| # Copyright (c) 2017, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file |
| # for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a |
| # BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file. |
| |
| [ $compiler == dartdevc ] |
| html/custom/document_register_type_extensions_test/construction: Crash # dartdevc compiler crash Issue 30885 |
| html/custom/document_register_type_extensions_test/constructors: Crash # dartdevc compiler crash Issue 30885 |
| html/custom/document_register_type_extensions_test/createElement with type extension: Crash # dartdevc compiler crash Issue 30885 |
| html/custom/document_register_type_extensions_test/functional: Crash # dartdevc compiler crash Issue 30885 |
| html/custom/document_register_type_extensions_test/namespaces: Crash # dartdevc compiler crash Issue 30885 |
| html/custom/document_register_type_extensions_test/parsing: Crash # dartdevc compiler crash Issue 30885 |
| html/custom/document_register_type_extensions_test/registration: Crash # dartdevc compiler crash Issue 30885 |
| html/custom/document_register_type_extensions_test/single-parameter createElement: Crash # dartdevc compiler crash Issue 30885 |
| html/custom/element_upgrade_test: Crash # Crashes compiler Issue ????? |
| html/custom/entered_left_view_test: Crash # Issue 29922 |
| html/custom/js_custom_test: Crash # Issue 29922 |
| html/custom/mirrors_test: Crash # Issue 29922 |
| html/custom/regress_194523002_test: Crash # Issue 29922 |
| isolate/*: SkipByDesign # No support for dart:isolate in dart4web (http://dartbug.com/30538) |
| js/null_test: RuntimeError # Issue 30652 |
| mirrors/*: SkipByDesign # Mirrors not supported on web in Dart 2.0. |
| profiler/metrics_num_test: Skip # Because of an int / double type test. |
| math/double_pow_test: RuntimeError # Issue 29922 |
| math/low_test: RuntimeError # Issue 29922 |
| math/random_big_test: RuntimeError # Issue 29922 |
| |
| [ $compiler == dartdevc && $runtime != none ] |
| async/async_await_sync_completer_test: RuntimeError # Issue 29922 |
| async/async_await_zones_test: RuntimeError # Issue 29922 |
| async/future_or_bad_type_test/none: RuntimeError # Issue 29922 |
| async/future_or_bad_type_test/implements: RuntimeError # Issue 29922 |
| async/future_test: RuntimeError # Issue 29922 |
| async/futures_test: RuntimeError # Issue 29922 |
| async/slow_consumer_test: Pass, Timeout # Issue 29922 |
| async/stream_distinct_test: RuntimeError # Issue 29922 |
| convert/base64_test/01: Fail, OK # Uses bit-wise operations to detect invalid values. Some large invalid values accepted by DDC/dart2js. |
| convert/chunked_conversion_utf88_test: Slow, Pass |
| convert/json_utf8_chunk_test: Slow, Pass |
| convert/streamed_conversion_json_utf8_encode_test: Pass, Timeout # Issue 29922 |
| convert/streamed_conversion_utf8_decode_test: Slow, Pass |
| convert/streamed_conversion_utf8_encode_test: Pass, Timeout # Issue 29922 |
| convert/utf85_test: Slow, Pass |
| html/custom_element_method_clash_test: Skip # Issue 29922 |
| html/custom_element_name_clash_test: Skip # Issue 29922 |
| html/custom_elements_23127_test: Skip # Issue 29922 |
| html/custom_elements_test: Skip # Issue 29922 |
| math/random_big_test: RuntimeError # Issue 29922 |
| typed_data/int32x4_bigint_test: RuntimeError # Issue 29922 |
| typed_data/int64_list_load_store_test: RuntimeError # Issue 29922 |
| typed_data/typed_data_hierarchy_int64_test: RuntimeError # Issue 29922 |
| mirrors/private_types_test: RuntimeError # Issue 29922 |
| mirrors/reflect_runtime_type_test: RuntimeError # Issue 29922 |
| mirrors/reflect_uninstantiated_class_test: RuntimeError # Issue 29922 |
| mirrors/reflected_type_function_type_test: RuntimeError # Issue 29922 |
| mirrors/reflected_type_special_types_test: RuntimeError # Issue 29922 |
| mirrors/reflected_type_typedefs_test: RuntimeError # Issue 29922 |
| mirrors/reflected_type_typevars_test: RuntimeError # Issue 29922 |
| mirrors/regress_14304_test: RuntimeError # Issue 29922 |
| |
| [ $strong && $compiler == dartdevc ] |
| html/custom/document_register_template_test: Crash # Compiler crash issue ???? |
| html/custom/mirrors_2_test: Crash # Compiler crash issue ???? |
| |
| [ $compiler == dartdevc && $runtime == drt ] |
| math/math_test: RuntimeError # Issue 29922 |
| math/math2_test: RuntimeError # Issue 29922 |