blob: d93d648caac43cb72a5256eee3d9a7fd9555ae2d [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
#ifndef VM_PROFILER_H_
#define VM_PROFILER_H_
#include "vm/allocation.h"
#include "vm/bitfield.h"
#include "vm/code_observers.h"
#include "vm/globals.h"
#include "vm/tags.h"
#include "vm/thread_interrupter.h"
// Profiler sampling and stack walking support.
// NOTE: For service related code, see profile_service.h.
namespace dart {
// Forward declarations.
class Sample;
class SampleBuffer;
class Profiler : public AllStatic {
static void InitOnce();
static void Shutdown();
static void SetSampleDepth(intptr_t depth);
static void SetSamplePeriod(intptr_t period);
static void InitProfilingForIsolate(Isolate* isolate,
bool shared_buffer = true);
static void ShutdownProfilingForIsolate(Isolate* isolate);
static void BeginExecution(Isolate* isolate);
static void EndExecution(Isolate* isolate);
static SampleBuffer* sample_buffer() {
return sample_buffer_;
static bool initialized_;
static Monitor* monitor_;
static void RecordSampleInterruptCallback(const InterruptedThreadState& state,
void* data);
static SampleBuffer* sample_buffer_;
class IsolateProfilerData {
IsolateProfilerData(SampleBuffer* sample_buffer, bool own_sample_buffer);
SampleBuffer* sample_buffer() const { return sample_buffer_; }
void set_sample_buffer(SampleBuffer* sample_buffer) {
sample_buffer_ = sample_buffer;
bool blocked() const {
return block_count_ > 0;
void Block();
void Unblock();
SampleBuffer* sample_buffer_;
bool own_sample_buffer_;
intptr_t block_count_;
class SampleVisitor : public ValueObject {
explicit SampleVisitor(Isolate* isolate) : isolate_(isolate), visited_(0) { }
virtual ~SampleVisitor() {}
virtual void VisitSample(Sample* sample) = 0;
intptr_t visited() const {
return visited_;
void IncrementVisited() {
Isolate* isolate() const {
return isolate_;
Isolate* isolate_;
intptr_t visited_;
// Each Sample holds a stack trace from an isolate.
class Sample {
void Init(Isolate* isolate, int64_t timestamp, ThreadId tid) {
timestamp_ = timestamp;
tid_ = tid;
isolate_ = isolate;
pc_marker_ = 0;
vm_tag_ = VMTag::kInvalidTagId;
user_tag_ = UserTags::kDefaultUserTag;
sp_ = 0;
fp_ = 0;
state_ = 0;
uword* pcs = GetPCArray();
for (intptr_t i = 0; i < pcs_length_; i++) {
pcs[i] = 0;
// Isolate sample was taken from.
Isolate* isolate() const {
return isolate_;
// Timestamp sample was taken at.
int64_t timestamp() const {
return timestamp_;
// Get stack trace entry.
uword At(intptr_t i) const {
ASSERT(i >= 0);
ASSERT(i < pcs_length_);
uword* pcs = GetPCArray();
return pcs[i];
// Set stack trace entry.
void SetAt(intptr_t i, uword pc) {
ASSERT(i >= 0);
ASSERT(i < pcs_length_);
uword* pcs = GetPCArray();
pcs[i] = pc;
uword vm_tag() const {
return vm_tag_;
void set_vm_tag(uword tag) {
ASSERT(tag != VMTag::kInvalidTagId);
vm_tag_ = tag;
uword user_tag() const {
return user_tag_;
void set_user_tag(uword tag) {
user_tag_ = tag;
uword pc_marker() const {
return pc_marker_;
void set_pc_marker(uword pc_marker) {
pc_marker_ = pc_marker;
uword sp() const {
return sp_;
void set_sp(uword sp) {
sp_ = sp;
uword fp() const {
return fp_;
void set_fp(uword fp) {
fp_ = fp;
void InsertCallerForTopFrame(uword pc) {
if (pcs_length_ == 1) {
// Only sampling top frame.
uword* pcs = GetPCArray();
// The caller for the top frame is store at index 1.
// Shift all entries down by one.
for (intptr_t i = pcs_length_ - 1; i >= 2; i--) {
pcs[i] = pcs[i - 1];
// Insert caller for top frame.
pcs[1] = pc;
bool processed() const {
return ProcessedBit::decode(state_);
void set_processed(bool processed) {
state_ = ProcessedBit::update(processed, state_);
bool leaf_frame_is_dart() const {
return LeafFrameIsDart::decode(state_);
void set_leaf_frame_is_dart(bool leaf_frame_is_dart) {
state_ = LeafFrameIsDart::update(leaf_frame_is_dart, state_);
bool ignore_sample() const {
return IgnoreBit::decode(state_);
void set_ignore_sample(bool ignore_sample) {
state_ = IgnoreBit::update(ignore_sample, state_);
bool exit_frame_sample() const {
return ExitFrameBit::decode(state_);
void set_exit_frame_sample(bool exit_frame_sample) {
state_ = ExitFrameBit::update(exit_frame_sample, state_);
static void InitOnce();
static intptr_t instance_size() {
return instance_size_;
uword* GetPCArray() const;
static intptr_t instance_size_;
static intptr_t pcs_length_;
enum StateBits {
kProcessedBit = 0,
kLeafFrameIsDartBit = 1,
kIgnoreBit = 2,
kExitFrameBit = 3,
class ProcessedBit : public BitField<bool, kProcessedBit, 1> {};
class LeafFrameIsDart : public BitField<bool, kLeafFrameIsDartBit, 1> {};
class IgnoreBit : public BitField<bool, kIgnoreBit, 1> {};
class ExitFrameBit : public BitField<bool, kExitFrameBit, 1> {};
int64_t timestamp_;
ThreadId tid_;
Isolate* isolate_;
uword pc_marker_;
uword vm_tag_;
uword user_tag_;
uword sp_;
uword fp_;
uword state_;
/* There are a variable number of words that follow, the words hold the
* sampled pc values. Access via GetPCArray() */
// Ring buffer of Samples that is (usually) shared by many isolates.
class SampleBuffer {
static const intptr_t kDefaultBufferCapacity = 120000; // 2 minutes @ 1000hz.
explicit SampleBuffer(intptr_t capacity = kDefaultBufferCapacity);
~SampleBuffer() {
if (samples_ != NULL) {
samples_ = NULL;
cursor_ = 0;
capacity_ = 0;
intptr_t capacity() const { return capacity_; }
Sample* At(intptr_t idx) const;
Sample* ReserveSample();
void VisitSamples(SampleVisitor* visitor) {
ASSERT(visitor != NULL);
const intptr_t length = capacity();
for (intptr_t i = 0; i < length; i++) {
Sample* sample = At(i);
if (sample->ignore_sample()) {
// Bad sample.
if (sample->isolate() != visitor->isolate()) {
// Another isolate.
if (sample->timestamp() == 0) {
// Empty.
if (sample->At(0) == 0) {
// No frames.
Sample* samples_;
intptr_t capacity_;
uintptr_t cursor_;
} // namespace dart
#endif // VM_PROFILER_H_