blob: 6eb4d3174c721778495c0527ec2de299ef4e6a3c [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
part of http_server;
* [HttpBodyHandler] is a helper class for processing and collecting
* HTTP message data in an easy-to-use [HttpBody] object. The content
* body is parsed, depending on the `Content-Type` header field. When
* the full body is read and parsed the body content is made
* available. The class can be used to process both server requests
* and client responses.
* The following content types are recognized:
* text/ *
* application/json
* application/x-www-form-urlencoded
* multipart/form-data
* For content type `text/\*` the body is decoded into a string. The
* 'charset' parameter of the content type specifies the encoding
* used for decoding. If no 'charset' is present the default encoding
* of ISO-8859-1 is used.
* For content type `application/json` the body is decoded into a
* string which is then parsed as JSON. The resulting body is a
* [Map]. The 'charset' parameter of the content type specifies the
* encoding used for decoding. If no 'charset' is present the default
* encoding of UTF-8 is used.
* For content type `application/x-www-form-urlencoded` the body is a
* query string which is then split according to the rules for
* splitting a query string. The resulting body is a `Map<String,
* String>`. If the same name is present several times in the query
* string, then the last value seen for this name will be in the
* resulting map. The encoding US-ASCII is always used for decoding
* the body.
* For content type `multipart/form-data` the body is parsed into
* it's different fields. The resulting body is a `Map<String,
* dynamic>`, where the value is a [String] for normal fields and a
* [HttpBodyFileUpload] instance for file upload fields. If the same
* name is present several times, then the last value seen for this
* name will be in the resulting map.
* When using content type `multipart/form-data` the encoding of
* fields with [String] values is determined by the browser sending
* the HTTP request with the form data. The encoding is specified
* either by the attribute `accept-charset` on the HTML form, or by
* the content type of the web page containing the form. If the HTML
* form has an `accept-charset` attribute the browser will use the
* encoding specified there. If the HTML form has no `accept-charset`
* attribute the browser determines the encoding from the content
* type of the web page containing the form. Using a content type of
* `text/html; charset=utf-8` for the page and setting
* `accept-charset` on the HTML form to `utf-8` is recommended as the
* default for [HttpBodyHandler] is UTF-8. It is important to get
* these encoding values right, as the actual `multipart/form-data`
* HTTP request sent by the browser does _not_ contain any
* information on the encoding. If something else than UTF-8 is used
* `defaultEncoding` needs to be set in the [HttpBodyHandler]
* constructor and calls to [processRequest] and [processResponse].
* For all other content types the body will be treated as
* uninterpreted binary data. The resulting body will be of type
* `List<int>`.
* To use with the [HttpServer] for request messages, [HttpBodyHandler] can be
* used as either a [StreamTransformer] or as a per-request handler (see
* [processRequest]).
* HttpServer server = ...
* server.transform(new HttpBodyHandler())
* .listen((HttpRequestBody body) {
* ...
* });
* To use with the [HttpClient] for response messages, [HttpBodyHandler] can be
* used as a per-request handler (see [processResponse]).
* HttpClient client = ...
* client.get(...)
* .then((HttpClientRequest response) => response.close())
* .then(HttpBodyHandler.processResponse)
* .then((HttpClientResponseBody body) {
* ...
* });
class HttpBodyHandler
implements StreamTransformer<HttpRequest, HttpRequestBody> {
var _transformer;
* Create a new [HttpBodyHandler] to be used with a [Stream]<[HttpRequest]>,
* e.g. a [HttpServer].
* If the page is served using different encoding than UTF-8, set
* [defaultEncoding] accordingly. This is required for parsing
* `multipart/form-data` content correctly. See the class comment
* for more information on `multipart/form-data`.
HttpBodyHandler({Encoding defaultEncoding: UTF8})
: _transformer = new _HttpBodyHandlerTransformer(defaultEncoding);
* Process and parse an incoming [HttpRequest]. The returned [HttpRequestBody]
* contains a [response] field for accessing the [HttpResponse].
* See [HttpBodyHandler] constructor for more info on [defaultEncoding].
static Future<HttpRequestBody> processRequest(
HttpRequest request,
{Encoding defaultEncoding: UTF8}) {
return _HttpBodyHandler.processRequest(request, defaultEncoding);
* Process and parse an incoming [HttpClientResponse].
* See [HttpBodyHandler] constructor for more info on [defaultEncoding].
static Future<HttpClientResponseBody> processResponse(
HttpClientResponse response,
{Encoding defaultEncoding: UTF8}) {
return _HttpBodyHandler.processResponse(response, defaultEncoding);
Stream<HttpRequestBody> bind(Stream<HttpRequest> stream) {
return _transformer.bind(stream);
* A HTTP content body produced by [HttpBodyHandler] for either [HttpRequest]
* or [HttpClientResponse].
abstract class HttpBody {
* A high-level type value, that reflects how the body was parsed, e.g.
* "text", "binary" and "json".
String get type;
* The actual body. The type depends on [type].
dynamic get body;
* The [HttpBody] of a [HttpClientResponse] will be of type
* [HttpClientResponseBody]. It contains the [HttpClientResponse] object
* for access to the headers.
abstract class HttpClientResponseBody extends HttpBody {
* The [HttpClientResponse] from which the [HttpClientResponseBody] was
* created.
HttpClientResponse get response;
* The [HttpBody] of a [HttpRequest] will be of type [HttpRequestBody]. It
* provides access to the request, for reading all request header information
* and responding to the client.
abstract class HttpRequestBody extends HttpBody {
* The [HttpRequest] from which the [HttpRequestBody] was created.
* Note that the [HttpRequest] is already drained at this point, so the
* `Stream` methods cannot be used.
HttpRequest get request;
* A [HttpBodyFileUpload] object wraps a file upload, presenting a way for
* extracting filename, contentType and the data of the uploaded file.
abstract class HttpBodyFileUpload {
* The filename of the uploaded file.
String get filename;
* The [ContentType] of the uploaded file. For 'text/\*' and
* 'application/json' the [data] field will a String.
ContentType get contentType;
* The content of the file. Either a [String] or a [List<int>].
dynamic get content;