blob: 5cbbb77ea99a0c45e7d33a4fc4d5ba2cfafcdcdb [file] [log] [blame]
(* Copyright (c) 2017, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
* for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
* BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file. *)
Require Import Coq.Lists.SetoidList.
Require Import Coq.Init.Wf.
Require Import Omega.
Require Import Common.
Require Import Syntax.
Require Import ObjectModel.
Require Import OperationalSemantics.
Import Common.NatMapFacts.
Import Common.MoreNatMapFacts.
Import ObjectModel.Subtyping.
Section OperationalSemanticsSpec.
(** The well-formedness hypothesis is that the environments are built via
[lib_to_env] function from the object model module. [program_wf] theorem
defined there provides the rest of the well-formedness properties. *)
Variable L : library.
Variable CE : class_env.
Variable ME : member_env.
Hypothesis program_wf_hyp: lib_to_env L = (CE, ME).
(** Auxiliary well-formedness hypothesis that should be a corollary of
[program_wf_hyp], but requires additional facts about the object model to be
proven. *)
Inductive ref_in_intf : nat -> interface -> Prop :=
| RI_Method :
forall ref proc_desc intf,
List.In proc_desc (procedures intf) ->
ref_in_dart_type ref (DT_Function_Type (pr_type proc_desc)) ->
ref_in_intf ref intf
| RI_Getter :
forall ref get_desc intf,
List.In get_desc (getters intf) ->
ref_in_dart_type ref (gt_type get_desc) ->
ref_in_intf ref intf.
Hypothesis intf_refs_wf:
forall class_id intf ref,
NatMap.MapsTo class_id intf CE ->
ref_in_intf ref intf ->
NatMap.In ref CE.
(** Yet another hypothesis about well-formedness of getters. *)
Hypothesis program_getters_wf:
forall class_id intf get_desc,
NatMap.MapsTo class_id intf CE ->
List.In get_desc (getters intf) ->
NatMap.In (gt_ref get_desc) ME.
Lemma runtime_value_interface_procedures_wf :
forall val intf type_opt proc_desc,
value_of_type CE ME val intf type_opt ->
List.In proc_desc (procedures intf) ->
NatMap.In (pr_ref proc_desc) ME.
intros. destruct H.
(* Case 1. Value of Interface Type. *)
pose proof (program_wf L CE ME class_id intf proc_desc program_wf_hyp).
apply H3.
apply NatMapFacts.find_mapsto_iff. auto.
(* Case 2. Value of Function Type. *)
rewrite H in H0.
pose proof (List.in_inv H0).
destruct H4.
rewrite <- H4. simpl. apply MoreNatMapFacts.maps_in_mapsto.
apply MoreNatMapFacts.maps_mapsto_in. exists (M_Procedure proc).
pose proof (List.in_nil H4). contradiction.
(* Case 3. Null Value. *)
rewrite H in H0. pose proof (List.in_nil H0). contradiction.
Lemma method_exists_desc :
forall type name,
method_exists CE ME type name ->
(* TODO(dmitryas): Replace `value_of_type` here with a relation that binds
together the interface and the type, avoiding the construction of the
value. *)
exists intf desc,
(value_of_type CE ME (mk_runtime_value type) intf type /\
List.In desc (procedures intf) /\
((pr_name desc) = name)%string).
intros. destruct H; (
(* Cases of Interface Type and Function Type are analogous. *)
exists intf, desc; split; auto
Lemma subtype_means_equals :
forall type_pair, subtype type_pair = true -> fst type_pair = snd type_pair.
apply well_founded_ind with (R := pair_size_order) (a := type_pair).
apply pair_size_order_wf.
assert ((fst x) <: (snd x)).
destruct x. simpl. auto.
destruct (fst x) eqn:?. destruct (snd x) eqn:?.
(* t1 : Interface Type, t2 : Interface Type. *)
apply N.eqb_eq in H1. rewrite H1. reflexivity.
(* t1 : Interface Type, t2 : Function Type. *)
destruct (snd x) eqn :?.
(* t1 : Function Type, t2 : Interface Type. *)
(* t1 : Function Type, t2 : Function Type. *)
apply andb_true_iff in H1. destruct H1.
assert (d = d1).
apply H with (y := (d, d1)).
unfold pair_size_order. destruct x.
simpl in Heqd. simpl in Heqd0. rewrite Heqd, Heqd0.
unfold pair_size. simpl.
assert (d2 = d0).
apply H with (y := (d2, d0)).
unfold pair_size_order. destruct x.
simpl in Heqd. simpl in Heqd0. rewrite Heqd, Heqd0.
unfold pair_size. simpl.
rewrite H3, H4.
Lemma structural_subtype_methods :
forall type1 type2 name,
method_exists CE ME (Some type1) name ->
type2 <: type1 ->
method_exists CE ME (Some type2) name.
apply subtype_means_equals in H0. simpl in H0. rewrite H0. auto.
Lemma structural_subtype_getters :
forall type1 type2 name,
getter_exists CE ME (Some type1) name ->
type2 <: type1 ->
getter_exists CE ME (Some type2) name.
apply subtype_means_equals in H0. simpl in H0. rewrite H0. auto.
Theorem step_configuration_wf :
forall conf1, configuration_wf CE ME conf1 ->
exists conf2, step CE ME conf1 conf2.
(* Construct the second configuration from the preconditions of
well-formedness of the first configuration. *)
destruct H.
(* Case 1. Eval Variable Get. *)
unfold env_in in H.
destruct (
(fun entry : env_entry => Nat.eqb var (var_ref entry))
) eqn:?; try contradiction.
exists (Value_Passing_Configuration ret_cont (value e)).
unfold env_get. auto.
(* Case 2. Eval Method Invocation. *)
(Eval_Configuration rcvr_expr env
(Method_Invocation_Ek name arg_expr env ret_cont)
constructor. auto.
(* Case 3. Eval Property Get. *)
(Eval_Configuration rcvr_expr env
(Property_Get_Ek name ret_cont)
constructor. auto.
(* Case 4. Eval Constructor Invocation. *)
pose proof (MoreNatMapFacts.maps_in_mapsto interface CE class_id H).
destruct H0 as (intf & H1).
set (type := DT_Interface_Type (Interface_Type class_id)).
set (new_val := mk_runtime_value (Some type)).
exists (Value_Passing_Configuration ret_cont new_val).
constructor 14 with (intf := intf) (type_opt := Some type); try auto.
constructor 1 with (class_id := class_id); try (simpl; auto).
apply NatMapFacts.find_mapsto_iff. auto.
(* Case 6. Exec Variable Declaration with Initializer. *)
(Eval_Configuration init_expr env
(Var_Declaration_Ek var var_type env next_cont)
constructor. auto.
(* Case 7. Exec Variable Declaration without Initializer. *)
set (null_val := mk_runtime_value None).
set (env' := env_extend var var_type null_val env).
exists (Forward_Configuration next_cont env').
constructor 15 with (null_val := null_val).
constructor 3. simpl. congruence.
simpl. congruence.
trivial. trivial.
(* Case 8. Exec Return Statement. *)
exists (Eval_Configuration expr env ret_cont).
(* Case 9. Exec Expression Statement. *)
(Eval_Configuration expr env
(Expression_Ek env ret_cont next_cont)
constructor. auto.
(* Case 10. Exec Block. *)
destruct stmts eqn:?.
(* Case 10.1. Exec Empty Block. *)
exists (Forward_Configuration next_cont env).
(* Case 10.2. Exec Non-Empty Block. *)
exists (Exec_Configuration s env ret_cont
(Block_Sk l env ret_cont next_cont)).
(* Case 11. Pass Value to MethodInvocationEK. *)
(Eval_Configuration arg_expr env
(Invocation_Ek rcvr_val name env ret_cont)
constructor 9 with (rcvr_type := rcvr_type). auto. auto.
(* Case 12. Pass Value to InvocationEK. *)
pose proof (method_exists_desc (runtime_type rcvr_val) name H).
destruct H0 as (intf & desc & H1). destruct H1. destruct H1.
pose proof
(mk_runtime_value (runtime_type rcvr_val))
intf (runtime_type rcvr_val) desc H0).
pose proof (H3 H1).
apply MoreNatMapFacts.maps_in_mapsto in H4.
destruct H4 as (mbr & H5). destruct mbr eqn:?. destruct p eqn:?.
destruct f eqn:?. destruct v eqn:?.
set (env' := env_extend n0 d0 arg_val empty_env).
set (null_val := mk_runtime_value None).
set (next_cont := Exit_Sk ret_cont null_val).
exists (Exec_Configuration s env' ret_cont next_cont).
constructor 10 with
(rcvr_intf := intf)
(rcvr_type_opt := (runtime_type rcvr_val))
(proc_desc := desc)
(func_node := f)
(var_id := n0)
(var_type := d0)
(var_init := o)
(ret_type := d)
(null_val := null_val)
(memb_data := m)
(named_data := n).
destruct rcvr_val. simpl. simpl in H0. auto.
rewrite Heqf0; auto.
constructor; simpl; congruence.
(* Case 13. Pass Value to PropertyGetEK. *)
set (type := runtime_type rcvr_val).
assert (mk_runtime_value type = rcvr_val).
destruct rcvr_val. subst type. simpl. congruence.
destruct H0.
destruct (gt_type desc) eqn:?.
(* Case 13.1. Getting a Value of Interface Type from a Value of Interface
Type. *)
assert (runtime_type rcvr_val = type).
rewrite <- H1. simpl. auto.
subst type. rewrite H1 in H2. rewrite H0 in H2.
destruct H2 eqn:?;
try (rewrite e1 in H5; rewrite H0 in H5; discriminate H5).
assert (type0 = type).
rewrite e1 in H5. injection H5. intros. auto.
destruct i eqn:?.
assert (NatMap.In n CE).
apply intf_refs_wf with (class_id := class_id0) (intf := intf) (ref := n).
apply NatMapFacts.find_mapsto_iff. auto.
constructor 2 with (get_desc := desc).
rewrite Heqd. constructor.
pose proof (MoreNatMapFacts.maps_in_mapsto interface CE n H7).
destruct H8 as (el & H9).
set (ret_type := DT_Interface_Type (Interface_Type n)).
set (ret_intf := el).
set (ret_val := mk_runtime_value (Some ret_type)).
exists (Value_Passing_Configuration ret_cont ret_val).
constructor 12 with
(rcvr_intf := intf)
(rcvr_type_opt := Some type)
(memb_id := gt_ref desc)
(ret_intf := ret_intf)
(ret_type := ret_type).
set (get_desc_alt := mk_getter_desc name (gt_ref desc) ret_type).
assert (desc = get_desc_alt).
destruct desc. subst get_desc_alt. simpl.
simpl in H4. rewrite H4.
simpl in Heqd. rewrite Heqd. subst ret_type.
rewrite <- H8.
constructor 1 with (class_id := n).
apply NatMapFacts.find_mapsto_iff. subst ret_intf. auto.
simpl. congruence.
(* Case 13.2. Getting a Value of Function Type from a Value of Interface
Type. *)
set (ret_type := DT_Function_Type f).
set (ret_intf := mk_interface
((mk_procedure_desc "call" (gt_ref desc) f) :: nil)
((mk_getter_desc "call" (gt_ref desc) (DT_Function_Type f)) :: nil)).
set (ret_val := mk_runtime_value (Some ret_type)).
assert (runtime_type rcvr_val = Some type0).
subst type. rewrite <- H1. simpl. auto.
subst type. rewrite H1 in H2. rewrite H0 in H2.
destruct H2 eqn:?;
try (rewrite e1 in H5; rewrite H0 in H5; discriminate H5).
assert (type0 = type).
rewrite e1 in H5. injection H5. intros. auto.
assert (class_id0 = class_id).
rewrite e in H6. rewrite H0 in H6.
injection H6. intros. auto.
exists (Value_Passing_Configuration ret_cont ret_val).
constructor 12 with
(rcvr_intf := intf)
(rcvr_type_opt := Some type)
(memb_id := gt_ref desc)
(ret_intf := ret_intf)
(ret_type := ret_type).
constructor 1 with (class_id := class_id0); auto.
set (get_desc_alt := mk_getter_desc name (gt_ref desc) ret_type).
assert (desc = get_desc_alt).
destruct desc. subst get_desc_alt. simpl.
simpl in H4. rewrite H4.
simpl in Heqd. rewrite Heqd. subst ret_type.
rewrite <- H8. auto.
clear Heqv.
destruct H2;
try (rewrite e1 in H5; rewrite H0 in H5; discriminate H5).
apply NatMapFacts.find_mapsto_iff in e0.
pose proof (program_getters_wf class_id0 intf desc e0).
pose proof (H10 H3).
apply MoreNatMapFacts.maps_in_mapsto in H11.
destruct H11 as (mbr & H12).
destruct mbr.
constructor 2 with (memb_id := gt_ref desc) (proc := p).
simpl. congruence.
simpl. congruence.
simpl. subst ret_type. congruence.
(* Case 13.3. Getting a Value from a Value of Function Type. *)
subst type. rewrite H1 in H2. rewrite H in H2.
destruct H2 eqn:?; try (
clear Heqv;
rewrite <- H1 in e1;
simpl in e1;
rewrite H0 in e1;
rewrite e in e1;
discriminate e1
assert (ftype0 = ftype).
rewrite H0 in H. injection H. intros. auto.
exists (Value_Passing_Configuration ret_cont val).
constructor 12 with
(rcvr_intf := intf)
(rcvr_type_opt := Some type0)
(memb_id := gt_ref desc)
(ret_intf := intf)
(ret_type := type0).
rewrite H. auto.
pose proof H2.
rewrite e0 in H3.
pose proof (List.in_inv H3).
destruct H7.
clear Heqv. rewrite H7 in H3. rewrite H7 in e0. rewrite <- H7. simpl.
rewrite <- e0 in H3. rewrite H5 in H7. rewrite <- H0 in H7.
rewrite H7. auto.
pose proof (List.in_nil H7). contradiction.
rewrite H0; rewrite <- H5; auto.
(* Case 13.4. Getting a Value from Null. *)
rewrite e0 in H3.
pose proof (List.in_nil H3).
(* Case 9. Forward. *)
destruct next_cont.
(* Case 9.1. Forward to Exit. *)
exists (Value_Passing_Configuration e r).
(* Case 9.2. Forward to the Next Statement in Block. *)
destruct l.
(* Case 9.2.1. Block is Empty. *)
exists (Forward_Configuration next_cont e).
(* Case 9.2.2. Block is Non-Empty. *)
exists (Exec_Configuration s env e0 (Block_Sk l e e0 next_cont)).
(* Case 10. Pass Value to ExpressionEk. *)
exists (Forward_Configuration next_cont env).
(* Case 11. Pass Value to VarDeclarationEk. *)
set (env' := env_extend var var_type val env).
exists (Forward_Configuration next_cont env').
(* Case 12. Pass Value to MethodInvocationEK: No Such Method. *)
(Expression_Continuation Halt_Ek rcvr_type)
(mk_runtime_value None)).
assert (rcvr_val = mk_runtime_value None).
destruct rcvr_val. simpl in H. rewrite H. reflexivity.
rewrite H0.
constructor 19.
(* Case 13. Pass Value to PropertyGetEK: No Such Getter. *)
(Expression_Continuation Halt_Ek rcvr_type)
(mk_runtime_value None)).
assert (rcvr_val = mk_runtime_value None).
destruct rcvr_val. simpl in H. rewrite H. reflexivity.
rewrite H0.
constructor 20.
Lemma configuration_valid_wf :
forall conf, configuration_valid CE ME conf -> configuration_wf CE ME conf.
intros. destruct H.
(* Case 1. Eval Configuration. *)
destruct H2.
(* Case 1.1. Eval Variable Get. *)
constructor. auto.
(* Case 1.2. Eval Property Get. *)
remember (E_Property_Get (Property_Get expr name)) as expr0.
destruct H3.
assert (
exists rcvr_type,
expression_type CE (env_to_type_env env) expr = Some rcvr_type
rewrite Heqexpr0 in H3. simpl in H3.
destruct (expression_type CE (env_to_type_env env) expr) eqn:?;
try discriminate H3.
exists d. reflexivity.
destruct H5 as (rcvr_type & H6).
rewrite Heqexpr0. destruct name.
constructor 3 with (rcvr_type := rcvr_type).
(* Case 1.3. Eval Constructor Invocation. *)
(Constructor_Invocation class_id)))
as expr.
destruct H; try discriminate Heqexpr.
assert (ref = class_id).
injection Heqexpr. intros. auto.
rewrite <- H2. auto.
(* Case 1.4. Eval Method Invocation. *)
(Method_Invocation rcvr_expr name (Arguments arg_expr) ref)))
as expr.
destruct H3.
assert (
exists rcvr_type,
expression_type CE (env_to_type_env env) rcvr_expr = Some rcvr_type
rewrite Heqexpr in H2. simpl in H2.
destruct (expression_type CE (env_to_type_env env) rcvr_expr) eqn:?;
try discriminate H2.
exists d. reflexivity.
destruct H4 as (rcvr_type & H5).
rewrite Heqexpr. destruct name.
constructor 2 with (rcvr_type := rcvr_type).
(* Case 2. Exec Configuration. *)
destruct H3.
(* Case 2.1. Exec Expression Statement. *)
(Expression_Statement expr))
as stmt.
destruct H4.
assert (
exists expr_type,
expression_type CE (env_to_type_env env) expr = Some expr_type
rewrite Heqstmt in H4. simpl in H4.
destruct (expression_type CE (env_to_type_env env) expr) eqn:?;
try discriminate H4.
exists d. auto.
destruct H6 as (expr_type & H7).
rewrite Heqstmt.
constructor 8 with (expr_type := expr_type).
(* Case 2.2. Exec Empty Block. *)
(* Case 2.3. Exec Non-Empty Block. *)
(* Case 2.4. Exec Return Statement. *)
(* Case 2.5. Exec Variable Declaration without Initializer. *)
(* Case 2.6. Exec Variable Declaration with Initializer. *)
(Variable_Declaration var type (Some init_expr)))
as stmt.
destruct H4.
assert (
exists init_type,
expression_type CE (env_to_type_env env) init_expr = Some init_type
rewrite Heqstmt in H4. simpl in H4.
destruct (expression_type CE (env_to_type_env env) init_expr) eqn:?;
try discriminate H4.
exists d. auto.
destruct H6 as (init_type & H7).
rewrite Heqstmt.
constructor 5 with (init_type := init_type).
(* Case 3. Value Passing Configuration *)
destruct cont. destruct u.
(* Case 3.1. Pass Value to ExpressionEK. *)
(* Case 3.2. Pass Value to MethodInvocationEK. *)
destruct (runtime_type val) eqn:?.
(* Case 3.2.1. Non Null Value. Actual Invocation. *)
remember (Expression_Continuation (Method_Invocation_Ek s e e0 e1) d)
as econt.
destruct H; try discriminate Heqecont.
constructor 10 with (arg_type := arg_type) (rcvr_type := d0).
(* Case 3.2.2. Null Value. No Such Method. *)
assert (val = mk_runtime_value None).
destruct val. simpl in Heqo. rewrite Heqo. reflexivity.
rewrite H2.
rewrite <- H2. auto.
(* Case 3.3. Pass Value to InvocationEK. *)
remember (Expression_Continuation (Invocation_Ek r s e e0) d) as econt.
destruct H; try discriminate Heqecont.
remember (runtime_type rcvr_val) as rcvr_val_type.
destruct H3; constructor; rewrite <- Heqrcvr_val_type; auto.
(* Case 3.4. Pass Value to PropertyGetEK. *)
destruct (runtime_type val) eqn:?.
assert (val = mk_runtime_value (Some d0)).
destruct val. rewrite <- Heqo. simpl. reflexivity.
(* Case 3.4.1. Non Null Value. Actual Invocation. *)
constructor 12 with (rcvr_type := d0).
rewrite H2. simpl.
remember (Expression_Continuation (Property_Get_Ek s e) d) as econt.
destruct H1; try discriminate Heqo.
assert (type = d0). injection Heqo. intros. auto.
rewrite H3 in *.
remember (Expression_Continuation cont expected_type) as econt.
destruct H; try discriminate Heqecont.
remember (Some rcvr_type) as rt.
destruct H4.
assert (rcvr_type0 = rcvr_type). injection Heqrt. intros. auto.
rewrite H11 in *.
assert (rcvr_type = expected_type). injection Heqecont0. intros. auto.
rewrite H12 in *.
apply structural_subtype_getters with
(type1 := expected_type) (type2 := d0).
assert (name = s). injection Heqecont. intros. auto.
rewrite <- H13.
(* Case 3.4.2. Null Value. No Such Getter. *)
constructor. auto.
(* Case 3.5. Pass Value to Var Declaration. *)
(* Case 3.6. Pass Value to Halt. *)
remember (Expression_Continuation Halt_Ek d) as econt.
destruct H; discriminate Heqecont.
(* Case 4. Forward Configuration. *)
Lemma configuration_valid_step :
forall conf1 conf2,
configuration_valid CE ME conf1 ->
step CE ME conf1 conf2 ->
configuration_valid CE ME conf2 \/ configuration_final conf2.
Theorem progress:
forall conf1,
configuration_valid CE ME conf1 ->
exists conf2, step CE ME conf1 conf2 /\
(configuration_valid CE ME conf2 \/ configuration_final conf2).
Lemma preservation_eval:
forall conf1 conf2 exp val env cont val_type exp_type,
configuration_valid CE ME conf1 ->
conf1 = Eval_Configuration exp env cont ->
conf2 = Value_Passing_Configuration cont val ->
steps CE ME conf1 conf2 ->
expression_type CE (env_to_type_env env) exp = Some exp_type ->
(runtime_type val) = Some val_type ->
subtype (val_type, exp_type) = true.
End OperationalSemanticsSpec.