blob: eaffd2584c762494ba3f053d16f988e6d5e9f62d [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2014, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
/// Common test code that is run by 3 tests: mirrors_test.dart,
/// mirrors_used_test.dart, and static_test.dart.
library smoke.test.common;
import 'package:smoke/smoke.dart' as smoke;
import 'package:unittest/unittest.dart';
main() {
test('read value', () {
var a = new A();
expect(, #i), 42);
expect(, #j), 44);
expect(, #j2), 44);
test('write value', () {
var a = new A();
smoke.write(a, #i, 43);
expect(a.i, 43);
smoke.write(a, #j2, 46);
expect(a.j, 46);
expect(a.j2, 46);
expect(, #j), 46);
expect(, #j2), 46);
test('invoke', () {
var a = new A();
smoke.invoke(a, #inc0, []);
expect(a.i, 43);
expect(, #i), 43);
expect(() => smoke.invoke(a, #inc0, [2]), throws);
expect(a.i, 43);
expect(() => smoke.invoke(a, #inc0, [1, 2, 3]), throws);
expect(a.i, 43);
expect(() => smoke.invoke(a, #inc1, []), throws);
expect(a.i, 43);
smoke.invoke(a, #inc1, [4]);
expect(a.i, 47);
smoke.invoke(a, #inc2, []);
expect(a.i, 37);
smoke.invoke(a, #inc2, [4]);
expect(a.i, 41);
expect(() => smoke.invoke(a, #inc1, [4, 5]), throws);
expect(a.i, 41);
test('static invoke', () {
A.staticValue = 42;
smoke.invoke(A, #staticInc, []);
expect(A.staticValue, 43);
test('read and invoke function', () {
var a = new A();
expect(a.i, 42);
var f =, #inc1);
expect(a.i, 46);
Function.apply(f, [4]);
expect(a.i, 50);
test('invoke with adjust', () {
var a = new A();
smoke.invoke(a, #inc0, [], adjust: true);
expect(a.i, 43);
smoke.invoke(a, #inc0, [2], adjust: true);
expect(a.i, 44);
smoke.invoke(a, #inc0, [1, 2, 3], adjust: true);
expect(a.i, 45);
smoke.invoke(a, #inc1, [], adjust: true); // treat as null (-10)
expect(a.i, 35);
smoke.invoke(a, #inc1, [4], adjust: true);
expect(a.i, 39);
smoke.invoke(a, #inc2, [], adjust: true); // default is null (-10)
expect(a.i, 29);
smoke.invoke(a, #inc2, [4, 5], adjust: true);
expect(a.i, 33);
test('has getter', () {
expect(smoke.hasGetter(A, #i), isTrue);
expect(smoke.hasGetter(A, #j2), isTrue);
expect(smoke.hasGetter(A, #inc2), isTrue);
expect(smoke.hasGetter(B, #a), isTrue);
expect(smoke.hasGetter(B, #i), isFalse);
expect(smoke.hasGetter(B, #f), isTrue);
expect(smoke.hasGetter(D, #i), isTrue);
expect(smoke.hasGetter(E, #x), isFalse);
expect(smoke.hasGetter(E, #y), isTrue);
expect(smoke.hasGetter(E, #z), isFalse); // don't consider noSuchMethod
test('has setter', () {
expect(smoke.hasSetter(A, #i), isTrue);
expect(smoke.hasSetter(A, #j2), isTrue);
expect(smoke.hasSetter(A, #inc2), isFalse);
expect(smoke.hasSetter(B, #a), isTrue);
expect(smoke.hasSetter(B, #i), isFalse);
expect(smoke.hasSetter(B, #f), isFalse);
expect(smoke.hasSetter(D, #i), isTrue);
// TODO(sigmund): should we support declaring a setter with no getter?
// expect(smoke.hasSetter(E, #x), isTrue);
expect(smoke.hasSetter(E, #y), isFalse);
expect(smoke.hasSetter(E, #z), isFalse); // don't consider noSuchMethod
test('no such method', () {
expect(smoke.hasNoSuchMethod(A), isFalse);
expect(smoke.hasNoSuchMethod(E), isTrue);
expect(smoke.hasNoSuchMethod(E2), isTrue);
expect(smoke.hasNoSuchMethod(int), isFalse);
test('has instance method', () {
expect(smoke.hasInstanceMethod(A, #inc0), isTrue);
expect(smoke.hasInstanceMethod(A, #inc3), isFalse);
expect(smoke.hasInstanceMethod(C, #inc), isTrue);
expect(smoke.hasInstanceMethod(D, #inc), isTrue);
expect(smoke.hasInstanceMethod(D, #inc0), isTrue);
expect(smoke.hasInstanceMethod(F, #staticMethod), isFalse);
expect(smoke.hasInstanceMethod(F2, #staticMethod), isFalse);
test('has static method', () {
expect(smoke.hasStaticMethod(A, #inc0), isFalse);
expect(smoke.hasStaticMethod(C, #inc), isFalse);
expect(smoke.hasStaticMethod(D, #inc), isFalse);
expect(smoke.hasStaticMethod(D, #inc0), isFalse);
expect(smoke.hasStaticMethod(F, #staticMethod), isTrue);
expect(smoke.hasStaticMethod(F2, #staticMethod), isFalse);
test('get declaration', () {
var d = smoke.getDeclaration(B, #a);
expect(, #a);
expect(d.isField, isTrue);
expect(d.isProperty, isFalse);
expect(d.isMethod, isFalse);
expect(d.isFinal, isFalse);
expect(d.isStatic, isFalse);
expect(d.annotations, []);
expect(d.type, A);
d = smoke.getDeclaration(B, #w);
expect(, #w);
expect(d.isField, isFalse);
expect(d.isProperty, isTrue);
expect(d.isMethod, isFalse);
expect(d.isFinal, isFalse);
expect(d.isStatic, isFalse);
expect(d.annotations, []);
expect(d.type, int);
d = smoke.getDeclaration(A, #inc1);
expect(, #inc1);
expect(d.isField, isFalse);
expect(d.isProperty, isFalse);
expect(d.isMethod, isTrue);
expect(d.isFinal, isFalse);
expect(d.isStatic, isFalse);
expect(d.annotations, []);
expect(d.type, Function);
d = smoke.getDeclaration(F, #staticMethod);
expect(, #staticMethod);
expect(d.isField, isFalse);
expect(d.isProperty, isFalse);
expect(d.isMethod, isTrue);
expect(d.isFinal, isFalse);
expect(d.isStatic, isTrue);
expect(d.annotations, []);
expect(d.type, Function);
d = smoke.getDeclaration(G, #b);
expect(, #b);
expect(d.isField, isTrue);
expect(d.isProperty, isFalse);
expect(d.isMethod, isFalse);
expect(d.isFinal, isFalse);
expect(d.isStatic, isFalse);
expect(d.annotations, [const Annot()]);
expect(d.type, int);
d = smoke.getDeclaration(G, #d);
expect(, #d);
expect(d.isField, isTrue);
expect(d.isProperty, isFalse);
expect(d.isMethod, isFalse);
expect(d.isFinal, isFalse);
expect(d.isStatic, isFalse);
expect(d.annotations, [32]);
expect(d.type, int);
test('isSuperclass', () {
expect(smoke.isSubclassOf(D, C), isTrue);
expect(smoke.isSubclassOf(H, G), isTrue);
expect(smoke.isSubclassOf(H, H), isTrue);
expect(smoke.isSubclassOf(H, Object), isTrue);
expect(smoke.isSubclassOf(B, Object), isTrue);
expect(smoke.isSubclassOf(A, Object), isTrue);
expect(smoke.isSubclassOf(AnnotB, Annot), isTrue);
expect(smoke.isSubclassOf(D, A), isFalse);
expect(smoke.isSubclassOf(H, B), isFalse);
expect(smoke.isSubclassOf(B, A), isFalse);
expect(smoke.isSubclassOf(Object, A), isFalse);
group('query', () {
_checkQuery(result, names) {
expect( =>, unorderedEquals(names));
test('default', () {
var options = new smoke.QueryOptions();
var res = smoke.query(A, options);
_checkQuery(res, [#i, #j, #j2]);
test('only fields', () {
var options = new smoke.QueryOptions(includeProperties: false);
var res = smoke.query(A, options);
_checkQuery(res, [#i, #j]);
test('only properties', () {
var options = new smoke.QueryOptions(includeFields: false);
var res = smoke.query(A, options);
_checkQuery(res, [#j2]);
test('properties and methods', () {
var options = new smoke.QueryOptions(includeMethods: true);
var res = smoke.query(A, options);
_checkQuery(res, [#i, #j, #j2, #inc0, #inc1, #inc2]);
test('inherited properties and fields', () {
var options = new smoke.QueryOptions(includeInherited: true);
var res = smoke.query(D, options);
_checkQuery(res, [#x, #y, #b, #i, #j, #j2, #x2, #i2]);
test('inherited fields only', () {
var options = new smoke.QueryOptions(includeInherited: true,
includeProperties: false);
var res = smoke.query(D, options);
_checkQuery(res, [#x, #y, #b, #i, #j]);
test('exact annotation', () {
var options = new smoke.QueryOptions(includeInherited: true,
withAnnotations: const [a1]);
var res = smoke.query(H, options);
_checkQuery(res, [#b, #f, #g]);
options = new smoke.QueryOptions(includeInherited: true,
withAnnotations: const [a2]);
res = smoke.query(H, options);
_checkQuery(res, [#d, #h]);
options = new smoke.QueryOptions(includeInherited: true,
withAnnotations: const [a1, a2]);
res = smoke.query(H, options);
_checkQuery(res, [#b, #d, #f, #g, #h]);
test('type annotation', () {
var options = new smoke.QueryOptions(includeInherited: true,
withAnnotations: const [Annot]);
var res = smoke.query(H, options);
_checkQuery(res, [#b, #f, #g, #i]);
test('mixed annotations (type and exact)', () {
var options = new smoke.QueryOptions(includeInherited: true,
withAnnotations: const [a2, Annot]);
var res = smoke.query(H, options);
_checkQuery(res, [#b, #d, #f, #g, #h, #i]);
test('symbol to name', () {
expect(smoke.symbolToName(#i), 'i');
test('name to symbol', () {
expect(smoke.nameToSymbol('i'), #i);
class A {
int i = 42;
int j = 44;
int get j2 => j;
void set j2(int v) { j = v; }
void inc0() { i++; }
void inc1(int v) { i = i + (v == null ? -10 : v); }
void inc2([int v]) { i = i + (v == null ? -10 : v); }
static int staticValue = 42;
static void staticInc() { staticValue++; }
class B {
final int f = 3;
int _w;
int get w => _w;
set w(int v) { _w = v; }
String z;
A a;
B(this._w, this.z, this.a);
class C {
int x;
String y;
B b;
inc(int n) {
x = x + n;
dec(int n) {
x = x - n;
C(this.x, this.y, this.b);
class D extends C with A {
int get x2 => x;
int get i2 => i;
D(x, y, b) : super(x, y, b);
class E {
set x(int v) { }
int get y => 1;
noSuchMethod(i) => y;
class E2 extends E {}
class F {
static int staticMethod(A a) => a.i;
class F2 extends F {}
class Annot { const Annot(); }
class AnnotB extends Annot { const AnnotB(); }
const a1 = const Annot();
const a2 = 32;
const a3 = const AnnotB();
class G {
int a;
@a1 int b;
int c;
@a2 int d;
class H extends G {
int e;
@a1 int f;
@a1 int g;
@a2 int h;
@a3 int i;