blob: 99753699ee02a0160c262f59f4fed9e93a8e3ad4 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2014, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library dominator_tree;
// Flowgraph dominators in O(m log n) time. Implements the algorithm from
// [Lengauer & Tarjan 1979]
// T. Lengauer and R.E. Tarjan,
// "A fast algorithm for finding dominators in a flowgraph",
// ACM Transactions on Programming Language and Systems, 1(1):121-141, 1979.
// Internal vertex information used inside 'Dominator'.
// Field names mostly follow naming in [Lengauer & Tarjan 1979].
class _Vertex {
final Object id;
_Vertex dom;
_Vertex parent;
_Vertex ancestor;
_Vertex label;
int semi;
final List<_Vertex> pred = new List<_Vertex>();
final List<_Vertex> bucket = new List<_Vertex>();
// TODO(koda): Avoid duplication by having an interface for 'id' with
// access to outgoing edges, and/or clearing 'succ' after constructing
// inverse graph in 'pred'.
final List<_Vertex> succ = new List<_Vertex>();
_Vertex( { label = this; }
// Utility to compute immediate dominators. Usage:
// 1. Build the flowgraph using 'addEdges'.
// 2. Call 'computeDominatorTree' once.
// 3. Use 'dominator' to access result.
// The instance can only be used once.
class Dominator {
final Map<Object, _Vertex> _idToVertex = new Map<Object, _Vertex>();
final List<_Vertex> _vertex = new List<_Vertex>();
void addEdges(Object u, Iterable<Object> vs) {
// Returns the immediate dominator of 'v', or null if 'v' is the root.
Object dominator(Object v) {
_Vertex dom = _asVertex(v).dom;
return dom == null ? null :;
_Vertex _asVertex(Object u) {
return _idToVertex.putIfAbsent(u, () => new _Vertex(u));
void _dfs(_Vertex v) {
v.semi = _vertex.length;
for (_Vertex w in v.succ) {
if (w.semi == null) {
w.parent = v;
void _compress(_Vertex v) {
if (v.ancestor.ancestor != null) {
if (v.ancestor.label.semi < v.label.semi) {
v.label = v.ancestor.label;
v.ancestor = v.ancestor.ancestor;
_Vertex _eval(_Vertex v) {
if (v.ancestor == null) {
return v;
} else {
return v.label;
void _link(_Vertex v, _Vertex w) {
w.ancestor = v;
void computeDominatorTree(Object root) {
_Vertex r = _asVertex(root);
int n = _idToVertex.length;
if (_vertex.length != n) {
throw new StateError("Not a flowgraph: "
"only ${_vertex.length} of $n vertices reachable");
for (int i = n - 1; i >= 1; --i) {
_Vertex w = _vertex[i];
for (_Vertex v in w.pred) {
_Vertex u = _eval(v);
if (u.semi < w.semi) {
w.semi = u.semi;
_link(w.parent, w);
for (_Vertex v in w.parent.bucket) {
_Vertex u = _eval(v);
v.dom = u.semi < v.semi ? u : w.parent;
for (int i = 1; i < n; ++i) {
_Vertex w = _vertex[i];
if (w.dom != _vertex[w.semi]) {
w.dom = w.dom.dom;
r.dom = null;