blob: c48a4f73a767810f92fa5924cb46080d990d7a10 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2014, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library shelf.request_test;
import 'dart:async';
import 'package:shelf/shelf.dart';
import 'package:unittest/unittest.dart';
import 'test_util.dart';
Request _request([Map<String, String> headers, Stream<List<int>> body]) {
return new Request("GET", LOCALHOST_URI, headers: headers, body: body);
void main() {
group('constructor', () {
test('protocolVersion defaults to "1.1"', () {
var request = new Request('GET', LOCALHOST_URI);
expect(request.protocolVersion, '1.1');
test('provide non-default protocolVersion', () {
var request = new Request('GET', LOCALHOST_URI, protocolVersion: '1.0');
expect(request.protocolVersion, '1.0');
test('requestedUri must be absolute', () {
expect(() => new Request('GET', Uri.parse('/path')),
test('if uri is null, scriptName must be null', () {
expect(() => new Request('GET', Uri.parse('/path'),
scriptName: '/script/name'), throwsArgumentError);
test('if scriptName is null, uri must be null', () {
var relativeUri = new Uri(path: '/cool/beans.html');
expect(() => new Request('GET', Uri.parse('/path'),
url: relativeUri), throwsArgumentError);
test('uri must be relative', () {
var relativeUri = Uri.parse('http://localhost/test');
expect(() => new Request('GET', LOCALHOST_URI,
url: relativeUri, scriptName: '/news'),
// NOTE: explicitly testing fragments due to Issue 18053
relativeUri = Uri.parse('http://localhost/test#fragment');
expect(() => new Request('GET', LOCALHOST_URI,
url: relativeUri, scriptName: '/news'),
test('uri and scriptName', () {
var pathInfo = '/pages/page.html?utm_source=ABC123';
var scriptName = '/assets/static';
var fullUrl = 'http://localhost/other_path/other_resource.asp';
var request = new Request('GET', Uri.parse(fullUrl),
url: Uri.parse(pathInfo), scriptName: scriptName);
expect(request.scriptName, scriptName);
expect(request.url.path, '/pages/page.html');
expect(request.url.query, 'utm_source=ABC123');
test('minimal uri', () {
var pathInfo = '/';
var scriptName = '/assets/static';
var fullUrl = 'http://localhost$scriptName$pathInfo';
var request = new Request('GET', Uri.parse(fullUrl),
url: Uri.parse(pathInfo), scriptName: scriptName);
expect(request.scriptName, scriptName);
expect(request.url.path, '/');
expect(request.url.query, '');
test('invalid url', () {
var testUrl = 'page';
var scriptName = '/assets/static';
var fullUrl = 'http://localhost$scriptName$testUrl';
expect(() => new Request('GET', Uri.parse(fullUrl),
url: Uri.parse(testUrl), scriptName: scriptName),
test('scriptName with no leading slash', () {
var pathInfo = '/page';
var scriptName = 'assets/static';
var fullUrl = 'http://localhost/assets/static/pages';
expect(() => new Request('GET',Uri.parse(fullUrl),
url: Uri.parse(pathInfo), scriptName: scriptName),
pathInfo = '/assets/static/page';
scriptName = '/';
fullUrl = 'http://localhost/assets/static/pages';
expect(() => new Request('GET',Uri.parse(fullUrl),
url: Uri.parse(pathInfo), scriptName: scriptName),
test('scriptName that is only a slash', () {
var pathInfo = '/assets/static/page';
var scriptName = '/';
var fullUrl = 'http://localhost/assets/static/pages';
expect(() => new Request('GET',Uri.parse(fullUrl),
url: Uri.parse(pathInfo), scriptName: scriptName),
group("ifModifiedSince", () {
test("is null without an If-Modified-Since header", () {
var request = _request();
expect(request.ifModifiedSince, isNull);
test("comes from the Last-Modified header", () {
var request = _request({
'if-modified-since': 'Sun, 06 Nov 1994 08:49:37 GMT'
equals(DateTime.parse("1994-11-06 08:49:37z")));
group('change', () {
test('with no arguments returns instance with equal values', () {
var controller = new StreamController();
var uri = Uri.parse('');
var request = new Request('GET', uri,
protocolVersion: '2.0',
headers: {'header1': 'header value 1'},
url: Uri.parse('/file.html'),
scriptName: '/static',
context: {'context1': 'context value 1'});
var copy = request.change();
expect(copy.method, request.method);
expect(copy.requestedUri, request.requestedUri);
expect(copy.protocolVersion, request.protocolVersion);
expect(copy.headers, same(request.headers));
expect(copy.url, request.url);
expect(copy.scriptName, request.scriptName);
expect(copy.context, same(request.context));
expect(copy.readAsString(), completion('hello, world'));
return new Future(() {