blob: efe0bf102150f4497f7f8ca296fdb284d2a23d7d [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright (c) 2011, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
# for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
# BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import os
import sys
import idl_definitions
from idl_types import IdlType, IdlUnionType
from compute_interfaces_info_overall import interfaces_info
new_asts = {}
_operation_suffix_map = {
'__getter__': "Getter",
'__setter__': "Setter",
'__delete__': "Deleter",
class IDLNode(object):
"""Base class for all IDL elements.
IDLNode may contain various child nodes, and have properties. Examples
of IDLNode are interfaces, interface members, function arguments,
def __init__(self, ast):
"""Initializes an IDLNode from a PegParser AST output.""" = self._find_first(ast, 'Id') if ast is not None else None
def __repr__(self):
"""Generates string of the form <class id extra extra ... 0x12345678>."""
extras = self._extra_repr()
if isinstance(extras, list):
extras = ' '.join([str(e) for e in extras])
return '<%s %s 0x%x>' % (
('%s %s' % (, extras)).strip(),
return '<%s %s 0x%x>' % (
except Exception, e:
return "can't convert to string: %s" % e
def _extra_repr(self):
"""Returns string of extra info for __repr__()."""
return ''
def __cmp__(self, other):
"""Override default compare operation.
IDLNodes are equal if all their properties are equal."""
if other is None or not isinstance(other, IDLNode):
return 1
return self.__dict__.__cmp__(other.__dict__)
def reset_id(self, newId):
"""Reset the id of the Node. This is typically done during a normalization
phase (e.g., "DOMWindow" -> "Window").""" = newId
def all(self, type_filter=None):
"""Returns a list containing this node and all it child nodes
type_filter -- can be used to limit the results to a specific
node type (e.g. IDLOperation).
res = []
if type_filter is None or isinstance(self, type_filter):
for v in self._all_subnodes():
if isinstance(v, IDLNode):
elif isinstance(v, list):
for item in v:
if isinstance(item, IDLNode):
return res
def _all_subnodes(self):
"""Accessor used by all() to find subnodes."""
return self.__dict__.values()
def to_dict(self):
"""Converts the IDLNode and its children into a dictionary.
This method is useful mostly for debugging and pretty printing.
res = {}
for (k, v) in self.__dict__.items():
if v == None or v == False or v == [] or v == {}:
# Skip empty/false members.
elif isinstance(v, IDLDictNode) and not len(v):
# Skip empty dict sub-nodes.
elif isinstance(v, list):
# Convert lists:
new_v = []
for sub_node in v:
if isinstance(sub_node, IDLNode):
# Convert sub-node:
v = new_v
elif isinstance(v, IDLNode):
# Convert sub-node:
v = v.to_dict()
res[k] = v
return res
def _find_all(self, ast, label, max_results=sys.maxint):
"""Searches the AST for tuples with a given label. The PegParser
output is composed of lists and tuples, where the tuple 1st argument
is a label. If ast root is a list, will search recursively inside each
member in the list.
ast -- the AST to search.
label -- the label to look for.
res -- results are put into this list.
max_results -- maximum number of results.
res = []
if max_results <= 0:
return res
if isinstance(ast, list):
for childAst in ast:
if childAst and \
not(isinstance(childAst, dict)) and \
not(isinstance(childAst, str)) and \
not(isinstance(childAst, tuple)) and \
childAst.__module__ == "idl_definitions":
field_name = self._convert_label_to_field(label)
if hasattr(childAst, field_name):
field_value = getattr(childAst, field_name)
# It's an IdlType we need the string name of the type.
if field_name == 'idl_type':
field_value = getattr(field_value, 'base_type')
sub_res = self._find_all(childAst, label,
max_results - len(res))
elif isinstance(ast, tuple):
(nodeLabel, value) = ast
if nodeLabel == label:
# TODO(terry): Seems bogus to check for so many things probably better to just
# pass in blink_compile and drive it off from that...
elif (ast and not(isinstance(ast, dict)) and
not(isinstance(ast, str)) and
(ast.__module__ == "idl_definitions" or ast.__module__ == "idl_types")):
field_name = self._convert_label_to_field(label)
if hasattr(ast, field_name):
field_value = getattr(ast, field_name)
if field_value:
if label == 'Interface' or label == 'Enum':
for key in field_value:
value = field_value[key]
elif isinstance(field_value, list):
for item in field_value:
elif label == 'ParentInterface' or label == 'InterfaceType':
# Fetch the AST for the parent interface.
parent_idlnode = new_asts[field_value]
return res
def _find_first(self, ast, label):
"""Convenience method for _find_all(..., max_results=1).
Returns a single element instead of a list, or None if nothing
is found."""
res = self._find_all(ast, label, max_results=1)
if len(res):
return res[0]
return None
def _has(self, ast, label):
"""Returns true if an element with the given label is
in the AST by searching for it."""
return len(self._find_all(ast, label, max_results=1)) == 1
# Mapping from original AST tuple names to new AST field names idl_definitions.Idl*.
def _convert_label_to_field(self, label):
label_field = {
# Keys old AST names, Values Blink IdlInterface names.
'ParentInterface': 'parent',
'Id': 'name',
'Interface': 'interfaces',
'Callback': 'is_callback',
'Partial': 'is_partial',
'Operation': 'operations',
'Attribute': 'attributes',
'Const': 'constants',
'Type': 'idl_type',
'ExtAttrs': 'extended_attributes',
'Special': 'specials',
'ReturnType': 'idl_type',
'Argument': 'arguments',
'InterfaceType': 'name',
'ConstExpr': 'value',
'Static': 'is_static',
'ReadOnly': 'is_read_only',
'Optional': 'is_optional',
'Nullable': 'is_nullable',
'Enum': 'enumerations',
'Annotation': '', # TODO(terry): Ignore annotation used for database cache.
'TypeDef': '', # typedef in an IDL are already resolved.
result = label_field.get(label)
if result != '' and not(result):
print 'FATAL ERROR: AST mapping name not found %s.' % label
return result if result else ''
def _convert_all(self, ast, label, idlnode_ctor):
"""Converts AST elements into IDLNode elements.
Uses _find_all to find elements with a given label and converts
them into IDLNodes with a given constructor.
A list of the converted nodes.
ast -- the ast element to start a search at.
label -- the element label to look for.
idlnode_ctor -- a constructor function of one of the IDLNode
res = []
found = self._find_all(ast, label)
if not found:
return res
if not isinstance(found, list):
raise RuntimeError("Expected list but %s found" % type(found))
for childAst in found:
converted = idlnode_ctor(childAst)
return res
def _convert_first(self, ast, label, idlnode_ctor):
"""Like _convert_all, but only converts the first found results."""
childAst = self._find_first(ast, label)
if not childAst:
return None
return idlnode_ctor(childAst)
def _convert_ext_attrs(self, ast):
"""Helper method for uniform conversion of extended attributes."""
self.ext_attrs = IDLExtAttrs(ast)
def _convert_annotations(self, ast):
"""Helper method for uniform conversion of annotations."""
self.annotations = IDLAnnotations(ast)
class IDLDictNode(IDLNode):
"""Base class for dictionary-like IDL nodes such as extended attributes
and annotations. The base class implements various dict interfaces."""
def __init__(self, ast):
IDLNode.__init__(self, None)
if ast is not None and isinstance(ast, dict):
self.__map = ast
self.__map = {}
def __len__(self):
return len(self.__map)
def __getitem__(self, key):
return self.__map[key]
def __setitem__(self, key, value):
self.__map[key] = value
def __delitem__(self, key):
del self.__map[key]
def __contains__(self, key):
return key in self.__map
def __iter__(self):
return self.__map.__iter__()
def get(self, key, default=None):
return self.__map.get(key, default)
def setdefault(self, key, value=None):
return self.__map.setdefault(key, value)
def items(self):
return self.__map.items()
def keys(self):
return self.__map.keys()
def values(self):
return self.__map.values()
def clear(self):
self.__map = {}
def to_dict(self):
"""Overrides the default IDLNode.to_dict behavior.
The IDLDictNode members are copied into a new dictionary, and
IDLNode members are recursively converted into dicts as well.
res = {}
for (k, v) in self.__map.items():
if isinstance(v, IDLNode):
v = v.to_dict()
res[k] = v
return res
def _all_subnodes(self):
# Usually an IDLDictNode does not contain further IDLNodes.
return []
class IDLFile(IDLNode):
"""IDLFile is the top-level node in each IDL file. It may contain interfaces."""
DART_IDL = 'dart.idl'
def __init__(self, ast, filename=None):
IDLNode.__init__(self, ast)
self.filename = filename
filename_basename = os.path.basename(filename)
self.interfaces = self._convert_all(ast, 'Interface', IDLInterface)
is_blink = not(isinstance(ast, list)) and ast.__module__ == 'idl_definitions'
if is_blink:
# implements is handled by the interface merging step (see the function
# merge_interface_dependencies).
for interface in self.interfaces:
blink_interface = ast.interfaces.get(
if filename_basename == self.DART_IDL:
# Special handling for dart.idl we need to remember the interface,
# since we could have many (not one interface / file). Then build up
# the IDLImplementsStatement for any implements in dart.idl.
interface_info = interfaces_info['__dart_idl___'];
self.implementsStatements = []
implement_pairs = interface_info['implement_pairs']
for implement_pair in implement_pairs:
interface_name = implement_pair[0]
implemented_name = implement_pair[1]
implementor = new_asts[interface_name].interfaces.get(interface_name)
implement_statement = self._createImplementsStatement(implementor,
interface_info = interfaces_info[]
implements = interface_info['implements_interfaces']
if not(blink_interface.is_partial) and len(implements) > 0:
implementor = new_asts[].interfaces.get(
self.implementsStatements = []
# TODO(terry): Need to handle more than one implements.
for implemented_name in implements:
implement_statement = self._createImplementsStatement(implementor,
self.implementsStatements = []
self.implementsStatements = self._convert_all(ast, 'ImplStmt',
# No reason to handle typedef they're already aliased in Blink's AST.
self.typeDefs = [] if is_blink else self._convert_all(ast, 'TypeDef', IDLTypeDef)
self.enums = self._convert_all(ast, 'Enum', IDLEnum)
def _createImplementsStatement(self, implementor, implemented_name):
implemented = new_asts[implemented_name].interfaces.get(implemented_name)
implement_statement = IDLImplementsStatement(implemented)
implement_statement.implementor = IDLType(implementor)
implement_statement.implemented = IDLType(implemented)
return implement_statement
class IDLModule(IDLNode):
"""IDLModule has an id, and may contain interfaces, type defs and
implements statements."""
def __init__(self, ast):
IDLNode.__init__(self, ast)
self.interfaces = self._convert_all(ast, 'Interface', IDLInterface)
is_blink = ast.__module__ == 'idl_definitions'
# No reason to handle typedef they're already aliased in Blink's AST.
self.typeDefs = [] if is_blink else self._convert_all(ast, 'TypeDef', IDLTypeDef)
self.enums = self._convert_all(ast, 'Enum', IDLNode)
if is_blink:
# implements is handled by the interface merging step (see the function
# merge_interface_dependencies).
for interface in self.interfaces:
interface_info = interfaces_info[]
# TODO(terry): Same handling for implementsStatements as in IDLFile?
self.implementsStatements = interface_info['implements_interfaces']
self.implementsStatements = self._convert_all(ast, 'ImplStmt',
class IDLExtAttrs(IDLDictNode):
"""IDLExtAttrs is an IDLDictNode that stores IDL Extended Attributes.
Modules, interfaces, members and arguments can all own IDLExtAttrs."""
def __init__(self, ast=None):
IDLDictNode.__init__(self, None)
if not ast:
if not(isinstance(ast, list)) and ast.__module__ == "idl_definitions":
# Pull out extended attributes from Blink AST.
for name, value in ast.extended_attributes.items():
# TODO(terry): Handle constructors...
if name == 'NamedConstructor' or name == 'Constructor':
for constructor in ast.constructors:
if == 'NamedConstructor':
constructor_name = ast.extended_attributes['NamedConstructor']
constructor_name = None
func_value = IDLExtAttrFunctionValue(constructor_name, constructor.arguments, True)
if name == 'Constructor':
self.setdefault('Constructor', []).append(func_value)
self[name] = func_value
self[name] = value
ext_attrs_ast = self._find_first(ast, 'ExtAttrs')
if not ext_attrs_ast:
for ext_attr in self._find_all(ext_attrs_ast, 'ExtAttr'):
name = self._find_first(ext_attr, 'Id')
value = self._find_first(ext_attr, 'ExtAttrValue')
if name == 'Constructor':
# There might be multiple constructor attributes, collect them
# as a list. Represent plain Constructor attribute
# (without any signature) as None.
assert value is None
func_value = None
ctor_args = self._find_first(ext_attr, 'ExtAttrArgList')
if ctor_args:
func_value = IDLExtAttrFunctionValue(None, ctor_args)
self.setdefault('Constructor', []).append(func_value)
func_value = self._find_first(value, 'ExtAttrFunctionValue')
if func_value:
# E.g. NamedConstructor=Audio(optional DOMString src)
self[name] = IDLExtAttrFunctionValue(
self._find_first(func_value, 'ExtAttrArgList'))
self[name] = value
def _all_subnodes(self):
# Extended attributes may contain IDLNodes, e.g. IDLExtAttrFunctionValue
return self.values()
class IDLExtAttrFunctionValue(IDLNode):
def __init__(self, func_value_ast, arg_list_ast, is_blink=False):
IDLNode.__init__(self, func_value_ast)
if is_blink:
# Blink path = func_value_ast # func_value_ast is the function name for Blink.
self.arguments = []
for argument in arg_list_ast:
self.arguments = self._convert_all(arg_list_ast, 'Argument', IDLArgument)
class IDLType(IDLNode):
"""IDLType is used to describe constants, attributes and operations'
return and input types. IDLType matches AST labels such as ScopedName,
StringType, VoidType, IntegerType, etc."""
def __init__(self, ast):
IDLNode.__init__(self, ast)
self.nullable = self._has(ast, 'Nullable')
# Search for a 'ScopedName' or any label ending with 'Type'.
if isinstance(ast, list): = self._find_first(ast, 'ScopedName')
if not
# FIXME: use regexp search instead
def findType(ast):
for label, childAst in ast:
if label.endswith('Type'):
type = self._label_to_type(label, ast)
if type != 'sequence':
return type
type_ast = self._find_first(childAst, 'Type')
if not type_ast:
return type
return 'sequence<%s>' % findType(type_ast)
raise Exception('No type declaration found in %s' % ast) = findType(ast)
# TODO(terry): Remove array_modifiers id has [] appended, keep for old
# parsing.
array_modifiers = self._find_first(ast, 'ArrayModifiers')
if array_modifiers: += array_modifiers
elif isinstance(ast, tuple):
(label, value) = ast
if label == 'ScopedName': = value
else: = self._label_to_type(label, ast)
elif isinstance(ast, str): = ast
# New blink handling.
elif ast.__module__ == "idl_types":
if isinstance(ast, IdlType):
type_name = str(ast)
# TODO(terry): For now don't handle unrestricted types see
type_name = type_name.replace('unrestricted ', '', 1);
# TODO(terry): Handled ScalarValueString as a DOMString.
type_name = type_name.replace('ScalarValueString', 'DOMString', 1) = type_name
# IdlUnionType
assert ast.is_union_type
# TODO(terry): For union types use any otherwise type is unionType is
# not found and is removed during merging. = 'any'
# TODO(terry): Any union type e.g. 'type1 or type2 or type2',
# 'typedef (Type1 or Type2) UnionType'
# Is a problem we need to extend IDLType and IDLTypeDef to handle more
# than one type.
# Also for typedef's e.g.,
# typedef (Type1 or Type2) UnionType
# should consider synthesizing a new interface (e.g., UnionType) that's
# both Type1 and Type2.
if not
print '>>>> __module__ %s' % ast.__module__
raise SyntaxError('Could not parse type %s' % (ast))
def _label_to_type(self, label, ast):
if label == 'LongLongType':
label = 'long long'
elif label.endswith('Type'):
# Omit 'Type' suffix and lowercase the rest.
label = '%s%s' % (label[0].lower(), label[1:-4])
# Add unsigned qualifier.
if self._has(ast, 'Unsigned'):
label = 'unsigned %s' % label
return label
class IDLEnum(IDLNode):
"""IDLNode for 'enum [id] { [string]+ }'"""
def __init__(self, ast):
IDLNode.__init__(self, ast)
if not(isinstance(ast, list)) and ast.__module__ == "idl_definitions":
# Blink AST
self.values = ast.values
self.values = self._find_all(ast, 'StringLiteral')
# TODO(terry): Need to handle emitting of enums for dart:html
class IDLTypeDef(IDLNode):
"""IDLNode for 'typedef [type] [id]' declarations."""
def __init__(self, ast):
IDLNode.__init__(self, ast)
self.type = self._convert_first(ast, 'Type', IDLType)
class IDLInterface(IDLNode):
"""IDLInterface node contains operations, attributes, constants,
as well as parent references."""
def __init__(self, ast):
IDLNode.__init__(self, ast)
self.parents = self._convert_all(ast, 'ParentInterface',
javascript_interface_name = self.ext_attrs.get('InterfaceName',
self.javascript_binding_name = javascript_interface_name
self.doc_js_name = javascript_interface_name
if not (self._find_first(ast, 'Callback') is None):
self.ext_attrs['Callback'] = None
if not (self._find_first(ast, 'Partial') is None):
self.is_supplemental = True
self.ext_attrs['DartSupplemental'] = None
self.operations = self._convert_all(ast, 'Operation',
lambda ast: IDLOperation(ast, self.doc_js_name))
self.attributes = self._convert_all(ast, 'Attribute',
lambda ast: IDLAttribute(ast, self.doc_js_name))
self.constants = self._convert_all(ast, 'Const',
lambda ast: IDLConstant(ast, self.doc_js_name))
self.is_supplemental = 'DartSupplemental' in self.ext_attrs
self.is_no_interface_object = 'NoInterfaceObject' in self.ext_attrs
# TODO(terry): Can eliminate Suppressed when we're only using blink parser.
self.is_fc_suppressed = 'Suppressed' in self.ext_attrs or \
'DartSuppress' in self.ext_attrs
def reset_id(self, new_id):
"""Reset the id of the Interface and corresponding the JS names."""
if != new_id: = new_id
self.doc_js_name = new_id
self.javascript_binding_name = new_id
for member in self.operations:
member.doc_js_interface_name = new_id
for member in self.attributes:
member.doc_js_interface_name = new_id
for member in self.constants:
member.doc_js_interface_name = new_id
def has_attribute(self, candidate):
for attribute in self.attributes:
if ( == and
attribute.is_read_only == candidate.is_read_only):
return True
return False
class IDLParentInterface(IDLNode):
"""This IDLNode specialization is for 'Interface Child : Parent {}'
def __init__(self, ast):
IDLNode.__init__(self, ast)
self.type = self._convert_first(ast, 'InterfaceType', IDLType)
class IDLMember(IDLNode):
"""A base class for constants, attributes and operations."""
def __init__(self, ast, doc_js_interface_name):
IDLNode.__init__(self, ast)
self.type = self._convert_first(ast, 'Type', IDLType)
self.doc_js_interface_name = doc_js_interface_name
# TODO(terry): Can eliminate Suppressed when we're only using blink parser.
self.is_fc_suppressed = 'Suppressed' in self.ext_attrs or \
'DartSuppress' in self.ext_attrs
self.is_static = self._has(ast, 'Static')
class IDLOperation(IDLMember):
"""IDLNode specialization for 'type name(args)' declarations."""
def __init__(self, ast, doc_js_interface_name):
IDLMember.__init__(self, ast, doc_js_interface_name)
self.type = self._convert_first(ast, 'ReturnType', IDLType)
self.arguments = self._convert_all(ast, 'Argument', IDLArgument)
self.specials = self._find_all(ast, 'Special')
# Special case: there are getters of the form
# getter <ReturnType>(args). For now force the name to be __getter__,
# but it should be operator[] later.
if is None:
if self.specials == ['getter']:
if self.ext_attrs.get('Custom') == 'PropertyQuery':
# Handling __propertyQuery__ the extended attribute is:
# [Custom=PropertyQuery] getter boolean (DOMString name); = '__propertyQuery__'
else: = '__getter__'
elif self.specials == ['setter']: = '__setter__'
# Special case: if it's a setter, ignore 'declared' return type
self.type = IDLType([('VoidType', None)])
elif self.specials == ['deleter']: = '__delete__'
raise Exception('Cannot handle %s: operation has no id' % ast)
if len(self.arguments) >= 1 and ( in _operation_suffix_map) and not self.ext_attrs.get('ImplementedAs'):
arg = self.arguments[0]
operation_category = 'Named' if == 'DOMString' else 'Indexed'
self.ext_attrs.setdefault('ImplementedAs', 'anonymous%s%s' % (operation_category, _operation_suffix_map[]))
def _extra_repr(self):
return [self.arguments]
def SameSignatureAs(self, operation):
if self.type != operation.type:
return False
return [a.type for a in self.arguments] == [a.type for a in operation.arguments]
class IDLAttribute(IDLMember):
"""IDLNode specialization for 'attribute type name' declarations."""
def __init__(self, ast, doc_js_interface_name):
IDLMember.__init__(self, ast, doc_js_interface_name)
self.is_read_only = self._has(ast, 'ReadOnly')
# There are various ways to define exceptions for attributes:
def _extra_repr(self):
extra = []
if self.is_read_only: extra.append('readonly')
return extra
class IDLConstant(IDLMember):
"""IDLNode specialization for 'const type name = value' declarations."""
def __init__(self, ast, doc_js_interface_name):
IDLMember.__init__(self, ast, doc_js_interface_name)
self.value = self._find_first(ast, 'ConstExpr')
class IDLArgument(IDLNode):
"""IDLNode specialization for operation arguments."""
def __init__(self, ast):
IDLNode.__init__(self, ast)
self.default_value = None
self.default_value_is_null = False
# Handle the 'argType arg = default'. IDL syntax changed from
# [default=NullString].
if not isinstance(ast, list):
if isinstance(ast.default_value, idl_definitions.IdlLiteral) and ast.default_value:
self.default_value = ast.default_value.value
self.default_value_is_null = ast.default_value.is_null
elif 'Default' in ast.extended_attributes:
# Work around [Default=Undefined] for arguments - only look in the model's
# default_value
self.default_value = ast.extended_attributes.get('Default')
self.default_value_is_null = False
self.type = self._convert_first(ast, 'Type', IDLType)
self.optional = self._has(ast, 'Optional')
# TODO(vsm): Recover this from the type instead.
if 'Callback' in
self.ext_attrs['Callback'] = None
def __repr__(self):
return '<IDLArgument(type = %s, id = %s)>' % (self.type,
class IDLImplementsStatement(IDLNode):
"""IDLNode specialization for 'IMPLEMENTOR implements IMPLEMENTED' declarations."""
def __init__(self, ast):
IDLNode.__init__(self, ast)
if isinstance(ast, list) or ast.__module__ != 'idl_definitions':
self.implementor = self._convert_first(ast, 'ImplStmtImplementor', IDLType)
self.implemented = self._convert_first(ast, 'ImplStmtImplemented', IDLType)
class IDLAnnotations(IDLDictNode):
"""IDLDictNode specialization for a list of FremontCut annotations."""
def __init__(self, ast=None):
IDLDictNode.__init__(self, ast) = None
if not ast:
for annotation in self._find_all(ast, 'Annotation'):
name = self._find_first(annotation, 'Id')
value = IDLAnnotation(annotation)
self[name] = value
class IDLAnnotation(IDLDictNode):
"""IDLDictNode specialization for one annotation."""
def __init__(self, ast=None):
IDLDictNode.__init__(self, ast) = None
if not ast:
for arg in self._find_all(ast, 'AnnotationArg'):
name = self._find_first(arg, 'Id')
value = self._find_first(arg, 'AnnotationArgValue')
self[name] = value