blob: 59c1b03ac831d7c29495479f045b868eebd2f835 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2014, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library server.manager;
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:convert';
import 'dart:io';
import 'package:matcher/matcher.dart';
import 'package:analysis_server/src/protocol.dart';
import 'package:analysis_server/src/channel/channel.dart';
import 'package:analysis_server/src/channel/byte_stream_channel.dart';
part 'logging_client_channel.dart';
* The results returned by [ServerManager].analyze(...) once analysis
* has finished.
class AnalysisResults {
Duration elapsed;
int errorCount = 0;
int hintCount = 0;
int warningCount = 0;
* [CompletionResults] contains the completion results returned by the server
* along with the elapse time to receive those completions.
class CompletionResults {
final Duration elapsed;
final CompletionResultsParams params;
CompletionResults(this.elapsed, this.params);
int get suggestionCount => params.results.length;
* [Editor] is a virtual editor for inspecting and modifying a file's content
* and updating the server with those modifications.
class Editor {
final ServerManager manager;
final File file;
int offset = 0;
String _content = null;
Editor(this.manager, this.file);
/// Return a future that returns the file content
Future<String> get content {
if (_content != null) {
return new Future.value(_content);
return file.readAsString().then((String content) {
_content = content;
return _content;
* Request completion suggestions from the server.
* Return a future that completes with the completions sent.
Future<List<CompletionResults>> getSuggestions() {
Request request = new CompletionGetSuggestionsParams(
Stopwatch stopwatch = new Stopwatch()..start();
return response) {
String completionId =
new CompletionGetSuggestionsResult.fromResponse(response).id;
var completer = new Completer<List<CompletionResults>>();
List<CompletionResults> results = [];
// Listen for completion suggestions
StreamSubscription<Notification> subscription;
subscription = notification) {
if (notification.event == 'completion.results') {
CompletionResultsParams params =
new CompletionResultsParams.fromNotification(notification);
if ( == completionId) {
results.add(new CompletionResults(stopwatch.elapsed, params));
if (params.isLast) {
return completer.future;
* Move the virtual cursor after the given pattern in the source.
* Return a future that completes once the cursor has been moved.
Future<Editor> moveAfter(String pattern) {
return content.then((String content) {
offset = content.indexOf(pattern);
return this;
* Replace the specified number of characters at the current cursor location
* with the given text, but do not save that content to disk.
* Return a future that completes once the server has been notified.
Future<Editor> replace(int replacementLength, String text) {
return content.then((String oldContent) {
StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
sb.write(oldContent.substring(0, offset));
_content = sb.toString();
SourceEdit sourceEdit = new SourceEdit(offset, replacementLength, text);
Request request = new AnalysisUpdateContentParams({
file.path: new ChangeContentOverlay([sourceEdit])
offset += text.length;
return response) {
return this;
* [ServerManager] is used to launch and manage an analysis server
* running in a separate process.
class ServerManager {
* The analysis server process being managed or `null` if not started.
Process process;
* The root directory containing the Dart source files to be analyzed.
Directory appDir;
* The channel used to communicate with the analysis server.
LoggingClientChannel _channel;
* The identifier used in the most recent request to the server.
* See [_nextRequestId].
int _lastRequestId = 0;
* `true` if a server exception was detected on stderr as opposed to an
* exception that the server reported via the server.error notification.
bool _unreportedServerException = false;
* `true` if the [stop] method has been called.
bool _stopRequested = false;
* Return the channel used to communicate with the analysis server.
ClientCommunicationChannel get channel => _channel;
* Return `true` if a server error occurred.
bool get errorOccurred =>
_unreportedServerException || (_channel.serverErrorCount > 0);
String get _nextRequestId => (++_lastRequestId).toString();
* Direct the server to analyze all sources in the given directory,
* all sub directories recursively, and any source referenced sources
* outside this directory hierarch such as referenced packages.
* Return a future that completes when the analysis is finished.
Future<AnalysisResults> analyze(Directory appDir) {
this.appDir = appDir;
Stopwatch stopwatch = new Stopwatch()..start();
Request request =
new AnalysisSetAnalysisRootsParams([appDir.path], []).toRequest(_nextRequestId);
// Request analysis
return channel.sendRequest(request).then((Response response) {
AnalysisResults results = new AnalysisResults();
StreamSubscription<Notification> subscription;
Completer<AnalysisResults> completer = new Completer<AnalysisResults>();
subscription =
channel.notificationStream.listen((Notification notification) {
// Gather analysis results
if (notification.event == 'analysis.errors') {
AnalysisErrorsParams params =
new AnalysisErrorsParams.fromNotification(notification);
params.errors.forEach((AnalysisError error) {
AnalysisErrorSeverity severity = error.severity;
if (severity == AnalysisErrorSeverity.ERROR) {
results.errorCount += 1;
} else if (severity == AnalysisErrorSeverity.WARNING) {
results.warningCount += 1;
} else if (severity == AnalysisErrorSeverity.INFO) {
results.hintCount += 1;
} else {
print('Unknown error severity: ${}');
// Stop gathering once analysis is complete
if (notification.event == 'server.status') {
ServerStatusParams status =
new ServerStatusParams.fromNotification(notification);
AnalysisStatus analysis = status.analysis;
if (analysis != null && !analysis.isAnalyzing) {
results.elapsed = stopwatch.elapsed;
return completer.future;
* Send a request to the server for its version information
* and return a future that completes with the result.
Future<ServerGetVersionResult> getVersion() {
Request request = new ServerGetVersionParams().toRequest(_nextRequestId);
return channel.sendRequest(request).then((Response response) {
return new ServerGetVersionResult.fromResponse(response);
* Notify the server that the given file will be edited.
* Return a virtual editor for inspecting and modifying the file's content.
Future<Editor> openFileNamed(String fileName) {
return _findFile(fileName, appDir).then((File file) {
if (file == null) {
throw 'Failed to find file named $fileName in ${appDir.path}';
file = file.absolute;
Request request =
new AnalysisSetPriorityFilesParams([file.path]).toRequest(_nextRequestId);
return channel.sendRequest(request).then((Response response) {
return new Editor(this, file);
* Send a request for notifications.
* Return when the server has acknowledged that request.
Future setSubscriptions() {
Request request =
new ServerSetSubscriptionsParams([ServerService.STATUS]).toRequest(_nextRequestId);
return channel.sendRequest(request);
* Stop the analysis server.
* Return a future that completes when the server is terminated.
Future stop([_]) {
_stopRequested = true;
print("Requesting server shutdown");
Request request = new ServerShutdownParams().toRequest(_nextRequestId);
Duration waitTime = new Duration(seconds: 5);
return channel.sendRequest(request).timeout(waitTime, onTimeout: () {
print('Expected shutdown response');
}).then((Response response) {
return channel.close().then((_) => process.exitCode);
}).timeout(new Duration(seconds: 2), onTimeout: () {
print('Expected server to shutdown');
* Locate the given file in the directory tree.
Future<File> _findFile(String fileName, Directory appDir) {
return appDir.list(recursive: true).firstWhere((FileSystemEntity entity) {
return entity is File && entity.path.endsWith(fileName);
* Launch an analysis server and open a connection to that server.
Future<ServerManager> _launchServer(String pathToServer) {
List<String> serverArgs = [pathToServer];
return Process.start(Platform.executable, serverArgs).catchError((error) {
exitCode = 21;
throw 'Failed to launch analysis server: $error';
}).then((Process process) {
this.process = process;
_channel = new LoggingClientChannel(
new ByteStreamClientChannel(process.stdout, process.stdin));
// simple out of band exception handling
new Utf8Codec().decoder).transform(new LineSplitter()).listen((String line) {
if (!_unreportedServerException) {
_unreportedServerException = true;
stderr.writeln('>>> Unreported server exception');
stderr.writeln('server.stderr: $line');
// watch for unexpected process termination and catch the exit code
process.exitCode.then((int code) {
if (!_stopRequested) {
fail('Unexpected server termination: $code');
if (code != null && code != 0) {
exitCode = code;
print('Server stopped: $code');
return channel.notificationStream.first.then((Notification notification) {
print('Server connection established');
return setSubscriptions().then((_) {
return getVersion().then((ServerGetVersionResult result) {
print('Server version ${result.version}');
return this;
* Launch analysis server in a separate process
* and return a future with a manager for that analysis server.
static Future<ServerManager> start(String serverPath) {
return new ServerManager()._launchServer(serverPath);