blob: 3c4b9a6719e8c44c1b8059b9438c04499f757190 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2014, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
/// Static implementation of smoke services that uses code-generated data and
/// verifies that the results match what we would get with a mirror-based
/// implementation.
library smoke.static_debug;
export 'package:smoke/static.dart' show StaticConfiguration, Getter, Setter;
import 'package:smoke/static.dart';
import 'package:smoke/mirrors.dart';
import 'package:smoke/smoke.dart';
import 'src/common.dart' show compareLists;
/// Set up the smoke package to use a static implementation based on the given
/// [configuration].
useGeneratedCode(StaticConfiguration configuration) {
configure(new _DebugObjectAccessorService(configuration),
new _DebugTypeInspectorService(configuration),
new _DebugSymbolConverterService(configuration));
/// Implements [ObjectAccessorService] using a static configuration.
class _DebugObjectAccessorService implements ObjectAccessorService {
GeneratedObjectAccessorService _static;
ReflectiveObjectAccessorService _mirrors;
_DebugObjectAccessorService(StaticConfiguration configuration)
: _static = new GeneratedObjectAccessorService(configuration),
_mirrors = new ReflectiveObjectAccessorService();
read(Object object, Symbol name) =>
_check('read', [object, name],, name),, name));
// Note: we can't verify operations with side-effects like write or invoke.
void write(Object object, Symbol name, value) =>
_static.write(object, name, value);
invoke(object, Symbol name, List args, {Map namedArgs, bool adjust: false}) =>
_static.invoke(object, name, args, namedArgs: namedArgs, adjust: adjust);
/// Implements [TypeInspectorService] using a static configuration.
class _DebugTypeInspectorService implements TypeInspectorService {
GeneratedTypeInspectorService _static;
ReflectiveTypeInspectorService _mirrors;
_DebugTypeInspectorService(StaticConfiguration configuration)
: _static = new GeneratedTypeInspectorService(configuration),
_mirrors = new ReflectiveTypeInspectorService();
bool isSubclassOf(Type type, Type supertype) =>
_check('isSubclassOf', [type, supertype],
_static.isSubclassOf(type, supertype),
_mirrors.isSubclassOf(type, supertype));
bool hasGetter(Type type, Symbol name) =>
_check('hasGetter', [type, name],
_static.hasGetter(type, name),
_mirrors.hasGetter(type, name));
bool hasSetter(Type type, Symbol name) =>
_check('hasSetter', [type, name],
_static.hasSetter(type, name),
_mirrors.hasSetter(type, name));
bool hasInstanceMethod(Type type, Symbol name) =>
_check('hasInstanceMethod', [type, name],
_static.hasInstanceMethod(type, name),
_mirrors.hasInstanceMethod(type, name));
bool hasStaticMethod(Type type, Symbol name) =>
_check('hasStaticMethod', [type, name],
_static.hasStaticMethod(type, name),
_mirrors.hasStaticMethod(type, name));
Declaration getDeclaration(Type type, Symbol name) =>
_check('getDeclaration', [type, name],
_static.getDeclaration(type, name),
_mirrors.getDeclaration(type, name));
List<Declaration> query(Type type, QueryOptions options) =>
_check('query', [type, options],
_static.query(type, options),
_mirrors.query(type, options));
/// Implements [SymbolConverterService] using a static configuration.
class _DebugSymbolConverterService implements SymbolConverterService {
GeneratedSymbolConverterService _static;
ReflectiveSymbolConverterService _mirrors;
_DebugSymbolConverterService(StaticConfiguration configuration)
: _static = new GeneratedSymbolConverterService(configuration),
_mirrors = new ReflectiveSymbolConverterService();
String symbolToName(Symbol symbol) =>
_check('symbolToName', [symbol],
Symbol nameToSymbol(String name) =>
_check('nameToSymbol', [name],
_check(String operation, List arguments, staticResult, mirrorResult) {
if (staticResult == mirrorResult) return staticResult;
if (staticResult is List && mirrorResult is List &&
compareLists(staticResult, mirrorResult, unordered: true)) {
return staticResult;
print('warning: inconsistent result on $operation(${arguments.join(', ')})\n'
'smoke.mirrors result: $mirrorResult\n'
'smoke.static result: $staticResult\n');
return staticResult;