blob: f26c2f3e7e58a91655ac7981b07036be170902de [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
* A binding delegate used with Polymer elements that
* allows for complex binding expressions, including
* property access, function invocation,
* list/map indexing, and two-way filtering.
* When you install polymer.dart,
* polymer_expressions is automatically installed as well.
* Polymer expressions are part of the Polymer.dart project.
* Refer to the
* [Polymer.dart](
* homepage for example code, project status, and
* information about how to get started using Polymer.dart in your apps.
* ## Other resources
* The
* [Polymer expressions](
* pub repository contains detailed documentation about using polymer
* expressions.
library polymer_expressions;
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:html';
import 'package:observe/observe.dart';
import 'package:template_binding/template_binding.dart';
import 'eval.dart';
import 'expression.dart';
import 'parser.dart';
import 'src/globals.dart';
// TODO(justin): Investigate XSS protection
Object _classAttributeConverter(v) =>
(v is Map) ? v.keys.where((k) => v[k] == true).join(' ') :
(v is Iterable) ? v.join(' ') :
Object _styleAttributeConverter(v) =>
(v is Map) ? => '$k: ${v[k]}').join(';') :
(v is Iterable) ? v.join(';') :
class PolymerExpressions extends BindingDelegate {
/** The default [globals] to use for Polymer expressions. */
static const Map DEFAULT_GLOBALS = const { 'enumerate': enumerate };
final Map<String, Object> globals;
* Creates a new binding delegate for Polymer expressions, with the provided
* variables used as [globals]. If no globals are supplied, a copy of the
* [DEFAULT_GLOBALS] will be used.
PolymerExpressions({Map<String, Object> globals})
: globals = globals == null ?
new Map<String, Object>.from(DEFAULT_GLOBALS) : globals;
prepareBinding(String path, name, node) {
if (path == null) return null;
var expr = new Parser(path).parse();
// For template bind/repeat to an empty path, just pass through the model.
// We don't want to unwrap the Scope.
// TODO(jmesserly): a custom element extending <template> could notice this
// behavior. An alternative is to associate the Scope with the node via an
// Expando, which is what the JavaScript PolymerExpressions does.
if (isSemanticTemplate(node) && (name == 'bind' || name == 'repeat') &&
expr is EmptyExpression) {
return null;
return (model, node, oneTime) {
if (model is! Scope) {
model = new Scope(model: model, variables: globals);
var converter = null;
if (node is Element && name == "class") {
converter = _classAttributeConverter;
if (node is Element && name == "style") {
converter = _styleAttributeConverter;
if (oneTime) {
return _Binding._oneTime(expr, model, converter);
return new _Binding(expr, model, converter);
prepareInstanceModel(Element template) => (model) =>
model is Scope ? model : new Scope(model: model, variables: globals);
class _Binding extends Bindable {
final Scope _scope;
final _converter;
Expression _expr;
Function _callback;
StreamSubscription _sub;
var _value;
_Binding(this._expr, this._scope, [this._converter]);
static _oneTime(Expression expr, Scope scope, [converter]) {
try {
return _convertValue(eval(expr, scope), scope, converter);
} catch (e, s) {
new Completer().completeError(
"Error evaluating expression '$expr': $e", s);
return null;
_setValue(v) {
_value = _convertValue(v, _scope, _converter);
if (_callback != null) _callback(_value);
static _convertValue(v, scope, converter) {
if (v is Comprehension) {
// convert the Comprehension into a list of scopes with the loop
// variable added to the scope
return => scope.childScope(v.identifier, i))
.toList(growable: false);
} else {
return converter == null ? v : converter(v);
get value {
if (_callback != null) return _value;
return _oneTime(_expr, _scope, _converter);
set value(v) {
try {
assign(_expr, v, _scope);
} catch (e, s) {
new Completer().completeError(
"Error evaluating expression '$_expr': $e", s);
open(callback(value)) {
if (_callback != null) throw new StateError('already open');
_callback = callback;
final expr = observe(_expr, _scope);
_expr = expr;
_sub = expr.onUpdate.listen(_setValue)..onError((e, s) {
new Completer().completeError(
"Error evaluating expression '$expr': $e", s);
try {
update(expr, _scope);
_value = _convertValue(expr.currentValue, _scope, _converter);
} catch (e, s) {
new Completer().completeError(
"Error evaluating expression '$expr': $e", s);
return _value;
void close() {
if (_callback == null) return;
_sub = null;
_expr = (_expr as ExpressionObserver).expression;
_callback = null;