blob: 3407c67f1eb7c5a9944e7b5cd6d7a760887eb68e [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2014, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library compiler_configuration;
import 'dart:io' show
import 'runtime_configuration.dart' show
import 'test_runner.dart' show
import 'test_suite.dart' show
/// Grouping of a command with its expected result.
class CommandArtifact {
final List<Command> commands;
/// Expected result of running [command].
final String filename;
/// MIME type of [filename].
final String mimeType;
CommandArtifact(this.commands, this.filename, this.mimeType);
Uri nativeDirectoryToUri(String nativePath) {
Uri uri = new Uri.file(nativePath);
String path = uri.path;
return (path == '' || path.endsWith('/'))
? uri
: Uri.parse('$uri/');
abstract class CompilerConfiguration {
final bool isDebug;
final bool isChecked;
final bool isHostChecked;
final bool useSdk;
// TODO(ahe): Remove this constructor and move the switch to
// test_options.dart. We probably want to store an instance of
// [CompilerConfiguration] in [configuration] there.
factory CompilerConfiguration(Map configuration) {
String compiler = configuration['compiler'];
// TODO(ahe): Move these booleans into a struction configuration object
// which can eventually completely replace the Map-based configuration
// object.
bool isDebug = configuration['mode'] == 'debug';
bool isChecked = configuration['checked'];
bool isHostChecked = configuration['host_checked'];
bool useSdk = configuration['use_sdk'];
bool isCsp = configuration['csp'];
switch (compiler) {
case 'dartanalyzer':
return new AnalyzerCompilerConfiguration(
'dartanalyzer', isDebug: isDebug, isChecked: isChecked,
isHostChecked: isHostChecked, useSdk: useSdk);
case 'dart2analyzer':
return new DartBasedAnalyzerCompilerConfiguration(
isDebug: isDebug, isChecked: isChecked,
isHostChecked: isHostChecked, useSdk: useSdk);
case 'dart2js':
return new Dart2jsCompilerConfiguration(
isDebug: isDebug, isChecked: isChecked,
isHostChecked: isHostChecked, useSdk: useSdk, isCsp: isCsp,
TestUtils.getExtraOptions(configuration, 'dart2js_options'));
case 'dart2dart':
return new Dart2dartCompilerConfiguration(
isDebug: isDebug, isChecked: isChecked,
isHostChecked: isHostChecked, useSdk: useSdk);
case 'none':
return new NoneCompilerConfiguration(
isDebug: isDebug, isChecked: isChecked,
isHostChecked: isHostChecked, useSdk: useSdk);
throw "Unknown compiler '$compiler'";
this.isDebug: false,
this.isChecked: false,
this.isHostChecked: false,
this.useSdk: false});
/// Return a multiplier used to give tests longer time to run.
// TODO(ahe): Convert to getter!
int computeTimeoutMultiplier() {
return 1;
// TODO(ahe): It shouldn't be necessary to pass [buildDir] to any of these
// functions. It is fixed for a given configuration.
String computeCompilerPath(String buildDir) {
throw "Unknown compiler for: $runtimeType";
bool get hasCompiler => true;
String get executableScriptSuffix => Platform.isWindows ? '.bat' : '';
// TODO(ahe): Remove this.
bool get isCsp => false;
List<Uri> bootstrapDependencies(String buildDir) => const <Uri>[];
CommandArtifact computeCompilationArtifact(
String buildDir,
String tempDir,
CommandBuilder commandBuilder,
List arguments,
Map<String, String> environmentOverrides) {
return new CommandArtifact([], null, null);
List<String> computeRuntimeArguments(
RuntimeConfiguration runtimeConfiguration,
String buildDir,
TestInformation info,
List<String> vmOptions,
List<String> sharedOptions,
List<String> originalArguments,
CommandArtifact artifact) {
return <String>[artifact.filename];
/// The "none" compiler.
class NoneCompilerConfiguration extends CompilerConfiguration {
bool isDebug,
bool isChecked,
bool isHostChecked,
bool useSdk})
: super._subclass(
isDebug: isDebug, isChecked: isChecked,
isHostChecked: isHostChecked, useSdk: useSdk);
bool get hasCompiler => false;
List<String> computeRuntimeArguments(
RuntimeConfiguration runtimeConfiguration,
String buildDir,
TestInformation info,
List<String> vmOptions,
List<String> sharedOptions,
List<String> originalArguments,
CommandArtifact artifact) {
return <String>[]
/// Common configuration for dart2js-based tools, such as, dart2js and
/// dart2dart.
class Dart2xCompilerConfiguration extends CompilerConfiguration {
final String moniker;
{bool isDebug,
bool isChecked,
bool isHostChecked,
bool useSdk})
: super._subclass(
isDebug: isDebug, isChecked: isChecked,
isHostChecked: isHostChecked, useSdk: useSdk);
String computeCompilerPath(String buildDir) {
var prefix = 'sdk/bin';
String suffix = executableScriptSuffix;
if (isHostChecked) {
// The script dart2js_developer is not included in the
// shipped SDK, that is the script is not installed in
// "$buildDir/dart-sdk/bin/"
return '$prefix/dart2js_developer$suffix';
} else {
if (useSdk) {
prefix = '$buildDir/dart-sdk/bin';
return '$prefix/dart2js$suffix';
CompilationCommand computeCompilationCommand(
String outputFileName,
String buildDir,
CommandBuilder commandBuilder,
List arguments,
Map<String, String> environmentOverrides) {
arguments = new List.from(arguments);
return commandBuilder.getCompilationCommand(
moniker, outputFileName, !useSdk,
arguments, environmentOverrides);
List<Uri> bootstrapDependencies(String buildDir) {
if (!useSdk) return const <Uri>[];
Uri absoluteBuildDir = Uri.base.resolveUri(nativeDirectoryToUri(buildDir));
return [absoluteBuildDir.resolve(
/// Configuration for dart2js compiler.
class Dart2jsCompilerConfiguration extends Dart2xCompilerConfiguration {
final bool isCsp;
final List<String> extraDart2jsOptions;
bool isDebug,
bool isChecked,
bool isHostChecked,
bool useSdk,
bool this.isCsp,
: super(
isDebug: isDebug, isChecked: isChecked,
isHostChecked: isHostChecked, useSdk: useSdk);
int computeTimeoutMultiplier() {
int multiplier = 1;
if (isDebug) multiplier *= 4;
if (isChecked) multiplier *= 2;
if (isHostChecked) multiplier *= 16;
return multiplier;
CommandArtifact computeCompilationArtifact(
String buildDir,
String tempDir,
CommandBuilder commandBuilder,
List arguments,
Map<String, String> environmentOverrides) {
return new CommandArtifact(
List<String> computeRuntimeArguments(
RuntimeConfiguration runtimeConfiguration,
String buildDir,
TestInformation info,
List<String> vmOptions,
List<String> sharedOptions,
List<String> originalArguments,
CommandArtifact artifact) {
Uri sdk = useSdk ?
nativeDirectoryToUri(buildDir).resolve('dart-sdk/') :
Uri preambleDir = sdk.resolve('lib/_internal/lib/preambles/');
return runtimeConfiguration.dart2jsPreambles(preambleDir)
/// Configuration for dart2dart compiler.
class Dart2dartCompilerConfiguration extends Dart2xCompilerConfiguration {
bool isDebug,
bool isChecked,
bool isHostChecked,
bool useSdk})
: super(
isDebug: isDebug, isChecked: isChecked,
isHostChecked: isHostChecked, useSdk: useSdk);
CommandArtifact computeCompilationArtifact(
String buildDir,
String tempDir,
CommandBuilder commandBuilder,
List arguments,
Map<String, String> environmentOverrides) {
String outputFileName = '$tempDir/out.dart';
arguments = new List.from(arguments)..add('--output-type=dart');
return new CommandArtifact(
List<String> computeRuntimeArguments(
RuntimeConfiguration runtimeConfiguration,
String buildDir,
TestInformation info,
List<String> vmOptions,
List<String> sharedOptions,
List<String> originalArguments,
CommandArtifact artifact) {
// TODO(antonm): support checked.
return <String>[]
/// Common configuration for analyzer-based tools, such as, dartanalyzer.
class AnalyzerCompilerConfiguration extends CompilerConfiguration {
final String moniker;
{bool isDebug,
bool isChecked,
bool isHostChecked,
bool useSdk})
: super._subclass(
isDebug: isDebug, isChecked: isChecked,
isHostChecked: isHostChecked, useSdk: useSdk);
int computeTimeoutMultiplier() {
return 4;
String computeCompilerPath(String buildDir) {
String suffix = executableScriptSuffix;
return 'sdk/bin/dartanalyzer_developer$suffix';
CommandArtifact computeCompilationArtifact(
String buildDir,
String tempDir,
CommandBuilder commandBuilder,
List arguments,
Map<String, String> environmentOverrides) {
return new CommandArtifact(
moniker, computeCompilerPath(buildDir), arguments,
flavor: moniker)],
null, null); // Since this is not a real compilation, no artifacts are
// produced.
List<String> computeRuntimeArguments(
RuntimeConfiguration runtimeConfiguration,
String buildDir,
TestInformation info,
List<String> vmOptions,
List<String> sharedOptions,
List<String> originalArguments,
CommandArtifact artifact) {
return <String>[];
class DartBasedAnalyzerCompilerConfiguration
extends AnalyzerCompilerConfiguration {
bool isDebug,
bool isChecked,
bool isHostChecked,
bool useSdk})
: super(
'dart2analyzer', isDebug: isDebug, isChecked: isChecked,
isHostChecked: isHostChecked, useSdk: useSdk);
String computeCompilerPath(String buildDir) => 'editor/tools/analyzer';