blob: d4f8d9e9a95a252cb386b78eac7488fd7759928f [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:html';
import 'package:observe/observe.dart';
import 'package:observe/mirrors_used.dart'; // make test smaller.
import 'package:polymer_expressions/polymer_expressions.dart';
import 'package:polymer_expressions/eval.dart';
import 'package:template_binding/template_binding.dart';
import 'package:unittest/html_config.dart';
import 'package:unittest/unittest.dart';
import 'package:smoke/mirrors.dart' as smoke;
class TestScopeFactory implements ScopeFactory {
int scopeCount = 0;
modelScope({Object model, Map<String, Object> variables}) {
return new Scope(model: model, variables: variables);
childScope(Scope parent, String name, Object value) {
return parent.childScope(name, value);
main() {
group('PolymerExpressions', () {
DivElement testDiv;
TestScopeFactory testScopeFactory;
setUp(() {
document.body.append(testDiv = new DivElement());
testScopeFactory = new TestScopeFactory();
tearDown(() {
testDiv = null;
Future<Element> setUpTest(String html, {model, Map globals}) {
var tag = new Element.html(html,
treeSanitizer: new NullNodeTreeSanitizer());
// make sure templates behave in the polyfill
..bindingDelegate = new PolymerExpressions(globals: globals,
scopeFactory: testScopeFactory)
..model = model;
return waitForChange(testDiv);
group('scope creation', () {
// These tests are sensitive to some internals of the implementation that
// might not be visible to applications, but are useful for verifying that
// that we're not creating too many Scopes.
// The reason that we create two Scopes in the cases with one binding is
// that <template bind> has one scope for the context to evaluate the bind
// binding in, and another scope for the bindings inside the template.
// We could try to optimize the outer scope away in cases where the
// expression is empty, but there are a lot of special cases in the
// syntax code already.
test('should create one scope for a single binding', () =>
<template id="test" bind>
<div>{{ data }}</div>
model: new Model('a'))
.then((_) {
expect(testDiv.children.length, 2);
expect(testDiv.children[1].text, 'a');
expect(testScopeFactory.scopeCount, 1);
test('should only create a single scope for two bindings', () =>
<template id="test" bind>
<div>{{ data }}</div>
<div>{{ data }}</div>
model: new Model('a'))
.then((_) {
expect(testDiv.children.length, 3);
expect(testDiv.children[1].text, 'a');
expect(testDiv.children[2].text, 'a');
expect(testScopeFactory.scopeCount, 1);
test('should create a new scope for a bind/as binding', () {
return setUpTest('''
<template id="test" bind>
<div>{{ data }}</div>
<template bind="{{ data as a }}" id="inner">
<div>{{ a }}</div>
<div>{{ data }}</div>
model: new Model('foo'))
.then((_) {
expect(testDiv.children.length, 5);
expect(testDiv.children[1].text, 'foo');
expect(testDiv.children[3].text, 'foo');
expect(testDiv.children[4].text, 'foo');
expect(testScopeFactory.scopeCount, 2);
test('should create scopes for a repeat/in binding', () {
return setUpTest('''
<template id="test" bind>
<div>{{ data }}</div>
<template repeat="{{ i in items }}" id="inner">
<div>{{ i }}</div>
<div>{{ data }}</div>
model: new Model('foo'), globals: {'items': ['a', 'b', 'c']})
.then((_) {
expect(testDiv.children.length, 9);
expect(testDiv.children[1].text, 'foo');
expect(testDiv.children[3].text, 'a');
expect(testDiv.children[4].text, 'foo');
expect(testDiv.children[5].text, 'b');
expect(testDiv.children[6].text, 'foo');
expect(testDiv.children[7].text, 'c');
expect(testDiv.children[8].text, 'foo');
// 1 scopes for <template bind>, 1 for each repeat
expect(testScopeFactory.scopeCount, 4);
group('with template bind', () {
test('should show a simple binding on the model', () =>
<template id="test" bind>
<div>{{ data }}</div>
model: new Model('a'))
.then((_) {
expect(testDiv.children.length, 2);
expect(testDiv.children[1].text, 'a');
test('should handle an empty binding on the model', () =>
<template id="test" bind>
<div>{{ }}</div>
model: 'a')
.then((_) {
expect(testDiv.children.length, 2);
expect(testDiv.children[1].text, 'a');
test('should show a simple binding to a global', () =>
<template id="test" bind>
<div>{{ a }}</div>
globals: {'a': '123'})
.then((_) {
expect(testDiv.children.length, 2);
expect(testDiv.children[1].text, '123');
test('should show an expression binding', () =>
<template id="test" bind>
<div>{{ data + 'b' }}</div>
model: new Model('a'))
.then((_) {
expect(testDiv.children.length, 2);
expect(testDiv.children[1].text, 'ab');
test('should handle an expression in the bind attribute', () =>
<template id="test" bind="{{ data }}">
<div>{{ this }}</div>
model: new Model('a'))
.then((_) {
expect(testDiv.children.length, 2);
expect(testDiv.children[1].text, 'a');
test('should handle a nested template with an expression in the bind '
'attribute', () =>
<template id="test" bind>
<template id="inner" bind="{{ data }}">
<div>{{ this }}</div>
model: new Model('a'))
.then((_) {
expect(testDiv.children.length, 3);
expect(testDiv.children[2].text, 'a');
test('should handle an "as" expression in the bind attribute', () =>
<template id="test" bind="{{ data as a }}">
<div>{{ data }}b</div>
<div>{{ a }}c</div>
model: new Model('a'))
.then((_) {
expect(testDiv.children.length, 3);
expect(testDiv.children[1].text, 'ab');
expect(testDiv.children[2].text, 'ac');
// passes safari
test('should not resolve names in the outer template from within a nested'
' template with a bind binding', () {
var completer = new Completer();
var bindingErrorHappened = false;
var templateRendered = false;
maybeComplete() {
if (bindingErrorHappened && templateRendered) {
runZoned(() {
<template id="test" bind>
<div>{{ data }}</div>
<div>{{ b }}</div>
<template id="inner" bind="{{ b }}">
<div>{{ data }}</div>
<div>{{ b }}</div>
<div>{{ this }}</div>
model: new Model('foo'), globals: {'b': 'bbb'})
.then((_) {
expect(testDiv.children[0].text, '');
expect(testDiv.children[1].text, 'foo');
expect(testDiv.children[2].text, 'bbb');
// Something very strage is happening in the template bindings
// polyfill, and the template is being stamped out, inside the
// template tag (which shouldn't happen), and outside the template
//expect(testDiv.children[3].text, '');
expect(testDiv.children[3].tagName.toLowerCase(), 'template');
expect(testDiv.children[4].text, '');
expect(testDiv.children[5].text, 'bbb');
expect(testDiv.children[6].text, 'bbb');
templateRendered = true;
}, onError: (e, s) {
expect('$e', contains('data'));
bindingErrorHappened = true;
return completer.future;
// passes safari
test('should shadow names in the outer template from within a nested '
'template', () =>
<template id="test" bind>
<div>{{ a }}</div>
<div>{{ b }}</div>
<template bind="{{ b as a }}">
<div>{{ a }}</div>
<div>{{ b }}</div>
globals: {'a': 'aaa', 'b': 'bbb'})
.then((_) {
expect(testDiv.children[0].text, '');
expect(testDiv.children[1].text, 'aaa');
expect(testDiv.children[2].text, 'bbb');
expect(testDiv.children[3].tagName.toLowerCase(), 'template');
expect(testDiv.children[4].text, 'bbb');
expect(testDiv.children[5].text, 'bbb');
group('with template repeat', () {
// passes safari
test('should not resolve names in the outer template from within a nested'
' template with a repeat binding', () {
var completer = new Completer();
var bindingErrorHappened = false;
var templateRendered = false;
maybeComplete() {
if (bindingErrorHappened && templateRendered) {
runZoned(() {
<template id="test" bind>
<div>{{ data }}</div>
<template repeat="{{ items }}">
<div>{{ }}{{ data }}</div>
globals: {'items': [1, 2, 3]},
model: new Model('a'))
.then((_) {
expect(testDiv.children[0].text, '');
expect(testDiv.children[1].text, 'a');
expect(testDiv.children[2].tagName.toLowerCase(), 'template');
expect(testDiv.children[3].text, '1');
expect(testDiv.children[4].text, '2');
expect(testDiv.children[5].text, '3');
templateRendered = true;
}, onError: (e, s) {
expect('$e', contains('data'));
bindingErrorHappened = true;
return completer.future;
test('should handle repeat/in bindings', () =>
<template id="test" bind>
<div>{{ data }}</div>
<template repeat="{{ item in items }}">
<div>{{ item }}{{ data }}</div>
globals: {'items': [1, 2, 3]},
model: new Model('a'))
.then((_) {
// expect 6 children: two templates, a div and three instances
expect(testDiv.children[0].text, '');
expect(testDiv.children[1].text, 'a');
expect(testDiv.children[2].tagName.toLowerCase(), 'template');
expect(testDiv.children[3].text, '1a');
expect(testDiv.children[4].text, '2a');
expect(testDiv.children[5].text, '3a');
// expect( => c.text),
// ['', 'a', '', '1a', '2a', '3a']);
test('should observe changes to lists in repeat bindings', () {
var items = new ObservableList.from([1, 2, 3]);
return setUpTest('''
<template id="test" bind>
<template repeat="{{ items }}">
<div>{{ }}</div>
globals: {'items': items},
model: new Model('a'))
.then((_) {
expect(testDiv.children[0].text, '');
expect(testDiv.children[1].tagName.toLowerCase(), 'template');
expect(testDiv.children[2].text, '1');
expect(testDiv.children[3].text, '2');
expect(testDiv.children[4].text, '3');
// expect( => c.text),
// ['', '', '1', '2', '3']);
return waitForChange(testDiv);
}).then((_) {
expect(testDiv.children[0].text, '');
expect(testDiv.children[1].tagName.toLowerCase(), 'template');
expect(testDiv.children[2].text, '1');
expect(testDiv.children[3].text, '2');
expect(testDiv.children[4].text, '3');
expect(testDiv.children[5].text, '4');
// expect( => c.text),
// ['', '', '1', '2', '3', '4']);
test('should observe changes to lists in repeat/in bindings', () {
var items = new ObservableList.from([1, 2, 3]);
return setUpTest('''
<template id="test" bind>
<template repeat="{{ item in items }}">
<div>{{ item }}</div>
globals: {'items': items},
model: new Model('a'))
.then((_) {
expect(testDiv.children[0].text, '');
expect(testDiv.children[1].tagName.toLowerCase(), 'template');
expect(testDiv.children[2].text, '1');
expect(testDiv.children[3].text, '2');
expect(testDiv.children[4].text, '3');
// expect( => c.text),
// ['', '', '1', '2', '3']);
return waitForChange(testDiv);
}).then((_) {
expect(testDiv.children[0].text, '');
expect(testDiv.children[1].tagName.toLowerCase(), 'template');
expect(testDiv.children[2].text, '1');
expect(testDiv.children[3].text, '2');
expect(testDiv.children[4].text, '3');
expect(testDiv.children[5].text, '4');
// expect( => c.text),
// ['', '', '1', '2', '3', '4']);
group('with template if', () {
Future doTest(value, bool shouldRender) =>
<template id="test" bind>
<div>{{ data }}</div>
<template if="{{ show }}">
<div>{{ data }}</div>
globals: {'show': value},
model: new Model('a'))
.then((_) {
if (shouldRender) {
expect(testDiv.children.length, 4);
expect(testDiv.children[1].text, 'a');
expect(testDiv.children[3].text, 'a');
} else {
expect(testDiv.children.length, 3);
expect(testDiv.children[1].text, 'a');
test('should render for a true expression',
() => doTest(true, true));
test('should treat a non-null expression as truthy',
() => doTest('a', true));
test('should treat an empty list as truthy',
() => doTest([], true));
test('should handle a false expression',
() => doTest(false, false));
test('should treat null as falsey',
() => doTest(null, false));
group('error handling', () {
test('should silently handle bad variable names', () {
var completer = new Completer();
runZoned(() {
testDiv.nodes.add(new Element.html('''
<template id="test" bind>{{ foo }}</template>'''));
..bindingDelegate = new PolymerExpressions()
..model = [];
return new Future(() {});
}, onError: (e, s) {
expect('$e', contains('foo'));
return completer.future;
test('should handle null collections in "in" expressions', () =>
<template id="test" bind>
<template repeat="{{ item in items }}">
{{ item }}
globals: {'items': null})
.then((_) {
expect(testDiv.children.length, 2);
expect(testDiv.children[0].id, 'test');
group('special bindings', () {
test('should handle class attributes with lists', () =>
<template id="test" bind>
<div class="{{ classes }}">
globals: {'classes': ['a', 'b']})
.then((_) {
expect(testDiv.children.length, 2);
expect(testDiv.children[1].attributes['class'], 'a b');
expect(testDiv.children[1].classes, ['a', 'b']);
test('should handle class attributes with maps', () =>
<template id="test" bind>
<div class="{{ classes }}">
globals: {'classes': {'a': true, 'b': false, 'c': true}})
.then((_) {
expect(testDiv.children.length, 2);
expect(testDiv.children[1].attributes['class'], 'a c');
expect(testDiv.children[1].classes, ['a', 'c']);
test('should handle style attributes with lists', () =>
<template id="test" bind>
<div style="{{ styles }}">
globals: {'styles': ['display: none', 'color: black']})
.then((_) {
expect(testDiv.children.length, 2);
'display: none;color: black');
test('should handle style attributes with maps', () =>
<template id="test" bind>
<div style="{{ styles }}">
globals: {'styles': {'display': 'none', 'color': 'black'}})
.then((_) {
expect(testDiv.children.length, 2);
'display: none;color: black');
group('regression tests', () {
test('should bind to literals', () =>
<template id="test" bind>
<div>{{ 123 }}</div>
<div>{{ 123.456 }}</div>
<div>{{ "abc" }}</div>
<div>{{ true }}</div>
<div>{{ null }}</div>
globals: {'items': null})
.then((_) {
expect(testDiv.children.length, 6);
expect(testDiv.children[1].text, '123');
expect(testDiv.children[2].text, '123.456');
expect(testDiv.children[3].text, 'abc');
expect(testDiv.children[4].text, 'true');
expect(testDiv.children[5].text, '');
Future<Element> waitForChange(Element e) {
var completer = new Completer<Element>();
new MutationObserver((mutations, observer) {
}).observe(e, childList: true);
return completer.future.timeout(new Duration(seconds: 1));
class Model extends ChangeNotifier {
String _data;
String get data => _data;
void set data(String value) {
_data = notifyPropertyChange(#data, _data, value);
String toString() => "Model(data: $_data)";
class NullNodeTreeSanitizer implements NodeTreeSanitizer {
void sanitizeTree(Node node) {}