blob: d5bd5efae9dcc69902a090f9a90126d942019cee [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library browser;
import "dart:async";
import "dart:convert" show LineSplitter, UTF8;
import "dart:core";
import "dart:io";
import 'android.dart';
import 'http_server.dart';
import 'utils.dart';
class BrowserOutput {
final StringBuffer stdout = new StringBuffer();
final StringBuffer stderr = new StringBuffer();
final StringBuffer eventLog = new StringBuffer();
/** Class describing the interface for communicating with browsers. */
abstract class Browser {
BrowserOutput _allBrowserOutput = new BrowserOutput();
BrowserOutput _testBrowserOutput = new BrowserOutput();
// This is called after the process is closed, before the done future
// is completed.
// Subclasses can use this to cleanup any browser specific resources
// (temp directories, profiles, etc). The function is expected to do
// it's work synchronously.
Function _cleanup;
/** The version of the browser - normally set when starting a browser */
String version = "";
// The path to the browser executable.
String _binary;
* The underlying process - don't mess directly with this if you don't
* know what you are doing (this is an interactive process that needs
* special treatment to not leak).
Process process;
Function logger;
* Id of the browser
String id;
* Delete the browser specific caches on startup.
* Browser specific implementations are free to ignore this.
static bool deleteCache = false;
/** Print everything (stdout, stderr, usageLog) whenever we add to it */
bool debugPrint = false;
// This future returns when the process exits. It is also the return value
// of close()
Future done;
factory Browser.byName(String name,
String executablePath,
[bool checkedMode = false]) {
var browser;
if (name == 'firefox') {
browser = new Firefox();
} else if (name == 'chrome') {
browser = new Chrome();
} else if (name == 'dartium') {
browser = new Dartium(checkedMode);
} else if (name == 'safari') {
browser = new Safari();
} else if (name == 'safarimobilesim') {
browser = new SafariMobileSimulator();
} else if (name.startsWith('ie')) {
browser = new IE();
} else {
throw "Non supported browser";
browser._binary = executablePath;
return browser;
static const List<String> SUPPORTED_BROWSERS =
const ['safari', 'ff', 'firefox', 'chrome', 'ie9', 'ie10',
'ie11', 'dartium'];
static const List<String> BROWSERS_WITH_WINDOW_SUPPORT =
const ['ie11', 'ie10'];
// TODO(kustermann): add standard support for chrome on android
static bool supportedBrowser(String name) {
return SUPPORTED_BROWSERS.contains(name);
void _logEvent(String event) {
String toLog = "$this ($id) - $event \n";
if (debugPrint) print("usageLog: $toLog");
if (logger != null) logger(toLog);
void _addStdout(String output) {
if (debugPrint) print("stdout: $output");
void _addStderr(String output) {
if (debugPrint) print("stderr: $output");
Future close() {
_logEvent("Close called on browser");
if (process != null) {
if (process.kill(ProcessSignal.SIGKILL)) {
_logEvent("Successfully sent kill signal to process.");
} else {
_logEvent("Sending kill signal failed.");
return done;
} else {
_logEvent("The process is already dead.");
return new Future.value(true);
* Start the browser using the supplied argument.
* This sets up the error handling and usage logging.
Future<bool> startBrowser(String command,
List<String> arguments,
{Map<String,String> environment}) {
return Process.start(command, arguments, environment: environment)
.then((startedProcess) {
process = startedProcess;
// Used to notify when exiting, and as a return value on calls to
// close().
var doneCompleter = new Completer();
done = doneCompleter.future;
Completer stdoutDone = new Completer();
Completer stderrDone = new Completer();
bool stdoutIsDone = false;
bool stderrIsDone = false;
StreamSubscription stdoutSubscription;
StreamSubscription stderrSubscription;
// This timer is used to close stdio to the subprocess once we got
// the exitCode. Sometimes descendants of the subprocess keep stdio
// handles alive even though the direct subprocess is dead.
Timer watchdogTimer;
void closeStdout([_]){
if (!stdoutIsDone) {
stdoutIsDone = true;
if (stderrIsDone && watchdogTimer != null) {
void closeStderr([_]) {
if (!stderrIsDone) {
stderrIsDone = true;
if (stdoutIsDone && watchdogTimer != null) {
stdoutSubscription =
process.stdout.transform(UTF8.decoder).listen((data) {
}, onError: (error) {
// This should _never_ happen, but we really want this in the log
// if it actually does due to dart:io or vm bug.
_logEvent("An error occured in the process stdout handling: $error");
}, onDone: closeStdout);
stderrSubscription =
process.stderr.transform(UTF8.decoder).listen((data) {
}, onError: (error) {
// This should _never_ happen, but we really want this in the log
// if it actually does due to dart:io or vm bug.
_logEvent("An error occured in the process stderr handling: $error");
}, onDone: closeStderr);
process.exitCode.then((exitCode) {
_logEvent("Browser closed with exitcode $exitCode");
if (!stdoutIsDone || !stderrIsDone) {
watchdogTimer = new Timer(MAX_STDIO_DELAY, () {
"$MAX_STDIO_DELAY_PASSED_MESSAGE (browser: $this)");
watchdogTimer = null;
Future.wait([stdoutDone.future, stderrDone.future]).then((_) {
process = null;
if (_cleanup != null) {
}).catchError((error) {
_logEvent("Error closing browsers: $error");
}).whenComplete(() => doneCompleter.complete(true));
return true;
}).catchError((error) {
_logEvent("Running $command $arguments failed with $error");
return false;
* Get the output that was written so far to stdout/stderr/eventLog.
BrowserOutput get allBrowserOutput => _allBrowserOutput;
BrowserOutput get testBrowserOutput => _testBrowserOutput;
void resetTestBrowserOutput() {
_testBrowserOutput = new BrowserOutput();
String toString();
/** Starts the browser loading the given url */
Future<bool> start(String url);
class Safari extends Browser {
* We get the safari version by parsing a version file
static const String versionFile =
* Directories where safari stores state. We delete these if the deleteCache
* is set
static const List<String> CACHE_DIRECTORIES =
const ["Library/Caches/",
"Library/Saved Application State/",
Future<bool> allowPopUps() {
var command = "defaults";
var args = ["write", "",
return, args).then((result) {
if (result.exitCode != 0) {
_logEvent("Could not disable pop-up blocking for safari");
return false;
return true;
Future<bool> deleteIfExists(Iterator<String> paths) {
if (!paths.moveNext()) return new Future.value(true);
Directory directory = new Directory(paths.current);
return directory.exists().then((exists) {
if (exists) {
_logEvent("Deleting ${paths.current}");
return directory.delete(recursive: true)
.then((_) => deleteIfExists(paths))
.catchError((error) {
_logEvent("Failure trying to delete ${paths.current}: $error");
return false;
} else {
_logEvent("${paths.current} is not present");
return deleteIfExists(paths);
// Clears the cache if the static deleteCache flag is set.
// Returns false if the command to actually clear the cache did not complete.
Future<bool> clearCache() {
if (!Browser.deleteCache) return new Future.value(true);
var home = Platform.environment['HOME'];
Iterator iterator = => "$home/$s").iterator;
return deleteIfExists(iterator);
Future<String> getVersion() {
* Example of the file:
* <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
* <!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "">
* <plist version="1.0">
* <dict>
* <key>BuildVersion</key>
* <string>2</string>
* <key>CFBundleShortVersionString</key>
* <string>6.0.4</string>
* <key>CFBundleVersion</key>
* <string>8536.29.13</string>
* <key>ProjectName</key>
* <string>WebBrowser</string>
* <key>SourceVersion</key>
* <string>7536029013000000</string>
* </dict>
* </plist>
File f = new File(versionFile);
return f.readAsLines().then((content) {
bool versionOnNextLine = false;
for (var line in content) {
if (versionOnNextLine) return line;
if (line.contains("CFBundleShortVersionString")) {
versionOnNextLine = true;
return null;
void _createLaunchHTML(var path, var url) {
var file = new File("${path}/launch.html");
var randomFile = file.openSync(mode: FileMode.WRITE);
var content = '<script language="JavaScript">location = "$url"</script>';
Future<bool> start(String url) {
_logEvent("Starting Safari browser on: $url");
return allowPopUps().then((success) {
if (!success) {
return false;
return clearCache().then((cleared) {
if (!cleared) {
_logEvent("Could not clear cache");
return false;
// Get the version and log that.
return getVersion().then((version) {
_logEvent("Got version: $version");
return Directory.systemTemp.createTemp().then((userDir) {
_cleanup = () { userDir.deleteSync(recursive: true); };
_createLaunchHTML(userDir.path, url);
var args = ["${userDir.path}/launch.html"];
return startBrowser(_binary, args);
}).catchError((error) {
_logEvent("Running $_binary --version failed with $error");
return false;
String toString() => "Safari";
class Chrome extends Browser {
String _version = "Version not found yet";
Map<String, String> _getEnvironment() => null;
Future<bool> _getVersion() {
if (Platform.isWindows) {
// The version flag does not work on windows.
// See issue:
// The registry hack does not seem to work.
_version = "Can't get version on windows";
// We still validate that the binary exists so that we can give good
// feedback.
return new File(_binary).exists().then((exists) {
if (!exists) {
_logEvent("Chrome binary not available.");
_logEvent("Make sure $_binary is a valid program for running chrome");
return exists;
return, ["--version"]).then((var versionResult) {
if (versionResult.exitCode != 0) {
_logEvent("Failed to chrome get version");
_logEvent("Make sure $_binary is a valid program for running chrome");
return false;
_version = versionResult.stdout;
return true;
Future<bool> start(String url) {
_logEvent("Starting chrome browser on: $url");
// Get the version and log that.
return _getVersion().then((success) {
if (!success) return false;
_logEvent("Got version: $_version");
return Directory.systemTemp.createTemp().then((userDir) {
_cleanup = () { userDir.deleteSync(recursive: true); };
var args = ["--user-data-dir=${userDir.path}", url,
"--disable-extensions", "--disable-popup-blocking",
"--bwsi", "--no-first-run"];
return startBrowser(_binary, args, environment: _getEnvironment());
}).catchError((e) {
_logEvent("Running $_binary --version failed with $e");
return false;
String toString() => "Chrome";
class SafariMobileSimulator extends Safari {
* Directories where safari simulator stores state. We delete these if the
* deleteCache is set
static const List<String> CACHE_DIRECTORIES =
const ["Library/Application Support/iPhone Simulator/7.1/Applications"];
// Clears the cache if the static deleteCache flag is set.
// Returns false if the command to actually clear the cache did not complete.
Future<bool> clearCache() {
if (!Browser.deleteCache) return new Future.value(true);
var home = Platform.environment['HOME'];
Iterator iterator = => "$home/$s").iterator;
return deleteIfExists(iterator);
Future<bool> start(String url) {
_logEvent("Starting safari mobile simulator browser on: $url");
return clearCache().then((success) {
if (!success) {
_logEvent("Could not clear cache, exiting");
return false;
var args = ["-SimulateApplication",
"-u", url];
return startBrowser(_binary, args)
.catchError((e) {
_logEvent("Running $_binary --version failed with $e");
return false;
String toString() => "SafariMobileSimulator";
class Dartium extends Chrome {
final bool checkedMode;
Map<String, String> _getEnvironment() {
var environment = new Map<String,String>.from(Platform.environment);
// By setting this environment variable, dartium will forward "print()"
// calls in dart to the top-level javascript function "dartPrint()" if
// available.
environment['DART_FORWARDING_PRINT'] = '1';
if (checkedMode) {
environment['DART_FLAGS'] = '--checked';
return environment;
String toString() => "Dartium";
class IE extends Browser {
Future<String> getVersion() {
var args = ["query",
"HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\Software\\Microsoft\\Internet Explorer",
return"reg", args).then((result) {
if (result.exitCode == 0) {
// The string we get back looks like this:
// HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer
// version REG_SZ 9.0.8112.16421
var findString = "REG_SZ";
var index = result.stdout.indexOf(findString);
if (index > 0) {
return result.stdout.substring(index + findString.length).trim();
return "Could not get the version of internet explorer";
// Clears the recovery cache if the static deleteCache flag is set.
Future<bool> clearCache() {
if (!Browser.deleteCache) return new Future.value(true);
var localAppData = Platform.environment['LOCALAPPDATA'];
Directory dir = new Directory("$localAppData\\Microsoft\\"
"Internet Explorer\\Recovery");
return dir.delete(recursive: true)
.then((_) { return true; })
.catchError((error) {
_logEvent("Deleting recovery dir failed with $error");
return false;
Future<bool> start(String url) {
_logEvent("Starting ie browser on: $url");
return clearCache().then((_) => getVersion()).then((version) {
_logEvent("Got version: $version");
return startBrowser(_binary, [url]);
String toString() => "IE";
class AndroidBrowserConfig {
final String name;
final String package;
final String activity;
final String action;
AndroidBrowserConfig(, this.package, this.activity, this.action);
final contentShellOnAndroidConfig = new AndroidBrowserConfig(
final dartiumOnAndroidConfig = new AndroidBrowserConfig(
class AndroidBrowser extends Browser {
final bool checkedMode;
AdbDevice _adbDevice;
AndroidBrowserConfig _config;
AndroidBrowser(this._adbDevice, this._config, this.checkedMode, apkPath) {
_binary = apkPath;
Future<bool> start(String url) {
var intent = new Intent(
_config.action, _config.package, _config.activity, url);
return _adbDevice.waitForBootCompleted().then((_) {
return _adbDevice.forceStop(_config.package);
}).then((_) {
return _adbDevice.killAll();
}).then((_) {
return _adbDevice.adbRoot();
}).then((_) {
return _adbDevice.setProp("DART_FORWARDING_PRINT", "1");
}).then((_) {
if (checkedMode) {
return _adbDevice.setProp("DART_FLAGS", "--checked");
} else {
return _adbDevice.setProp("DART_FLAGS", "");
}).then((_) {
return _adbDevice.installApk(new Path(_binary));
}).then((_) {
return _adbDevice.startActivity(intent).then((_) => true);
Future<bool> close() {
if (_adbDevice != null) {
return _adbDevice.forceStop(_config.package).then((_) {
return _adbDevice.killAll().then((_) => true);
return new Future.value(true);
String toString() =>;
class AndroidChrome extends Browser {
static const String viewAction = 'android.intent.action.VIEW';
static const String mainAction = 'android.intent.action.MAIN';
static const String chromePackage = '';
static const String browserPackage = '';
static const String firefoxPackage = 'org.mozilla.firefox';
static const String turnScreenOnPackage = '';
AndroidEmulator _emulator;
AdbDevice _adbDevice;
Future<bool> start(String url) {
var browserIntent = new Intent(
viewAction, browserPackage, '.BrowserActivity', url);
var chromeIntent = new Intent(viewAction, chromePackage, '.Main', url);
var firefoxIntent = new Intent(viewAction, firefoxPackage, '.App', url);
var turnScreenOnIntent =
new Intent(mainAction, turnScreenOnPackage, '.Main');
var testing_resources_dir =
new Path('third_party/android_testing_resources');
if (!new Directory(testing_resources_dir.toNativePath()).existsSync()) {
DebugLogger.error("$testing_resources_dir doesn't exist. Exiting now.");
var chromeAPK = testing_resources_dir.append('');
var turnScreenOnAPK = testing_resources_dir.append('TurnScreenOn.apk');
var chromeConfDir = testing_resources_dir.append('chrome_configuration');
var chromeConfDirRemote = new Path('/data/user/0/');
return _adbDevice.waitForBootCompleted().then((_) {
return _adbDevice.forceStop(chromeIntent.package);
}).then((_) {
return _adbDevice.killAll();
}).then((_) {
return _adbDevice.adbRoot();
}).then((_) {
return _adbDevice.installApk(turnScreenOnAPK);
}).then((_) {
return _adbDevice.installApk(chromeAPK);
}).then((_) {
return _adbDevice.pushData(chromeConfDir, chromeConfDirRemote);
}).then((_) {
return _adbDevice.chmod('777', chromeConfDirRemote);
}).then((_) {
return _adbDevice.startActivity(turnScreenOnIntent).then((_) => true);
}).then((_) {
return _adbDevice.startActivity(chromeIntent).then((_) => true);
Future<bool> close() {
if (_adbDevice != null) {
return _adbDevice.forceStop(chromePackage).then((_) {
return _adbDevice.killAll().then((_) => true);
return new Future.value(true);
String toString() => "chromeOnAndroid";
class Firefox extends Browser {
static const String enablePopUp =
'user_pref("dom.disable_open_during_load", false);';
static const String disableDefaultCheck =
'user_pref("", false);';
static const String disableScriptTimeLimit =
'user_pref("dom.max_script_run_time", 0);';
void _createPreferenceFile(var path) {
var file = new File("${path.toString()}/user.js");
var randomFile = file.openSync(mode: FileMode.WRITE);
Future<bool> start(String url) {
_logEvent("Starting firefox browser on: $url");
// Get the version and log that.
return, ["--version"]).then((var versionResult) {
if (versionResult.exitCode != 0) {
_logEvent("Failed to firefox get version");
_logEvent("Make sure $_binary is a valid program for running firefox");
return new Future.value(false);
version = versionResult.stdout;
_logEvent("Got version: $version");
return Directory.systemTemp.createTemp().then((userDir) {
_cleanup = () { userDir.deleteSync(recursive: true); };
var args = ["-profile", "${userDir.path}",
"-no-remote", "-new-instance", url];
return startBrowser(_binary, args);
}).catchError((e) {
_logEvent("Running $_binary --version failed with $e");
return false;
String toString() => "Firefox";
* Describes the current state of a browser used for testing.
class BrowserTestingStatus {
Browser browser;
BrowserTest currentTest;
// This is currently not used for anything except for error reporting.
// Given the usefulness of this in debugging issues this should not be
// removed even when we have a really stable system.
BrowserTest lastTest;
bool timeout = false;
Timer nextTestTimeout;
Stopwatch timeSinceRestart = new Stopwatch();
BrowserTestingStatus(Browser this.browser);
* Describes a single test to be run in the browser.
class BrowserTest {
// TODO(ricow): Add timeout callback instead of the string passing hack.
Function doneCallback;
String url;
int timeout;
String lastKnownMessage = '';
Stopwatch stopwatch;
// This might be null
Duration delayUntilTestStarted;
// We store this here for easy access when tests time out (instead of
// capturing this in a closure)
Timer timeoutTimer;
// Used for debugging, this is simply a unique identifier assigned to each
// test.
int id;
static int _idCounter = 0;
BrowserTest(this.url, this.doneCallback, this.timeout) {
id = _idCounter++;
/* Describes the output of running the test in a browser */
class BrowserTestOutput {
final Duration delayUntilTestStarted;
final Duration duration;
final String lastKnownMessage;
final BrowserOutput browserOutput;
final bool didTimeout;
this.delayUntilTestStarted, this.duration, this.lastKnownMessage,
this.browserOutput, {this.didTimeout: false});
* Encapsulates all the functionality for running tests in browsers.
* The interface is rather simple. After starting, the runner tests
* are simply added to the queue and a the supplied callbacks are called
* whenever a test completes.
class BrowserTestRunner {
static const int MAX_NEXT_TEST_TIMEOUTS = 10;
static const Duration NEXT_TEST_TIMEOUT = const Duration(seconds: 60);
static const Duration RESTART_BROWSER_INTERVAL = const Duration(seconds: 60);
final Map configuration;
final String localIp;
String browserName;
final int maxNumBrowsers;
bool checkedMode;
// Used to send back logs from the browser (start, stop etc)
Function logger;
int browserIdCount = 0;
bool underTermination = false;
int numBrowserGetTestTimeouts = 0;
List<BrowserTest> testQueue = new List<BrowserTest>();
Map<String, BrowserTestingStatus> browserStatus =
new Map<String, BrowserTestingStatus>();
var adbDeviceMapping = new Map<String, AdbDevice>();
// This cache is used to guarantee that we never see double reporting.
// If we do we need to provide developers with this information.
// We don't add urls to the cache until we have run it.
Map<int, String> testCache = new Map<int, String>();
Map<int, String> doubleReportingOutputs = new Map<int, String>();
BrowserTestingServer testingServer;
* The TestRunner takes the testingServer in as a constructor parameter in
* case we wish to have a testing server with different behavior (such as the
* case for performance testing.
{BrowserTestingServer this.testingServer}) {
checkedMode = configuration['checked'];
Future<bool> start() {
// If [browserName] doesn't support opening new windows, we use new iframes
// instead.
bool useIframe =
if (testingServer == null) {
testingServer = new BrowserTestingServer(
configuration, localIp, useIframe);
return testingServer.start().then((_) {
testingServer.testDoneCallBack = handleResults;
testingServer.testStatusUpdateCallBack = handleStatusUpdate;
testingServer.testStartedCallBack = handleStarted;
testingServer.nextTestCallBack = getNextTest;
return getBrowsers().then((browsers) {
var futures = [];
for (var browser in browsers) {
var url = testingServer.getDriverUrl(;
var future = browser.start(url).then((success) {
if (success) {
var status = new BrowserTestingStatus(browser);
browserStatus[] = status;
status.nextTestTimeout = createNextTestTimer(status);
return success;
return Future.wait(futures).then((values) {
return !values.contains(false);
Future<List<Browser>> getBrowsers() {
// TODO(kustermann): This is a hackisch way to accomplish it and should
// be encapsulated
var browsersCompleter = new Completer();
var androidBrowserCreationMapping = {
'chromeOnAndroid' : (AdbDevice device) => new AndroidChrome(device),
'ContentShellOnAndroid' : (AdbDevice device) => new AndroidBrowser(
'DartiumOnAndroid' : (AdbDevice device) => new AndroidBrowser(
if (androidBrowserCreationMapping.containsKey(browserName)) {
AdbHelper.listDevices().then((deviceIds) {
if (deviceIds.length > 0) {
var browsers = [];
for (int i = 0; i < deviceIds.length; i++) {
var id = "BROWSER$i";
var device = new AdbDevice(deviceIds[i]);
adbDeviceMapping[id] = device;
var browser = androidBrowserCreationMapping[browserName](device);
// We store this in case we need to kill the browser. = id;
} else {
throw new StateError("No android devices found.");
} else {
var browsers = [];
for (int i = 0; i < maxNumBrowsers; i++) {
var id = "BROWSER$browserIdCount";
var browser = getInstance();
// We store this in case we need to kill the browser. = id;
return browsersCompleter.future;
var timedOut = [];
void handleResults(String browserId, String output, int testId) {
var status = browserStatus[browserId];
if (testCache.containsKey(testId)) {
doubleReportingOutputs[testId] = output;
if (status == null || status.timeout) {
// We don't do anything, this browser is currently being killed and
// replaced. The browser here can be null if we decided to kill the
// browser.
} else if (status.currentTest != null) {
if ( != testId) {
print("Expected test id ${} for"
print("Got test id ${testId}");
print("Last test id was ${} for "
throw("This should never happen, wrong test id");
testCache[testId] = status.currentTest.url;
// Report that the test is finished now
var browserTestOutput = new BrowserTestOutput(
status.lastTest = status.currentTest;
status.currentTest = null;
status.nextTestTimeout = createNextTestTimer(status);
} else {
print("\nThis is bad, should never happen, handleResult no test");
print("URL: ${status.lastTest.url}");
terminate().then((_) {
void handleStatusUpdate(String browserId, String output, int testId) {
var status = browserStatus[browserId];
if (status == null || status.timeout) {
// We don't do anything, this browser is currently being killed and
// replaced. The browser here can be null if we decided to kill the
// browser.
} else if (status.currentTest != null && == testId) {
status.currentTest.lastKnownMessage = output;
void handleStarted(String browserId, String output, int testId) {
var status = browserStatus[browserId];
if (status != null && !status.timeout && status.currentTest != null) {
status.currentTest.timeoutTimer =
createTimeoutTimer(status.currentTest, status);
status.currentTest.delayUntilTestStarted =
void handleTimeout(BrowserTestingStatus status) {
// We simply kill the browser and starts up a new one!
// We could be smarter here, but it does not seems like it is worth it.
if (status.timeout) {
"Got test timeout for an already restarting browser");
status.timeout = true;
var id =;
status.browser.close().then((_) {
var lastKnownMessage =
'Dom could not be fetched, since the test timed out.';
if (status.currentTest.lastKnownMessage.length > 0) {
lastKnownMessage = status.currentTest.lastKnownMessage;
// Wait until the browser is closed before reporting the test as timeout.
// This will enable us to capture stdout/stderr from the browser
// (which might provide us with information about what went wrong).
var browserTestOutput = new BrowserTestOutput(
didTimeout: true);
status.lastTest = status.currentTest;
status.currentTest = null;
// We don't want to start a new browser if we are terminating.
if (underTermination) return;
void restartBrowser(String id) {
var browser;
var new_id = id;
if (browserName == 'chromeOnAndroid') {
browser = new AndroidChrome(adbDeviceMapping[id]);
} else if (browserName == 'ContentShellOnAndroid') {
browser = new AndroidBrowser(adbDeviceMapping[id],
} else if (browserName == 'DartiumOnAndroid') {
browser = new AndroidBrowser(adbDeviceMapping[id],
} else {
browser = getInstance();
new_id = "BROWSER$browserIdCount";
} = new_id;
var status = new BrowserTestingStatus(browser);
browserStatus[new_id] = status;
status.nextTestTimeout = createNextTestTimer(status);
browser.start(testingServer.getDriverUrl(new_id)).then((success) {
// We may have started terminating in the mean time.
if (underTermination) {
if (status.nextTestTimeout != null) {
status.nextTestTimeout = null;
browser.close().then((success) {
// We should never hit this, print it out.
if (!success) {
print("Could not kill browser ($id) started due to timeout");
if (!success) {
// TODO(ricow): Handle this better.
print("This is bad, should never happen, could not start browser");
BrowserTest getNextTest(String browserId) {
var status = browserStatus[browserId];
if (status == null) return null;
if (status.nextTestTimeout != null) {
status.nextTestTimeout = null;
if (testQueue.isEmpty) return null;
// We are currently terminating this browser, don't start a new test.
if (status.timeout) return null;
// Restart content_shell and dartium on Android if they have been
// running for longer than RESTART_BROWSER_INTERVAL. The tests have
// had flaky timeouts, and this may help.
if ((browserName == 'ContentShellOnAndroid' ||
browserName == 'DartiumOnAndroid' ) &&
status.timeSinceRestart.elapsed > RESTART_BROWSER_INTERVAL) {
var id =;
// Reset stopwatch so we don't trigger again before restarting.
status.timeout = true;
status.browser.close().then((_) {
// We don't want to start a new browser if we are terminating.
if (underTermination) return;
// Don't send a test to the browser we are restarting.
return null;
BrowserTest test = testQueue.removeLast();
if (status.currentTest == null) {
status.currentTest = test;
status.currentTest.lastKnownMessage = '';
} else {
// TODO(ricow): Handle this better.
print("Browser requested next test before reporting previous result");
print("This happened for browser $browserId");
print("Old test was: ${status.currentTest.url}");
print("The test before that was: ${status.lastTest.url}");
print("Timed out tests:");
for (var v in timedOut) {
print(" $v");
status.currentTest.timeoutTimer = createTimeoutTimer(test, status);
status.currentTest.stopwatch = new Stopwatch()..start();
// Reset the test specific output information (stdout, stderr) on the
// browser since a new test is begin started.
return test;
Timer createTimeoutTimer(BrowserTest test, BrowserTestingStatus status) {
return new Timer(new Duration(seconds: test.timeout),
() { handleTimeout(status); });
Timer createNextTestTimer(BrowserTestingStatus status) {
return new Timer(BrowserTestRunner.NEXT_TEST_TIMEOUT,
() { handleNextTestTimeout(status); });
void handleNextTestTimeout(status) {
"Browser timed out before getting next test. Restarting");
if (status.timeout) return;
if (numBrowserGetTestTimeouts >= MAX_NEXT_TEST_TIMEOUTS) {
"Too many browser timeouts before getting next test. Terminating");
terminate().then((_) => exit(1));
} else {
status.timeout = true;
status.browser.close().then((_) => restartBrowser(;
void queueTest(BrowserTest test) {
void printDoubleReportingTests() {
if (doubleReportingOutputs.length == 0) return;
// TODO(ricow): die on double reporting.
// Currently we just report this here, we could have a callback to the
// encapsulating environment.
print("Double reporting tests");
for (var id in doubleReportingOutputs.keys) {
print(" ${testCache[id]}");
DebugLogger.warning("Double reporting tests:");
for (var id in doubleReportingOutputs.keys) {
DebugLogger.warning("${testCache[id]}, output: ");
Future<bool> terminate() {
var futures = [];
underTermination = true;
testingServer.underTermination = true;
for (BrowserTestingStatus status in browserStatus.values) {
if (status.nextTestTimeout != null) {
status.nextTestTimeout = null;
return Future.wait(futures).then((values) {
return !values.contains(false);
Browser getInstance() {
if (browserName == 'ff') browserName = 'firefox';
var path = Locations.getBrowserLocation(browserName, configuration);
var browser = new Browser.byName(browserName, path, checkedMode);
browser.logger = logger;
return browser;
class BrowserTestingServer {
final Map configuration;
/// Interface of the testing server:
/// GET /driver/BROWSER_ID -- This will get the driver page to fetch
/// and run tests ...
/// GET /next_test/BROWSER_ID -- returns "WAIT" "TERMINATE" or "url#id"
/// where url is the test to run, and id is the id of the test.
/// If there are currently no available tests the waitSignal is send
/// back. If we are in the process of terminating the terminateSignal
/// is send back and the browser will stop requesting new tasks.
/// POST /report/BROWSER_ID?id=NUM -- sends back the dom of the executed
/// test
final String localIp;
static const String driverPath = "/driver";
static const String nextTestPath = "/next_test";
static const String reportPath = "/report";
static const String statusUpdatePath = "/status_update";
static const String startedPath = "/started";
static const String waitSignal = "WAIT";
static const String terminateSignal = "TERMINATE";
var testCount = 0;
var errorReportingServer;
bool underTermination = false;
bool useIframe = false;
Function testDoneCallBack;
Function testStatusUpdateCallBack;
Function testStartedCallBack;
Function nextTestCallBack;
BrowserTestingServer(this.configuration, this.localIp, this.useIframe);
Future start() {
var test_driver_error_port = configuration['test_driver_error_port'];
return HttpServer.bind(localIp, test_driver_error_port)
void setupErrorServer(HttpServer server) {
errorReportingServer = server;
void errorReportingHandler(HttpRequest request) {
StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer();
request.transform(UTF8.decoder).listen((data) {
}, onDone: () {
String back = buffer.toString();
request.response.headers.set("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", "*");
request.response.done.catchError((error) {
DebugLogger.error("Error getting error from browser"
"on uri ${request.uri.path}: $error");
DebugLogger.error("Error from browser on : "
"${request.uri.path}, data: $back");
}, onError: (error) { print(error); });
void errorHandler(e) {
if (!underTermination) print("Error occured in httpserver: $e");
errorReportingServer.listen(errorReportingHandler, onError: errorHandler);
void setupDispatchingServer(_) {
DispatchingServer server = configuration['_servers_'].server;
void noCache(request) {
"no-cache, no-store, must-revalidate");
int testId(request) =>
String browserId(request, prefix) =>
request.uri.path.substring(prefix.length + 1);
server.addHandler(reportPath, (HttpRequest request) {
handleReport(request, browserId(request, reportPath),
testId(request), isStatusUpdate: false);
server.addHandler(statusUpdatePath, (HttpRequest request) {
handleReport(request, browserId(request, statusUpdatePath),
testId(request), isStatusUpdate: true);
server.addHandler(startedPath, (HttpRequest request) {
handleStarted(request, browserId(request, startedPath),
makeSendPageHandler(String prefix) => (HttpRequest request) {
var textResponse = "";
if (prefix == driverPath) {
textResponse = getDriverPage(browserId(request, prefix));
request.response.headers.set('Content-Type', 'text/html');
if (prefix == nextTestPath) {
textResponse = getNextTest(browserId(request, prefix));
request.response.headers.set('Content-Type', 'text/plain');
request.listen((_) {}, onDone: request.response.close);
request.response.done.catchError((error) {
if (!underTermination) {
print("URI ${request.uri}");
print("Textresponse $textResponse");
throw "Error returning content to browser: $error";
server.addHandler(driverPath, makeSendPageHandler(driverPath));
server.addHandler(nextTestPath, makeSendPageHandler(nextTestPath));
void handleReport(HttpRequest request, String browserId, var testId,
{bool isStatusUpdate}) {
StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer();
request.transform(UTF8.decoder).listen((data) {
}, onDone: () {
String back = buffer.toString();
if (isStatusUpdate) {
testStatusUpdateCallBack(browserId, back, testId);
} else {
testDoneCallBack(browserId, back, testId);
// TODO(ricow): We should do something smart if we get an error here.
}, onError: (error) { DebugLogger.error("$error"); });
void handleStarted(HttpRequest request, String browserId, var testId) {
StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer();
// If an error occurs while receiving the data from the request stream,
// we don't handle it specially. We can safely ignore it, since the started
// events are not crucial.
request.transform(UTF8.decoder).listen((data) {
}, onDone: () {
String back = buffer.toString();
testStartedCallBack(browserId, back, testId);
}, onError: (error) { DebugLogger.error("$error"); });
String getNextTest(String browserId) {
var nextTest = nextTestCallBack(browserId);
if (underTermination) {
// Browsers will be killed shortly, send them a terminate signal so
// that they stop pulling.
return terminateSignal;
} else if (nextTest == null) {
// We don't currently have any tests ready for consumption, wait.
return waitSignal;
} else {
return "${nextTest.url}#id=${}";
String getDriverUrl(String browserId) {
if (errorReportingServer == null) {
print("Bad browser testing server, you are not started yet. Can't "
"produce driver url");
// This should never happen - exit immediately;
var port = configuration['_servers_'].port;
return "http://$localIp:$port/driver/$browserId";
String getDriverPage(String browserId) {
var errorReportingUrl =
String driverContent = """
<!DOCTYPE html><html>
<title>Driving page</title>
<script type='text/javascript'>
function startTesting() {
var number_of_tests = 0;
var current_id;
var next_id;
// Describes a state where we are currently fetching the next test
// from the server. We use this to never double request tasks.
var test_completed = true;
var testing_window;
var embedded_iframe = document.getElementById('embedded_iframe');
var number_div = document.getElementById('number');
var executing_div = document.getElementById('currently_executing');
var error_div = document.getElementById('unhandled_error');
var use_iframe = ${useIframe};
var start = new Date();
function newTaskHandler() {
if (this.readyState == this.DONE) {
if (this.status == 200) {
if (this.responseText == '$waitSignal') {
setTimeout(getNextTask, 500);
} else if (this.responseText == '$terminateSignal') {
// Don't do anything, we will be killed shortly.
} else {
var elapsed = new Date() - start;
// The task is send to us as:
var split = this.responseText.split('#');
var nextTask = split[0];
next_id = split[1];
} else {
reportError('Could not contact the server and get a new task');
function contactBrowserController(method,
isUrlEncoded) {
var client = new XMLHttpRequest();
client.onreadystatechange = callback;, path);
if (isUrlEncoded) {
function getNextTask() {
// Until we have the next task we set the current_id to a specific
// negative value.
'GET', '$nextTestPath/$browserId', newTaskHandler, "", false);
function run(url) {
number_div.innerHTML = number_of_tests;
executing_div.innerHTML = url;
if (use_iframe) {
embedded_iframe.src = url;
} else {
if (typeof testing_window != 'undefined') {
testing_window =;
window.onerror = function (message, url, lineNumber) {
if (url) {
reportError(url + ':' + lineNumber + ':' + message);
} else {
function reportError(msg) {
function handleReady() {
if (this.readyState == this.DONE && this.status != 200) {
var error = 'Sending back error did not succeeed: ' + this.status;
error = error + '. Failed to send msg: ' + msg;
error_div.innerHTML = error;
'POST', '$errorReportingUrl?test=1', handleReady, msg, true);
function reportMessage(msg, isFirstMessage, isStatusUpdate) {
if (isFirstMessage) {
test_completed = false;
current_id = next_id;
'POST', '$startedPath/${browserId}?id=' + current_id,
function () {}, msg, true);
} else if (isStatusUpdate) {
'POST', '$statusUpdatePath/${browserId}?id=' + current_id,
function() {}, msg, true);
} else {
var is_double_report = test_completed;
var retry = 0;
test_completed = true;
function reportDoneMessage() {
'POST', '$reportPath/${browserId}?id=' + current_id,
handleReady, msg, true);
function handleReady() {
if (this.readyState == this.DONE) {
if (this.status == 200) {
if (!is_double_report) {
} else {
reportError('Error sending result to server. Status: ' +
this.status + ' Retry: ' + retry);
if (retry < 3) {
setTimeout(reportDoneMessage, 1000);
function parseResult(result) {
var parsedData = null;
try {
parsedData = JSON.parse(result);
} catch(error) { }
return parsedData;
function messageHandler(e) {
var msg =;
if (typeof msg != 'string') return;
var parsedData = parseResult(msg);
if (parsedData) {
// Only if the JSON message contains all required parameters,
// will we handle it and post it back to the test controller.
if ('message' in parsedData &&
'is_first_message' in parsedData &&
'is_status_update' in parsedData &&
'is_done' in parsedData) {
var message = parsedData['message'];
var isFirstMessage = parsedData['is_first_message'];
var isStatusUpdate = parsedData['is_status_update'];
var isDone = parsedData['is_done'];
if (!isFirstMessage && !isStatusUpdate) {
if (!isDone) {
alert("Bug in test_controller.js: " +
"isFirstMessage/isStatusUpdate/isDone were all false");
reportMessage(message, isFirstMessage, isStatusUpdate);
window.addEventListener('message', messageHandler, false);
waitForDone = false;
<body onload="startTesting()">
Dart test driver, number of tests: <div id="number"></div><br>
Currently executing: <div id="currently_executing"></div><br>
Unhandled error: <div id="unhandled_error"></div>
<iframe id="embedded_iframe"></iframe>
return driverContent;