blob: 0b53033bb5c5b4e43978559a0071c1d6e50ccaf3 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library template_binding.test.custom_element_bindings_test;
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:html';
import 'dart:collection' show MapView;
import 'package:template_binding/template_binding.dart';
import 'package:observe/observe.dart';
import 'package:unittest/html_config.dart';
import 'package:unittest/unittest.dart';
import 'package:web_components/polyfill.dart';
import 'utils.dart';
Future _registered;
main() => dirtyCheckZone().run(() {
_registered = customElementsReady.then((_) {
document.registerElement('my-custom-element', MyCustomElement);
group('Custom Element Bindings', customElementBindingsTest);
customElementBindingsTest() {
setUp(() {
document.body.append(testDiv = new DivElement());
return _registered;
tearDown(() {
testDiv = null;
test('override bind/bindFinished', () {
var element = new MyCustomElement();
var model = toObservable({'a': new Point(123, 444), 'b': new Monster(100)});
var pointBinding = nodeBind(element)
.bind('my-point', new PathObserver(model, 'a'));
var scaryBinding = nodeBind(element)
.bind('scary-monster', new PathObserver(model, 'b'));
expect(element.attributes, isNot(contains('my-point')));
expect(element.attributes, isNot(contains('scary-monster')));
expect(element.myPoint, model['a']);
expect(element.scaryMonster, model['b']);
model['a'] = null;
return new Future(() {
expect(element.myPoint, null);
expect(element.bindFinishedCalled, 0);
model['a'] = new Point(1, 2);
model['b'] = new Monster(200);
}).then(endOfMicrotask).then((_) {
expect(element.scaryMonster, model['b']);
expect(element.myPoint, null, reason: 'a was unbound');
model['b'] = null;
}).then(endOfMicrotask).then((_) {
expect(, 200);
expect(element.bindFinishedCalled, 0);
test('template bind uses overridden custom element bind', () {
var model = toObservable({'a': new Point(123, 444), 'b': new Monster(100)});
var div = createTestHtml('<template bind>'
'<my-custom-element my-point="{{a}}" scary-monster="{{b}}">'
templateBind(div.query('template')).model = model;
var element;
return new Future(() {
element = div.nodes[1];
expect(element is MyCustomElement, true,
reason: '$element should be a MyCustomElement');
expect(element.myPoint, model['a']);
expect(element.scaryMonster, model['b']);
expect(element.attributes, isNot(contains('my-point')));
expect(element.attributes, isNot(contains('scary-monster')));
expect(element.bindFinishedCalled, 1);
model['a'] = null;
}).then(endOfMicrotask).then((_) {
expect(element.myPoint, null);
expect(element.bindFinishedCalled, 1);
templateBind(div.query('template')).model = null;
}).then(endOfMicrotask).then((_) {
// Note: the detached element
expect(element.parentNode is DocumentFragment, true,
reason: 'removed element is added back to its document fragment');
expect(element.parentNode.parentNode, null,
reason: 'document fragment is detached');
expect(element.bindFinishedCalled, 1);
model['a'] = new Point(1, 2);
model['b'] = new Monster(200);
}).then(endOfMicrotask).then((_) {
expect(element.myPoint, null, reason: 'model was unbound');
expect(, 100, reason: 'model was unbound');
expect(element.bindFinishedCalled, 1);
class Monster {
int health;
/** Demonstrates a custom element overriding bind/bindFinished. */
class MyCustomElement extends HtmlElement implements NodeBindExtension {
Point myPoint;
Monster scaryMonster;
int bindFinishedCalled = 0;
factory MyCustomElement() => new Element.tag('my-custom-element');
MyCustomElement.created() : super.created();
Bindable bind(String name, value, {oneTime: false}) {
switch (name) {
case 'my-point':
case 'scary-monster':
if (oneTime) {
_setProperty(name, value);
return null;
_setProperty(name, => _setProperty(name, x)));
if (!enableBindingsReflection) return value;
if (bindings == null) bindings = {};
var old = bindings[name];
if (old != null) old.close();
return bindings[name] = value;
return nodeBindFallback(this).bind(name, value, oneTime: oneTime);
void bindFinished() {
get bindings => nodeBindFallback(this).bindings;
set bindings(x) => nodeBindFallback(this).bindings = x;
get templateInstance => nodeBindFallback(this).templateInstance;
void _setProperty(String property, newValue) {
if (property == 'my-point') myPoint = newValue;
if (property == 'scary-monster') scaryMonster = newValue;