blob: 4df790fa5d0e24fe7fc4bba0e4101d2fe904c4e9 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2020, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:kernel/ast.dart';
import 'package:kernel/type_environment.dart'
show StaticTypeContext, SubtypeCheckMode, TypeEnvironment;
// Removes redundant type casts and reduces casts to null checks.
// Handles the following patterns:
// If S <: T (this includes S <: T? in weak mode)
// S x; x as T => x
// If S <: T? in strong mode
// S x; x as T => (x == null) ? x as T : x
TreeNode transformAsExpression(
AsExpression node, StaticTypeContext staticTypeContext, bool nullSafety) {
final DartType operandType = node.operand.getStaticType(staticTypeContext);
final env = staticTypeContext.typeEnvironment;
if (isRedundantTypeCast(node, operandType, env, nullSafety)) {
return node.operand;
if (canBeReducedToNullCheckAndCast(node, operandType, env, nullSafety)) {
// Transform 'x as T' to 'Let tmp = x in (tmp == null) ? tmp as T : tmp'.
final tmp =
VariableDeclaration(null, initializer: node.operand, type: operandType);
final dstType = node.type;
return Let(
VariableGet(tmp), Name('=='), Arguments([NullLiteral()])),
AsExpression(VariableGet(tmp), dstType)
..flags = node.flags
..fileOffset = node.fileOffset,
VariableGet(tmp, dstType),
return node;
// Returns true if type cast [node] which has operand of the given
// [operandStaticType] is redundant and can be removed (replaced with its
// operand).
bool isRedundantTypeCast(AsExpression node, DartType operandStaticType,
TypeEnvironment env, bool nullSafety) {
if (!_canBeTransformed(node)) {
return false;
return env.isSubtypeOf(
? SubtypeCheckMode.withNullabilities
: SubtypeCheckMode.ignoringNullabilities);
// Returns true if type cast [node] which has operand of the given
// [operandStaticType] can be reduced to the null-check-and-cast pattern
// 'Let tmp = [node.operand] in (tmp == null) ? tmp as T : tmp'.
bool canBeReducedToNullCheckAndCast(AsExpression node,
DartType operandStaticType, TypeEnvironment env, bool nullSafety) {
if (!_canBeTransformed(node)) {
return false;
final DartType dst = node.type;
if (nullSafety && dst.nullability != Nullability.nullable) {
final nullableDst = dst.withDeclaredNullability(Nullability.nullable);
return env.isSubtypeOf(
operandStaticType, nullableDst, SubtypeCheckMode.withNullabilities);
return false;
bool _canBeTransformed(AsExpression node) {
if (node.isCovarianceCheck) {
// Keep casts inserted by the front-end to ensure soundness of
// covariant types.
return false;
final DartType dst = node.type;
if (dst is DynamicType || dst is InvalidType) {
// Keep casts to dynamic as they have zero overhead but change
// the semantics of calls. Also keep invalid types.
return false;
return true;