blob: 268db441782e6f5e042a8050d18c39122191a8c3 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:async_helper/async_helper.dart';
import 'package:compiler/compiler_new.dart' show Diagnostic;
import 'package:expect/expect.dart';
import 'memory_compiler.dart';
void main() {
DiagnosticCollector collector = new DiagnosticCollector();
asyncTest(() async {
CompilationResult result = await runCompiler(
memorySourceFiles: MEMORY_SOURCE_FILES,
diagnosticHandler: collector,
options: ['--analyze-all']);
List<String> diagnostics = <String>[];
collector.messages.forEach((CollectedMessage message) {
if (message.kind == Diagnostic.VERBOSE_INFO) return;
var expected = [
"memory:exporter.dart:43:49:'hest' is defined here.:info",
"memory:library.dart:41:47:'hest' is defined here.:info",
"memory:main.dart:86:92:Duplicate import of 'hest'.:warning",
"memory:main.dart:0:22:'hest' is imported here.:info",
"memory:main.dart:23:46:'hest' is imported here.:info",
Expect.listEquals(expected, diagnostics);
const Map MEMORY_SOURCE_FILES = const {
'main.dart': """
import 'library.dart';
import 'exporter.dart';
main() {
Fisk x = null;
'library.dart': """
library lib;
class Fisk {
fisk() {}
hest() {}
'exporter.dart': """
library exporter;
export 'library.dart';
hest() {}