blob: c764b0f7a16a01dd7961c2d6eddaaff3b6e27064 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2017, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:convert' show json;
import 'dart:io';
import 'package:args/args.dart';
import 'package:build_integration/file_system/multi_root.dart';
import 'package:cli_util/cli_util.dart' show getSdkPath;
import 'package:front_end/src/api_unstable/ddc.dart' as fe;
import 'package:kernel/binary/ast_to_binary.dart' as kernel show BinaryPrinter;
import 'package:kernel/class_hierarchy.dart';
import 'package:kernel/core_types.dart';
import 'package:kernel/kernel.dart' hide MapEntry;
import 'package:kernel/target/targets.dart';
import 'package:kernel/text/ast_to_text.dart' as kernel show Printer;
import 'package:path/path.dart' as p;
import 'package:source_maps/source_maps.dart' show SourceMapBuilder;
import '../compiler/js_names.dart' as js_ast;
import '../compiler/module_builder.dart';
import '../compiler/shared_command.dart';
import '../compiler/shared_compiler.dart';
import '../js_ast/js_ast.dart' as js_ast;
import '../js_ast/js_ast.dart' show js;
import '../js_ast/source_map_printer.dart' show SourceMapPrintingContext;
import 'compiler.dart';
import 'module_metadata.dart';
import 'target.dart';
const _binaryName = 'dartdevc -k';
// ignore_for_file: DEPRECATED_MEMBER_USE
/// Invoke the compiler with [args].
/// Returns `true` if the program compiled without any fatal errors.
Future<CompilerResult> compile(List<String> args,
{fe.InitializedCompilerState compilerState,
bool isWorker = false,
bool useIncrementalCompiler = false,
Map<Uri, List<int>> inputDigests}) async {
try {
return await _compile(args,
compilerState: compilerState,
isWorker: isWorker,
useIncrementalCompiler: useIncrementalCompiler,
inputDigests: inputDigests);
} catch (error, stackTrace) {
We're sorry, you've found a bug in our compiler.
You can report this bug at:
Please include the information below in your report, along with
any other information that may help us track it down. Thanks!
-------------------- %< --------------------
$_binaryName arguments: ${args.join(' ')}
dart --version: ${Platform.version}
return CompilerResult(70);
String _usageMessage(ArgParser ddcArgParser) =>
'The Dart Development Compiler compiles Dart sources into a JavaScript '
'Usage: $_binaryName [options...] <sources...>\n\n'
Future<CompilerResult> _compile(List<String> args,
{fe.InitializedCompilerState compilerState,
bool isWorker = false,
bool useIncrementalCompiler = false,
Map<Uri, List<int>> inputDigests}) async {
// TODO(jmesserly): refactor options to share code with dartdevc CLI.
var argParser = ArgParser(allowTrailingOptions: true)
abbr: 'h', help: 'Display this message.', negatable: false)
..addOption('packages', help: 'The package spec file to use.')
// TODO(jmesserly): is this still useful for us, or can we remove it now?
help: 'Emit API summary in a .js.txt file.',
defaultsTo: false,
hide: true)
help: 'Enable inspecting of Flutter widgets.', hide: true)
// TODO(jmesserly): add verbose help to show hidden options
help: 'The path to the Dart SDK summary file.', hide: true)
help: 'The directories to search when encountering uris with the '
'specified multi-root scheme.',
defaultsTo: [Uri.base.path])
help: '(unsupported with --kernel) path to the Dart SDK.', hide: true)
help: 'Build an SDK module.', defaultsTo: false, hide: true)
help: 'The path to the libraries.json file for the sdk.')
help: 'If set, the file to record inputs used.', hide: true)
abbr: 'k',
help: 'Deprecated and ignored. To be removed in a future release.',
hide: true);
var declaredVariables = parseAndRemoveDeclaredVariables(args);
ArgResults argResults;
try {
argResults = argParser.parse(filterUnknownArguments(args, argParser));
} on FormatException catch (error) {
if (args.any((arg) => arg.contains('ddc_sdk.sum'))) {
print('Compiling with analyzer based DDC is no longer supported.\n');
print('The most likely reason you are seeing this message is due to an '
'old version of build_web_compilers.');
print('Update your package pubspec.yaml to depend on a newer version of '
' build_web_compilers: ^2.0.0\n');
return CompilerResult(64);
return CompilerResult(64);
var outPaths = argResults['out'] as List<String>;
var moduleFormats = parseModuleFormatOption(argResults);
if (outPaths.isEmpty) {
print('Please specify the output file location. For example:\n'
return CompilerResult(64);
} else if (outPaths.length != moduleFormats.length) {
print('Number of output files (${outPaths.length}) must match '
'number of module formats (${moduleFormats.length}).');
return CompilerResult(64);
if (argResults['help'] as bool || args.isEmpty) {
return CompilerResult(0);
// To make the output .dill agnostic of the current working directory,
// we use a custom-uri scheme for all app URIs (these are files outside the
// lib folder). The following [FileSystem] will resolve those references to
// the correct location and keeps the real file location hidden from the
// front end.
var multiRootScheme = argResults['multi-root-scheme'] as String;
var multiRootPaths = (argResults['multi-root'] as Iterable<String>)
var multiRootOutputPath = argResults['multi-root-output-path'] as String;
if (multiRootOutputPath == null) {
if (outPaths.length > 1) {
'If multiple output files (found ${outPaths.length}) are specified, '
'then --multi-root-output-path must be explicitly provided.');
return CompilerResult(64);
var jsOutputUri = sourcePathToUri(p.absolute(outPaths.first));
multiRootOutputPath = _longestPrefixingPath(jsOutputUri, multiRootPaths);
var fileSystem = MultiRootFileSystem(
multiRootScheme, multiRootPaths, fe.StandardFileSystem.instance);
Uri toCustomUri(Uri uri) {
if (uri.scheme == '') {
return Uri(scheme: multiRootScheme, path: '/' + uri.path);
return uri;
// TODO(jmesserly): this is a workaround for the CFE, which does not
// understand relative URIs, and we'd like to avoid absolute file URIs
// being placed in the summary if possible.
// TODO(jmesserly): investigate if Analyzer has a similar issue.
Uri sourcePathToCustomUri(String source) {
return toCustomUri(sourcePathToRelativeUri(source));
var options = SharedCompilerOptions.fromArguments(argResults);
var summaryPaths = options.summaryModules.keys.toList();
var summaryModules = Map.fromIterables(, options.summaryModules.values);
var sdkSummaryPath = argResults['dart-sdk-summary'] as String;
var librarySpecPath = argResults['libraries-file'] as String;
if (sdkSummaryPath == null) {
sdkSummaryPath =
defaultSdkSummaryPath(soundNullSafety: options.soundNullSafety);
librarySpecPath ??= defaultLibrarySpecPath;
var invalidSummary = summaryPaths.any((s) => !s.endsWith('.dill')) ||
if (invalidSummary) {
throw StateError('Non-dill file detected in input: $summaryPaths');
var inputs = [for (var arg in sourcePathToCustomUri(arg)];
if (inputs.length == 1 && inputs.single.path.endsWith('.dill')) {
return compileSdkFromDill(args);
if (librarySpecPath == null) {
// TODO(jmesserly): the `isSupported` bit should be included in the SDK
// summary, but front_end requires a separate file, so we have to work
// around that, while not requiring yet another command line option.
// Right now we search two locations: one level above the SDK summary
// (this works for the build and SDK layouts) or next to the SDK summary
// (if the user is doing something custom).
// Another option: we could make an in-memory file with the relevant info.
librarySpecPath =
p.join(p.dirname(p.dirname(sdkSummaryPath)), 'libraries.json');
if (!File(librarySpecPath).existsSync()) {
librarySpecPath = p.join(p.dirname(sdkSummaryPath), 'libraries.json');
/// The .packages file path provided by the user.
// TODO(jmesserly): the default location is based on the current working
// directory, to match the behavior of dartanalyzer/dartdevc. However the
// Dart VM, CFE (and dart2js?) use the script file location instead. The
// difference may be due to the lack of a single entry point for Analyzer.
// Ultimately this is just the default behavior; in practice users call DDC
// through a build tool, which generally passes in `--packages=`.
// TODO(jmesserly): conceptually CFE should not need a .packages file to
// resolve package URIs that are in the input summaries, but it seems to.
// This needs further investigation.
var packageFile = argResults['packages'] as String ?? _findPackagesFilePath();
var succeeded = true;
void diagnosticMessageHandler(fe.DiagnosticMessage message) {
if (message.severity == fe.Severity.error) {
succeeded = false;
fe.printDiagnosticMessage(message, print);
var experiments = fe.parseExperimentalFlags(options.experiments,
onError: stderr.writeln, onWarning: print);
var trackWidgetCreation =
argResults['track-widget-creation'] as bool ?? false;
var compileSdk = argResults['compile-sdk'] == true;
var oldCompilerState = compilerState;
List<Component> doneAdditionalDills;
fe.IncrementalCompiler incrementalCompiler;
fe.WorkerInputComponent cachedSdkInput;
var recordUsedInputs = argResults['used-inputs-file'] != null;
var additionalDills = summaryModules.keys.toList();
if (!useIncrementalCompiler) {
compilerState = await fe.initializeCompiler(
compileSdk ? null : sourcePathToUri(sdkSummaryPath),
trackWidgetCreation: trackWidgetCreation,
enableNullSafety: options.enableNullSafety)),
fileSystem: fileSystem,
experiments: experiments,
environmentDefines: declaredVariables,
options.soundNullSafety ? fe.NnbdMode.Strong : fe.NnbdMode.Weak);
} else {
// If digests weren't given and if not in worker mode, create fake data and
// ensure we don't have a previous state (as that wouldn't be safe with
// fake input digests).
if (!isWorker && (inputDigests == null || inputDigests.isEmpty)) {
oldCompilerState = null;
inputDigests ??= {};
if (!compileSdk) {
inputDigests[sourcePathToUri(sdkSummaryPath)] = const [0];
for (var uri in summaryModules.keys) {
inputDigests[uri] = const [0];
doneAdditionalDills = List<Component>(summaryModules.length);
compilerState = await fe.initializeIncrementalCompiler(
compileSdk ? null : sourcePathToUri(sdkSummaryPath),
trackWidgetCreation: trackWidgetCreation,
enableNullSafety: options.enableNullSafety)),
fileSystem: fileSystem,
experiments: experiments,
environmentDefines: declaredVariables,
trackNeededDillLibraries: recordUsedInputs,
options.soundNullSafety ? fe.NnbdMode.Strong : fe.NnbdMode.Weak);
incrementalCompiler = compilerState.incrementalCompiler;
cachedSdkInput =
// TODO(jmesserly): is there a cleaner way to do this?
// Ideally we'd manage our own batch compilation caching rather than rely on
// `initializeCompiler`. Also we should be able to pass down Components for
// SDK and summaries.
fe.DdcResult result;
if (!useIncrementalCompiler) {
result = await fe.compile(compilerState, inputs, diagnosticMessageHandler);
} else {
compilerState.options.onDiagnostic = diagnosticMessageHandler;
var incrementalComponent = await incrementalCompiler.computeDelta(
entryPoints: inputs, fullComponent: true);
result = fe.DdcResult(incrementalComponent, cachedSdkInput.component,
doneAdditionalDills, incrementalCompiler.userCode.loader.hierarchy);
compilerState.options.onDiagnostic = null; // See
if (result == null || !succeeded) {
return CompilerResult(1, kernelState: compilerState);
var component = result.component;
var librariesFromDill = result.computeLibrariesFromDill();
var compiledLibraries =
Component(nameRoot: component.root, uriToSource: component.uriToSource);
for (var lib in component.libraries) {
if (!librariesFromDill.contains(lib)) compiledLibraries.libraries.add(lib);
// Output files can be written in parallel, so collect the futures.
var outFiles = <Future>[];
if (argResults['summarize'] as bool) {
if (outPaths.length > 1) {
'If multiple output files (found ${outPaths.length}) are specified, '
'the --summarize option is not supported.');
return CompilerResult(64);
// TODO(jmesserly): CFE mutates the Kernel tree, so we can't save the dill
// file if we successfully reused a cached library. If compiler state is
// unchanged, it means we used the cache.
// In that case, we need to unbind canonical names, because they could be
// bound already from the previous compile.
if (identical(compilerState, oldCompilerState)) {
var sink = File(p.withoutExtension(outPaths.first) + '.dill').openWrite();
// TODO(jmesserly): this appears to save external libraries.
// Do we need to run them through an outlining step so they can be saved?
outFiles.add(sink.flush().then((_) => sink.close()));
if (argResults['summarize-text'] as bool) {
if (outPaths.length > 1) {
'If multiple output files (found ${outPaths.length}) are specified, '
'the --summarize-text option is not supported.');
return CompilerResult(64);
var sb = StringBuffer();
outFiles.add(File(outPaths.first + '.txt').writeAsString(sb.toString()));
final importToSummary = Map<Library, Component>.identity();
final summaryToModule = Map<Component, String>.identity();
for (var i = 0; i < result.additionalDills.length; i++) {
var additionalDill = result.additionalDills[i];
var moduleImport = summaryModules[additionalDills[i]];
for (var l in additionalDill.libraries) {
importToSummary[l] = additionalDill;
summaryToModule[additionalDill] = moduleImport;
var compiler = ProgramCompiler(component, result.classHierarchy, options,
importToSummary, summaryToModule);
var jsModule = compiler.emitModule(compiledLibraries);
// Also the old Analyzer backend had some code to make debugging better when
// --single-out-file is used, but that option does not appear to be used by
// any of our build systems.
for (var i = 0; i < outPaths.length; ++i) {
var output = outPaths[i];
var moduleFormat = moduleFormats[i];
var file = File(output);
await file.parent.create(recursive: true);
var mapUrl = p.toUri('$').toString();
var jsCode = jsProgramToCode(jsModule, moduleFormat,
buildSourceMap: options.sourceMap,
inlineSourceMap: options.inlineSourceMap,
emitDebugMetadata: options.emitDebugMetadata,
jsUrl: p.toUri(output).toString(),
mapUrl: mapUrl,
customScheme: multiRootScheme,
multiRootOutputPath: multiRootOutputPath,
component: compiledLibraries);
if (jsCode.sourceMap != null) {
if (jsCode.metadata != null) {
if (recordUsedInputs) {
var usedOutlines = <Uri>{};
if (useIncrementalCompiler) {
.updateNeededDillLibrariesWithHierarchy(result.classHierarchy, null);
for (var lib in compilerState.incrementalCompiler.neededDillLibraries) {
if (lib.importUri.scheme == 'dart') continue;
var uri = compilerState.libraryToInputDill[lib.importUri];
if (uri == null) {
throw StateError('Library ${lib.importUri} was recorded as used, '
'but was not in the list of known libraries.');
} else {
// Used inputs wasn't recorded: Say we used everything.
var outputUsedFile = File(argResults['used-inputs-file'] as String);
outputUsedFile.createSync(recursive: true);
await Future.wait(outFiles);
return CompilerResult(0, kernelState: compilerState);
// A simplified entrypoint similar to `_compile` that only supports building the
// sdk. Note that some changes in `_compile_` might need to be copied here as
// well.
// TODO(sigmund): refactor the underlying pieces to reduce the code duplication.
Future<CompilerResult> compileSdkFromDill(List<String> args) async {
var argParser = ArgParser(allowTrailingOptions: true);
ArgResults argResults;
try {
argResults = argParser.parse(filterUnknownArguments(args, argParser));
} on FormatException catch (error) {
return CompilerResult(64);
var inputs =;
if (inputs.length != 1) {
print('Only a single input file is supported to compile the sdk from dill'
'but found: \n${inputs.join('\n')}');
return CompilerResult(64);
if (!inputs.single.endsWith('.dill')) {
print('Input must be a .dill file: ${inputs.single}');
return CompilerResult(64);
var outPaths = argResults['out'] as List<String>;
var moduleFormats = parseModuleFormatOption(argResults);
if (outPaths.isEmpty) {
print('Please specify the output file location. For example:\n'
return CompilerResult(64);
} else if (outPaths.length != moduleFormats.length) {
print('Number of output files (${outPaths.length}) must match '
'number of module formats (${moduleFormats.length}).');
return CompilerResult(64);
var component = loadComponentFromBinary(inputs.single);
var invalidLibraries = <Uri>[];
for (var library in component.libraries) {
if (library.importUri.scheme != 'dart') {
if (invalidLibraries.isNotEmpty) {
print('Only the SDK libraries can be compiled from .dill but found:\n'
return CompilerResult(64);
var coreTypes = CoreTypes(component);
var hierarchy = ClassHierarchy(component, coreTypes);
var multiRootScheme = argResults['multi-root-scheme'] as String;
var multiRootOutputPath = argResults['multi-root-output-path'] as String;
var options = SharedCompilerOptions.fromArguments(argResults);
var compiler = ProgramCompiler(
component, hierarchy, options, const {}, const {},
coreTypes: coreTypes);
var jsModule = compiler.emitModule(component);
var outFiles = <Future>[];
// Also the old Analyzer backend had some code to make debugging better when
// --single-out-file is used, but that option does not appear to be used by
// any of our build systems.
for (var i = 0; i < outPaths.length; ++i) {
var output = outPaths[i];
var moduleFormat = moduleFormats[i];
var file = File(output);
await file.parent.create(recursive: true);
var jsCode = jsProgramToCode(jsModule, moduleFormat,
buildSourceMap: options.sourceMap,
inlineSourceMap: options.inlineSourceMap,
jsUrl: p.toUri(output).toString(),
mapUrl: p.toUri(output + '.map').toString(),
customScheme: multiRootScheme,
multiRootOutputPath: multiRootOutputPath,
component: component);
if (jsCode.sourceMap != null) {
File(output + '.map').writeAsString(json.encode(jsCode.sourceMap)));
return CompilerResult(0);
// Compute code size to embed in the generated JavaScript
// for this module. Return `null` to indicate when size could not be properly
// computed for this module.
int _computeDartSize(Component component) {
var dartSize = 0;
var uriToSource = component.uriToSource;
for (var lib in component.libraries) {
var libUri = lib.fileUri;
var importUri = lib.importUri;
var source = uriToSource[libUri];
if (source == null) return null;
dartSize += source.source.length;
for (var part in {
var partUri = part.partUri;
if (partUri.startsWith(importUri.scheme)) {
// Convert to a relative-to-library uri in order to compute a file uri.
partUri = p.relative(partUri, from: p.dirname('${lib.importUri}'));
var fileUri = libUri.resolve(partUri);
var partSource = uriToSource[fileUri];
if (partSource == null) return null;
dartSize += partSource.source.length;
return dartSize;
/// The output of compiling a JavaScript module in a particular format.
/// This was copied from module_compiler.dart class "JSModuleCode".
class JSCode {
/// The JavaScript code for this module.
/// If a [sourceMap] is available, this will include the `sourceMappingURL`
/// comment at end of the file.
final String code;
/// The JSON of the source map, if generated, otherwise `null`.
/// The source paths will initially be absolute paths. They can be adjusted
/// using [placeSourceMap].
final Map sourceMap;
/// Module and library information
/// The [metadata] is a contract between compiler and the debugger,
/// helping the debugger map between libraries, modules, source paths.
/// see:
final ModuleMetadata metadata;
JSCode(this.code, this.sourceMap, {this.metadata});
/// Converts [moduleTree] to [JSCode], using [format].
/// See [placeSourceMap] for a description of [sourceMapBase], [customScheme],
/// and [multiRootOutputPath] arguments.
JSCode jsProgramToCode(js_ast.Program moduleTree, ModuleFormat format,
{bool buildSourceMap = false,
bool inlineSourceMap = false,
bool emitDebugMetadata = false,
String jsUrl,
String mapUrl,
String sourceMapBase,
String customScheme,
String multiRootOutputPath,
Component component}) {
var opts = js_ast.JavaScriptPrintingOptions(
allowKeywordsInProperties: true, allowSingleLineIfStatements: true);
js_ast.SimpleJavaScriptPrintingContext printer;
SourceMapBuilder sourceMap;
if (buildSourceMap) {
var sourceMapContext = SourceMapPrintingContext();
sourceMap = sourceMapContext.sourceMap;
printer = sourceMapContext;
} else {
printer = js_ast.SimpleJavaScriptPrintingContext();
var tree = transformModuleFormat(format, moduleTree);
js_ast.Printer(opts, printer, localNamer: js_ast.TemporaryNamer(tree)));
Map builtMap;
if (buildSourceMap && sourceMap != null) {
builtMap = placeSourceMap(, mapUrl, customScheme,
multiRootOutputPath: multiRootOutputPath, sourceMapBase: sourceMapBase);
var jsDir = p.dirname(p.fromUri(jsUrl));
var relative = p.relative(p.fromUri(mapUrl), from: jsDir);
var relativeMapUrl = p.toUri(relative).toString();
assert(p.dirname(jsUrl) == p.dirname(mapUrl));
printer.emit('\n//# sourceMappingURL=');
var text = printer.getText();
var encodedMap = json.encode(builtMap);
var rawSourceMap =
inlineSourceMap ? js.escapedString(encodedMap, "'").value : 'null';
text = text.replaceFirst(SharedCompiler.sourceMapLocationID, rawSourceMap);
// This is intended to be used by our build/debug tools to gather metrics.
// See pkg/dev_compiler/lib/js/legacy/dart_library.js for runtime code that
// reads this.
// These keys (see corresponding logic in dart_library.js) include:
// - dartSize: <size of Dart input code in bytes>
// - sourceMapSize: <size of JS source map in bytes>
// TODO(vsm): Ideally, this information is never sent to the browser. I.e.,
// our runtime metrics gathering would obtain this information from the
// compilation server, not the browser. We don't yet have the infra for that.
var compileTimeStatistics = {
'dartSize': component != null ? _computeDartSize(component) : null,
'sourceMapSize': encodedMap.length
text = text.replaceFirst(
SharedCompiler.metricsLocationID, '$compileTimeStatistics');
var debugMetadata = emitDebugMetadata
? _emitMetadata(moduleTree, component, mapUrl, jsUrl)
: null;
return JSCode(text, builtMap, metadata: debugMetadata);
ModuleMetadata _emitMetadata(js_ast.Program program, Component component,
String sourceMapUri, String moduleUri) {
var metadata = ModuleMetadata(, loadFunctionName(, sourceMapUri, moduleUri);
for (var lib in component.libraries) {
[ => p.partUri)]));
return metadata;
/// Parses Dart's non-standard `-Dname=value` syntax for declared variables,
/// and removes them from [args] so the result can be parsed normally.
Map<String, String> parseAndRemoveDeclaredVariables(List<String> args) {
var declaredVariables = <String, String>{};
for (var i = 0; i < args.length;) {
var arg = args[i];
if (arg.startsWith('-D') && arg.length > 2) {
var rest = arg.substring(2);
var eq = rest.indexOf('=');
if (eq <= 0) {
var kind = eq == 0 ? 'name' : 'value';
throw FormatException('no $kind given to -D option `$arg`');
var name = rest.substring(0, eq);
var value = rest.substring(eq + 1);
declaredVariables[name] = value;
} else {
// Add platform defined variables
return declaredVariables;
/// The default path of the kernel summary for the Dart SDK given the
/// [soundNullSafety] mode.
String defaultSdkSummaryPath({bool soundNullSafety}) {
var outlineDill = soundNullSafety ? 'ddc_outline_sound.dill' : 'ddc_sdk.dill';
return p.join(getSdkPath(), 'lib', '_internal', outlineDill);
final defaultLibrarySpecPath = p.join(getSdkPath(), 'lib', 'libraries.json');
/// Returns the absolute path to the default `.packages` file, or `null` if one
/// could not be found.
/// Checks for a `.packages` file in the current working directory, or in any
/// parent directory.
String _findPackagesFilePath() {
// TODO(jmesserly): this was copied from package:package_config/discovery.dart
// Unfortunately the relevant function is not public. CFE APIs require a URI
// to the .packages file, rather than letting us provide the package map data.
var dir = Directory.current;
if (!dir.isAbsolute) dir = dir.absolute;
if (!dir.existsSync()) return null;
// Check for $cwd/.packages
while (true) {
var file = File(p.join(dir.path, '.packages'));
if (file.existsSync()) return file.path;
// If we didn't find it, search the parent directory.
// Stop the search if we're already at the root.
var parent = dir.parent;
if (dir.path == parent.path) return null;
dir = parent;
/// Inputs must be absolute paths. Returns null if no prefixing path is found.
String _longestPrefixingPath(Uri baseUri, List<Uri> prefixingPaths) {
var basePath = baseUri.path;
return prefixingPaths.fold(null, (String previousValue, Uri element) {
if (basePath.startsWith(element.path) &&
(previousValue == null || previousValue.length < element.path.length)) {
return element.path;
return previousValue;