blob: daebeec40f6322e9d90035657b6022d31b7052b3 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
part of http_server;
class _HttpMultipartFormData extends Stream implements HttpMultipartFormData {
final ContentType contentType;
final HeaderValue contentDisposition;
final HeaderValue contentTransferEncoding;
final MimeMultipart _mimeMultipart;
bool _isText = false;
Stream _stream;
_HttpMultipartFormData(ContentType this.contentType,
HeaderValue this.contentDisposition,
HeaderValue this.contentTransferEncoding,
MimeMultipart this._mimeMultipart,
Encoding defaultEncoding) {
_stream = _mimeMultipart;
if (contentTransferEncoding != null) {
// TODO(ajohnsen): Support BASE64, etc.
throw new HttpException("Unsupported contentTransferEncoding: "
if (contentType == null ||
contentType.primaryType == 'text' ||
contentType.mimeType == 'application/json') {
_isText = true;
StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer();
Encoding encoding;
if (contentType != null) {
encoding = Encoding.getByName(contentType.charset);
if (encoding == null) encoding = defaultEncoding;
_stream = _stream
.expand((data) {
var out = _decodeHttpEntityString(buffer.toString());
if (out != null) {
return [out];
return const [];
bool get isText => _isText;
bool get isBinary => !_isText;
static HttpMultipartFormData parse(MimeMultipart multipart,
Encoding defaultEncoding) {
var type;
var encoding;
var disposition;
var remaining = new Map<String, String>();
for (String key in multipart.headers.keys) {
switch (key) {
case 'content-type':
type = ContentType.parse(multipart.headers[key]);
case 'content-transfer-encoding':
encoding = HeaderValue.parse(multipart.headers[key]);
case 'content-disposition':
disposition = HeaderValue.parse(multipart.headers[key],
preserveBackslash: true);
remaining[key] = multipart.headers[key];
if (disposition == null) {
throw new HttpException(
"Mime Multipart doesn't contain a Content-Disposition header value");
return new _HttpMultipartFormData(
type, disposition, encoding, multipart, defaultEncoding);
StreamSubscription listen(void onData(data),
{void onDone(),
Function onError,
bool cancelOnError}) {
return _stream.listen(onData,
onDone: onDone,
onError: onError,
cancelOnError: cancelOnError);
String value(String name) {
return _mimeMultipart.headers[name];
// Decode a string with HTTP entities. Returns null if the string ends in the
// middle of a http entity.
static String _decodeHttpEntityString(String input) {
int amp = input.lastIndexOf('&');
if (amp < 0) return input;
int end = input.lastIndexOf(';');
if (end < amp) return null;
var buffer = new StringBuffer();
int offset = 0;
parse(amp, end) {
switch (input[amp + 1]) {
case '#':
if (input[amp + 2] == 'x') {
int.parse(input.substring(amp + 3, end), radix: 16));
} else {
buffer.writeCharCode(int.parse(input.substring(amp + 2, end)));
throw new HttpException('Unhandled HTTP entity token');
while ((amp = input.indexOf('&', offset)) >= 0) {
buffer.write(input.substring(offset, amp));
int end = input.indexOf(';', amp);
parse(amp, end);
offset = end + 1;
return buffer.toString();