| (* Copyright (c) 2017, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file |
| * for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a |
| * BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file. *) |
| |
| Require Import Common. |
| Require Export CpdtTactics. |
| |
| Import OptionMonad. |
| |
| Ltac extract E x y := set (x := E); assert (y : E = x); [auto|rewrite y in *]. |
| |
| Ltac force_expr E H := |
| let v1 := fresh in |
| let v2 := fresh in |
| extract E v1 v2; destruct v1; [idtac|simpl in H; contradict H; congruence]. |
| |
| Lemma bind_some : forall A B x f, @opt_bind A B (Some x) f = f x. |
| Proof. |
| auto. |
| Qed. |
| |
| Lemma simpl_if : forall A (e1 e2 : A), (if true then e1 else e2) = e1. |
| auto. |
| Qed. |
| |
| (* remember (expression_type CE (NatMap.add v s TE) arg) as EXP. *) |
| (* destruct EXP; [rewrite bind_some in H1|simpl in H1; contradict H1; congruence]. *) |
| Ltac force_option := |
| match goal with |
| | [ H : (opt_bind ?y (fun x => ?z)) = Some ?w |- _ ] => |
| force_expr y H; rewrite bind_some in H |
| | [ H : (if ?cond then ?x else None) = Some ?w |- _ ] => |
| force_expr cond H; rewrite simpl_if in H |
| | [ H : (match ?x with _ => _ end) = Some ?w |- _ ] => |
| force_expr x H |
| end. |
| |
| Ltac force_options := repeat force_option. |
| |
| Inductive ltac_no_arg : Set := |
| | Ltac_No_Arg : ltac_no_arg. |
| |
| Ltac extract_head_2 term H varid eqid := |
| match type of H with |
| | context[term ?X] => extract_head_2 (term X) H varid eqid |
| | context[term] => remember term as varid eqn:eqid |
| end. |
| |
| Ltac extract_head_1 term H varid := let eqid := fresh varid "Eq" in extract_head_2 term H varid eqid. |
| Ltac extract_head_0 term H := let varid := fresh H in extract_head_1 term H varid. |
| |
| Ltac extract_head_goal_2 term varid eqid := |
| match goal with |
| | [ |- context[term ?X] ] => extract_head_goal_2 (term X) varid eqid |
| | [ |- context[term] ] => remember term as varid eqn:eqid |
| end. |
| |
| Ltac extract_head_goal_1 term varid := let eqid := fresh varid "Eq" in extract_head_goal_2 term varid eqid. |
| Ltac extract_head_goal_0 term := let varid := fresh "G" in extract_head_goal_1 term varid. |
| |
| Tactic Notation "extract_head" constr(term) "in" constr(H) := extract_head_0 term H. |
| Tactic Notation "extract_head" constr(term) "in" constr(H) "as" ident(name) := extract_head_1 term H name. |
| Tactic Notation "extract_head" constr(term) "in" constr(H) "as" ident(name) "," ident(name2) := extract_head_2 term H name name2. |
| |
| Tactic Notation "extract_head" constr(term) := extract_head_goal_0 term. |
| Tactic Notation "extract_head" constr(term) "as" ident(name) := extract_head_goal_1 term name. |
| Tactic Notation "extract_head" constr(term) "as" ident(name) "," ident(name2) := extract_head_goal_2 term name name2. |
| |
| Ltac continue_with H := |
| match type of H with |
| | ?X -> ?Y => |
| let K := fresh H in |
| let H' := fresh H in |
| assert (X) as K; [idtac|pose proof (H K) as H'] |
| end. |