effect of changing
// the request's handler path from '/' to '/$authToken/' while also
// changing the request's url from '$authToken/restofpath/' to
// 'restofpath/'. The handler path is only used by shelf, so this
// operation has the effect of stripping the authentication code from
// the request.
request = request.change(path: authToken);
return innerHandler(request);
// Attempt to upgrade HTTP requests to a websocket before processing them as
// standard HTTP requests. The websocket handler will fail quickly if the
// request doesn't appear to be a websocket upgrade request.
Cascade _handlers() {
return Cascade()
Handler _webSocketHandler() => webSocketHandler((WebSocketChannel ws) {
final client = _DartDevelopmentServiceClient.fromWebSocket(
Handler _sseHandler() {
final handler = authCodesEnabled
? SseHandler(Uri.parse('/$_authCode/$_kSseHandlerPath'))
: SseHandler(Uri.parse('/$_kSseHandlerPath')); {
final client = _DartDevelopmentServiceClient.fromSSEConnection(
return handler.handler;
Handler _httpHandler() {
// DDS doesn't support any HTTP requests itself, so we just forward all of
// them to the VM service.
final cascade = Cascade().add(proxyHandler(remoteVmServiceUri));
return cascade.handler;
List<String> _cleanupPathSegments(Uri uri) {
final pathSegments = <String>[];
if (uri.pathSegments.isNotEmpty) {
// Strip out the empty string that appears at the end of path segments.
// Empty string elements will result in an extra '/' being added to the
// URI.
(s) => s.isNotEmpty,
return pathSegments;
Uri _toWebSocket(Uri uri) {
if (uri == null) {
return null;
final pathSegments = _cleanupPathSegments(uri);
return uri.replace(scheme: 'ws', pathSegments: pathSegments);
Uri _toSse(Uri uri) {
if (uri == null) {
return null;
final pathSegments = _cleanupPathSegments(uri);
return uri.replace(pathSegments: pathSegments);
String _getNamespace(_DartDevelopmentServiceClient client) =>
bool get authCodesEnabled => _authCodesEnabled;
final bool _authCodesEnabled;
String _authCode;
Uri get remoteVmServiceUri => _remoteVmServiceUri;
Uri get remoteVmServiceWsUri => _toWebSocket(_remoteVmServiceUri);
Uri _remoteVmServiceUri;
Uri get uri => _uri;
Uri get sseUri => _toSse(_uri);
Uri get wsUri => _toWebSocket(_uri);
Uri _uri;
bool get isRunning => _uri != null;
Future<void> get done => _done.future;
Completer _done = Completer<void>();
bool _shuttingDown = false;
_ClientManager get clientManager => _clientManager;
_ClientManager _clientManager;
_ExpressionEvaluator get expressionEvaluator => _expressionEvaluator;
_ExpressionEvaluator _expressionEvaluator;
_IsolateManager get isolateManager => _isolateManager;
_IsolateManager _isolateManager;
_LoggingRepository get loggingRepository => _loggingRepository;
_LoggingRepository _loggingRepository;
_StreamManager get streamManager => _streamManager;
_StreamManager _streamManager;
static const _kSseHandlerPath = '\$debugHandler';
json_rpc.Peer _vmServiceClient;
WebSocketChannel _vmServiceSocket;
HttpServer _server;