blob: e89d07447a177ea13ef82ce475a1629efd038200 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2014, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library object_graph;
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:collection';
import 'dart:typed_data';
import 'package:logging/logging.dart';
class _JenkinsSmiHash {
static int combine(int hash, int value) {
hash = 0x1fffffff & (hash + value);
hash = 0x1fffffff & (hash + ((0x0007ffff & hash) << 10));
return hash ^ (hash >> 6);
static int finish(int hash) {
hash = 0x1fffffff & (hash + ((0x03ffffff & hash) << 3));
hash = hash ^ (hash >> 11);
return 0x1fffffff & (hash + ((0x00003fff & hash) << 15));
static int hash3(a, b, c) => finish(combine(combine(combine(0, a), b), c));
// Map<[uint32, uint32, uint32], uint32>
class AddressMapper {
final Uint32List _table;
// * 4 ~/3 for 75% load factor
// * 4 for four-tuple entries
AddressMapper(int N) : _table = new Uint32List((N * 4 ~/ 3) * 4);
int _scanFor(int high, int mid, int low) {
var hash = _JenkinsSmiHash.hash3(high, mid, low);
var start = (hash % _table.length) & ~3;
var index = start;
do {
if (_table[index + 3] == 0) return index;
if (_table[index] == high &&
_table[index + 1] == mid &&
_table[index + 2] == low) return index;
index = (index + 4) % _table.length;
} while (index != start);
throw new Exception("Interal error: table full");
int get(int high, int mid, int low) {
int index = _scanFor(high, mid, low);
if (_table[index + 3] == 0) return null;
return _table[index + 3];
int put(int high, int mid, int low, int id) {
if (id == 0) throw new Exception("Internal error: invalid id");
int index = _scanFor(high, mid, low);
if ((_table[index + 3] != 0)) {
throw new Exception("Internal error: attempt to overwrite key");
_table[index] = high;
_table[index + 1] = mid;
_table[index + 2] = low;
_table[index + 3] = id;
return id;
// Port of dart::ReadStream from vm/datastream.h.
// The heap snapshot is a series of variable-length unsigned integers. For
// each byte in the stream, the high bit marks the last byte of an integer and
// the low 7 bits are the payload. The payloads are sent in little endian
// order.
// The largest values used are 64-bit addresses.
// We read in 4 payload chunks (28-bits) to stay in Smi range on Javascript.
// We read them into instance variables ('low', 'mid' and 'high') to avoid
// allocating a container.
class ReadStream {
int position = 0;
int _size = 0;
final List<ByteData> _chunks;
ReadStream(this._chunks) {
int n = _chunks.length;
for (var i = 0; i < n; i++) {
var chunk = _chunks[i];
if (i + 1 != n) {
assert(chunk.lengthInBytes == (1 << 20));
_size += chunk.lengthInBytes;
int get pendingBytes => _size - position;
int _getUint8(i) {
return _chunks[i >> 20].getUint8(i & 0xFFFFF);
int low = 0;
int mid = 0;
int high = 0;
int get clampedUint32 {
if (high != 0 || mid > 0xF) {
return 0xFFFFFFFF;
} else {
// Not shift as JS shifts are signed 32-bit.
return mid * 0x10000000 + low;
int get highUint32 {
return high * (1 << 24) + (mid >> 4);
int get lowUint32 {
return (mid & 0xF) * (1 << 28) + low;
bool get isZero {
return (high == 0) && (mid == 0) && (low == 0);
void readUnsigned() {
low = 0;
mid = 0;
high = 0;
// Low 28 bits.
var digit = _getUint8(position++);
if (digit > maxUnsignedDataPerByte) {
low |= (digit & byteMask << 0);
low |= (digit << 0);
digit = _getUint8(position++);
if (digit > maxUnsignedDataPerByte) {
low |= ((digit & byteMask) << 7);
low |= (digit << 7);
digit = _getUint8(position++);
if (digit > maxUnsignedDataPerByte) {
low |= ((digit & byteMask) << 14);
low |= (digit << 14);
digit = _getUint8(position++);
if (digit > maxUnsignedDataPerByte) {
low |= ((digit & byteMask) << 21);
low |= (digit << 21);
// Mid 28 bits.
digit = _getUint8(position++);
if (digit > maxUnsignedDataPerByte) {
mid |= (digit & byteMask << 0);
mid |= (digit << 0);
digit = _getUint8(position++);
if (digit > maxUnsignedDataPerByte) {
mid |= ((digit & byteMask) << 7);
mid |= (digit << 7);
digit = _getUint8(position++);
if (digit > maxUnsignedDataPerByte) {
mid |= ((digit & byteMask) << 14);
mid |= (digit << 14);
digit = _getUint8(position++);
if (digit > maxUnsignedDataPerByte) {
mid |= ((digit & byteMask) << 21);
mid |= (digit << 21);
// High 28 bits.
digit = _getUint8(position++);
if (digit > maxUnsignedDataPerByte) {
high |= (digit & byteMask << 0);
high |= (digit << 0);
digit = _getUint8(position++);
if (digit > maxUnsignedDataPerByte) {
high |= ((digit & byteMask) << 7);
high |= (digit << 7);
throw new Exception("Format error: snapshot field exceeds 64 bits");
void skipUnsigned() {
while (_getUint8(position++) <= maxUnsignedDataPerByte);
static const int dataBitsPerByte = 7;
static const int byteMask = (1 << dataBitsPerByte) - 1;
static const int maxUnsignedDataPerByte = byteMask;
// Node indices for the root and sentinel nodes. Note that using 0 as the
// sentinel means a newly allocated typed array comes initialized with all
// elements as the sentinel.
const ROOT = 1;
const SENTINEL = 0;
class ObjectVertex {
final int _id;
final ObjectGraph _graph;
ObjectVertex._(this._id, this._graph);
bool get isRoot => ROOT == _id;
bool get isStack => vmCid == _graph._kStackCid;
bool operator ==(other) => _id == other._id && _graph == other._graph;
int get hashCode => _id;
int get retainedSize => _graph._retainedSizes[_id];
ObjectVertex get dominator => new ObjectVertex._(_graph._doms[_id], _graph);
int get shallowSize => _graph._shallowSizes[_id];
int get externalSize => _graph._externalSizes[_id];
int get vmCid => _graph._cids[_id];
get successors => new _SuccessorsIterable(_graph, _id);
String get address {
// Note that everywhere else in this file, "address" really means an address
// scaled down by kObjectAlignment. They were scaled down so they would fit
// into Smis on the client.
var high32 = _graph._addressesHigh[_id];
var low32 = _graph._addressesLow[_id];
// Complicated way to do (high:low * _kObjectAlignment).toHexString()
// without intermediate values exceeding int32.
var strAddr = "";
var carry = 0;
combine4(nibble) {
nibble = nibble * _graph._kObjectAlignment + carry;
carry = nibble >> 4;
nibble = nibble & 0xF;
strAddr = nibble.toRadixString(16) + strAddr;
combine32(thirtyTwoBits) {
for (int shift = 0; shift < 32; shift += 4) {
combine4((thirtyTwoBits >> shift) & 0xF);
return strAddr;
List<ObjectVertex> dominatorTreeChildren() {
var N = _graph._N;
var doms = _graph._doms;
var parentId = _id;
var domChildren = <ObjectVertex>[];
for (var childId = ROOT; childId <= N; childId++) {
if (doms[childId] == parentId) {
domChildren.add(new ObjectVertex._(childId, _graph));
return domChildren;
// A node in the dominator tree where siblings with the same class are merged.
// That is, a set of objects with the same cid whose parent chains in the
// dominator tree have the same cids at each level. [id_] is the representative
// object of this set. The other members of the set are found by walking the
// mergedDomNext links until finding the sentinel node or a node with a
// different class.
class MergedObjectVertex {
final int _id;
final ObjectGraph _graph;
MergedObjectVertex._(this._id, this._graph);
bool get isRoot => ROOT == _id;
bool get isStack => vmCid == _graph._kStackCid;
bool operator ==(other) => _id == other._id && _graph == other._graph;
int get hashCode => _id;
int get vmCid => _graph._cids[_id];
int get shallowSize {
var cids = _graph._cids;
var size = 0;
var sibling = _id;
while (sibling != SENTINEL && cids[sibling] == cids[_id]) {
size += _graph._shallowSizes[sibling];
sibling = _graph._mergedDomNext[sibling];
return size;
int get externalSize {
var cids = _graph._cids;
var size = 0;
var sibling = _id;
while (sibling != SENTINEL && cids[sibling] == cids[_id]) {
size += _graph._externalSizes[sibling];
sibling = _graph._mergedDomNext[sibling];
return size;
int get retainedSize {
var cids = _graph._cids;
var size = 0;
var sibling = _id;
while (sibling != SENTINEL && cids[sibling] == cids[_id]) {
size += _graph._retainedSizes[sibling];
sibling = _graph._mergedDomNext[sibling];
return size;
int get instanceCount {
var cids = _graph._cids;
var count = 0;
var sibling = _id;
while (sibling != SENTINEL && cids[sibling] == cids[_id]) {
sibling = _graph._mergedDomNext[sibling];
return count;
List<MergedObjectVertex> dominatorTreeChildren() {
var next = _graph._mergedDomNext;
var cids = _graph._cids;
var domChildren = [];
var prev = SENTINEL;
var child = _graph._mergedDomHead[_id];
// Walk the list of children and look for the representative objects, i.e.
// the first sibling of each cid.
while (child != SENTINEL) {
if (prev == SENTINEL || cids[prev] != cids[child]) {
domChildren.add(new MergedObjectVertex._(child, _graph));
prev = child;
child = next[child];
return domChildren;
class _SuccessorsIterable extends IterableBase<ObjectVertex> {
final ObjectGraph _graph;
final int _id;
_SuccessorsIterable(this._graph, this._id);
Iterator<ObjectVertex> get iterator => new _SuccessorsIterator(_graph, _id);
class _SuccessorsIterator implements Iterator<ObjectVertex> {
final ObjectGraph _graph;
int _nextSuccIndex;
int _limitSuccIndex;
ObjectVertex current;
_SuccessorsIterator(this._graph, int id) {
_nextSuccIndex = _graph._firstSuccs[id];
_limitSuccIndex = _graph._firstSuccs[id + 1];
bool moveNext() {
if (_nextSuccIndex < _limitSuccIndex) {
var succId = _graph._succs[_nextSuccIndex++];
current = new ObjectVertex._(succId, _graph);
return true;
return false;
class _VerticesIterable extends IterableBase<ObjectVertex> {
final ObjectGraph _graph;
Iterator<ObjectVertex> get iterator => new _VerticesIterator(_graph);
class _VerticesIterator implements Iterator<ObjectVertex> {
final ObjectGraph _graph;
int _nextId = 0;
ObjectVertex current;
bool moveNext() {
if (_nextId == _graph._N) return false;
current = new ObjectVertex._(_nextId++, _graph);
return true;
class ObjectGraph {
ObjectGraph(List<ByteData> chunks, int nodeCount)
: this._chunks = chunks,
this._N = nodeCount;
int get internalSize => _internalSize;
int get externalSize => _externalSize;
int get vertexCount => _N;
int get edgeCount => _E;
ObjectVertex get root => new ObjectVertex._(ROOT, this);
MergedObjectVertex get mergedRoot => new MergedObjectVertex._(ROOT, this);
Iterable<ObjectVertex> get vertices => new _VerticesIterable(this);
int get numCids => _numCids;
int getOwnedByCid(int cid) => _ownedSizesByCid[cid];
Iterable<ObjectVertex> getMostRetained({int classId, int limit}) {
List<ObjectVertex> _mostRetained =
new List<ObjectVertex>.from(vertices.where((u) => !u.isRoot));
_mostRetained.sort((u, v) => v.retainedSize - u.retainedSize);
var result = _mostRetained;
if (classId != null) {
result = result.where((u) => u.vmCid == classId);
if (limit != null) {
result = result.take(limit);
return result;
Stream<List> process() {
final controller = new StreamController<List>.broadcast();
(() async {
// We build futures here instead of marking the steps as async to avoid the
// heavy lifting being inside a transformed method.
controller.add(["Remapping $_N objects...", 0.0]);
await new Future(() => _remapNodes());
controller.add(["Remapping $_E references...", 10.0]);
await new Future(() => _remapEdges());
_addrToId = null;
_chunks = null;
controller.add(["Finding depth-first order...", 20.0]);
await new Future(() => _dfs());
controller.add(["Finding predecessors...", 30.0]);
await new Future(() => _buildPredecessors());
controller.add(["Finding dominators...", 40.0]);
await new Future(() => _buildDominators());
_semi = null;
_parent = null;
controller.add(["Finding in-degree(1) groups...", 50.0]);
await new Future(() => _buildOwnedSizes());
_firstPreds = null;
_preds = null;
controller.add(["Finding retained sizes...", 60.0]);
await new Future(() => _calculateRetainedSizes());
_vertex = null;
controller.add(["Linking dominator tree children...", 70.0]);
await new Future(() => _linkDominatorChildren());
controller.add(["Sorting dominator tree children...", 80.0]);
await new Future(() => _sortDominatorChildren());
controller.add(["Merging dominator tree siblings...", 90.0]);
await new Future(() => _mergeDominatorSiblings());
controller.add(["Processed", 100.0]);
List<ByteData> _chunks;
int _kObjectAlignment;
int _kStackCid;
int _kFieldCid;
int _numCids;
int _N; // Objects in the snapshot.
int _Nconnected; // Objects reachable from root.
int _E; // References in the snapshot.
int _internalSize;
int _externalSize;
// Indexed by node id, with id 0 representing invalid/uninitialized.
// From snapshot.
Uint16List _cids;
Uint32List _shallowSizes;
Uint32List _externalSizes;
Uint32List _firstSuccs;
Uint32List _succs;
Uint32List _addressesLow; // No Uint64List in Javascript.
Uint32List _addressesHigh;
// Intermediates.
AddressMapper _addrToId;
Uint32List _vertex;
Uint32List _parent;
Uint32List _semi;
Uint32List _firstPreds; // Offset into preds.
Uint32List _preds;
// Outputs.
Uint32List _doms;
Uint32List _retainedSizes;
Uint32List _mergedDomHead;
Uint32List _mergedDomNext;
Uint32List _ownedSizesByCid;
void _remapNodes() {
var N = _N;
var E = 0;
var addrToId = new AddressMapper(N);
var addressesHigh = new Uint32List(N + 1);
var addressesLow = new Uint32List(N + 1);
var shallowSizes = new Uint32List(N + 1);
var externalSizes = new Uint32List(N + 1);
var cids = new Uint16List(N + 1);
var stream = new ReadStream(_chunks);
_kObjectAlignment = stream.clampedUint32;
_kStackCid = stream.clampedUint32;
_kFieldCid = stream.clampedUint32;
_numCids = stream.clampedUint32;
var id = ROOT;
while (id <= N) {
stream.readUnsigned(); // addr
addrToId.put(stream.high, stream.mid, stream.low, id);
addressesHigh[id] = stream.highUint32;
addressesLow[id] = stream.lowUint32;
stream.readUnsigned(); // shallowSize
shallowSizes[id] = stream.clampedUint32;
stream.readUnsigned(); // cid
cids[id] = stream.clampedUint32;
while (!stream.isZero) {
assert(ROOT == addrToId.get(0, 0, 0));
stream.readUnsigned(); // addr
while (!stream.isZero) {
var nodeId = addrToId.get(stream.high, stream.mid, stream.low);
stream.readUnsigned(); // externalSize
// The handle's object might be in the VM isolate or an immediate object,
// in which case the object isn't included in the snapshot.
if (nodeId != null) {
externalSizes[nodeId] += stream.clampedUint32;
stream.readUnsigned(); // addr
_E = E;
_addrToId = addrToId;
_addressesLow = addressesLow;
_addressesHigh = addressesHigh;
_shallowSizes = shallowSizes;
_externalSizes = externalSizes;
_cids = cids;
void _remapEdges() {
var N = _N;
var E = _E;
var addrToId = _addrToId;
var firstSuccs = new Uint32List(N + 2);
var succs = new Uint32List(E);
var stream = new ReadStream(_chunks);
stream.skipUnsigned(); // kObjectAlignment
stream.skipUnsigned(); // kStackCid
stream.skipUnsigned(); // kFieldCid
stream.skipUnsigned(); // numCids
var id = 1, edge = 0;
while (id <= N) {
stream.skipUnsigned(); // addr
stream.skipUnsigned(); // shallowSize
stream.skipUnsigned(); // cid
firstSuccs[id] = edge;
while (!stream.isZero) {
var childId = addrToId.get(stream.high, stream.mid, stream.low);
if (childId != null) {
succs[edge] = childId;
} else {
throw new Exception(
"Heap snapshot contains an edge but lacks its target node");
firstSuccs[id] = edge; // Extra entry for cheap boundary detection.
assert(id == N + 1);
assert(edge == E);
_E = edge;
_firstSuccs = firstSuccs;
_succs = succs;
void _dfs() {
var N = _N;
var firstSuccs = _firstSuccs;
var succs = _succs;
var stackNodes = new Uint32List(N);
var stackCurrentEdgePos = new Uint32List(N);
var vertex = new Uint32List(N + 1);
var semi = new Uint32List(N + 1);
var parent = new Uint32List(N + 1);
var dfsNumber = 0;
var stackTop = 0;
// Push root.
stackNodes[0] = ROOT;
stackCurrentEdgePos[0] = firstSuccs[ROOT];
while (stackTop >= 0) {
var v = stackNodes[stackTop];
var edgePos = stackCurrentEdgePos[stackTop];
if (semi[v] == 0) {
// First visit.
semi[v] = dfsNumber;
vertex[dfsNumber] = v;
if (edgePos < firstSuccs[v + 1]) {
var childId = succs[edgePos];
stackCurrentEdgePos[stackTop] = edgePos;
if (semi[childId] == 0) {
parent[childId] = v;
// Push child.
stackNodes[stackTop] = childId;
stackCurrentEdgePos[stackTop] = firstSuccs[childId];
} else {
// Done with all children.
if (dfsNumber != N) {
// This may happen in filtered snapshots.
Logger.root.warning('Heap snapshot contains unreachable nodes.');
assert(() {
for (var i = 1; i <= dfsNumber; i++) {
var v = vertex[i];
assert(semi[v] != SENTINEL);
assert(parent[1] == SENTINEL);
for (var i = 2; i <= dfsNumber; i++) {
var v = vertex[i];
assert(parent[v] != SENTINEL);
return true;
if (dfsNumber != N) {
// Remove successors of unconnected nodes
for (var i = ROOT + 1; i <= N; i++) {
if (parent[i] == SENTINEL) {
var startSuccIndex = firstSuccs[i];
var limitSuccIndex = firstSuccs[i + 1];
for (var succIndex = startSuccIndex;
succIndex < limitSuccIndex;
succIndex++) {
succs[succIndex] = SENTINEL;
_Nconnected = dfsNumber;
_vertex = vertex;
_semi = semi;
_parent = parent;
void _buildPredecessors() {
var N = _N;
var Nconnected = _Nconnected;
var E = _E;
var firstSuccs = _firstSuccs;
var succs = _succs;
// This is first filled with the predecessor counts, then reused to hold the
// offset to the first predecessor (see alias below).
// + 1 because 0 is a sentinel
// + 1 so the number of predecessors can be found from the difference with
// the next node's offset.
var numPreds = new Uint32List(N + 2);
var preds = new Uint32List(E);
// Count predecessors of each node.
for (var succIndex = 0; succIndex < E; succIndex++) {
var succId = succs[succIndex];
if (succId != SENTINEL) {
// Assign indices into predecessors array.
var firstPreds = numPreds; // Alias.
var nextPreds = new Uint32List(N + 1);
var predIndex = 0;
for (var i = 1; i <= N; i++) {
var thisPredIndex = predIndex;
predIndex += numPreds[i];
firstPreds[i] = thisPredIndex;
nextPreds[i] = thisPredIndex;
if (N == Nconnected) {
assert(predIndex == E);
firstPreds[N + 1] = predIndex; // Extra entry for cheap boundary detection.
// Fill predecessors array.
for (var i = 1; i <= N; i++) {
var startSuccIndex = firstSuccs[i];
var limitSuccIndex = firstSuccs[i + 1];
for (var succIndex = startSuccIndex;
succIndex < limitSuccIndex;
succIndex++) {
var succId = succs[succIndex];
if (succId != SENTINEL) {
var predIndex = nextPreds[succId]++;
preds[predIndex] = i;
_firstPreds = firstPreds;
_preds = preds;
// Fold the size of any object with in-degree(1) into its parent.
// Requires the DFS numbering and predecessor lists.
void _buildOwnedSizes() {
var N = _N;
var Nconnected = _Nconnected;
var kStackCid = _kStackCid;
var kFieldCid = _kFieldCid;
var cids = _cids;
var shallowSizes = _shallowSizes;
var externalSizes = _externalSizes;
var vertex = _vertex;
var firstPreds = _firstPreds;
var preds = _preds;
var ownedSizes = new Uint32List(N + 1);
for (var i = 1; i <= Nconnected; i++) {
var v = vertex[i];
ownedSizes[v] = shallowSizes[v] + externalSizes[v];
assert((ownedSizes[v] != 0) || cids[v] == kStackCid || v == ROOT);
for (var i = Nconnected; i > 1; i--) {
var w = vertex[i];
assert(w != ROOT);
var onlyPred = SENTINEL;
var startPred = firstPreds[w];
var limitPred = firstPreds[w + 1];
for (var predIndex = startPred; predIndex < limitPred; predIndex++) {
var v = preds[predIndex];
if (v == w) {
// Ignore self-predecessor.
} else if (onlyPred == SENTINEL) {
onlyPred = v;
} else if (onlyPred == v) {
// Repeated predecessor.
} else {
// Multiple-predecessors.
onlyPred = SENTINEL;
// If this object has a single precessor which is not a Field, Stack or
// the root, blame its size against the precessor.
if ((onlyPred != SENTINEL) &&
(onlyPred != ROOT) &&
(cids[onlyPred] != kStackCid) &&
(cids[onlyPred] != kFieldCid)) {
assert(ownedSizes[w] != 0);
ownedSizes[onlyPred] += ownedSizes[w];
ownedSizes[w] = 0;
// TODO(rmacnak): Maybe keep the per-objects sizes to be able to provide
// examples of large owners for each class.
var ownedSizesByCid = new Uint32List(_numCids);
for (var i = 1; i <= Nconnected; i++) {
var v = vertex[i];
var cid = cids[v];
ownedSizesByCid[cid] += ownedSizes[v];
_ownedSizesByCid = ownedSizesByCid;
static int _eval(int v, Uint32List ancestor, Uint32List semi,
Uint32List label, Uint32List stackNode, Uint8List stackState) {
if (ancestor[v] == SENTINEL) {
return label[v];
} else {
// Inlined 'compress' with an explicit stack to prevent JS stack
// overflow.
var top = 0;
stackNode[top] = v;
stackState[top] = 0;
while (top >= 0) {
var v = stackNode[top];
var state = stackState[top];
if (state == 0) {
assert(ancestor[v] != 0);
if (ancestor[ancestor[v]] != 0) {
stackState[top] = 1;
// Recurse with ancestor[v]
stackNode[top] = ancestor[v];
stackState[top] = 0;
} else {
} else {
assert(state == 1);
if (semi[label[ancestor[v]]] < semi[label[v]]) {
label[v] = label[ancestor[v]];
ancestor[v] = ancestor[ancestor[v]];
if (semi[label[ancestor[v]]] >= semi[label[v]]) {
return label[v];
} else {
return label[ancestor[v]];
// Note the version in the main text of Lengauer & Tarjan incorrectly
// uses parent instead of ancestor. The correct version is in Appendix B.
static void _link(int v, int w, Uint32List size, Uint32List label,
Uint32List semi, Uint32List child, Uint32List ancestor) {
assert(size[0] == 0);
assert(label[0] == 0);
assert(semi[0] == 0);
var s = w;
while (semi[label[w]] < semi[label[child[s]]]) {
if (size[s] + size[child[child[s]]] >= 2 * size[child[s]]) {
ancestor[child[s]] = s;
child[s] = child[child[s]];
} else {
size[child[s]] = size[s];
s = ancestor[s] = child[s];
label[s] = label[w];
size[v] = size[v] + size[w];
if (size[v] < 2 * size[w]) {
var tmp = s;
s = child[v];
child[v] = tmp;
while (s != 0) {
ancestor[s] = v;
s = child[s];
// T. Lengauer and R. E. Tarjan. "A Fast Algorithm for Finding Dominators
// in a Flowgraph."
void _buildDominators() {
var N = _N;
var Nconnected = _Nconnected;
var vertex = _vertex;
var semi = _semi;
var parent = _parent;
var firstPreds = _firstPreds;
var preds = _preds;
var dom = new Uint32List(N + 1);
var ancestor = new Uint32List(N + 1);
var label = new Uint32List(N + 1);
for (var i = 1; i <= N; i++) {
label[i] = i;
var buckets = new List(N + 1);
var child = new Uint32List(N + 1);
var size = new Uint32List(N + 1);
for (var i = 1; i <= N; i++) {
size[i] = 1;
var stackNode = new Uint32List(N + 1);
var stackState = new Uint8List(N + 1);
for (var i = Nconnected; i > 1; i--) {
var w = vertex[i];
assert(w != ROOT);
// Lengauer & Tarjan Step 2.
var startPred = firstPreds[w];
var limitPred = firstPreds[w + 1];
for (var predIndex = startPred; predIndex < limitPred; predIndex++) {
var v = preds[predIndex];
var u = _eval(v, ancestor, semi, label, stackNode, stackState);
if (semi[u] < semi[w]) {
semi[w] = semi[u];
// w.semi.bucket.add(w);
var tmp = vertex[semi[w]];
if (buckets[tmp] == null) {
buckets[tmp] = new List();
_link(parent[w], w, size, label, semi, child, ancestor);
// Lengauer & Tarjan Step 3.
tmp = parent[w];
var bucket = buckets[tmp];
buckets[tmp] = null;
if (bucket != null) {
for (var v in bucket) {
var u = _eval(v, ancestor, semi, label, stackNode, stackState);
dom[v] = semi[u] < semi[v] ? u : parent[w];
for (var i = ROOT; i <= N; i++) {
assert(buckets[i] == null);
// Lengauer & Tarjan Step 4.
for (var i = 2; i <= Nconnected; i++) {
var w = vertex[i];
if (dom[w] != vertex[semi[w]]) {
dom[w] = dom[dom[w]];
_doms = dom;
void _calculateRetainedSizes() {
var N = _N;
var Nconnected = _Nconnected;
var internalSize = 0;
var externalSize = 0;
var shallowSizes = _shallowSizes;
var externalSizes = _externalSizes;
var vertex = _vertex;
var doms = _doms;
// Sum internal and external sizes.
for (var i = 1; i <= Nconnected; i++) {
var v = vertex[i];
internalSize += shallowSizes[v];
externalSize += externalSizes[v];
// Start with retained size as shallow size + external size.
var retainedSizes = new Uint32List(N + 1);
for (var i = 0; i < N + 1; i++) {
retainedSizes[i] = shallowSizes[i] + externalSizes[i];
// In post order (bottom up), add retained size to dominator's retained
// size, skipping root.
for (var i = Nconnected; i > 1; i--) {
var v = vertex[i];
assert(v != ROOT);
retainedSizes[doms[v]] += retainedSizes[v];
// Root retains everything.
assert(retainedSizes[ROOT] == (internalSize + externalSize));
_retainedSizes = retainedSizes;
_internalSize = internalSize;
_externalSize = externalSize;
// Build linked lists of the children for each node in the dominator tree.
void _linkDominatorChildren() {
var N = _N;
var doms = _doms;
var head = new Uint32List(N + 1);
var next = new Uint32List(N + 1);
for (var child = ROOT; child <= N; child++) {
var parent = doms[child];
next[child] = head[parent];
head[parent] = child;
_mergedDomHead = head;
_mergedDomNext = next;
// Merge the given lists according to the given key in ascending order.
// Returns the head of the merged list.
static int _mergeSorted(
int head1, int head2, Uint32List next, Uint16List key) {
var head = head1;
var beforeInsert = SENTINEL;
var afterInsert = head1;
var startInsert = head2;
while (startInsert != SENTINEL) {
while (
(afterInsert != SENTINEL) && (key[afterInsert] <= key[startInsert])) {
beforeInsert = afterInsert;
afterInsert = next[beforeInsert];
var endInsert = startInsert;
var peek = next[endInsert];
while ((peek != SENTINEL) && (key[peek] < key[afterInsert])) {
endInsert = peek;
peek = next[endInsert];
assert(endInsert != SENTINEL);
if (beforeInsert == SENTINEL) {
head = startInsert;
} else {
next[beforeInsert] = startInsert;
next[endInsert] = afterInsert;
startInsert = peek;
beforeInsert = endInsert;
return head;
void _sortDominatorChildren() {
var N = _N;
var cids = _cids;
var head = _mergedDomHead;
var next = _mergedDomNext;
// Returns the new head of the sorted list.
int sort(int head) {
if (head == SENTINEL) return SENTINEL;
if (next[head] == SENTINEL) return head;
// Find the middle of the list.
int head1 = head;
int slow = head;
int fast = head;
while (next[fast] != SENTINEL && next[next[fast]] != SENTINEL) {
slow = next[slow];
fast = next[next[fast]];
// Split the list in half.
int head2 = next[slow];
next[slow] = SENTINEL;
// Recursively sort the sublists and merge.
assert(head1 != head2);
int newHead1 = sort(head1);
int newHead2 = sort(head2);
return _mergeSorted(newHead1, newHead2, next, cids);
// Sort all list of dominator tree children by cid.
for (var parent = ROOT; parent <= N; parent++) {
head[parent] = sort(head[parent]);
void _mergeDominatorSiblings() {
var N = _N;
var cids = _cids;
var head = _mergedDomHead;
var next = _mergedDomNext;
var workStack = new Uint32List(N);
var workStackTop = 0;
mergeChildrenAndSort(var parent1, var end) {
assert(parent1 != SENTINEL);
if (next[parent1] == end) return;
// Find the middle of the list.
int slow = parent1;
int fast = parent1;
while (next[fast] != end && next[next[fast]] != end) {
slow = next[slow];
fast = next[next[fast]];
int parent2 = next[slow];
assert(parent2 != SENTINEL);
assert(parent1 != parent2);
assert(cids[parent1] == cids[parent2]);
// Recursively sort the sublists.
mergeChildrenAndSort(parent1, parent2);
mergeChildrenAndSort(parent2, end);
// Merge sorted sublists.
head[parent1] = _mergeSorted(head[parent1], head[parent2], next, cids);
// Children moved to parent1.
head[parent2] = SENTINEL;
// Push root.
workStack[workStackTop++] = ROOT;
while (workStackTop > 0) {
var parent = workStack[--workStackTop];
var child = head[parent];
while (child != SENTINEL) {
// Push child.
workStack[workStackTop++] = child;
// Find next sibling with a different cid.
var after = child;
while (after != SENTINEL && cids[after] == cids[child]) {
after = next[after];
// From all the siblings between child and after, take their children,
// merge them and given to child.
mergeChildrenAndSort(child, after);
child = after;