blob: e0aedb952cdf89414d1f02a9ac7bd649947564c4 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
* Support for interoperating with JavaScript.
* This library provides access to JavaScript objects from Dart, allowing
* Dart code to get and set properties, and call methods of JavaScript objects
* and invoke JavaScript functions. The library takes care of converting
* between Dart and JavaScript objects where possible, or providing proxies if
* conversion isn't possible.
* This library does not yet make Dart objects usable from JavaScript, their
* methods and proeprties are not accessible, though it does allow Dart
* functions to be passed into and called from JavaScript.
* [JsObject] is the core type and represents a proxy of a JavaScript object.
* JsObject gives access to the underlying JavaScript objects properties and
* methods. `JsObject`s can be acquired by calls to JavaScript, or they can be
* created from proxies to JavaScript constructors.
* The top-level getter [context] provides a [JsObject] that represents the
* global object in JavaScript, usually `window`.
* The following example shows an alert dialog via a JavaScript call to the
* global function `alert()`:
* import 'dart:js';
* main() => context.callMethod('alert', ['Hello from Dart!']);
* This example shows how to create a [JsObject] from a JavaScript constructor
* and access its properties:
* import 'dart:js';
* main() {
* var object = new JsObject(context['Object']);
* object['greeting'] = 'Hello';
* object['greet'] = (name) => "${object['greeting']} $name";
* var message = object.callMethod('greet', ['JavaScript']);
* context['console'].callMethod('log', [message]);
* }
* ## Proxying and automatic conversion
* When setting properties on a JsObject or passing arguments to a Javascript
* method or function, Dart objects are automatically converted or proxied to
* JavaScript objects. When accessing JavaScript properties, or when a Dart
* closure is invoked from JavaScript, the JavaScript objects are also
* converted to Dart.
* Functions and closures are proxied in such a way that they are callable. A
* Dart closure assigned to a JavaScript property is proxied by a function in
* JavaScript. A JavaScript function accessed from Dart is proxied by a
* [JsFunction], which has a [apply] method to invoke it.
* The following types are transferred directly and not proxied:
* * Basic types: `null`, `bool`, `num`, `String`, `DateTime`
* * `TypedData`, including its subclasses like `Int32List`, but _not_
* `ByteBuffer`
* * When compiling for the web, also: `Blob`, `Event`, `ImageData`,
* `KeyRange`, `Node`, and `Window`.
* ## Converting collections with JsObject.jsify()
* To create a JavaScript collection from a Dart collection use the
* [JsObject.jsify] constructor, which converts Dart [Map]s and [Iterable]s
* into JavaScript Objects and Arrays.
* The following expression creates a new JavaScript object with the properties
* `a` and `b` defined:
* var jsMap = new JsObject.jsify({'a': 1, 'b': 2});
* This expression creates a JavaScript array:
* var jsArray = new JsObject.jsify([1, 2, 3]);
* {@category Web}
library dart.js;
import 'dart:collection' show HashMap, ListMixin;
import 'dart:typed_data' show TypedData;
import 'dart:_foreign_helper' show JS, JS_CONST, DART_CLOSURE_TO_JS;
import 'dart:_interceptors'
show JavaScriptObject, UnknownJavaScriptObject, DART_CLOSURE_PROPERTY_NAME;
import 'dart:_js_helper'
show Primitives, convertDartClosureToJS, getIsolateAffinityTag;
import 'dart:_js' show isBrowserObject, convertFromBrowserObject;
export 'dart:_interceptors' show JavaScriptObject;
final JsObject context = _wrapToDart(JS('', 'self'));
_convertDartFunction(Function f, {bool captureThis: false}) {
return JS(
function(_call, f, captureThis) {
return function() {
return _call(f, captureThis, this,
}(#, #, #)
_callDartFunction(callback, bool captureThis, self, List arguments) {
if (captureThis) {
arguments = [self]..addAll(arguments);
var dartArgs = new List.from(;
return _convertToJS(Function.apply(callback, dartArgs));
* Proxies a JavaScript object to Dart.
* The properties of the JavaScript object are accessible via the `[]` and
* `[]=` operators. Methods are callable via [callMethod].
class JsObject {
// The wrapped JS object.
final dynamic _jsObject;
// This shoud only be called from _wrapToDart
JsObject._fromJs(this._jsObject) {
assert(_jsObject != null);
* Constructs a new JavaScript object from [constructor] and returns a proxy
* to it.
factory JsObject(JsFunction constructor, [List arguments]) {
var constr = _convertToJS(constructor);
if (arguments == null) {
return _wrapToDart(JS('', 'new #()', constr));
if (JS('bool', '# instanceof Array', arguments)) {
int argumentCount = JS('int', '#.length', arguments);
switch (argumentCount) {
case 0:
return _wrapToDart(JS('', 'new #()', constr));
case 1:
var arg0 = _convertToJS(JS('', '#[0]', arguments));
return _wrapToDart(JS('', 'new #(#)', constr, arg0));
case 2:
var arg0 = _convertToJS(JS('', '#[0]', arguments));
var arg1 = _convertToJS(JS('', '#[1]', arguments));
return _wrapToDart(JS('', 'new #(#, #)', constr, arg0, arg1));
case 3:
var arg0 = _convertToJS(JS('', '#[0]', arguments));
var arg1 = _convertToJS(JS('', '#[1]', arguments));
var arg2 = _convertToJS(JS('', '#[2]', arguments));
return _wrapToDart(
JS('', 'new #(#, #, #)', constr, arg0, arg1, arg2));
case 4:
var arg0 = _convertToJS(JS('', '#[0]', arguments));
var arg1 = _convertToJS(JS('', '#[1]', arguments));
var arg2 = _convertToJS(JS('', '#[2]', arguments));
var arg3 = _convertToJS(JS('', '#[3]', arguments));
return _wrapToDart(
JS('', 'new #(#, #, #, #)', constr, arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3));
// The following code solves the problem of invoking a JavaScript
// constructor with an unknown number arguments.
// First bind the constructor to the argument list using bind.apply().
// The first argument to bind() is the binding of 'this', so add 'null' to
// the arguments list passed to apply().
// After that, use the JavaScript 'new' operator which overrides any binding
// of 'this' with the new instance.
var args = <dynamic>[null]..addAll(;
var factoryFunction = JS('', '#.bind.apply(#, #)', constr, constr, args);
// Without this line, calling factoryFunction as a constructor throws
JS('String', 'String(#)', factoryFunction);
// This could return an UnknownJavaScriptObject, or a native
// object for which there is an interceptor
var jsObj = JS('', 'new #()', factoryFunction);
return _wrapToDart(jsObj);
// TODO(sra): Investigate:
// var jsObj = JS('', 'Object.create(#.prototype)', constr);
// JS('', '#.apply(#, #)', constr, jsObj,
// []..addAll(;
// return _wrapToDart(jsObj);
* Constructs a [JsObject] that proxies a native Dart object; _for expert use
* only_.
* Use this constructor only if you wish to get access to JavaScript
* properties attached to a browser host object, such as a Node or Blob, that
* is normally automatically converted into a native Dart object.
* An exception will be thrown if [object] either is `null` or has the type
* `bool`, `num`, or `String`.
factory JsObject.fromBrowserObject(object) {
if (object is num || object is String || object is bool || object == null) {
throw new ArgumentError("object cannot be a num, string, bool, or null");
return _wrapToDart(_convertToJS(object));
* Recursively converts a JSON-like collection of Dart objects to a
* collection of JavaScript objects and returns a [JsObject] proxy to it.
* [object] must be a [Map] or [Iterable], the contents of which are also
* converted. Maps and Iterables are copied to a new JavaScript object.
* Primitives and other transferrable values are directly converted to their
* JavaScript type, and all other objects are proxied.
factory JsObject.jsify(object) {
if ((object is! Map) && (object is! Iterable)) {
throw new ArgumentError("object must be a Map or Iterable");
return _wrapToDart(_convertDataTree(object));
static _convertDataTree(data) {
var _convertedObjects = new HashMap.identity();
_convert(o) {
if (_convertedObjects.containsKey(o)) {
return _convertedObjects[o];
if (o is Map) {
final convertedMap = JS('=Object', '{}');
_convertedObjects[o] = convertedMap;
for (var key in o.keys) {
JS('=Object', '#[#]=#', convertedMap, key, _convert(o[key]));
return convertedMap;
} else if (o is Iterable) {
var convertedList = [];
_convertedObjects[o] = convertedList;
return convertedList;
} else {
return _convertToJS(o);
return _convert(data);
* Returns the value associated with [property] from the proxied JavaScript
* object.
* The type of [property] must be either [String] or [num].
dynamic operator [](property) {
if (property is! String && property is! num) {
throw new ArgumentError("property is not a String or num");
return _convertToDart(JS('', '#[#]', _jsObject, property));
* Sets the value associated with [property] on the proxied JavaScript
* object.
* The type of [property] must be either [String] or [num].
operator []=(property, value) {
if (property is! String && property is! num) {
throw new ArgumentError("property is not a String or num");
JS('', '#[#]=#', _jsObject, property, _convertToJS(value));
int get hashCode => 0;
bool operator ==(other) =>
other is JsObject && JS('bool', '# === #', _jsObject, other._jsObject);
* Returns `true` if the JavaScript object contains the specified property
* either directly or though its prototype chain.
* This is the equivalent of the `in` operator in JavaScript.
bool hasProperty(property) {
if (property is! String && property is! num) {
throw new ArgumentError("property is not a String or num");
return JS('bool', '# in #', property, _jsObject);
* Removes [property] from the JavaScript object.
* This is the equivalent of the `delete` operator in JavaScript.
void deleteProperty(property) {
if (property is! String && property is! num) {
throw new ArgumentError("property is not a String or num");
JS('bool', 'delete #[#]', _jsObject, property);
* Returns `true` if the JavaScript object has [type] in its prototype chain.
* This is the equivalent of the `instanceof` operator in JavaScript.
bool instanceof(JsFunction type) {
return JS('bool', '# instanceof #', _jsObject, _convertToJS(type));
* Returns the result of the JavaScript objects `toString` method.
String toString() {
try {
return JS('String', 'String(#)', _jsObject);
} catch (e) {
return super.toString();
* Calls [method] on the JavaScript object with the arguments [args] and
* returns the result.
* The type of [method] must be either [String] or [num].
dynamic callMethod(method, [List args]) {
if (method is! String && method is! num) {
throw new ArgumentError("method is not a String or num");
return _convertToDart(JS(
'#[#].apply(#, #)',
args == null ? null : new List.from(;
* Proxies a JavaScript Function object.
class JsFunction extends JsObject {
* Returns a [JsFunction] that captures its 'this' binding and calls [f]
* with the value of this passed as the first argument.
factory JsFunction.withThis(Function f) {
var jsFunc = _convertDartFunction(f, captureThis: true);
return new JsFunction._fromJs(jsFunc);
JsFunction._fromJs(jsObject) : super._fromJs(jsObject);
* Invokes the JavaScript function with arguments [args]. If [thisArg] is
* supplied it is the value of `this` for the invocation.
dynamic apply(List args, {thisArg}) => _convertToDart(JS(
'#.apply(#, #)',
args == null ? null : new List.from(;
* A [List] that proxies a JavaScript array.
class JsArray<E> extends JsObject with ListMixin<E> {
* Creates a new JavaScript array.
JsArray() : super._fromJs([]);
* Creates a new JavaScript array and initializes it to the contents of
* [other].
JsArray.from(Iterable<E> other)
: super._fromJs([]..addAll(;
JsArray._fromJs(jsObject) : super._fromJs(jsObject);
_checkIndex(int index) {
if (index is int && (index < 0 || index >= length)) {
throw new RangeError.range(index, 0, length);
_checkInsertIndex(int index) {
if (index is int && (index < 0 || index >= length + 1)) {
throw new RangeError.range(index, 0, length);
static _checkRange(int start, int end, int length) {
if (start < 0 || start > length) {
throw new RangeError.range(start, 0, length);
if (end < start || end > length) {
throw new RangeError.range(end, start, length);
// Methods required by ListMixin
E operator [](index) {
// TODO(justinfagnani): fix the semantics for non-ints
if (index is num && index == index.toInt()) {
return super[index];
void operator []=(index, E value) {
// TODO(justinfagnani): fix the semantics for non-ints
if (index is num && index == index.toInt()) {
super[index] = value;
int get length {
// Check the length honours the List contract.
var len = JS('', '#.length', _jsObject);
// JavaScript arrays have lengths which are unsigned 32-bit integers.
if (JS('bool', 'typeof # === "number" && (# >>> 0) === #', len, len, len)) {
return JS('int', '#', len);
throw new StateError('Bad JsArray length');
void set length(int length) {
super['length'] = length;
// Methods overridden for better performance
void add(E value) {
callMethod('push', [value]);
void addAll(Iterable<E> iterable) {
var list = (JS('bool', '# instanceof Array', iterable))
? iterable
: new List.from(iterable);
callMethod('push', list);
void insert(int index, E element) {
callMethod('splice', [index, 0, element]);
E removeAt(int index) {
return callMethod('splice', [index, 1])[0];
E removeLast() {
if (length == 0) throw new RangeError(-1);
return callMethod('pop');
void removeRange(int start, int end) {
_checkRange(start, end, length);
callMethod('splice', [start, end - start]);
void setRange(int start, int end, Iterable<E> iterable, [int skipCount = 0]) {
_checkRange(start, end, this.length);
int length = end - start;
if (length == 0) return;
if (skipCount < 0) throw new ArgumentError(skipCount);
var args = <dynamic>[start, length]
callMethod('splice', args);
void sort([int compare(E a, E b)]) {
// Note: arr.sort(null) is a type error in FF
callMethod('sort', compare == null ? [] : [compare]);
// property added to a Dart object referencing its JS-side DartObject proxy
// property added to a JS object referencing its Dart-side JsObject proxy
const _JS_OBJECT_PROPERTY_NAME = r'_$dart_jsObject';
const _JS_FUNCTION_PROPERTY_NAME = r'$dart_jsFunction';
const _JS_FUNCTION_PROPERTY_NAME_CAPTURE_THIS = r'_$dart_jsFunctionCaptureThis';
bool _defineProperty(o, String name, value) {
try {
if (_isExtensible(o) &&
// TODO(ahe): Calling _hasOwnProperty to work around
!_hasOwnProperty(o, name)) {
JS('void', 'Object.defineProperty(#, #, { value: #})', o, name, value);
return true;
} catch (e) {
// object is native and lies about being extensible
// see
// Or, isExtensible throws for this object.
return false;
bool _hasOwnProperty(o, String name) {
return JS('bool', ', #)', o, name);
bool _isExtensible(o) => JS('bool', 'Object.isExtensible(#)', o);
Object _getOwnProperty(o, String name) {
if (_hasOwnProperty(o, name)) {
return JS('', '#[#]', o, name);
return null;
bool _isLocalObject(o) => JS('bool', '# instanceof Object', o);
// The shared constructor function for proxies to Dart objects in JavaScript.
final _dartProxyCtor = JS('', 'function DartObject(o) { this.o = o; }');
dynamic _convertToJS(dynamic o) {
// Note: we don't write `if (o == null) return null;` to make sure dart2js
// doesn't convert `return null;` into `return;` (which would make `null` be
// `undefined` in Javascprit). See for details.
if (o == null || o is String || o is num || o is bool) {
return o;
if (o is JsObject) {
return o._jsObject;
if (isBrowserObject(o)) {
return o;
if (o is TypedData) {
return o;
if (o is DateTime) {
return Primitives.lazyAsJsDate(o);
if (o is Function) {
return _getJsProxy(o, _JS_FUNCTION_PROPERTY_NAME, (o) {
var jsFunction = _convertDartFunction(o);
// set a property on the JS closure referencing the Dart closure
_defineProperty(jsFunction, DART_CLOSURE_PROPERTY_NAME, o);
return jsFunction;
var ctor = _dartProxyCtor;
return _getJsProxy(
o, _JS_OBJECT_PROPERTY_NAME, (o) => JS('', 'new #(#)', ctor, o));
Object _getJsProxy(o, String propertyName, createProxy(o)) {
var jsProxy = _getOwnProperty(o, propertyName);
if (jsProxy == null) {
jsProxy = createProxy(o);
_defineProperty(o, propertyName, jsProxy);
return jsProxy;
// converts a Dart object to a reference to a native JS object
// which might be a DartObject JS->Dart proxy
Object _convertToDart(o) {
if (JS('bool', '# == null', o) ||
JS('bool', 'typeof # == "string"', o) ||
JS('bool', 'typeof # == "number"', o) ||
JS('bool', 'typeof # == "boolean"', o)) {
return o;
} else if (_isLocalObject(o) && isBrowserObject(o)) {
return convertFromBrowserObject(o);
} else if (_isLocalObject(o) && o is TypedData) {
return JS('TypedData', '#', o);
} else if (JS('bool', '# instanceof Date', o)) {
var ms = JS('num', '#.getTime()', o);
return new DateTime.fromMillisecondsSinceEpoch(ms);
} else if (JS('bool', '#.constructor === #', o, _dartProxyCtor)) {
return JS('', '#.o', o);
} else {
return _wrapToDart(o);
Object _wrapToDart(o) {
if (JS('bool', 'typeof # == "function"', o)) {
return _getDartProxy(
o, DART_CLOSURE_PROPERTY_NAME, (o) => new JsFunction._fromJs(o));
if (JS('bool', '# instanceof Array', o)) {
return _getDartProxy(
o, _DART_OBJECT_PROPERTY_NAME, (o) => new JsArray._fromJs(o));
return _getDartProxy(
o, _DART_OBJECT_PROPERTY_NAME, (o) => new JsObject._fromJs(o));
Object _getDartProxy(o, String propertyName, createProxy(o)) {
var dartProxy = _getOwnProperty(o, propertyName);
// Temporary fix for
// In some cases it's possible to see a JavaScript object that
// came from a different context and was previously proxied to
// Dart in that context. The JS object will have a cached proxy
// but it won't be a valid Dart object in this context.
// For now we throw away the cached proxy, but we should be able
// to cache proxies from multiple JS contexts and Dart isolates.
if (dartProxy == null || !_isLocalObject(o)) {
dartProxy = createProxy(o);
_defineProperty(o, propertyName, dartProxy);
return dartProxy;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Start of methods for new style Dart-JS interop.
_convertDartFunctionFast(Function f) {
var existing = JS('', '#.#', f, _JS_FUNCTION_PROPERTY_NAME);
if (existing != null) return existing;
var ret = JS(
function(_call, f) {
return function() {
return _call(f, Array.prototype.slice.apply(arguments));
}(#, #)
JS('', '#.# = #', ret, DART_CLOSURE_PROPERTY_NAME, f);
JS('', '#.# = #', f, _JS_FUNCTION_PROPERTY_NAME, ret);
return ret;
_convertDartFunctionFastCaptureThis(Function f) {
var existing = JS('', '#.#', f, _JS_FUNCTION_PROPERTY_NAME_CAPTURE_THIS);
if (existing != null) return existing;
var ret = JS(
function(_call, f) {
return function() {
return _call(f, this,Array.prototype.slice.apply(arguments));
}(#, #)
JS('', '#.# = #', ret, DART_CLOSURE_PROPERTY_NAME, f);
return ret;
_callDartFunctionFast(callback, List arguments) {
return Function.apply(callback, arguments);
_callDartFunctionFastCaptureThis(callback, self, List arguments) {
return Function.apply(callback, [self]..addAll(arguments));
F allowInterop<F extends Function>(F f) {
if (JS('bool', 'typeof(#) == "function"', f)) {
// Already supports interop, just use the existing function.
return f;
} else {
return _convertDartFunctionFast(f);
Function allowInteropCaptureThis(Function f) {
if (JS('bool', 'typeof(#) == "function"', f)) {
// Behavior when the function is already a JS function is unspecified.
throw new ArgumentError(
"Function is already a JS function so cannot capture this.");
return f;
} else {
return _convertDartFunctionFastCaptureThis(f);