blob: 6f947e656043f098b93fe59e70d6868d4d8da90f [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// Test that parameters keep their names in the output.
import 'dart:async';
import 'package:expect/expect.dart';
import 'package:async_helper/async_helper.dart';
import 'compiler_helper.dart';
const String TEST_INVOCATION0 = r"""
main() {
var o = null;
const String TEST_INVOCATION1 = r"""
main() {
var o = null;
const String TEST_INVOCATION2 = r"""
main() {
var o = null;
o(1, 2);
const String TEST_BAILOUT = r"""
class A {
var x;
foo(_) { // make sure only g has no arguments
var f = () { return 499; };
return 499 + x + f();
main() { new A().foo(1); }
Future closureInvocation(bool minify, String prefix) {
return Future.wait([
compile(TEST_INVOCATION0, minify: minify, check: (String generated) {
compile(TEST_INVOCATION1, minify: minify, check: (String generated) {
compile(TEST_INVOCATION2, minify: minify, check: (String generated) {
Expect.isTrue(generated.contains(".$prefix\$2(1,${minify ? "" : " "}2)"));
// Make sure that the bailout version does not introduce a second version of
// the closure.
Future closureBailout(bool minify, String prefix) {
return compileAll(TEST_BAILOUT, minify: minify).then((generated) {
RegExp regexp = new RegExp("$prefix\\\$0:${minify ? "" : " "}function");
Iterator<Match> matches = regexp.allMatches(generated).iterator;
checkNumberOfMatches(matches, 1);
main() {
asyncTest(() => Future.wait([
closureInvocation(false, "call"),
closureInvocation(true, ""),
closureBailout(false, "call"),
closureBailout(true, ""),