blob: 79e4233bd91949309c699257ca33e86f2be26ac0 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2020, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
part of dds;
/// Representation of a single DDS client which manages the connection and
/// DDS request intercepting / forwarding.
class _DartDevelopmentServiceClient {
factory _DartDevelopmentServiceClient.fromWebSocket(
DartDevelopmentService dds,
WebSocketChannel ws,
json_rpc.Peer vmServicePeer,
) =>
factory _DartDevelopmentServiceClient.fromSSEConnection(
DartDevelopmentService dds,
SseConnection sse,
json_rpc.Peer vmServicePeer,
) =>
json_rpc.Peer vmServicePeer,
) : _vmServicePeer = vmServicePeer {
_clientPeer = json_rpc.Peer(
// Manually create a StreamChannel<String> instead of calling
// .cast<String>() as cast() results in addStream() being called,
// binding the underlying sink. This results in a StateError being thrown
// if we try and add directly to the sink, which we do for binary events
// in _StreamManager's streamNotify().
StreamController(sync: true)
.listen((event) => connection.sink.add(event))
.onDone(() => connection.sink.close()),
strictProtocolChecks: false,
/// Start receiving JSON RPC requests from the client.
/// Returned future completes when the peer is closed.
Future<void> listen() => _clientPeer.listen().then(
(_) => dds.streamManager.clientDisconnect(this),
/// Close the connection to the client.
Future<void> close() async {
// Cleanup the JSON RPC server for this connection if DDS has shutdown.
await _clientPeer.close();
/// Send a JSON RPC notification to the client.
void sendNotification(String method, [dynamic parameters]) {
if (_clientPeer.isClosed) {
_clientPeer.sendNotification(method, parameters);
/// Send a JSON RPC request to the client.
Future<dynamic> sendRequest(String method, [dynamic parameters]) async {
if (_clientPeer.isClosed) {
return null;
return await _clientPeer.sendRequest(method, parameters);
/// Registers handlers for JSON RPC methods which need to be intercepted by
/// DDS as well as fallback request forwarder.
void _registerJsonRpcMethods() {
_clientPeer.registerMethod('streamListen', (parameters) async {
final streamId = parameters['streamId'].asString;
await dds.streamManager.streamListen(this, streamId);
return _RPCResponses.success;
_clientPeer.registerMethod('streamCancel', (parameters) async {
final streamId = parameters['streamId'].asString;
await dds.streamManager.streamCancel(this, streamId);
return _RPCResponses.success;
_clientPeer.registerMethod('registerService', (parameters) async {
final serviceId = parameters['service'].asString;
final alias = parameters['alias'].asString;
if (services.containsKey(serviceId)) {
throw _RpcErrorCodes.buildRpcException(
services[serviceId] = alias;
// Notify other clients that a new service extension is available.
return _RPCResponses.success;
(parameters) => {'type': 'ClientName', 'name': name},
(parameters) => dds.clientManager.setClientName(this, parameters),
(parameters) =>
dds.clientManager.requirePermissionToResume(this, parameters),
(parameters) => dds.isolateManager.resumeIsolate(this, parameters),
(parameters) => {
'type': 'Size',
'size': dds.loggingRepository.bufferSize,
_clientPeer.registerMethod('setLogHistorySize', (parameters) {
final size = parameters['size'].asInt;
if (size < 0) {
throw json_rpc.RpcException.invalidParams(
"'size' must be greater or equal to zero",
return _RPCResponses.success;
(parameters) async {
final ddsVersion = DartDevelopmentService.protocolVersion.split('.');
return <String, dynamic>{
'type': 'Version',
'major': int.parse(ddsVersion[0]),
'minor': int.parse(ddsVersion[1]),
_clientPeer.registerMethod('getSupportedProtocols', (parameters) async {
final Map<String, dynamic> supportedProtocols =
await _vmServicePeer.sendRequest('getSupportedProtocols');
final ddsVersion = DartDevelopmentService.protocolVersion.split('.');
final ddsProtocol = {
'protocolName': 'DDS',
'major': int.parse(ddsVersion[0]),
'minor': int.parse(ddsVersion[1]),
.cast<Map<String, dynamic>>()
return supportedProtocols;
// `evaluate` and `evaluateInFrame` actually consist of multiple RPC
// invocations, including a call to `compileExpression` which can be
// overridden by clients which provide their own implementation (e.g.,
// Flutter Tools). We handle all of this in [_ExpressionEvaluator].
// When invoked within a fallback, the next fallback will start executing.
// The final fallback forwards the request to the VM service directly.
nextFallback() => throw json_rpc.RpcException.methodNotFound('');
// Handle service extension invocations.
_clientPeer.registerFallback((parameters) async {
hasNamespace(String method) => method.contains('.');
getMethod(String method) => method.split('.').last;
getNamespace(String method) => method.split('.').first;
if (!hasNamespace(parameters.method)) {
// Lookup the client associated with the service extension's namespace.
// If the client exists and that client has registered the specified
// method, forward the request to that client.
final method = getMethod(parameters.method);
final namespace = getNamespace(parameters.method);
final serviceClient = dds.clientManager.clients[namespace];
if (serviceClient != null && {
return await Future.any(
// Forward the request to the service client or...
serviceClient.sendRequest(method, parameters.asMap).catchError((_) {
throw _RpcErrorCodes.buildRpcException(
}, test: (error) => error is StateError),
// if the service client closes, return an error response.
(_) => throw _RpcErrorCodes.buildRpcException(
throw json_rpc.RpcException(
'Unknown service: ${parameters.method}',
// Unless otherwise specified, the request is forwarded to the VM service.
// NOTE: This must be the last fallback registered.
_clientPeer.registerFallback((parameters) async =>
await _vmServicePeer.sendRequest(parameters.method, parameters.value));
static int _idCounter = 0;
final int _id = ++_idCounter;
/// The name given to the client upon its creation.
String get defaultClientName => 'client$_id';
/// The current name associated with this client.
String get name => _name;
// NOTE: this should not be called directly except from:
// - `_ClientManager._clearClientName`
// - `_ClientManager._setClientNameHelper`
set name(String n) => _name = n ?? defaultClientName;
String _name;
final _DartDevelopmentService dds;
final StreamChannel connection;
final Map<String, String> services = {};
final json_rpc.Peer _vmServicePeer;
json_rpc.Peer _clientPeer;