blob: 5cdb775f7caebda90d05732af4c99870078cd6a6 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2014, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library stub_core_libraries.test;
import 'dart:io';
import 'package:path/path.dart' as p;
import 'package:stub_core_library/stub_core_library.dart';
import 'package:unittest/unittest.dart';
String sandbox;
main() {
setUp(() {
sandbox = Directory.systemTemp.createTempSync('stub_core_library_').path;
tearDown(() => new Directory(sandbox).deleteSync(recursive: true));
group("imports", () {
test("dart: imports are preserved by default", () {
import "dart:core";
import "dart:html";
import "dart:fblthp";
""", """
import "dart:core";
import "dart:html";
import "dart:fblthp";
test("internal dart: imports are removed", () {
import "dart:_internal";
import "dart:_blink" as _blink;
import "dart:_fblthp";
""", "");
test("replaced imports are replaced", () {
import "dart:html";
import "foo.dart" as foo;
""", """
import "dart_html.dart";
import "bar.dart" as foo;
""", {
"dart:html": "dart_html.dart",
"foo.dart": "bar.dart"
test("exports are replaced as well", () {
export "dart:html";
export "foo.dart" show foo;
""", """
export "dart_html.dart";
export "bar.dart" show foo;
""", {
"dart:html": "dart_html.dart",
"foo.dart": "bar.dart"
test("a parted file is stubbed and included inline", () {
new File(p.join(sandbox, "part.dart")).writeAsStringSync("""
part of lib;
void foo() => print('foo!');
library lib;
part "part.dart";
""", """
library lib;
void foo() { ${unsupported("foo()")}; }
test("a class declaration's native clause is removed", () {
expectStub("class Foo native 'Foo' {}", "class Foo {}");
group("constructors", () {
test("a constructor's body is stubbed out", () {
class Foo {
Foo() { print("Created a foo!"); }
""", """
class Foo {
Foo() { ${unsupported("new Foo()")}; }
test("a constructor's empty body is stubbed out", () {
expectStub("class Foo { Foo(); }", """
class Foo {
Foo() { ${unsupported("new Foo()")}; }
test("a constructor's external declaration is removed", () {
expectStub("class Foo { external Foo(); }", """
class Foo {
Foo() { ${unsupported("new Foo()")}; }
test("a constructor's field initializers are removed", () {
class Foo {
final _field1;
final _field2;
: _field1 = 1,
_field2 = 2;
""", """
class Foo {
Foo() { ${unsupported("new Foo()")}; }
test("a constructor's redirecting initializers are removed", () {
class Foo {
Foo() : this.create();
""", """
class Foo {
Foo() { ${unsupported("new Foo()")}; }
Foo.create() { ${unsupported("new Foo.create()")}; }
test("a constructor's superclass calls are preserved", () {
class Foo {
Foo(int i, int j, {int k});
class Bar extends Foo {
Bar() : super(1, 2, k: 3);
""", """
class Foo {
Foo(int i, int j, {int k}) { ${unsupported("new Foo()")}; }
class Bar extends Foo {
: super(${unsupported("new Bar()")}, null) {
${unsupported("new Bar()")};
test("a constructor's initializing formals are replaced with normal "
"parameters", () {
class Foo {
final int _i;
var _j;
final List<int> _k;
Foo(this._i, this._j, this._k);
""", """
class Foo {
Foo(int _i, _j, List<int> _k) { ${unsupported("new Foo()")}; }
test("a const constructor isn't stubbed", () {
expectStub("class Foo { const Foo(); }", "class Foo { const Foo(); }");
test("a const constructor's superclass calls are fully preserved", () {
class Foo {
const Foo(int i, int j, int k);
class Bar extends Foo {
const Bar() : super(1, 2, 3);
""", """
class Foo {
const Foo(int i, int j, int k);
class Bar extends Foo {
const Bar() : super(1, 2, 3);
test("a redirecting const constructor stops redirecting", () {
class Foo {
const Foo.named(int i, int j, int k)
: this(i, j, k);
const Foo(int i, int j, int k);
""", """
class Foo {
const Foo.named(int i, int j, int k);
const Foo(int i, int j, int k);
group("functions", () {
test("stubs a top-level function", () {
expectStub("void foo() => print('hello!');",
"void foo() { ${unsupported('foo()')}; }");
test("stubs a private top-level function", () {
expectStub("void _foo() => print('hello!');",
"void _foo() { ${unsupported('_foo()')}; }");
test("stubs a method", () {
class Foo {
foo() => print("hello!");
""", """
class Foo {
foo() { ${unsupported('')}; }
test("empties a method in an unconstructable class", () {
class Foo {
foo() => print("hello!");
""", """
class Foo {
Foo() { ${unsupported('new Foo()')}; }
foo() {}
test("removes a private instance method", () {
class Foo {
_foo() => print("hello!");
""", "class Foo {}");
test("stubs a private static method", () {
class Foo {
static _foo() => print("hello!");
""", """
class Foo {
static _foo() { ${unsupported('Foo._foo()')}; }
test("preserves an abstract instance method", () {
expectStub("abstract class Foo { foo(); }",
"abstract class Foo { foo(); }");
test("removes a native function body", () {
expectStub("void foo() native 'foo';",
"void foo() { ${unsupported('foo()')}; }");
group("top-level fields", () {
test("stubs out a top-level field", () {
expectStub("int foo;", """
int get foo => ${unsupported('foo')};
set foo(int _) { ${unsupported('foo=')}; }
test("stubs out a top-level field with a value", () {
expectStub("int foo = 12;", """
int get foo => ${unsupported('foo')};
set foo(int _) { ${unsupported('foo=')}; }
test("stubs out a final top-level field", () {
expectStub("final int foo = 12;",
"int get foo => ${unsupported('foo')};");
test("preserves a const top-level field", () {
expectStub("const foo = 12;", "const foo = 12;");
test("removes a private top-level field", () {
expectStub("int _foo = 12;", "");
test("preserves a private const top-level field", () {
expectStub("const _foo = 12;", "const _foo = 12;");
test("splits a multiple-declaration top-level field", () {
expectStub("int foo, bar, baz;", """
int get foo => ${unsupported('foo')};
set foo(int _) { ${unsupported('foo=')}; }
int get bar => ${unsupported('bar')};
set bar(int _) { ${unsupported('bar=')}; }
int get baz => ${unsupported('baz')};
set baz(int _) { ${unsupported('baz=')}; }
group("instance fields", () {
test("stubs out an instance field", () {
expectStub("class Foo { int foo; }", """
class Foo {
int get foo => ${unsupported('')};
set foo(int _) { ${unsupported('')}; }
test("stubs out an instance field with a value", () {
expectStub("class Foo { int foo = 12; }", """
class Foo {
int get foo => ${unsupported('')};
set foo(int _) { ${unsupported('')}; }
test("stubs out a final instance field", () {
expectStub("class Foo { final int foo = 12; }", """
class Foo {
int get foo => ${unsupported('')};
test("removes a private instance field", () {
expectStub("class Foo { int _foo = 12; }", "class Foo { }");
test("stubs out a static instance field", () {
expectStub("class Foo { static int foo = 12; }", """
class Foo {
static int get foo => ${unsupported('')};
static set foo(int _) { ${unsupported('')}; }
test("removes a private static instance field", () {
expectStub("class Foo { static int _foo = 12; }", "class Foo { }");
test("preserves a static const instance field", () {
expectStub("class Foo { static const foo = 12; }",
"class Foo { static const foo = 12; }");
test("nulls a field for an unconstructable class", () {
class Foo {
final foo = 12;
""", """
class Foo {
Foo() { ${unsupported("new Foo()")}; }
final foo = null;
test("splits a multiple-declaration instance field", () {
expectStub("class Foo { int foo, bar, baz; }", """
class Foo {
int get foo => ${unsupported('')};
set foo(int _) { ${unsupported('')}; }
int get bar => ${unsupported('')};
set bar(int _) { ${unsupported('')}; }
int get baz => ${unsupported('Foo.baz')};
set baz(int _) { ${unsupported('Foo.baz=')}; }
/// Expects that [source] will transform into [expected] when stubbed.
void expectStub(String source, String expected,
[Map<String, String> importReplacements]) {
expect(stubCode(source, p.join(sandbox, 'source.dart'), importReplacements),
/// Returns code for throwing an [UnsupportedError] for the given name.
String unsupported(String name) => 'throw new UnsupportedError("$name is '
'unsupported on this platform.")';