blob: bcd99dfd81d9d86eed290048b61c4f805c7ebc4d [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
* A library for serving HTTP requests and resources.
* ## Installing ##
* Use [pub][] to install this package. Add the following to your
* `pubspec.yaml` file.
* dependencies:
* http_server: any
* Then run `pub install`.
* For more information, see the
* [http_server package on][pub].
* ## Basic usage
* Here is a short example of how to serve all files from the current
* directory.
* import 'dart:io';
* import 'dart:async';
* import 'package:http_server/http_server.dart';
* void main() {
* var staticFiles = new VirtualDirectory('.')
* ..allowDirectoryListing = true;
* runZoned(() {
* HttpServer.bind('', 7777).then((server) {
* print('Server running');
* server.listen(staticFiles.serveRequest);
* });
* },
* onError: (e, stackTrace) => print('Oh noes! $e $stackTrace'));
* }
* ## Virtual directory
* The [VirtualDirectory] class makes it easy to serve static content
* from the file system. It supports:
* * Range-based requests.
* * If-Modified-Since based caching.
* * Automatic GZip-compression of content.
* * Following symlinks, either throughout the system or inside
* a jailed root.
* * Directory listing.
* See [VirtualDirectory] for more information.
* ## Virtual host
* The [VirtualHost] class helps to serve multiple hosts on the same
* address, by using the `Host` field of the incoming requests. It also
* works with wildcards for sub-domains.
* var virtualHost = new VirtualHost(server);
* // Filter out on a specific host
* var stream1 = virtualServer.addHost('');
* // Wildcard for any other sub-domains.
* var stream2 = virtualServer.addHost('*');
* // Requets not matching any hosts.
* var stream3 = virtualServer.unhandled;
* See [VirtualHost] for more information.
* [pub]:
library http_server;
export 'src/http_body.dart';
export 'src/http_multipart_form_data.dart';
export 'src/virtual_directory.dart';
export 'src/virtual_host.dart';