blob: 4bafc268c6c48623ed9bab4c467c807234053492 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2014, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
/// Common methods used by transfomers for dealing with asset IDs.
library code_transformers.assets;
import 'dart:math' show min, max;
import 'package:barback/barback.dart';
import 'package:path/path.dart' as path;
import 'package:source_maps/span.dart' show Span;
/// Create an [AssetId] for a [url] seen in the [source] asset.
/// By default this is used to resolve relative urls that occur in HTML assets,
/// including cross-package urls of the form "packages/foo/bar.html". Dart
/// "package:" urls are not resolved unless [source] is Dart file (has a .dart
/// extension).
/// This function returns null if [url] can't be resolved. We log a warning
/// message in [logger] if we know the reason why resolution failed. This
/// happens, for example, when using incorrect paths to reach into another
/// package, or when [errorsOnAbsolute] is true and the url seems to be
/// absolute.
// TODO(sigmund): delete once this is part of barback (
AssetId uriToAssetId(AssetId source, String url, TransformLogger logger,
Span span, {bool errorOnAbsolute: true}) {
if (url == null || url == '') return null;
var uri = Uri.parse(url);
var urlBuilder = path.url;
if ( != '' || uri.scheme != '' || urlBuilder.isAbsolute(url)) {
if (source.extension == '.dart' && uri.scheme == 'package') {
var index = uri.path.indexOf('/');
if (index != -1) {
return new AssetId(uri.path.substring(0, index),
if (errorOnAbsolute) {
logger.warning('absolute paths not allowed: "$url"', span: span);
return null;
var targetPath = urlBuilder.normalize(
urlBuilder.join(urlBuilder.dirname(source.path), url));
var segments = urlBuilder.split(targetPath);
var sourceSegments = urlBuilder.split(source.path);
assert (sourceSegments.length > 0);
var topFolder = sourceSegments[0];
var entryFolder = topFolder != 'lib' && topFolder != 'asset';
// Find the first 'packages/' or 'assets/' segment:
var packagesIndex = segments.indexOf('packages');
var assetsIndex = segments.indexOf('assets');
var index = (packagesIndex >= 0 && assetsIndex >= 0)
? min(packagesIndex, assetsIndex)
: max(packagesIndex, assetsIndex);
if (index > -1) {
if (entryFolder) {
// URLs of the form "packages/foo/bar" seen under entry folders (like
// web/, test/, example/, etc) are resolved as an asset in another
// package. 'packages' can be used anywhere, there is no need to walk up
// where the entrypoint file was.
return _extractOtherPackageId(index, segments, logger, span);
} else if (index == 1 && segments[0] == '..') {
// Relative URLs of the form "../../packages/foo/bar" in an asset under
// lib/ or asset/ are also resolved as an asset in another package, but we
// check that the relative path goes all the way out where the packages
// folder lives (otherwise the app would not work in Dartium). Since
// [targetPath] has been normalized, "packages" or "assets" should be at
// index 1.
return _extractOtherPackageId(1, segments, logger, span);
} else {
var prefix = segments[index];
var fixedSegments = [];
fixedSegments.addAll( => '..'));
var fixedUrl = urlBuilder.joinAll(fixedSegments);
logger.warning('Invalid url to reach to another package: $url. Path '
'reaching to other packages must first reach up all the '
'way to the $prefix folder. For example, try changing the url above '
'to: $fixedUrl', span: span);
return null;
// Otherwise, resolve as a path in the same package.
return new AssetId(source.package, targetPath);
AssetId _extractOtherPackageId(int index, List segments,
TransformLogger logger, Span span) {
if (index >= segments.length) return null;
var prefix = segments[index];
if (prefix != 'packages' && prefix != 'assets') return null;
var folder = prefix == 'packages' ? 'lib' : 'asset';
if (segments.length < index + 3) {
logger.warning("incomplete $prefix/ path. It should have at least 3 "
"segments $prefix/name/path-from-name's-$folder-dir", span: span);
return null;
return new AssetId(segments[index + 1],
path.url.join(folder, path.url.joinAll(segments.sublist(index + 2))));