blob: 311e085ca47f9c1aaa06388353ed2797590ce26e [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// Test of the graph segmentation algorithm used by deferred loading
// to determine which elements can be deferred and which libraries
// much be included in the initial download (loaded eagerly).
import 'package:expect/expect.dart';
import "package:async_helper/async_helper.dart";
import 'memory_source_file_helper.dart';
import "dart:async";
import 'package:compiler/implementation/dart2jslib.dart'
as dart2js;
class FakeOutputStream<T> extends EventSink<T> {
void add(T event) {}
void addError(T event, [StackTrace stackTrace]) {}
void close() {}
void main() {
Uri script = currentDirectory.resolveUri(Platform.script);
Uri libraryRoot = script.resolve('../../../sdk/');
Uri packageRoot = script.resolve('./packages/');
var provider = new MemorySourceFileProvider(MEMORY_SOURCE_FILES);
var handler = new FormattingDiagnosticHandler(provider);
Compiler compiler = new Compiler(provider.readStringFromUri,
(name, extension) => new FakeOutputStream(),
asyncTest(() =>'memory:main.dart')).then((_) {
lookupLibrary(name) {
return compiler.libraryLoader.lookupLibrary(Uri.parse(name));
var main = compiler.mainApp.find(dart2js.Compiler.MAIN);
Expect.isNotNull(main, "Could not find 'main'");
var outputUnitForElement = compiler.deferredLoadTask.outputUnitForElement;
var mainOutputUnit = compiler.deferredLoadTask.mainOutputUnit;
var backend = compiler.backend;
var classes = backend.emitter.neededClasses;
var inputElement = classes.where((e) => == 'InputElement').single;
var lib1 = lookupLibrary("memory:lib1.dart");
var foo1 = lib1.find("foo1");
var lib2 = lookupLibrary("memory:lib2.dart");
var foo2 = lib2.find("foo2");
var lib3 = lookupLibrary("memory:lib3.dart");
var foo3 = lib3.find("foo3");
var lib4 = lookupLibrary("memory:lib4.dart");
var bar1 = lib4.find("bar1");
var bar2 = lib4.find("bar2");
var outputClassLists = backend.emitter.outputClassLists;
Expect.equals(mainOutputUnit, outputUnitForElement(main));
Expect.notEquals(mainOutputUnit, outputUnitForElement(foo1));
Expect.notEquals(outputUnitForElement(foo1), outputUnitForElement(foo3));
Expect.notEquals(outputUnitForElement(foo2), outputUnitForElement(foo3));
Expect.notEquals(outputUnitForElement(foo1), outputUnitForElement(foo2));
Expect.notEquals(outputUnitForElement(bar1), outputUnitForElement(bar2));
// InputElement is native, so it should not appear on a classList
var hunksToLoad = compiler.deferredLoadTask.hunksToLoad;
mapToNames(id) {
return hunksToLoad[id].map((l) {
return new Set.from( =>;
var hunksLib1 = mapToNames("lib1");
var hunksLib2 = mapToNames("lib2");
var hunksLib4_1 = mapToNames("lib4_1");
var hunksLib4_2 = mapToNames("lib4_2");
Expect.equals(hunksLib1.length, 2);
Expect.equals(hunksLib1[0].length, 1);
Expect.equals(hunksLib1[1].length, 1);
Expect.isTrue(hunksLib1[0].contains("lib1_lib2") ||
Expect.equals(hunksLib2.length, 2);
Expect.equals(hunksLib2[0].length, 1);
Expect.equals(hunksLib2[1].length, 1);
Expect.isTrue(hunksLib2[0].contains("lib1_lib2") ||
Expect.equals(hunksLib4_1.length, 1);
Expect.equals(hunksLib4_1[0].length, 1);
Expect.equals(hunksLib4_2.length, 1);
Expect.equals(hunksLib4_2[0].length, 1);
Expect.equals(hunksToLoad["main"], null);
// The main library imports lib1 and lib2 deferred and use lib1.foo1 and
// lib2.foo2. This should trigger seperate output units for main, lib1 and
// lib2.
// Both lib1 and lib2 import lib3 directly and
// both use lib3.foo3. Therefore a shared output unit for lib1 and lib2 should
// be created.
// lib1 and lib2 also import lib4 deferred, but lib1 uses lib4.bar1 and lib2
// uses lib4.bar2. So two output units should be created for lib4, one for each
// import.
const Map MEMORY_SOURCE_FILES = const {
import "dart:async";
@def_main_1 import 'lib1.dart' as l1;
@def_main_2 import 'lib2.dart' as l2;
const def_main_1 = const DeferredLibrary("lib1");
const def_main_2 = const DeferredLibrary("lib2");
void main() {
def_main_1.load().then((_) {
new l1.C();
def_main_2.load().then((_) {
library lib1;
import "dart:async";
import "dart:html";
import "lib3.dart" as l3;
@def_1_1 import "lib4.dart" as l4;
const def_1_1 = const DeferredLibrary("lib4_1");
class C {}
foo1() {
new InputElement();
def_1_1.load().then((_) {
return () {return 1 + l3.foo3();} ();
library lib2;
import "dart:async";
import "lib3.dart" as l3;
@def_2_1 import "lib4.dart" as l4;
const def_2_1 = const DeferredLibrary("lib4_2");
foo2() {
def_2_1.load().then((_) {
return () {return 2+l3.foo3();} ();
library lib3;
foo3() {
return () {return 3;} ();
library lib4;
bar1() {
return "hello";
bar2() {
return 2;