blob: 9e02313cee1bb6df3b44ef27672166d30827058c [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// Classes that describe assembly patterns as used by inline caches.
#error Do not include instructions_ia32.h directly; use instructions.h instead.
#include "vm/allocation.h"
#include "vm/object.h"
namespace dart {
// Forward declarations.
class RawClass;
class Immediate;
class RawObject;
// Abstract class for all instruction pattern classes.
class InstructionPattern : public ValueObject {
explicit InstructionPattern(uword pc) : start_(pc) {
ASSERT(pc != 0);
virtual ~InstructionPattern() {}
// Call to check if the instruction pattern at 'pc' match the instruction.
virtual bool IsValid() const {
return TestBytesWith(pattern(), pattern_length_in_bytes());
// 'pattern' returns the expected byte pattern in form of an integer array
// with length of 'pattern_length_in_bytes'. A '-1' element means 'any byte'.
virtual const int* pattern() const = 0;
virtual int pattern_length_in_bytes() const = 0;
static intptr_t IndexFromPPLoad(uword start);
static intptr_t OffsetFromPPIndex(intptr_t index);
uword start() const { return start_; }
// Returns true if the 'num_bytes' bytes at 'start_' correspond to
// array of integers 'data'. 'data' elements are either a byte or -1, which
// represents any byte.
bool TestBytesWith(const int* data, int num_bytes) const;
const uword start_;
class JumpPattern : public InstructionPattern {
JumpPattern(uword pc, const Code& code)
: InstructionPattern(pc),
object_pool_(Array::Handle(code.ObjectPool())) {}
static int InstructionLength() {
return kLengthInBytes;
uword TargetAddress() const;
void SetTargetAddress(uword new_target) const;
virtual int pattern_length_in_bytes() const {
return kLengthInBytes;
static const int kLengthInBytes = 7;
virtual const int* pattern() const;
const Array& object_pool_;
// 5 byte call instruction.
class ShortCallPattern : public InstructionPattern {
explicit ShortCallPattern(uword pc) : InstructionPattern(pc) {}
static int InstructionLength() {
return kLengthInBytes;
virtual int pattern_length_in_bytes() const {
return kLengthInBytes;
void SetTargetAddress(uword new_target) const;
static const int kLengthInBytes = 5;
virtual const int* pattern() const;
} // namespace dart
#endif // VM_INSTRUCTIONS_X64_H_