| // Copyright (c) 2014, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file |
| // for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a |
| // BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file. |
| |
| import "package:expect/expect.dart"; |
| |
| void checkBadSymbol(String s) { |
| Expect.throws(() => new Symbol(s), (e) => e is ArgumentError); |
| } |
| |
| main() { |
| var x; |
| |
| // 'void' is allowed as a symbol name. |
| x = const Symbol('void'); /// 01: ok |
| x = #void; /// 02: ok |
| x = new Symbol('void'); /// 03: ok |
| |
| // However, it is not allowed as a part of a symbol name. |
| x = const Symbol('void.foo'); /// 04: compile-time error |
| x = #void.foo; /// 05: static type warning |
| checkBadSymbol('void.foo'); /// 06: ok |
| x = const Symbol('foo.void'); /// 07: compile-time error |
| x = #foo.void; /// 08: compile-time error |
| checkBadSymbol('foo.void'); /// 09: ok |
| |
| // All other reserved words are disallowed. |
| x = const Symbol('assert'); /// 10: compile-time error |
| x = const Symbol('break'); /// 10: continued |
| x = const Symbol('case'); /// 10: continued |
| x = const Symbol('catch'); /// 10: continued |
| x = const Symbol('class'); /// 10: continued |
| x = const Symbol('const'); /// 10: continued |
| x = const Symbol('continue'); /// 10: continued |
| x = const Symbol('default'); /// 10: continued |
| x = const Symbol('do'); /// 10: continued |
| x = const Symbol('else'); /// 10: continued |
| x = const Symbol('enum'); /// 10: continued |
| x = const Symbol('extends'); /// 10: continued |
| x = const Symbol('false'); /// 10: continued |
| x = const Symbol('final'); /// 10: continued |
| x = const Symbol('finally'); /// 10: continued |
| x = const Symbol('for'); /// 10: continued |
| x = const Symbol('if'); /// 10: continued |
| x = const Symbol('in'); /// 10: continued |
| x = const Symbol('is'); /// 10: continued |
| x = const Symbol('new'); /// 10: continued |
| x = const Symbol('null'); /// 10: continued |
| x = const Symbol('rethrow'); /// 10: continued |
| x = const Symbol('return'); /// 10: continued |
| x = const Symbol('super'); /// 10: continued |
| x = const Symbol('switch'); /// 10: continued |
| x = const Symbol('this'); /// 10: continued |
| x = const Symbol('throw'); /// 10: continued |
| x = const Symbol('true'); /// 10: continued |
| x = const Symbol('try'); /// 10: continued |
| x = const Symbol('var'); /// 10: continued |
| x = const Symbol('while'); /// 10: continued |
| x = const Symbol('with'); /// 10: continued |
| x = #assert; /// 11: compile-time error |
| x = #break; /// 11: continued |
| x = #case; /// 11: continued |
| x = #catch; /// 11: continued |
| x = #class; /// 11: continued |
| x = #const; /// 11: continued |
| x = #continue; /// 11: continued |
| x = #default; /// 11: continued |
| x = #do; /// 11: continued |
| x = #else; /// 11: continued |
| x = #enum; /// 11: continued |
| x = #extends; /// 11: continued |
| x = #false; /// 11: continued |
| x = #final; /// 11: continued |
| x = #finally; /// 11: continued |
| x = #for; /// 11: continued |
| x = #if; /// 11: continued |
| x = #in; /// 11: continued |
| x = #is; /// 11: continued |
| x = #new; /// 11: continued |
| x = #null; /// 11: continued |
| x = #rethrow; /// 11: continued |
| x = #return; /// 11: continued |
| x = #super; /// 11: continued |
| x = #switch; /// 11: continued |
| x = #this; /// 11: continued |
| x = #throw; /// 11: continued |
| x = #true; /// 11: continued |
| x = #try; /// 11: continued |
| x = #var; /// 11: continued |
| x = #while; /// 11: continued |
| x = #with; /// 11: continued |
| checkBadSymbol('assert'); /// 12: ok |
| checkBadSymbol('break'); /// 12: continued |
| checkBadSymbol('case'); /// 12: continued |
| checkBadSymbol('catch'); /// 12: continued |
| checkBadSymbol('class'); /// 12: continued |
| checkBadSymbol('const'); /// 12: continued |
| checkBadSymbol('continue'); /// 12: continued |
| checkBadSymbol('default'); /// 12: continued |
| checkBadSymbol('do'); /// 12: continued |
| checkBadSymbol('else'); /// 12: continued |
| checkBadSymbol('enum'); /// 12: continued |
| checkBadSymbol('extends'); /// 12: continued |
| checkBadSymbol('false'); /// 12: continued |
| checkBadSymbol('final'); /// 12: continued |
| checkBadSymbol('finally'); /// 12: continued |
| checkBadSymbol('for'); /// 12: continued |
| checkBadSymbol('if'); /// 12: continued |
| checkBadSymbol('in'); /// 12: continued |
| checkBadSymbol('is'); /// 12: continued |
| checkBadSymbol('new'); /// 12: continued |
| checkBadSymbol('null'); /// 12: continued |
| checkBadSymbol('rethrow'); /// 12: continued |
| checkBadSymbol('return'); /// 12: continued |
| checkBadSymbol('super'); /// 12: continued |
| checkBadSymbol('switch'); /// 12: continued |
| checkBadSymbol('this'); /// 12: continued |
| checkBadSymbol('throw'); /// 12: continued |
| checkBadSymbol('true'); /// 12: continued |
| checkBadSymbol('try'); /// 12: continued |
| checkBadSymbol('var'); /// 12: continued |
| checkBadSymbol('while'); /// 12: continued |
| checkBadSymbol('with'); /// 12: continued |
| } |