blob: 82f4bc2bf2f5394ff2ea273e08487c5e2b59a650 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright (c) 2014, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
# for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
# BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
# This Makefile is used to run the analyzer on the sources of poi.dart.
# Unfortunately, we have to ignore some hints either due to bugs in the
# analyzer, or due to patterns in dart2js (for example, unused imports of
# helpers.dart).
# The purpose of this Makefile is to be used from inside Emacs to fix any valid
# warning or hints reported. The whitelist is maintained as needed by those who
# use this Makefile.
@echo $(SDK_DIR)/bin/dartanalyzer -p $(PACKAGE_ROOT) repeat_poi.dart
@$(SDK_DIR)/bin/dartanalyzer -p $(PACKAGE_ROOT) \
--package-warnings --machine ../poi/repeat_poi.dart 2>&1 \
| grep -v DEAD_CODE \
| grep -v -E 'INFO\|HINT\|UNUSED_IMPORT\|.*/compiler/src/cps_ir/optimizers\.dart\|7\|8\|27\|' \
| grep -v -E 'INFO\|HINT\|UNUSED_IMPORT\|.*/compiler/src/dart2jslib\.dart\|26\|8\|22\|' \
| grep -v -E 'INFO\|HINT\|UNUSED_IMPORT\|.*/compiler/src/dart_types\.dart\|17\|8\|22\|' \
| grep -v -E 'INFO\|HINT\|UNUSED_IMPORT\|.*/compiler/src/elements/elements\.dart\|[0-9]+\|8\|25\|' \
| grep -v -E 'INFO\|HINT\|UNUSED_IMPORT\|.*/compiler/src/elements/modelx\.dart\|[0-9]+\|8\|25\|' \
| grep -v -E 'INFO\|HINT\|UNUSED_IMPORT\|.*/compiler/src/js_emitter/js_emitter\.dart\|[0-9]+\|8\|25\|' \
| grep -v -E 'INFO\|HINT\|UNUSED_IMPORT\|.*/compiler/src/library_loader\.dart\|25\|8\|22\|' \
| grep -v -E 'INFO\|HINT\|UNUSED_IMPORT\|.*/compiler/src/patch_parser\.dart\|[0-9]+\|8\|22\|' \
| grep -v -E 'INFO\|HINT\|UNUSED_IMPORT\|.*/compiler/src/resolution/class_members\.dart\|22\|8\|25\|' \
| sed -e "s,$(PWD)/,," \
| awk -F'|' '{print $$4 ":" $$5 ":" $$6 ":\n [" n$$3 "]" $$8 }' \