blob: 6dfec5d9124d7644a9e4479edcf331e0833a7754 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
part of http_server;
// Used for signal a directory redirecting, where a tailing slash is missing.
class _DirectoryRedirect {
const _DirectoryRedirect();
typedef dynamic _DirCallback(Directory dir, HttpRequest request);
typedef dynamic _ErrorCallback(HttpRequest request);
* A [VirtualDirectory] can serve files and directory-listing from a root path,
* to [HttpRequest]s.
* The [VirtualDirectory] providing secure handling of request uris and
* file-system links, correct mime-types and custom error pages.
class VirtualDirectory {
final String root;
* Set or get if the [VirtualDirectory] should list the content of
* directories.
bool allowDirectoryListing = false;
* Set or get if the [VirtualDirectory] should follow links, that point
* to other resources within the [root] directory.
bool followLinks = true;
* Set or get if the [VirtualDirectory] should jail the root. When the root is
* not jailed, links can be followed to outside the [root] directory.
bool jailRoot = true;
final List<String> _pathPrefixSegments;
final RegExp _invalidPathRegExp = new RegExp("[\\\/\x00]");
_ErrorCallback _errorCallback;
_DirCallback _dirCallback;
static List<String> _parsePathPrefix(String pathPrefix) {
if (pathPrefix == null) return <String>[];
return new Uri(path: pathPrefix).pathSegments
.where((segment) => segment.isNotEmpty)
* Create a new [VirtualDirectory] for serving static file content of
* the path [root].
* The [root] is not required to exist. If the [root] doesn't exist at time of
* a request, a 404 response is generated.
* If [pathPrefix] is set, [pathPrefix] will indicate the expected path prefix
* of incoming requests. When locating the resource on disk, the prefix will
* be trimmed from the requests uri, before locating the actual resource.
* If the requests uri doesn't start with [pathPrefix], a 404 response is
* generated.
VirtualDirectory(this.root, {String pathPrefix})
: _pathPrefixSegments = _parsePathPrefix(pathPrefix);
* Serve a [Stream] of [HttpRequest]s, in this [VirtualDirectory].
StreamSubscription<HttpRequest> serve(Stream<HttpRequest> requests) =>
* Serve a single [HttpRequest], in this [VirtualDirectory].
Future serveRequest(HttpRequest request) {
var iterator = request.uri.pathSegments.iterator;
for (var segment in _pathPrefixSegments) {
if (!iterator.moveNext() || iterator.current != segment) {
_serveErrorPage(HttpStatus.NOT_FOUND, request);
return request.response.done;
return _locateResource('.', iterator..moveNext())
.then((entity) {
if (entity is File) {
serveFile(entity, request);
} else if (entity is Directory) {
if (allowDirectoryListing) {
_serveDirectory(entity, request);
} else {
_serveErrorPage(HttpStatus.NOT_FOUND, request);
} else if (entity is _DirectoryRedirect) {
// TODO(ajohnsen): Use HttpRequest.requestedUri once 1.2 is out.
status: HttpStatus.MOVED_PERMANENTLY);
} else {
assert(entity == null);
_serveErrorPage(HttpStatus.NOT_FOUND, request);
return request.response.done;
* Set the [callback] to override the default directory listing. The
* [callback] will be called with the [Directory] to be listed and the
* [HttpRequest].
void set directoryHandler(void callback(Directory dir, HttpRequest request)) {
_dirCallback = callback;
* Set the [callback] to override the error page handler. When [callback] is
* invoked, the `statusCode` property of the response is set.
void set errorPageHandler(void callback(HttpRequest request)) {
_errorCallback = callback;
Future _locateResource(String path, Iterator<String> segments) {
// Don't allow navigating up paths.
if (segments.current == "..") return new Future.value(null);
path = normalize(path);
// If we jail to root, the relative path can never go up.
if (jailRoot && split(path).first == "..") return new Future.value(null);
String fullPath() => join(root, path);
return FileSystemEntity.type(fullPath(), followLinks: false)
.then((type) {
switch (type) {
case FileSystemEntityType.FILE:
if (segments.current == null) {
return new File(fullPath());
case FileSystemEntityType.DIRECTORY:
String dirFullPath() => '${fullPath()}$separator';
var current = segments.current;
if (current == null) {
if (path == '.') return new Directory(dirFullPath());
return const _DirectoryRedirect();
bool hasNext = segments.moveNext();
if (!hasNext && current == "") {
return new Directory(dirFullPath());
} else {
if (_invalidPathRegExp.hasMatch(current)) break;
return _locateResource(join(path, current), segments);
case FileSystemEntityType.LINK:
if (followLinks) {
return new Link(fullPath()).target()
.then((target) {
String targetPath = normalize(target);
if (isAbsolute(targetPath)) {
// If we jail to root, the path can never be absolute.
if (jailRoot) return null;
return _locateResource(targetPath, segments);
} else {
targetPath = join(dirname(path), targetPath);
return _locateResource(targetPath, segments);
// Return `null` on fall-through, to indicate NOT_FOUND.
return null;
* Serve the content of [file] to [request].
* This is usefull when e.g. overriding [directoryHandler] to redirect to
* some index file.
* In the request contains the [HttpStatus.IF_MODIFIED_SINCE] header,
* [serveFile] will send a [HttpStatus.NOT_MODIFIED] response if the file
* was not changed.
* Note that if it was unabled to read from [file], the [request]s response
* is closed with error-code [HttpStatus.NOT_FOUND].
void serveFile(File file, HttpRequest request) {
var response = request.response;
// TODO(ajohnsen): Set up Zone support for these errors.
file.lastModified().then((lastModified) {
if (request.headers.ifModifiedSince != null &&
!lastModified.isAfter(request.headers.ifModifiedSince)) {
response.statusCode = HttpStatus.NOT_MODIFIED;
return null;
response.headers.set(HttpHeaders.LAST_MODIFIED, lastModified);
response.headers.set(HttpHeaders.ACCEPT_RANGES, "bytes");
if (request.method == 'HEAD') {
return null;
return file.length().then((length) {
String range = request.headers.value("range");
if (range != null) {
// We only support one range, where the standard support several.
Match matches = new RegExp(r"^bytes=(\d*)\-(\d*)$").firstMatch(range);
// If the range header have the right format, handle it.
if (matches != null) {
// Serve sub-range.
int start;
int end;
if (matches[1].isEmpty) {
start = matches[2].isEmpty ?
length :
length - int.parse(matches[2]);
end = length;
} else {
start = int.parse(matches[1]);
end = matches[2].isEmpty ? length : int.parse(matches[2]) + 1;
// Override Content-Length with the actual bytes sent.
response.headers.set(HttpHeaders.CONTENT_LENGTH, end - start);
// Set 'Partial Content' status code.
response.statusCode = HttpStatus.PARTIAL_CONTENT;
"bytes $start-${end - 1}/$length");
// Pipe the 'range' of the file.
file.openRead(start, end)
.pipe(new _VirtualDirectoryFileStream(response, file.path))
.catchError((_) {
// TODO(kevmoo): log errors
.pipe(new _VirtualDirectoryFileStream(response, file.path))
.catchError((_) {
// TODO(kevmoo): log errors
}).catchError((_) {
response.statusCode = HttpStatus.NOT_FOUND;
void _serveDirectory(Directory dir, HttpRequest request) {
if (_dirCallback != null) {
_dirCallback(dir, request);
var response = request.response;
dir.stat().then((stats) {
if (request.headers.ifModifiedSince != null &&
!stats.modified.isAfter(request.headers.ifModifiedSince)) {
response.statusCode = HttpStatus.NOT_MODIFIED;
response.headers.contentType =
new ContentType('text', 'html', parameters: {'charset': 'utf-8'});
response.headers.set(HttpHeaders.LAST_MODIFIED, stats.modified);
var path = Uri.decodeComponent(request.uri.path);
var encodedPath = new HtmlEscape().convert(path);
var header =
'''<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"">
<html xmlns="">
<title>Index of $encodedPath</title>
<h1>Index of $encodedPath</h1>
<td>Last modified</td>
var server = response.headers.value(HttpHeaders.SERVER);
if (server == null) server = "";
var footer =
void add(String name, String modified, var size, bool folder) {
if (size == null) size = "-";
if (modified == null) modified = "";
var encodedSize = new HtmlEscape().convert(size.toString());
var encodedModified = new HtmlEscape().convert(modified);
var encodedLink = new HtmlEscape(HtmlEscapeMode.ATTRIBUTE)
if (folder) {
encodedLink += '/';
name += '/';
var encodedName = new HtmlEscape().convert(name);
var entry =
''' <tr>
<td><a href="$encodedLink">$encodedName</a></td>
<td style="text-align: right">$encodedSize</td>
if (path != '/') {
add('..', null, null, true);
dir.list(followLinks: true).listen((entity) {
var name = basename(entity.path);
var stat = entity.statSync();
if (entity is File) {
} else if (entity is Directory) {
}, onError: (e) {
// TODO(kevmoo): log error
}, onDone: () {
}, onError: (e) {
// TODO(kevmoo): log error
void _serveErrorPage(int error, HttpRequest request) {
var response = request.response;
response.statusCode = error;
if (_errorCallback != null) {
response.headers.contentType =
new ContentType('text', 'html', parameters: {'charset': 'utf-8'});
// Default error page.
var path = Uri.decodeComponent(request.uri.path);
var encodedPath = new HtmlEscape().convert(path);
var encodedReason = new HtmlEscape().convert(response.reasonPhrase);
var encodedError = new HtmlEscape().convert(error.toString());
var server = response.headers.value(HttpHeaders.SERVER);
if (server == null) server = "";
var page =
'''<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"">
<html xmlns="">
<title>$encodedReason: $encodedPath</title>
<h1>Error $encodedError at \'$encodedPath\': $encodedReason</h1>
class _VirtualDirectoryFileStream extends StreamConsumer<List<int>> {
final HttpResponse response;
final String path;
List<int> buffer = [];
_VirtualDirectoryFileStream(HttpResponse this.response, String this.path);
Future addStream(Stream<List<int>> stream) {
(data) {
if (buffer == null) {
if (buffer.length == 0) {
if (data.length >= defaultMagicNumbersMaxLength) {
buffer = null;
} else {
} else {
if (buffer.length >= defaultMagicNumbersMaxLength) {
buffer = null;
onDone: () {
if (buffer != null) {
if (buffer.length == 0) {
} else {
onError: response.addError);
return response.done;
Future close() => new Future.value();
void setMimeType(List<int> bytes) {
var mimeType = lookupMimeType(path, headerBytes: bytes);
if (mimeType != null) {
response.headers.contentType = ContentType.parse(mimeType);