blob: 3cd807976dbe517a7e9940974fc0319101e08ad9 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2014, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library mocks;
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:io';
@MirrorsUsed(targets: 'mocks', override: '*')
import 'dart:mirrors';
import 'package:analysis_server/src/services/index/index.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/file_system/file_system.dart' as resource;
import 'package:analyzer/file_system/memory_file_system.dart' as resource;
import 'package:analysis_server/src/analysis_server.dart';
import 'package:analysis_server/src/channel/channel.dart';
import 'package:analysis_server/src/operation/operation_analysis.dart';
import 'package:analysis_server/src/operation/operation.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/source/package_map_provider.dart';
import 'package:analysis_server/src/protocol.dart' hide Element, ElementKind;
import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/element.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/engine.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/source.dart';
import 'package:matcher/matcher.dart';
import 'package:typed_mock/typed_mock.dart';
import 'package:unittest/unittest.dart';
* Answer the absolute path the the SDK relative to the currently running
* script or throw an exception if it cannot be found.
String get sdkPath {
Uri sdkUri = Platform.script.resolve('../../../sdk/');
// Verify the directory exists
Directory sdkDir = new Directory.fromUri(sdkUri);
if (!sdkDir.existsSync()) {
throw 'Specified Dart SDK does not exist: $sdkDir';
return sdkDir.path;
* Returns a [Future] that completes after pumping the event queue [times]
* times. By default, this should pump the event queue enough times to allow
* any code to run, as long as it's not waiting on some external event.
Future pumpEventQueue([int times = 20]) {
if (times == 0) return new Future.value();
// We use a delayed future to allow microtask events to finish. The
// Future.value or Future() constructors use scheduleMicrotask themselves and
// would therefore not wait for microtask callbacks that are scheduled after
// invoking this method.
return new Future.delayed(Duration.ZERO, () => pumpEventQueue(times - 1));
* Returns a [Future] that completes when the given [AnalysisServer] finished
* all its scheduled tasks.
Future waitForServerOperationsPerformed(AnalysisServer server) {
if (server.test_areOperationsFinished()) {
return new Future.value();
// We use a delayed future to allow microtask events to finish. The
// Future.value or Future() constructors use scheduleMicrotask themselves and
// would therefore not wait for microtask callbacks that are scheduled after
// invoking this method.
return new Future.delayed(Duration.ZERO,
() => waitForServerOperationsPerformed(server));
* A mock [WebSocket] for testing.
class MockSocket<T> implements WebSocket {
StreamController controller = new StreamController();
MockSocket twin;
Stream stream;
factory MockSocket.pair() {
MockSocket socket1 = new MockSocket();
MockSocket socket2 = new MockSocket();
socket1.twin = socket2;
socket2.twin = socket1; =; =;
return socket1;
void add(T text) => controller.add(text);
void allowMultipleListeners() {
stream = stream.asBroadcastStream();
Future close([int code, String reason]) => controller.close()
.then((_) => twin.controller.close());
StreamSubscription<T> listen(void onData(T event),
{ Function onError, void onDone(), bool cancelOnError}) =>
stream.listen(onData, onError: onError, onDone: onDone,
cancelOnError: cancelOnError);
Stream<T> where(bool test(T)) => stream.where(test);
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) => super.noSuchMethod(invocation);
class NoResponseException implements Exception {
* The request that was not responded to.
final Request request;
String toString() {
return "NoResponseException after request ${request.toJson()}";
* A mock [ServerCommunicationChannel] for testing [AnalysisServer].
class MockServerChannel implements ServerCommunicationChannel {
StreamController<Request> requestController = new StreamController<Request>();
StreamController<Response> responseController = new StreamController<Response>.broadcast();
StreamController<Notification> notificationController = new StreamController<Notification>(sync: true);
List<Response> responsesReceived = [];
List<Notification> notificationsReceived = [];
bool _closed = false;
MockServerChannel() {
void listen(void onRequest(Request request), {Function onError, void onDone()}) {, onError: onError, onDone: onDone);
void sendNotification(Notification notification) {
// Don't deliver notifications after the connection is closed.
if (_closed) {
// Wrap send notification in future to simulate websocket
// TODO(scheglov) ask Dan why and decide what to do
// new Future(() => notificationController.add(notification));
* Simulate request/response pair.
Future<Response> sendRequest(Request request) {
// No further requests should be sent after the connection is closed.
if (_closed) {
throw new Exception('sendRequest after connection closed');
// Wrap send request in future to simulate websocket
new Future(() => requestController.add(request));
return waitForResponse(request);
void sendResponse(Response response) {
// Don't deliver responses after the connection is closed.
if (_closed) {
// Wrap send response in future to simulate websocket
new Future(() => responseController.add(response));
void expectMsgCount({responseCount: 0, notificationCount: 0}) {
expect(responsesReceived, hasLength(responseCount));
expect(notificationsReceived, hasLength(notificationCount));
Future<Response> waitForResponse(Request request) {
String id =;
pumpEventQueue().then((_) {
responseController.addError(new NoResponseException(request));
return {
return == id;
// return {
// return == id;
// });
void close() {
_closed = true;
typedef void MockServerOperationPerformFunction(AnalysisServer server);
* A mock [ServerOperation] for testing [AnalysisServer].
class MockServerOperation implements PerformAnalysisOperation {
final ServerOperationPriority priority;
final MockServerOperationPerformFunction _perform;
MockServerOperation(this.priority, this._perform);
void perform(AnalysisServer server) => this._perform(server);
AnalysisContext get context => null;
bool get isContinue => false;
void sendNotices(AnalysisServer server, List<ChangeNotice> notices) {
void updateIndex(Index index, List<ChangeNotice> notices) {
* A [Matcher] that check that the given [Response] has an expected identifier
* and no error.
Matcher isResponseSuccess(String id) => new _IsResponseSuccess(id);
* A [Matcher] that check that there are no `error` in a given [Response].
class _IsResponseSuccess extends Matcher {
final String _id;
Description describe(Description description) {
return description.addDescriptionOf(
'response with identifier "$_id" and without error');
bool matches(item, Map matchState) {
Response response = item;
return response != null && == _id && response.error == null;
Description describeMismatch(item, Description mismatchDescription,
Map matchState, bool verbose) {
Response response = item;
if (response == null) {
mismatchDescription.add('is null response');
} else {
var id =;
RequestError error = response.error;
mismatchDescription.add('has identifier "$id"');
if (error != null) {
mismatchDescription.add(' and has error $error');
return mismatchDescription;
* A [Matcher] that check that the given [Response] has an expected identifier
* and has an error. The error code may optionally be checked.
Matcher isResponseFailure(String id, [RequestErrorCode code]) =>
new _IsResponseFailure(id, code);
* A [Matcher] that check that there are no `error` in a given [Response].
class _IsResponseFailure extends Matcher {
final String _id;
final RequestErrorCode _code;
_IsResponseFailure(this._id, this._code);
Description describe(Description description) {
description = description.add(
'response with identifier "$_id" and an error');
if (_code != null) {
description = description.add(' with code ${}');
return description;
bool matches(item, Map matchState) {
Response response = item;
if ( != _id || response.error == null) {
return false;
if (_code != null && response.error.code != _code) {
return false;
return true;
Description describeMismatch(item, Description mismatchDescription,
Map matchState, bool verbose) {
Response response = item;
var id =;
RequestError error = response.error;
mismatchDescription.add('has identifier "$id"');
if (error == null) {
mismatchDescription.add(' and has no error');
} else {
mismatchDescription.add(' and has error code ${}');
return mismatchDescription;
* A mock [PackageMapProvider].
class MockPackageMapProvider implements PackageMapProvider {
* Package map that will be returned by the next call to [computePackageMap].
Map<String, List<resource.Folder>> packageMap = <String, List<resource.Folder>>{};
* Package maps that will be returned by the next call to [computePackageMap].
Map<String, Map<String, List<resource.Folder>>> packageMaps = null;
* Dependency list that will be returned by the next call to [computePackageMap].
Set<String> dependencies = new Set<String>();
PackageMapInfo computePackageMap(resource.Folder folder) {
if (packageMaps != null) {
return new PackageMapInfo(packageMaps[folder.path], dependencies);
return new PackageMapInfo(packageMap, dependencies);
class MockAnalysisContext extends StringTypedMock implements AnalysisContext {
MockAnalysisContext(String name) : super(name);
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) => super.noSuchMethod(invocation);
class MockClassElement extends TypedMock implements ClassElement {
final ElementKind kind = ElementKind.CLASS;
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) => super.noSuchMethod(invocation);
class MockCompilationUnitElement extends TypedMock implements
CompilationUnitElement {
final ElementKind kind = ElementKind.COMPILATION_UNIT;
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) => super.noSuchMethod(invocation);
class MockConstructorElement extends TypedMock implements ConstructorElement {
final kind = ElementKind.CONSTRUCTOR;
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) => super.noSuchMethod(invocation);
class MockElement extends StringTypedMock implements Element {
MockElement([String name = '<element>']) : super(name);
String get displayName => _toString;
String get name => _toString;
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) => super.noSuchMethod(invocation);
class MockFieldElement extends TypedMock implements FieldElement {
final ElementKind kind = ElementKind.FIELD;
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) => super.noSuchMethod(invocation);
class MockFunctionElement extends TypedMock implements FunctionElement {
final ElementKind kind = ElementKind.FUNCTION;
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) => super.noSuchMethod(invocation);
class MockFunctionTypeAliasElement extends TypedMock implements
FunctionTypeAliasElement {
final ElementKind kind = ElementKind.FUNCTION_TYPE_ALIAS;
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) => super.noSuchMethod(invocation);
class MockHtmlElement extends TypedMock implements HtmlElement {
final ElementKind kind = ElementKind.HTML;
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) => super.noSuchMethod(invocation);
class MockImportElement extends TypedMock implements ImportElement {
final ElementKind kind = ElementKind.IMPORT;
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) => super.noSuchMethod(invocation);
class MockLibraryElement extends TypedMock implements LibraryElement {
final ElementKind kind = ElementKind.LIBRARY;
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) => super.noSuchMethod(invocation);
class MockLocalVariableElement extends TypedMock implements LocalVariableElement
final ElementKind kind = ElementKind.LOCAL_VARIABLE;
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) => super.noSuchMethod(invocation);
class MockLogger extends TypedMock implements Logger {
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) => super.noSuchMethod(invocation);
class MockMethodElement extends StringTypedMock implements MethodElement {
final kind = ElementKind.METHOD;
MockMethodElement([String name = 'method']) : super(name);
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) => super.noSuchMethod(invocation);
class MockParameterElement extends TypedMock implements ParameterElement {
final ElementKind kind = ElementKind.PARAMETER;
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) => super.noSuchMethod(invocation);
class MockPropertyAccessorElement extends TypedMock implements
PropertyAccessorElement {
final ElementKind kind;
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) => super.noSuchMethod(invocation);
class MockSource extends StringTypedMock implements Source {
MockSource([String name = 'mocked.dart']) : super(name);
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) => super.noSuchMethod(invocation);
class MockTopLevelVariableElement extends TypedMock implements
TopLevelVariableElement {
final ElementKind kind = ElementKind.TOP_LEVEL_VARIABLE;
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) => super.noSuchMethod(invocation);
class MockTypeParameterElement extends TypedMock implements TypeParameterElement
final ElementKind kind = ElementKind.TYPE_PARAMETER;
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) => super.noSuchMethod(invocation);
class StringTypedMock extends TypedMock {
String _toString;
String toString() {
if (_toString != null) {
return _toString;
return super.toString();